On July 11, 2026, Blueprints (Preview) will be deprecated. Migrate your existing blueprint definitions and assignments to Template Specs and Deployment Stacks. Blueprint artifacts are to be converted to ARM JSON templates or Bicep files used to define deployment stacks. To learn how to author an artifact as an ARM resource, see:
You may run into errors when creating, assigning, or removing blueprints. This article describes
various errors that may occur and how to resolve them.
Finding error details
Many errors will be the result of assigning a blueprint to a scope. When an assignment fails, the
blueprint provides details about the failed deployment. This information indicates the issue so that
it can be fixed and the next deployment succeeds.
Select All services in the left pane. Search for and select Blueprints.
Select Assigned blueprints from the page on the left and use the search box to filter the
blueprint assignments to find the failed assignment. You can also sort the table of assignments
by the Provisioning State column to see all failed assignments grouped together.
Select the blueprint with the Failed status or right-click and select View assignment
A red banner warning that the assignment has failed is at the top of the blueprint assignment
page. Select anywhere on the banner to get more details.
It's common for the error to be caused by an artifact and not the blueprint as a whole. If an
artifact creates a Key Vault and Azure Policy prevents Key Vault creation, the entire assignment
will fail.
General errors
Scenario: Policy Violation
The template deployment failed because of policy violation.
A policy may conflict with the deployment for the following reasons:
The resource being created is restricted by policy (commonly SKU or location restrictions)
The deployment is setting fields that are configured by policy (common with tags)
Change the blueprint so it doesn't conflict with the policies in the error details. If this change
isn't possible, an alternative option is to have the scope of the policy assignment changed so the
blueprint is no longer in conflict with the policy.
Scenario: Blueprint parameter is a function
Blueprint parameters that are functions are processed before being passed to artifacts.
Passing a blueprint parameter that uses a function, such as [resourceGroup().tags.myTag], to an
artifact results in the processed outcome of the function being set on the artifact instead of the
dynamic function.
To pass a function through as a parameter, escape the entire string with [ such that the blueprint
parameter looks like [[resourceGroup().tags.myTag]. The escape character causes Blueprints to
treat the value as a string when processing the blueprint. The Blueprints service then places the
function on the artifact allowing it to be dynamic as expected. For more information, see
Syntax and expressions in Azure Resource Manager templates.
Delete errors
Scenario: Assignment deletion timeout
Deletion of a blueprint assignment doesn't complete.
A blueprint assignment may become stuck in a non-terminal state when deleted. This state is caused
when resources created by the blueprint assignment are still pending deletion or don't return a
status code to Azure Blueprints.
Blueprint assignments in a non-terminal state are automatically marked Failed after a six-hour
timeout. Once the timeout has adjusted the state of the blueprint assignment, the delete can be
Next steps
If you didn't see your problem or are unable to solve your issue, visit one of the following
channels for more support:
Get answers from Azure experts through
Azure Forums.
Connect with @AzureSupport - the official Microsoft Azure
account for improving customer experience by connecting the Azure community to the right
resources: answers, support, and experts.
If you need more help, you can file an Azure support incident. Go to the
Azure support site and select Get Support.