
Kopīgot, izmantojot

Manage users and roles in your IoT Central application

This article describes how you can add, edit, and delete users in your Azure IoT Central application. The article also describes how to manage roles in your application.

To access and use the Permissions section, you must be in the App Administrator role for an Azure IoT Central application or in a custom role that includes administration permissions. If you create an Azure IoT Central application, you're automatically added to the App Administrator role for that application.

To learn how to manage users and roles by using the IoT Central REST API, see How to use the IoT Central REST API to manage users and roles.

Add users

Every user must have a user account before they can sign in and access an application. IoT Central supports Microsoft user accounts, Microsoft Entra accounts, Microsoft Entra groups, and Microsoft Entra service principals. To learn more, see Microsoft account help and Quickstart: Add new users to Microsoft Entra ID.

  1. To add a user to an IoT Central application, go to the Users page in the Permissions section:

    Screenshot that shows the manage users page in IoT Central.

  2. To add a user on the Users page, choose + Assign user. To add a service principal on the Users page, choose + Assign service principal. To add a Microsoft Entra group on the Users page, choose + Assign group. Start typing the name of the Active Directory group or service principal to autopopulate the form.


    Service principals and Active Directory groups must belong to the same Microsoft Entra tenant as the Azure subscription associated with the IoT Central application.

  3. If your application uses organizations, choose an organization to assign to the user from the Organization drop-down menu.

  4. Choose a role for the user from the Role drop-down menu. Learn more about roles in the Manage roles section of this article:

    Screenshot showing how to add a user and select a role.

    The available roles depend on the organization the user is associated with. You can assign App roles to users associated with the root organization, and Org roles to users associated with any other organization in the hierarchy.


    A user who is in a custom role that grants them the permission to add other users, can only add users to a role with same or fewer permissions than their own role.

    When you invite a new user, you need to share the application URL with them and ask them to sign in. After the user signs in for the first time, the application appears on the user's My apps page.


    If a user is deleted from Microsoft Entra ID and then added back, they won't be able to sign into the IoT Central application. To re-enable access, the application's administrator should delete and re-add the user in the application as well.

The following limitations apply to Microsoft Entra groups and service principals:

  • Total number of Microsoft Entra groups for each IoT Central application can't be more than 20.
  • Total number of unique Microsoft Entra groups from the same Microsoft Entra tenant can't be more than 200 across all IoT Central applications.
  • Service principals that are part of a Microsoft Entra group aren't automatically granted access to the application. The service principals must be added explicitly.

Edit the roles and organizations that are assigned to users

Roles and organizations can't be changed after they're assigned. To change the role or organization assigned to a user, delete the user, and then add the user again with a different role or organization.


The roles assigned are specific to the IoT Central application and cannot be managed from the Azure Portal.

Delete users

To delete users, select one or more check boxes on the Users page. Then select Delete.

Manage roles

Roles enable you to control who within your organization is allowed to do various tasks in IoT Central. There are three built-in roles you can assign to users of your application. You can also create custom roles if you require finer-grained control.

Screenshot that shows how to manage roles.

App Administrator

Users in the App Administrator role can manage and control every part of the application, including billing.

The user who creates an application is automatically assigned to the App Administrator role. There must always be at least one user in the App Administrator role.

App Builder

Users in the App Builder role can manage every part of the app, but can't make changes on the Application or Data Export tabs.

App Operator

Users in the App Operator role can monitor device health and status. They aren't allowed to make changes to device templates or to administer the application. Operators can add and delete devices, manage device sets, and run analytics and jobs.

Org Administrator

IoT Central adds this role automatically when you add an organization to your application. This role restricts organization administrators from accessing some application-wide capabilities such as billing, branding, colors, API tokens, and enrollment group information.

Users in the Org Administrator role can invite users to the application, create suborganizations within their organization hierarchy, and manage the devices within their organization.

Org Operator

IoT Central adds this role automatically when you add an organization to your application. This role restricts organization operators from accessing some application-wide capabilities.

Users in the Org Operator role can complete tasks such as adding devices, running commands, viewing device data, creating dashboards, and creating device groups.

Org Viewer

IoT Central adds this role automatically when you add an organization to your application.

Users in the Org Viewer role can view items such as devices and their data, organization dashboards, device groups, and device templates.

Create a custom role

If your solution requires finer-grained access controls, you can create roles with custom sets of permissions. To create a custom role, navigate to the Roles page in the Permissions section of your application, and choose one of these options:

  • Select + New, add a name and description for your role, and select Application or Organization as the role type. This option lets you create a role definition from scratch.
  • Navigate to an existing role and select Copy. This option lets you start with an existing role definition that you can customize.

Screenshot that shows how to build a custom role.


You can't change the role type after you create a role.

When you invite a user to your application, if you associate the user with:

  • The root organization, then only Application roles are available.
  • Any other organization, then only Organization roles are available.

You can add users to your custom role in the same way that you add users to a built-in role.

Custom role options

When you define a custom role, you choose the set of permissions that a user is granted if they're a member of the role. Some permissions are dependent on others. For example, if you add the Update personal dashboards permission to a role, the View personal dashboards permission is added automatically. The following tables summarize the available permissions, and their dependencies, you can use when creating custom roles.

Managing devices

Device template permissions

Name Dependencies
View None
Manage View
Other dependencies: View device instances
Full Control View, Manage
Other dependencies: View device instances

Device instance permissions

Name Dependencies
View None
Other dependencies: View device templates and device groups
Update View
Other dependencies: View device templates and device groups
Create View
Other dependencies: View device templates and device groups
Delete View
Other dependencies: View device templates and device groups
Execute commands Update, View
Other dependencies: View device templates and device groups
View raw data View
Other dependencies: View device templates and device groups
View uploaded device files View
Other dependencies: View device templates and device groups
Delete uploaded device files View
Other dependencies: View device templates and device groups
Full Control View, Update, Create, Delete, Execute commands, View raw data
Other dependencies: View device templates and device groups

Device groups permissions

Name Dependencies
View None
Other dependencies: View device templates and device instances
Update View
Other dependencies: View device templates and device instances
Create View, Update
Other dependencies: View device templates and device instances
Delete View
Other dependencies: View device templates and device instances
Full Control View, Update, Create, Delete
Other dependencies: View device templates and device instances

Device connectivity management permissions

Name Dependencies
Read instance None
Other dependencies: View device templates, device groups, device instances
Manage instance Read instance
Other dependencies: View device templates, device groups, device instances
Read global None
Manage global Read global
Full Control Read instance, Manage instance, Read global, Manage global
Other dependencies: View device templates, device groups, device instances

Edge deployment manifests

Name Dependencies
Read instance None
Other dependencies: View device templates, device groups, device instances
Manage instance Read instance
Other dependencies: View device templates, device groups, device instances
Read global None
Manage global Read global
Full Control Read instance, Manage instance, Read global, Manage global
Other dependencies: View device templates, device groups, device instances. Update device instances

Jobs permissions

Name Dependencies
View None
Other dependencies: View device templates, device instances, and device groups
Update View
Other dependencies: View device templates, device instances, and device groups
Create View, Update
Other dependencies: View device templates, device instances, and device groups
Delete View
Other dependencies: View device templates, device instances, and device groups
Execute View
Other dependencies: View device templates, device instances, and device groups; Update device instances; Execute commands on device instances
Full Control View, Update, Create, Delete, Execute
Other dependencies: View device templates, device instances, and device groups; Update device instances; Execute commands on device instances

Rules permissions

Name Dependencies
View None
Other dependencies: View device templates
Update View
Other dependencies: View device templates
Create View, Update
Other dependencies: View device templates
Delete View
Other dependencies: View device templates
Full Control View, Update, Create, Delete
Other dependencies: View device templates

Managing the app

Application settings permissions

Name Dependencies
View None
Update View
Copy View
Other dependencies: View device templates, device instances, device groups, dashboards, data export, branding, help links, custom roles, rules
Delete View
Full Control View, Update, Copy, Delete
Other dependencies: View device templates, device groups, application dashboards, data export, branding, help links, custom roles, rules

Application template export permissions

Name Dependencies
View None
Export View
Other dependencies: View device templates, device instances, device groups, dashboards, data export, branding, help links, custom roles, rules
Full Control View, Export
Other dependencies: View device templates, device groups, application dashboards, data export, branding, help links, custom roles, rules

Device file upload permissions

Name Dependencies
View None
Manage View
Full Control View, Manage

Billing permissions

Name Dependencies
Manage None
Full Control Manage

Audit log permissions

Name Dependencies
View None
Full Control View


Any user granted permission to view the audit log can see all log entries even if they don't have permission to view or modify the entities listed in the log. Therefore, any user who can view the log can view the identity of and changes made to any modified entity.

Managing users and roles

Custom roles permissions

Name Dependencies
View None
Update View
Create View, Update
Delete View
Full Control View, Update, Create, Delete

User management permissions

Name Dependencies
View None
Other dependencies: View custom roles
Add View
Other dependencies: View custom roles
Delete View
Other dependencies: View custom roles
Full Control View, Add, Delete
Other dependencies: View custom roles

Organization management permissions

Name Dependencies
View None
Update View
Create View, Update
Delete View
Full Control View, Update, Create, Delete


A user who is in a custom role that grants them the permission to add other users, can only add users to a role with same or fewer permissions than their own role.

Customizing the app

Application dashboard permissions

Name Dependencies
View None
Update View
Create View, Update
Delete View
Full Control View, Update, Create, Delete

Personal dashboards permissions

Name Dependencies
View None
Update View
Create View, Update
Delete View
Full Control View, Update, Create, Delete

Data explorer permissions

Name Dependencies
View None
Other dependencies: View device groups, device templates, device instances
Update View
Other dependencies: View device groups, device templates, device instances
Create View, Update
Other dependencies: View device groups, device templates, device instances
Delete View
Other dependencies: View device groups, device templates, device instances
Full Control View, Update, Create, Delete
Other dependencies: View device groups, device templates, device instances

Branding, favicon, and colors permissions

Name Dependencies
View None
Update View
Full Control View, Update

Help links permissions

Name Dependencies
View None
Update View
Full Control View, Update

Extending the app

Data export permissions

Name Dependencies
View None
Update View
Create View, Update
Delete View
Full Control View, Update, Create, Delete

API token permissions

Name Dependencies
View None
Other dependencies: View custom roles
Create View
Other dependencies: View custom roles
Delete View
Other dependencies: View custom roles
Full Control View, Create, Delete
Other dependencies: View custom roles