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Tutorial: Define a new IoT gateway device type in your Azure IoT Central application

In this tutorial, you create a Smart Building gateway device template. A Smart Building gateway device has relationships with other downstream devices.

Diagram that shows the relationship between a gateway device and its downstream devices.

A gateway device can also:

  • Send its own telemetry, such as temperature.
  • Respond to writable property updates made by an operator. For example, an operator could change the telemetry send interval.
  • Respond to commands, such as rebooting the device.

In this tutorial, you learn how to:

  • Create downstream device templates
  • Create a gateway device template
  • Publish the device template
  • Create the simulated devices


To complete the steps in this tutorial, you need:

Create downstream device templates

This tutorial uses device templates for an Onset Hobo MX-100 Temp Sensor device and an RS40 Occupancy Sensor device to generate simulated downstream devices.

To create a device template for an Onset Hobo MX-100 Temp Sensor device:

  1. In the left pane, select Device Templates. Then select + New to start adding the template.

  2. Scroll down until you can see the tile for the Onset Hobo MX-100 Temp Sensor device. Select the tile and then select Next: Review.

  3. On the Review page, select Create to add the device template to your application.

To create a device template for an RS40 Occupancy Sensor device:

  1. In the left pane, select Device Templates. Then select + New to start adding the template.

  2. Scroll down until you can see the tile for the Rigado RS40 Occupancy Sensor device. Select the tile and then select Next: Review.

  3. On the Review page, select Create to add the device template to your application.

You now have device templates for the two downstream device types:

Screenshot that shows the downstream device templates.

Create a gateway device template

In this tutorial, you create a device template for a gateway device from scratch. You use this template later to create a simulated gateway device in your application.

To add a new gateway device template to your application:

  1. In the left pane, select Device Templates. Then select + New to start adding the template.

  2. On the Select template type page, select the IoT Device tile, and then select Next: Customize.

  3. On the Customize device page, select This is a gateway device checkbox.

  4. Enter Smart Building gateway device as the template name and then select Next: Review.

  5. On the Review page, select Create.

  6. On the Create a model page, select the Custom model tile.

  7. Select + Add capability to add a capability.

  8. Enter Send Data as the display name, and then select Property as the capability type.

  9. Select Boolean as the schema type, set Writable on, and then select Save.

Add relationships

Next you add relationships to the templates for the downstream device templates:

  1. In the Smart Building gateway device template, select Relationships.

  2. Select + Add relationship. Enter Environmental Sensor as the display name, and select Hobo MX-100 as the target.

  3. Select + Add relationship again. Enter Occupancy Sensor as the display name, and select RS40 Occupancy Sensor as the target.

  4. Select Save.

Screenshot that shows the gateway relationships.

Add cloud properties

A gateway device template can include cloud properties. Cloud properties only exist in the IoT Central application, and are never sent to, or received from, a device.

To add cloud properties to the Smart Building gateway device template.

  1. In the Smart Building gateway device template, select Smart Building gateway device model.

  2. Use the information in the following table to add two cloud properties to your gateway device template.

    Display name Capability type Semantic type Schema
    Last Service Date Cloud property None Date
    Customer Name Cloud property None String
  3. Select Save.

Create views

As a builder, you can customize the application to display relevant information about the environmental sensor device to an operator. Your customizations enable the operator to manage the environmental sensor devices connected to the application. You can create two types of views for an operator to use to interact with devices:

  • Forms to view and edit device and cloud properties.
  • Views to visualize devices.

To generate the default views for the Smart Building gateway device template:

  1. In the Smart Building gateway device template, select Views.

  2. Select Generate default views tile and make sure that all the options are selected.

  3. Select Generate default dashboard view(s).

Publish the device template

Before you can create a simulated gateway device, or connect a real gateway device, you need to publish your device template.

To publish the gateway device template:

  1. Select the Smart Building gateway device template from the Device templates page.

  2. Select Publish.

  3. In the Publish a Device Template dialog box, choose Publish.

After a device template is published, it's visible on the Devices page and to the operator. The operator can use the template to create device instances or establish rules and monitoring. Editing a published template could affect behavior across the application.

To learn more about modifying a device template after you publish it, see Edit an existing device template.

Create the simulated devices

This tutorial uses simulated downstream devices and a simulated gateway device.

To create a simulated gateway device:

  1. On the Devices page, select Smart Building gateway device in the list of device templates.

  2. Select + New to start adding a new device.

  3. Keep the generated Device ID and Device name. Make sure that the Simulated switch is Yes. Select Create.

To create simulated downstream devices:

  1. On the Devices page, select RS40 Occupancy Sensor in the list of device templates.

  2. Select + New to start adding a new device.

  3. Keep the generated Device ID and Device name. Make sure that the Simulated switch is Yes. Select Create.

  4. On the Devices page, select Hobo MX-100 in the list of device templates.

  5. Select + New to start adding a new device.

  6. Keep the generated Device ID and Device name. Make sure that the Simulated switch is Yes. Select Create.

Screenshot that shows the simulated devices.

Add downstream device relationships to a gateway device

Now that you have the simulated devices in your application, you can create the relationships between the downstream devices and the gateway device:

  1. On the Devices page, select Hobo MX-100 in the list of device templates, and then select your simulated Hobo MX-100 device.

  2. Select Attach to gateway.

  3. On the Attach to a gateway dialog, select the Smart Building gateway device template, and then select the simulated instance you created previously.

  4. Select Attach.

  5. On the Devices page, select RS40 Occupancy Sensor in the list of device templates, and then select your simulated RS40 Occupancy Sensor device.

  6. Select Attach to gateway.

  7. On the Attach to a gateway dialog, select the Smart Building gateway device template, and then select the simulated instance you created previously.

  8. Select Attach.

Both your simulated downstream devices are now connected to your simulated gateway device. If you navigate to the Downstream Devices view for your gateway device, you can see the related downstream devices:

Screenshot that shows the devices attached to the gateway.

Connect real downstream devices

In the Create and connect a client application to your Azure IoT Central application tutorial, the sample code shows how to include the model ID from the device template in the provisioning payload the device sends.

When you connect a downstream device, you can modify the provisioning payload to include the ID of the gateway device. The model ID lets IoT Central assign the device to the correct downstream device template. The gateway ID lets IoT Central establish the relationship between the downstream device and its gateway. In this case the provisioning payload the device sends looks like the following JSON:

  "modelId": "dtmi:rigado:HoboMX100;2",
    "iotcGatewayId": "gateway-device-001"

A gateway can register and provision a downstream device, and associate the downstream device with the gateway as follows:

var crypto = require('crypto');

var ProvisioningTransport = require('azure-iot-provisioning-device-mqtt').Mqtt;
var SymmetricKeySecurityClient = require('azure-iot-security-symmetric-key').SymmetricKeySecurityClient;
var ProvisioningDeviceClient = require('azure-iot-provisioning-device').ProvisioningDeviceClient;

var provisioningHost = "";
var idScope = "<The ID scope from your SAS group enrollment in IoT Central>";
var groupSymmetricKey = "<The primary key from the SAS group enrollment>";
var registrationId = "<The device ID for the downstream device you're creating>";
var modelId = "<The model you're downstream device should use>";
var gatewayId = "<The device ID of your gateway device>";

// Calculate the device key from the group enrollment key
function computeDerivedSymmetricKey(deviceId, masterKey) {
    return crypto.createHmac('SHA256', Buffer.from(masterKey, 'base64'))
        .update(deviceId, 'utf8')

var symmetricKey = computeDerivedSymmetricKey(registrationId, groupSymmetricKey);

var provisioningSecurityClient = new SymmetricKeySecurityClient(registrationId, symmetricKey);

var provisioningClient = ProvisioningDeviceClient.create(provisioningHost, idScope, new ProvisioningTransport(), provisioningSecurityClient);

// Use the DPS payload to:
// - specify the device capability model to use.
// - associate the device with a gateway.
var provisioningPayload = {modelId: modelId, iotcGateway: { iotcGatewayId: gatewayId}}


provisioningClient.register(function(err, result) {
  if (err) {
    console.log("Error registering device: " + err);
  } else {
    console.log('The registration status is: ' + result.status)

Clean up resources

If you don't plan to complete any further IoT Central quickstarts or tutorials, you can delete your IoT Central application:

  1. In your IoT Central application, navigate to Application > Management.
  2. Select Delete and then confirm your action.

Next step

Next you can learn how to: