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SAP system deployment for the automation framework

The creation of the SAP system is part of the SAP Deployment Automation Framework process. The SAP system deployment creates your virtual machines (VMs) and supporting components for your SAP application.

The SAP system deploys:

Application tier

The application tier deploys a customer-defined number of VMs. These VMs are size Standard_D4s_v3 with a 30-GB operating system (OS) disk and a 512-GB data disk.

To set the application server count, define the parameter application_server_count for this tier in your parameter file. For example, use application_server_count= 3.

Central services tier

The SAP central services (SCS) tier deploys a customer-defined number of VMs. These VMs are size Standard_D4s_v3 with a 30-GB OS disk and a 512-GB data disk. This tier also deploys a Standard instance of Load Balancer.

To set the SCS server count, define the parameter scs_server_count for this tier in your parameter file. For example, use scs_server_count=1.

Web dispatcher tier

The web dispatcher tier deploys a customer-defined number of VMs. This tier also deploys a Standard instance of Load Balancer.

To set the web server count, define the parameter web_server_count for this tier in your parameter file. For example, use web_server_count = 2.

Database tier

The database tier deploys the VMs and their disks and also deploys a Standard instance of Load Balancer. You can use either HANA databases or AnyDB databases as your database VMs.

You can set the size of database VMs with the parameter size for this tier. For example, use "size": "S4Demo" for HANA databases or "size": "1 TB" for AnyDB databases. For possible values, see the Size parameter in the tables of HANA database VM options and AnyDB database VM options.

By default, the automation framework deploys the correct disk configuration for HANA database deployments. For HANA database deployments, the framework calculates default disk configuration based on VM size. However, for AnyDB database deployments, the framework calculates default disk configuration based on database size. You can set a disk size as needed by creating a custom JSON file in your deployment. For an example, see the following JSON code sample and replace values as necessary for your configuration. Then, define the parameter db_disk_sizes_filename in the parameter file for the database tier. An example is db_disk_sizes_filename = "path/to/JSON/file".

You can also add extra disks to a new system or add extra disks to an existing system.

Core configuration

The following example parameter file shows only required parameters.

# The environment value is a mandatory field, it is used for partitioning the environments, for example (PROD and NP)

# The location value is a mandatory field, it is used to control where the resources are deployed

# The network logical name is mandatory - it is used in the naming convention and should map to the workload virtual network logical name 

# sid is a mandatory field that defines the SAP Application SID






# application_server_count defines how many application servers to deploy

application_server_image= {


# scs_instance_number

# ers_instance_number

# webdispatcher_server_count defines how many web dispatchers to deploy

Deploy the SAP system

The sample SAP system configuration file DEV-WEEU-SAP01-X01.tfvars is located in the ~/Azure_SAP_Automated_Deployment/samples/WORKSPACES/SYSTEM/DEV-WEEU-SAP01-X01 folder.

Run the following command to deploy the SAP system.

Perform this task from the deployer.

You can copy the sample configuration files to start testing the deployment automation framework.

cd ~/Azure_SAP_Automated_Deployment

cp -Rp sap-automation/deploy/samples/WORKSPACES config

export CONFIG_REPO_PATH="${HOME}/Azure_SAP_Automated_Deployment/config/WORKSPACES"
export SAP_AUTOMATION_REPO_PATH="${HOME}/Azure_SAP_Automated_Deployment/sap-automation"

cd ~/Azure_SAP_Automated_Deployment/WORKSPACES/SYSTEM/DEV-WEEU-SAP01-X01

${SAP_AUTOMATION_REPO_PATH}/deploy/scripts/     \
        --parameterfile DEV-WEEU-SAP01-X01.tfvars           \
        --type sap_system --auto-approve

Output files

The deployment creates an Ansible hosts file (SID_hosts.yaml) and an Ansible parameter file (sap-parameters.yaml). These files are required input for the Ansible playbooks.

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