
Kopīgot, izmantojot

Update script reference

The SAP data collector agent container uses an update script (available at Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP® applications GitHub) to simplify the update process.

This article shows how the script's behavior can be customized by configuring its parameters.

Script overview

During the update process, the script identifies any containers running the SAP data collector agent, downloads an updated container image from the Azure Container registry, copies mounted directory settings, copies environment variables, renames the existing container with an -OLD suffix, and finally creates a container using the updated image. The script then starts the container with an additional --sapconinstanceupdate switch that verifies that the updated container can start and connect to the SAP system properly. When the container reports a successful start, the script removes the old container. It then recreates the new container to run without the --sapconinstanceupdate switch in order to start in normal operation mode and continue to collect data from the SAP system.

Parameter reference

Confirm all prompts

Parameter name: --confirm-all-prompts

Parameter values: None

Required: No

Explanation: If --confirm-all-prompts switch is specified, script will not pause for any user confirmations. Use --confirm-all-prompts switch to achieve a zero-touch deployment

Use preview build of the container

Parameter name: --preview

Parameter values: None

Required: No

Explanation: By default, the container update script deploys the container with :latest tag. Public preview features are published to :latest-preview tag. To ensure container update script uses public preview version of the container, specify the --preview switch.

Do not perform a container connectivity test

Parameter name: --no-testrun

Parameter values: None

Required: No

Explanation: By default, the container update script performs a "test run" of the updated container to verify it can successfully connect to SAP system. To skip this test, specify a --no-testrun parameter. In such case, the script will re-create the containers using a new image without validating that containers can successfully start and connect to SAP. Use this switch with caution.

Specify a custom SDK location

Parameter name: --sdk

Parameter values: <SDK file full path>

Required: No

Explanation: By default, the update script extracts SDK zip file from an existing container and copies it to the newly created container. If there is a need to update the version of the NetWeaver SDK used together with container update, specify the --sdk switch, specifying full path of the SDK.

Force container update, even if version is the same

Parameter name: --force

Parameter values: None

Required: No

Explanation: Update the container, even if the image version used for existing container is the same as image available from Microsoft.

Do container selective update

Parameter name: --containername

Parameter values: Container name

Required: No

Explanation: By default, the update script updates all containers running Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP® applications. To update a single, or multiple containers, specify --containername <containername> switch. Switch can be specified multiple times, e.e. --containername sapcon-A4H --containername sapcon-QQ1 --containername sapcon-QAT. In such case, only specified containers will be updated. If container name specified does not exist, it will be skipped by the script.

Next steps

Learn more about the Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP® applications:


Reference files:

For more information, see Microsoft Sentinel solutions.