
Kopīgot, izmantojot

Quickstart: Create a Service Bus namespace and a queue using a Bicep file

This article shows how to use a Bicep file that creates a Service Bus namespace and a queue within that namespace. The article explains how to specify which resources are deployed and how to define parameters that are specified when the deployment is executed. You can use this Bicep file for your own deployments, or customize it to meet your requirements.

Bicep is a domain-specific language (DSL) that uses declarative syntax to deploy Azure resources. It provides concise syntax, reliable type safety, and support for code reuse. Bicep offers the best authoring experience for your infrastructure-as-code solutions in Azure.


If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.

Review the Bicep file

The Bicep file used in this quickstart is from Azure Quickstart Templates.

@description('Name of the Service Bus namespace')
param serviceBusNamespaceName string

@description('Name of the Queue')
param serviceBusQueueName string

@description('Location for all resources.')
param location string = resourceGroup().location

resource serviceBusNamespace 'Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces@2022-01-01-preview' = {
  name: serviceBusNamespaceName
  location: location
  sku: {
    name: 'Standard'
  properties: {}

resource serviceBusQueue 'Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/queues@2022-01-01-preview' = {
  parent: serviceBusNamespace
  name: serviceBusQueueName
  properties: {
    lockDuration: 'PT5M'
    maxSizeInMegabytes: 1024
    requiresDuplicateDetection: false
    requiresSession: false
    defaultMessageTimeToLive: 'P10675199DT2H48M5.4775807S'
    deadLetteringOnMessageExpiration: false
    duplicateDetectionHistoryTimeWindow: 'PT10M'
    maxDeliveryCount: 10
    autoDeleteOnIdle: 'P10675199DT2H48M5.4775807S'
    enablePartitioning: false
    enableExpress: false

The resources defined in the Bicep file include:

You can find more Bicep/ARM templates from Azure Quickstart Templates

Deploy the Bicep file

With this Bicep file, you deploy a Service Bus namespace with a queue.

Service Bus queues offer First In, First Out (FIFO) message delivery to one or more competing consumers.

  1. Save the Bicep file as main.bicep to your local computer.

  2. Deploy the Bicep file using either Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell.

    az group create --name exampleRG --location eastus
    az deployment group create --resource-group exampleRG --template-file main.bicep

    You will be prompted to enter the following parameter values:

    • serviceBusNamespaceName: Name of the Service Bus namespace.
    • serviceBusQueueName: Name of the Queue.

    When the deployment finishes, you should see a message indicating the deployment succeeded.

Validate the deployment

Use the Azure portal, Azure CLI, or Azure PowerShell to list the deployed resources in the resource group.

az resource list --resource-group exampleRG

Clean up resources

When no longer needed, use the Azure portal, Azure CLI, or Azure PowerShell to delete the VM and all of the resources in the resource group.

az group delete --name exampleRG

Next steps

See the following topic that shows how to create an authorization rule for the namespace/queue:

Create a Service Bus authorization rule for namespace and queue using an ARM template

Learn how to manage these resources by viewing these articles: