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Service Fabric cluster capacity planning considerations

Cluster capacity planning is important for every Service Fabric production environment. Key considerations include:

  • Initial number and properties of cluster node types

  • Durability level of each node type, which determines Service Fabric VM privileges within Azure infrastructure

  • Reliability level of the cluster, which determines the stability of Service Fabric system services and overall cluster function

This article will walk you through the significant decision points for each of these areas.

Initial number and properties of cluster node types

A node type defines the size, number, and properties for a set of nodes (virtual machines) in the cluster. Every node type that is defined in a Service Fabric cluster maps to a virtual machine scale set.

Because each node type is a distinct scale set, it can be scaled up or down independently, have different sets of ports open, and have different capacity metrics. For more information about the relationship between node types and virtual machine scale sets, see Service Fabric cluster node types.

Each cluster requires one primary node type, which runs critical system services that provide Service Fabric platform capabilities. Although it's possible to also use primary node types to run your applications, it's recommended to dedicate them solely to running system services.

nonprimary node types can be used to define application roles (such as front-end and back-end services) and to physically isolate services within a cluster. Service Fabric clusters can have zero or more nonprimary node types.

The primary node type is configured using the isPrimary attribute under the node type definition in the Azure Resource Manager deployment template. See the NodeTypeDescription object for the full list of node type properties. For example usage, open any AzureDeploy.json file in Service Fabric cluster samples and Find on Page search for the nodeTypes object.

Node type planning considerations

The number of initial nodes types depends upon the purpose of your cluster and the applications and services running on it. Consider the following questions:

  • Does your application have multiple services, and do any of them need to be public or internet facing?

    Typical applications contain a front-end gateway service that receives input from a client, and one or more back-end services that communicate with the front-end services, with separate networking between the front-end and back-end services. These cases typically require three node types: one primary node type, and two nonprimary node types (one each for the front and back-end service).

  • Do the services that make up your application have different infrastructure needs such as greater RAM or higher CPU cycles?

    Often, front-end service can run on smaller VMs (VM sizes like D2) that have ports open to the internet. Computationally intensive back-end services might need to run on larger VMs (with VM sizes like D4, D6, D15) that aren't internet-facing. Defining different node types for these services allow you to make more efficient and secure use of underlying Service Fabric VMs, and enables them to scale them independently. For more on estimating the amount of resources you'll need, see Capacity planning for Service Fabric applications

  • Will any of your application services need to scale out beyond 100 nodes?

    A single node type can't reliably scale beyond 100 nodes per virtual machine scale set for Service Fabric applications. Running more than 100 nodes requires additional virtual machine scale sets (and therefore additional node types).

  • Will your cluster span across Availability Zones?

    Service Fabric supports clusters that span across Availability Zones by deploying node types that are pinned to specific zones, ensuring high-availability of your applications. Availability Zones require additional node type planning and minimum requirements. For details, see Topology for spanning a primary node type across Availability Zones.

When determining the number and properties of node types for the initial creation of your cluster, keep in mind that you can always add, modify, or remove (nonprimary) node types once your cluster is deployed. Primary node types can also be scaled up or down in running clusters, though to do so you'll need to create a new node type, move the workload over, and then remove the original primary node type.

A further consideration for your node type properties is durability level, which determines privileges a node type's VMs have within Azure infrastructure. Use the size of VMs you choose for your cluster and the instance count you assign for individual node types to help determine the appropriate durability tier for each of your node types, as described next.

Durability characteristics of the cluster

The durability level designates the privileges your Service Fabric VMs have with the underlying Azure infrastructure. This privilege allows Service Fabric to pause any VM-level infrastructure request (such as reboot, reimage, or migration) that impacts the quorum requirements for Service Fabric system services and your stateful services.


Durability level is set per node type. If there's none specified, Bronze tier will be used. Production workloads require a durability level of Silver or Gold to help avoid data loss from VM-level infrastructure requests.

The table below lists Service Fabric durability tiers, their requirements, and affordances.

Durability tier Required minimum number of VMs Supported VM Sizes Updates you make to your virtual machine scale set Updates and maintenance initiated by Azure
Gold 5 Full-node sizes dedicated to a single customer - available VM sizes Can be delayed until approved by the Service Fabric cluster Can be paused for 2 hours per upgrade domain to allow additional time for replicas to recover from earlier failures
Silver 5 VMs of single core or above with at least 50 GB of local SSD Can be delayed until approved by the Service Fabric cluster Can't be delayed for any significant period of time
Bronze 1 VMs with at least 50 GB of local SSD Will not be delayed by the Service Fabric cluster Can't be delayed for any significant period of time


The above mentioned minimum number of VMs is a necessary requirement for each durability level. We have validations in-place which will prevent creation or modification of existing virtual machine scalesets which don't meet these requirements.


With Bronze durability, automatic OS image upgrade isn't available. While Patch Orchestration Application (intended only for non-Azure hosted clusters) is not recommended for Silver or greater durability levels, it is your only option to automate Windows updates with respect to Service Fabric upgrade domains.


Regardless of durability level, running a Deallocation operation on a virtual machine scale set will destroy the cluster.


Node types running with Bronze durability obtain no privileges. This means that infrastructure jobs that impact your stateful workloads won't be stopped or delayed. Use Bronze durability for node types that only run stateless workloads. For production workloads, running Silver or above is recommended.

Silver and Gold

Use Silver or Gold durability for all node types that host stateful services you expect to scale-in frequently, and where you wish deployment operations be delayed and capacity to be reduced in favor of simplifying the process. Scale-out scenarios shouldn't affect your choice of the durability tier.


  • Reduces number of required steps for scale-in operations (node deactivation and Remove-ServiceFabricNodeState are called automatically).
  • Reduces risk of data loss due to in-place VM size change operations and Azure infrastructure operations.


  • Deployments to virtual machine scale sets and other related Azure resources can time out, be delayed, or be blocked entirely by problems in your cluster or at the infrastructure level.
  • Increases the number of replica lifecycle events (for example, primary swaps) due to automated node deactivations during Azure infrastructure operations.
  • Takes nodes out of service for periods of time while Azure platform software updates or hardware maintenance activities are occurring. You may see nodes with status Disabling/Disabled during these activities. This reduces the capacity of your cluster temporarily, but shouldn't impact the availability of your cluster or applications.

Best practices for Silver and Gold durability node types

Follow these recommendations for managing node types with Silver or Gold durability:

  • Keep your cluster and applications healthy at all times, and make sure that applications respond to all Service replica lifecycle events (like replica in build is stuck) in a timely fashion.
  • Adopt safer ways to make a VM size change (scale up/down). Changing the VM size of a virtual machine scale set requires careful planning and caution. For details, see Scale up a Service Fabric node type
  • Maintain a minimum count of five nodes for any virtual machine scale set that has durability level of Gold or Silver enabled. Your cluster will enter error state if you scale in below this threshold, and you'll need to manually clean up the state (Remove-ServiceFabricNodeState) for the removed nodes.
  • Each virtual machine scale set with durability level Silver or Gold must map to its own node type in the Service Fabric cluster. Mapping multiple virtual machine scale sets to a single node type will prevent coordination between the Service Fabric cluster and the Azure infrastructure from working properly.
  • Don't delete random VM instances, always use virtual machine scale set scale in feature. The deletion of random VM instances has a potential of creating imbalances in the VM instance spread across upgrade domains and fault domains. This imbalance could adversely affect the systems ability to properly load balance among the service instances/Service replicas.
  • If using Autoscale, set the rules such that scale in (removing of VM instances) operations are done only one node at a time. Scaling in more than one instance at a time isn't safe.
  • If deleting or deallocating VMs on the primary node type, never reduce the count of allocated VMs below what the reliability tier requires. These operations will be blocked indefinitely in a scale set with a durability level of Silver or Gold.

Changing durability levels

Within certain constraints, node type durability level can be adjusted:

  • Node types with durability levels of Silver or Gold can't be downgraded to Bronze.
  • Downgrading node types with durability level of Gold to Silver isn't supported.
  • Upgrading from Bronze to Silver or Gold can take a few hours.
  • When changing durability level, be sure to update it in both the Service Fabric extension configuration in your virtual machine scale set resource and in the node type definition in your Service Fabric cluster resource. These values must match.

Another consideration when capacity planning is the reliability level for your cluster, which determines the stability of system services and your overall cluster, as described in the next section.

Reliability characteristics of the cluster

The cluster reliability level determines the number of system services replicas running on the primary node type of the cluster. The more replicas, the more reliable are the system services (and therefore the cluster as a whole).


Reliability level is set at the cluster level and determines the minimum number of nodes of the primary node type. Production workloads require a reliability level of Silver (greater or equal to five nodes) or above.

The reliability tier can take the following values:

  • Platinum - System services run with target replica set count of nine
  • Gold - System services run with target replica set count of seven
  • Silver - System services run with target replica set count of five
  • Bronze - System services run with target replica set count of three

Here's the recommendation on choosing the reliability tier. The number of seed nodes is also set to the minimum number of nodes for a reliability tier.

Number of nodes Reliability Tier
1 Don't specify the reliabilityLevel parameter: the system calculates it.
3 Bronze
5 or 6 Silver
7 or 8 Gold
9 and up Platinum

When you increase or decrease the size of your cluster (the sum of VM instances in all node types), consider updating the reliability of your cluster from one tier to another. Doing this triggers the cluster upgrades needed to change the system services replica set count. Wait for the upgrade in progress to complete before making any other changes to the cluster, like adding nodes. You can monitor the progress of the upgrade on Service Fabric Explorer or by running Get-ServiceFabricClusterUpgrade

Capacity planning for reliability

The capacity needs of your cluster will be determined by your specific workload and reliability requirements. This section provides general guidance to help you get started with capacity planning.

Virtual machine sizing

For production workloads, we recommend a VM size (SKU) with the following:

  • At least 2 cores.
  • A minimum of 50 GB local SSD. However, some workloads, such as those running Windows containers, require larger disks.

By default, local SSD is configured to 64 GB. The size can be configured in the MaxDiskQuotaInMB setting of the Diagnostics section of cluster settings.

For instructions on how to adjust the cluster settings of a cluster hosted in Azure, see Upgrade the configuration of a cluster in Azure

For instructions on how to adjust the cluster settings of a standalone cluster hosted in Windows, see Upgrade the configuration of a standalone cluster

When choosing other VM sizes for production workloads, keep in mind the following constraints:

  • Partial / single core VM sizes like Standard A0 aren't supported.
  • A-series VM sizes aren't supported for performance reasons.
  • Low-priority VMs aren't supported.
  • B-Series Burstable SKUs aren't supported.

Primary node type

Production workloads on Azure require a minimum of five primary nodes (VM instances) and reliability tier of Silver. It's recommended to dedicate the cluster primary node type to system services, and use placement constraints to deploy your application to secondary node types.

Test workloads in Azure can run a minimum of one or three primary nodes. To configure a one node cluster, be sure that the reliabilityLevel setting is omitted in your Resource Manager template (specifying empty string value for reliabilityLevel isn't sufficient). If you set up the one node cluster set up with Azure portal, this configuration is done automatically.


One-node clusters run with a special configuration without reliability and where scale out isn't supported.

nonprimary node types

The minimum number of nodes for a nonprimary node type depends on the specific durability level of the node type. You should plan the number of nodes (and durability level) based on the number of replicas of applications or services that you want to run for the node type, and depending on whether the workload is stateful or stateless. Keep in mind you can increase or decrease the number of VMs in a node type anytime after you have deployed the cluster.

Stateful workloads

For stateful production workloads using Service Fabric reliable collections or reliable Actors, a minimum and target replica count of five is recommended. With this, in steady state you end up with a replica (from a replica set) in each fault domain and upgrade domain. In general, use the reliability level you set for system services as a guide for the replica count you use for your stateful services.

Stateless workloads

For stateless production workloads, the minimum supported nonprimary node type size is three to maintain quorum, however a node type size of five is recommended.

Next steps

Before configuring your cluster, review the Not Allowed cluster upgrade policies to mitigate having to recreate your cluster later due to otherwise unchangeable system configuration settings.

For more on cluster planning, see: