Migrate Azure Spring Apps Standard consumption and dedicated plan to Azure Container Apps
This article describes when and how to migrate Azure Spring Apps Standard consumption and dedicated plan (currently in Public Preview only) to Azure Container Apps. To consolidate cloud-native benefits and streamline our offerings, the Azure Spring Apps service is retiring, including the Standard consumption and dedicated (preview), Basic, Standard, and Enterprise plans. The Standard consumption and dedicated plan (preview) enters its six-month sunset period on September 30, 2024 and retires in March 2025.
We recommend Azure Container Apps as the best destination for your migration. Azure Container Apps is a fully managed, serverless container platform for polyglot apps and offers enhanced Java features previously available in Azure Spring Apps.
We've introduced a migration feature to ease the transition from the Azure Spring Apps Standard consumption and dedicated plan (preview) to Azure Container Apps. Select Migrate in the Azure portal and confirm the action.
If you need assistance creating and migrating Spring Cloud Config Server and Spring Cloud Service Registry to Azure Container Apps, create a support request.
Is there any downtime during the migration process?
There's no downtime unless you're using Spring Cloud Config Server and Spring Cloud Service Registry, which you must manually recreate in Azure Container Apps.
What happens to apps that have in-flight transactions during the migration?
All in-flight transactions execute without any interruptions, unless you're using Spring Cloud Config Server and Spring Cloud Service Registry, which you must manually recreate in Azure Container Apps.
Is there any change in IP address/FQDN after the migration?
There's no change. All IP addresses/FQDNs remain the same after the migration.
I'm using persistent storage. How do I recreate it in Azure Container Apps?
Persistent storage migrates automatically to Azure Container Apps.
What are the pricing implications when moving to Azure Container Apps?
Azure Container Apps has the same pricing structure as Azure Spring Apps for the consumption and dedicated plans. Charges for active and idle CPU/memory use, along with virtual machine SKUs in dedicated workloads, are identical in Azure Spring Apps and Azure Container Apps. The monthly free grant also applies directly to Azure Container Apps. The only exception to the rule is number of requests for managed Java components are billed in Azure Container Apps consumption plan.
The following table describes the differences:
Resources used for managed Java components
Azure Spring Apps Standard consumption plan
Azure Container Apps consumption plan
Spring Cloud Service Registry active CPU
No change.
No change.
Spring Cloud Service Registry idle CPU
No change.
No change.
Spring Cloud Config Server active CPU
No change.
No change.
Spring Cloud Config Server idle CPU
No change.
No change.
One million requests made to Spring Cloud Service Registry
Also, with Azure Container Apps, you can take advantage of the Azure savings plan and benefit from savings through commitment. For more information, see Azure savings plan for compute.
How do I continue to use my own virtual network in Azure Container Apps?
There's no change to the virtual network experience. You can continue using your own virtual network.
Will my app be migrated to the consumption plan or the consumption and dedicated plan with workload profiles in Azure Container Apps?
There's a direct mapping between the service plans in Azure Spring Apps and Azure Container Apps. If your app is currently running on the consumption plan, it moves to the consumption only plan in Azure Container Apps. If your app is currently running on a consumption and dedicated workload profile, it transitions to the corresponding workload profile in Azure Container Apps.
How can I continue to keep my deployment pipelines/workflow working?
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In this module, you learn how to deploy a Spring Boot app to Azure Container Apps. You deploy a Spring Boot application to Azure Container Apps and maintain it using the built-in Java stack.