Kopīgot, izmantojot

SDK Jetpack Compose Support

Supported Jetpack Compose Versions

Clarity Supported Compose Range (Inclusive)
2.5.0 stable releases 1.0.0 - 1.6.8


Using Compose Bill of Materials (BOM)? Check out BOM to library version mapping.

SDK Initialization

To integrate Clarity with Jetpack Compose use the package, com.microsoft.clarity:clarity-compose instead of com.microsoft.clarity:clarity.

Note: You can find the latest version here.

repositories {
dependencies {
   implementation 'com.microsoft.clarity:clarity-compose:2.+'

All the remaining initialization procedures remain the same for clarity-compose as clarity. Refer to remaining procedures in Android SDK initialization.


Any features or support available in the corresponding clarity version also apply to the clarity-compose version. For example, clarity:2.5.0 supports Android API levels 29-34 inclusive. The same applies to clarity-compose:2.5.0.

Masking and Unmasking

To apply masking with Composable, use the clarityMask or clarityUnmask modifiers.

import com.microsoft.clarity.modifiers.clarityMask
import com.microsoft.clarity.modifiers.clarityUnmask


    modifier = Modifier.clarityMask()
) {
        modifier = Modifier.clarityUnmask()
    ) {

In this example, Column and all its children are masked except for OutlinedButton is unmasked.


For more answers, refer to FAQ.

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