Get started with the 'Chat using your own data sample' for .NET
This article shows you how to deploy and run the Chat with your own data sample for .NET. This sample implements a chat app using C#, Azure OpenAI Service, and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) in Azure AI Search to get answers about employee benefits at a fictitious company. The employee benefits chat app is seeded with PDF files including an employee handbook, a benefits document and a list of company roles and expectations.
In this sample application, a fictitious company called Contoso Electronics provides the chat app experience to its employees to ask questions about the benefits, internal policies, and job descriptions and roles.
The architecture of the chat app is shown in the following diagram:
User interface - The application's chat interface is a Blazor WebAssembly application. This interface is what accepts user queries, routes request to the application backend, and displays generated responses.
Backend - The application backend is an ASP.NET Core Minimal API. The backend hosts the Blazor static web application and is what orchestrates the interactions among the different services. Services used in this application include:
Azure Cognitive Search – Indexes documents from the data stored in an Azure Storage Account. This makes the documents searchable using vector search capabilities.
Azure OpenAI Service – Provides the Large Language Models (LLM) to generate responses. Semantic Kernel is used in conjunction with the Azure OpenAI Service to orchestrate the more complex AI workflows.
Most resources in this architecture use a basic or consumption pricing tier. Consumption pricing is based on usage, which means you only pay for what you use. To complete this article, there will be a charge, but it will be minimal. When you are done with the article, you can delete the resources to stop incurring charges.
A development container environment is available with all dependencies required to complete this article. You can run the development container in GitHub Codespaces (in a browser) or locally using Visual Studio Code.
To follow along with this article, you need the following prerequisites:
Azure account permissions - Your Azure account must have Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write permissions, such as User Access Administrator or Owner.
Access granted to Azure OpenAI in the desired Azure subscription.
Currently, access to this service is granted only by application. You can apply for access to Azure OpenAI by completing the form at Open an issue on this repo to contact us if you have a problem.
Azure account permissions - Your Azure account must have Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write permissions, such as User Access Administrator or Owner.
Access granted to Azure OpenAI in the desired Azure subscription.
Currently, access to this service is granted only by application. You can apply for access to Azure OpenAI by completing the form at Open an issue on this repo to contact us if you have a problem.
GitHub Codespaces runs a development container managed by GitHub with Visual Studio Code for the Web as the user interface. For the most straightforward development environment, use GitHub Codespaces so that you have the correct developer tools and dependencies preinstalled to complete this article.
To have both the development environment and the documentation available at the same time, right-click on the following Open in GitHub Codespaces button, and select Open link in new windows.
On the Create codespace page, review the codespace configuration settings and then select Create new codespace:
Wait for the codespace to start. This startup process can take a few minutes.
In the terminal at the bottom of the screen, sign in to Azure with the Azure Developer CLI.
azd auth login
Copy the code from the terminal and then paste it into a browser. Follow the instructions to authenticate with your Azure account.
The remaining tasks in this article take place in the context of this development container.
The Dev Containers extension for Visual Studio Code requires Docker to be installed on your local machine. The extension hosts the development container locally using the Docker host with the correct developer tools and dependencies preinstalled to complete this article.
Create a new local directory on your computer for the project.
mkdir my-intelligent-app && cd my-intelligent-app
Open Visual Studio Code in that directory:
code .
Open a new terminal in Visual Studio Code.
Run the following azd command to clone the GitHub repository to your local computer.
azd init -t azure-search-openai-demo-csharp
Open the Command Palette, and then search for and select Dev Containers: Open Folder in Container to open the project in a dev container. Wait until the dev container opens before continuing.
Sign in to Azure with the Azure Developer CLI.
azd auth login
Copy the code from the terminal and then paste it into a browser. Follow the instructions to authenticate with your Azure account.
The remaining exercises in this project take place in the context of this development container.
Deploy and run
The sample repository contains all the code and configuration files you need to deploy a chat app to Azure. The following steps walk you through the process of deploying the sample to Azure.
Deploy chat app to Azure
Azure resources created in this section incur immediate costs, primarily from the Azure AI Search resource. These resources may accrue costs even if you interrupt the command before it is fully executed.
Run the following Azure Developer CLI command to provision the Azure resources and deploy the source code:
azd up
When you're prompted to enter an environment name, keep it short and lowercase. For example, myenv. Its used as part of the resource group name.
When prompted, select a subscription to create the resources in.
When you're prompted to select a location the first time, select a location near you. This location is used for most the resources including hosting.
If you're prompted for a location for the OpenAI model, select a location that is near you. If the same location is available as your first location, select that.
Wait until app is deployed. It may take up to 20 minutes for the deployment to complete.
After the application has been successfully deployed, you see a URL displayed in the terminal.
Select that URL labeled Deploying service web to open the chat application in a browser.
Use chat app to get answers from PDF files
The chat app is preloaded with employee benefits information from PDF files. You can use the chat app to ask questions about the benefits. The following steps walk you through the process of using the chat app.
In the browser, navigate to the Chat page using the left navigation.
Select or enter "What is included in my Northwind Health Plus plan that is not in standard?" in the chat text box. Your response is similar to the following image.
From the answer, select a citation. A pop-up window will open displaying the source of the information.
Navigate between the tabs at the top of the answer box to understand how the answer was generated.
Thought process
This is a script of the interactions in chat. You can view the system prompt (content) and your user question (content).
Supporting content
This includes the information to answer your question and the source material. The number of source material citations is noted in the Developer settings. The default value is 3.
This displays the source page that contains the citation.
When you're done, navigate back to the answer tab.
Use chat app settings to change behavior of responses
The intelligence of the chat is determined by the OpenAI model and the settings that are used to interact with the model.
Override prompt template
This is the prompt that is used to generate the answer.
Retrieve this many search results
This is the number of search results that are used to generate the answer. You can see these sources returned in the Thought process and Supporting content tabs of the citation.
Exclude category
This is the category of documents that are excluded from the search results.
Use semantic ranker for retrieval
This is a feature of Azure AI Search that uses machine learning to improve the relevance of search results.
Retrieval mode
Vectors + Text means that the search results are based on the text of the documents and the embeddings of the documents. Vectors means that the search results are based on the embeddings of the documents. Text means that the search results are based on the text of the documents.
Use query-contextual summaries instead of whole documents
When both Use semantic ranker and Use query-contextual summaries are checked, the LLM uses captions extracted from key passages, instead of all the passages, in the highest ranked documents.
Suggest follow-up questions
Have the chat app suggest follow-up questions based on the answer.
The following steps walk you through the process of changing the settings.
In the browser, select the gear icon in the upper right of the page.
If not selected, select the Suggest follow-up questions checkbox and ask the same question again.
What is included in my Northwind Health Plus plan that is not in standard?
The chat might return with follow-up question suggestions.
In the Settings tab, deselect Use semantic ranker for retrieval.
Ask the same question again.
What is my deductible?
What is the difference in the answers?
The response that used the Semantic ranker provided a single answer. The response without semantic ranking returned a less direct answer.
Clean up resources
To finish, clean up the Azure and GitHub CodeSpaces resources you used.
Clean up Azure resources
The Azure resources created in this article are billed to your Azure subscription. If you don't expect to need these resources in the future, delete them to avoid incurring more charges.
Run the following Azure Developer CLI command to delete the Azure resources and remove the source code:
Open the context menu for the codespace and then select Delete.
You aren't necessarily required to clean up your local environment, but you can stop the running development container and return to running Visual Studio Code in the context of a local workspace.
Open the Command Palette, search for the Dev Containers commands, and then select Dev Containers: Reopen Folder Locally.
Visual Studio Code will stop the running development container, but the container still exists in Docker in a stopped state. You always have the option to deleting the container instance, container image, and volumes from Docker to free up more space on your local machine.
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Build an AI copilot for Contoso Bike Shop. Integrate Azure OpenAI and Cosmos DB to enable advanced data searches, use GPT-3.5 for enhanced results, and deploy the solution on Azure Kubernetes Service.