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.NET distributed tracing concepts

Distributed tracing is a diagnostic technique that helps engineers localize failures and performance issues within applications, especially those that may be distributed across multiple machines or processes. See the Distributed Tracing Overview for general information about where distributed tracing is useful.

Traces and Activities

Each time a new request is received by an application, it can be associated with a trace. In application components written in .NET, units of work in a trace are represented by instances of System.Diagnostics.Activity and the trace as a whole forms a tree of these Activities, potentially spanning across many distinct processes. The first Activity created for a new request forms the root of the trace tree and it tracks the overall duration and success/failure handling the request. Child activities can be optionally created to subdivide the work into different steps that can be tracked individually. For example, given an Activity that tracked a specific inbound HTTP request in a web server, child activities could be created to track each of the database queries that were necessary to complete the request. This allows the duration and success for each query to be recorded independently. Activities can record other information for each unit of work such as OperationName, name-value pairs called Tags, and Events. The name identifies the type of work being performed, tags can record descriptive parameters of the work, and events are a simple logging mechanism to record timestamped diagnostic messages.


Another common industry name for units of work in a distributed trace are 'Spans'. .NET adopted the term 'Activity' many years ago, before the name 'Span' was well established for this concept.

Activity IDs

Parent-Child relationships between Activities in the distributed trace tree are established using unique IDs. .NET's implementation of distributed tracing supports two ID schemes: the W3C standard TraceContext, which is the default in .NET 5+, and an older .NET convention called 'Hierarchical' that's available for backwards compatibility. Activity.DefaultIdFormat controls which ID scheme is used. In the W3C TraceContext standard, every trace is assigned a globally unique 16-byte trace-id (Activity.TraceId), and every Activity within the trace is assigned a unique 8-byte span-id (Activity.SpanId). Each Activity records the trace-id, its own span-id, and the span-id of its parent (Activity.ParentSpanId). Because distributed traces can track work across process boundaries, parent and child Activities may not be in the same process. The combination of a trace-id and parent span-id can uniquely identify the parent Activity globally, regardless of what process it resides in.

Activity.DefaultIdFormat controls which ID format is used for starting new traces, but by default adding a new Activity to an existing trace uses whatever format the parent Activity is using. Setting Activity.ForceDefaultIdFormat to true overrides this behavior and creates all new Activities with the DefaultIdFormat, even when the parent uses a different ID format.

Start and stop Activities

Each thread in a process may have a corresponding Activity object that tracks the work occurring on that thread, accessible via Activity.Current. The current activity automatically flows along all synchronous calls on a thread and follows async calls that are processed on different threads. If Activity A is the current activity on a thread and code starts a new Activity B, then B becomes the new current activity on that thread. By default, activity B will also treat Activity A as its parent. When Activity B is later stopped, activity A will be restored as the current Activity on the thread. When an Activity is started, it captures the current time as the Activity.StartTimeUtc. When it stops, Activity.Duration is calculated as the difference between the current time and the start time.

Coordinate across process boundaries

To track work across process boundaries, Activity parent IDs need to be transmitted across the network so that the receiving process can create Activities that refer to them. When using the W3C TraceContext ID format, .NET also uses the HTTP headers recommended by the standard to transmit this information. When using the Hierarchical ID format, .NET uses a custom request-id HTTP header to transmit the ID. Unlike many other language runtimes, .NET in-box libraries such as the ASP.NET web server and System.Net.Http natively understand how to decode and encode Activity IDs on HTTP messages. The runtime also understands how to flow the ID through synchronous and asynchronous calls. This means that .NET applications that receive and emit HTTP messages participate in flowing distributed trace IDs automatically, with no special coding by the app developer or third-party library dependencies. Third-party libraries may add support for transmitting IDs over non-HTTP message protocols or supporting custom encoding conventions for HTTP.

Collect traces

Instrumented code can create Activity objects as part of a distributed trace, but the information in these objects needs to be transmitted and serialized in a centralized persistent store so that the entire trace can be usefully reviewed later. There are several telemetry collection libraries that can do this task such as Application Insights, OpenTelemetry, or a library provided by a third-party telemetry or APM vendor. Alternately, developers can author their own custom Activity telemetry collection by using System.Diagnostics.ActivityListener or System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticListener. ActivityListener supports observing any Activity regardless of whether the developer has any prior knowledge about it. This makes ActivityListener a simple and flexible general purpose solution. By contrast, using DiagnosticListener is a more complex scenario that requires the instrumented code to opt in by invoking DiagnosticSource.StartActivity and the collection library needs to know the exact naming information that the instrumented code used when starting it. Using DiagnosticSource and DiagnosticListener allows the creator and listener to exchange arbitrary .NET objects and establish customized information passing conventions.


For improved performance in high throughput applications, distributed tracing on .NET supports sampling only a subset of traces rather than recording all of them. For activities created with the recommended ActivitySource.StartActivity API, telemetry collection libraries can control sampling with the ActivityListener.Sample callback. The logging library can elect not to create the Activity at all, to create it with minimal information necessary to propagate distributing tracing IDs, or to populate it with complete diagnostic information. These choices trade-off increasing performance overhead for increasing diagnostic utility. Activities that are started using the older pattern of invoking Activity.Activity and DiagnosticSource.StartActivity may also support DiagnosticListener sampling by first calling DiagnosticSource.IsEnabled. Even when capturing full diagnostic information, the .NET implementation is designed to be fast - coupled with an efficient collector, an Activity can be created, populated, and transmitted in about a microsecond on modern hardware. Sampling can reduce the instrumentation cost to less than 100 nanoseconds for each Activity that isn't recorded.

Next steps

For example code to get started using distributed tracing in .NET applications, see the Distributed Tracing Instrumentation.