This style rule concerns the use of C# pattern matching, for example, o is int i, over an is check followed by a cast, for example, if (o is int) { ... (int)o ... }. Enable either IDE0020 or IDE0038 based on whether or not the cast expression should be saved into a separate local variable:
IDE0020: Cast expression is saved into a local variable. For example, if (o is int) { var i = (int)o; } saves the result of (int)o in a local variable.
IDE0038: Cast expression is not saved into a local variable. For example, if (o is int) { if ((int)o == 1) { ... } } does not save the result of (int)o into a local variable.
Set the value of the associated option for this rule to specify whether pattern matching or is check followed by a type cast is preferred.
For more information about configuring options, see Option format.
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