
Kopīgot, izmantojot

List module


The finance and operations (Dynamics 365) mobile app and platform have been deprecated. For more information, see Removed or deprecated platform features.

A list is a control that contains any numbers of rows. Each row follows a template for the layout of any number of controls. Lists come in two styles: simple and card.






   └─ List


Name Signature Description
$accessibility $accessibility: any
DefaultSearchColumn DefaultSearchColumn: string
container container: boolean
True if the control is a container.
Inherited from ContainerControl.container
Overrides Control.container
emptyListMessage emptyListMessage: string
Settable property to override default empty list message.
enableMultiSelect enableMultiSelect: boolean
generic generic: boolean (optional)
Inherited from Control.generic
getDataSource getDataSource: function(): any
Inherited from Control.getDataSource
hidden hidden: boolean
True if the control is hidden.
Inherited from Control.hidden
hideEmptyListMessage hideEmptyListMessage: boolean
If true, no message is shown if the list is empty. To set this property, update the corresponding metadata property via configureControl.
imageFields imageFields: any [ ]
performingRemoteSearch performingRemoteSearch: boolean
searchQuery searchQuery: [value: string]: any


Name Signature Description
allowsNavigation allowsNavigation(): boolean
applyDesign applyDesign(IDesign: ListDesign): void Applies given design to the design on the control.
Overrides Control.applyDesign
applySearch applySearch(): void
canPerformRemoteSearch canPerformRemoteSearch(): boolean
clearSearch clearSearch(): void
dataContext dataContext(): any Inherited from Control.dataContext
getColumnLabel getColumnLabel(id: string): string
getControl getControl(controlName: string): Control Given the name of a control, returns the control instance.
Inherited from ContainerControl.getControl
getControlById getControlById(id: string): Control Given the ID of a control, returns the control instance.
Inherited from ContainerControl.getControlById
getControlMetadata getControlMetadata(controlName: string): Control
getControlMetadataById getControlMetadataById(id: string): Control
getData getData(): any [ ]
getDesign getDesign(): Design Returns the design object of this control.
Inherited from Control.getDesign
getListData getListData(): any
getRenderedRows getRenderedRows(): Row [ ]
getRowNavigation getRowNavigation(row: Row): Promise <any> | any
getRowSelectionCount getRowSelectionCount(): number
getRowSelections getRowSelections(): string [ ]
getRowTracking getRowTracking(row: any, index: string): string
getSearchColumn getSearchColumn(): string
getSearchColumnLabel getSearchColumnLabel(): string
getSearchableColumns getSearchableColumns(): any [ ]
hideSearchBar hideSearchBar(): boolean
isEditable isEditable(): boolean Boolean indicating if the control is editable.
Inherited from Control.isEditable
loadMetaData loadMetaData(): void
loadMore loadMore(): void
metadata metadata(): ListMetadata Returns the metadata object of this control.
Overrides ContainerControl.metadata
parent parent(): Control | Page Returns the parent (control or page) of this control.
Inherited from Control.parent
performRemoteSearch performRemoteSearch(): void
root root(): Page Returns the root form instance (page) of this control.
Inherited from Control.root
selectSearchColumn selectSearchColumn(column: string): void
setRowSections setRowSections(selections: string [ ]): void


Name Signature Description
onRowCreate onRowCreate: EventHook <Row>
onRowSelect onRowSelect: EventHook <Row>



   └─ ListDesign


Name Signature Description
alignItems alignItems: string (optional)
This property is an alias for the CSS property "align-items".
Inherited from Design.alignItems
alignSelf alignSelf: string (optional)
Inherited from Design.alignSelf
allowScroll allowScroll: string (optional)
True if the container will allow scrolling when its items do not fit into the container's available space. If a container has an item which may scroll, then set this property to false to prevent nested scrolling areas.
Inherited from ContainerControlDesign.allowScroll
background background: string (optional)
The background color of the container.
Inherited from ContainerControlDesign.background
bindings bindings: any (optional)
Inherited from Design.bindings
border border: "none" | "solid" | "left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom" (optional)
The border behavior of a control. This property will not be inherited by the children.
Inherited from Design.border
color color: string (optional)
The foreground color of the container.
Inherited from Design.color
design design: GroupDesign (optional)
The design object that will be applied to each row.
flexFlow flexFlow: string (optional)
Specifying this property makes the component a flex container component.
Inherited from Design.flexFlow
flexSize flexSize: string (optional)
One number or two numbers written as a string. For example, "(size to grow) [(size-to-shrink)]" to accommodate available space in the immediate flex container.
Inherited from Design.flexSize
fontSize fontSize: "medium" | "xx-small" | "x-small" | "small" | "large" | "x-large" | "xx-large" (optional)
The proportional text size
Inherited from Design.fontSize
fontWeight fontWeight: "normal" | "bold" (optional)
Normal or bold text.
Inherited from Design.fontWeight
hideArrow hideArrow: boolean (optional)
Allows an arrow ( > ) on a default styled navigation control to be hidden.
hideSearchBar hideSearchBar: boolean (optional)
If true, the search bar will be hidden.
itemBorder itemBorder: "solid" | "none" (optional)
If true, a border will appear around each row in the list.
Inherited from ContainerControlDesign.itemBorder
items items: string | Design [ ] (optional)
An array containing the components to place inside of the container.
Inherited from ContainerControlDesign.items
justifyItems justifyItems: "flex-start" | "flex-end" | "center" | "space-between" (optional)
This property is an alias for the CSS property "justify-content".
Inherited from Design.justifyItems
label label: string (optional)
Inherited from Design.label
labelPosition labelPosition: "stacked" | "hidden" | "inline" (optional)
Determines how a label is positioned, if at all. By default, labelPosition is set to stacked.
Inherited from Design.labelPosition
name name: string (optional)
Inherited from
padding padding: "none" | "small" | "std" (optional)
Allows specifying the component's padding behavior.
Inherited from Design.padding
type type: ControlType (optional)
The type of the control as a string.
Inherited from Design.type



   └─ ListMetadata


Name Signature Description
BoundEntity BoundEntity: string (optional)
The entity to which the control is bound.
Inherited from ControlMetadata.BoundEntity
BoundField BoundField: string (optional)
Inherited from ControlMetadata.BoundField
Children Children: ControlMetadata [ ] (optional)
List of metadata for controls that will appear in each row of the list.
Description Description: string (optional)
Description of the control.
Inherited from ControlMetadata.Description
DetailsPageAppId DetailsPageAppId: string (optional)
App ID of the page that each row in the list will navigate to.
DetailsPageId DetailsPageId: string (optional)
The ID of the page to which each row will navigate.
Editable Editable: boolean (optional)
Boolean indicating if the control is editable.
Inherited from ControlMetadata.Editable
EmptyListMessage EmptyListMessage: string (optional)
If set, overrides the default message for empty lists.
ExtType ExtType: ControlType (optional)
The extended control type. For example, a control of type Input might have an extended type of Barcode.
Inherited from ControlMetadata.ExtType
HelpText HelpText: string (optional)
The keyboard shortcut for a command. For example, "(Shift+F5)"
Inherited from ControlMetadata.HelpText
Hidden Hidden: boolean (optional)
Boolean indicating if the control is hidden or not.
Inherited from ControlMetadata.Hidden
HideEmptyListMessage HideEmptyListMessage: boolean (optional)
If true, the empty list message will be hidden.
HideSearchBar HideSearchBar: boolean (optional)
If true, the search bar will be hidden.
Id Id: string (optional)
Identification string for a control.
Inherited from ControlMetadata.Id
InfiniteScroll InfiniteScroll: boolean (optional)
If set to true then the list will allow infinite scroll.
InfiniteScrollPageSize InfiniteScrollPageSize: number (optional)
Number of rows to load initially and the number of rows to load after the user reaches the end of the currently displayed rows.
Label Label: string (optional)
Label for a control. For example, a control representing a person's first name might have a label "First Name".
Inherited from ControlMetadata.Label
ListStyle ListStyle: string (optional)
Dictates the list template type.
MultiSelect MultiSelect: boolean (optional)
If true, then the list will be a multi-select list.
Name Name: string (optional)
Name of a control.
Inherited from ControlMetadata.Name
NonEntityProjection NonEntityProjection: boolean (optional)
Order Order: number (optional)
Number indicating the order in which a control will appear on a page.
Inherited from ControlMetadata.Order
Type Type: ControlType (optional)
String indicating the control type.
Inherited from ControlMetadata.Type


Name Signature Description
navigationHandler Optional navigationHandler(row: Row): Promise <any> | NavigationArgs A function that determines the navigation for a given row.


Name Signature Description
OnNavigate OnNavigate: function(navigation: NavigationArgs): any (optional)
An event that is triggered when a pagelink control is selected.
OnRowSelect OnRowSelect: function(row: Row): void (optional)
An event that is triggered when a row is selected.





Name Signature Description
fieldList fieldList: Control [ ]
headerField headerField: Control
hidden hidden: boolean
If true then the row will be hidden.
imageFields imageFields: Control [ ]
isSelected isSelected: boolean
item item: any
A container of rendered data.
template template: Group
Group control that represents the template for a row.


Name Signature Description
getControl getControl(controlName: string): Control
getControlById getControlById(id: string): Control
getControlValueById getControlValueById(id: string): string
getRowHeader getRowHeader(): Control
getRowId getRowId(): string
hasImageField hasImageField(): boolean Returns true if the row has an image field.
isEntityCreatedNew isEntityCreatedNew(): boolean
isEntityDeleted isEntityDeleted(): boolean
isEntityModified isEntityModified(): boolean
isEntitySyncPending isEntitySyncPending(): boolean
select select(): any