
Kopīgot, izmantojot

Tutorial: Call a protected web API in Android (Kotlin) app

This is the fourth tutorial in the tutorial series that guides you on calling a protected web API using Microsoft Entra External ID.

In this tutorial, you'll:

  • Call a protected web API


  • Tutorial: Sign in users in Android (Kotlin) mobile app

  • An API registration that exposes at least one scope (delegated permissions) and one app role (application permission) such as ToDoList.Read. If you haven't already, follow the instructions for call an API in a sample Android mobile app to have a functional protected ASP.NET Core web API. Make sure you complete the following steps:

    • Register a web API application
    • Configure API scopes
    • Configure app roles
    • Configure optional claims
    • Clone or download sample web API
    • Configure and run sample web API

Call an API

  1. To call a web API from an Android application to access external data or services, begin by creating a companion object in your MainActivity class. The companion object should include the following code:

    companion object {
        private const val WEB_API_BASE_URL = "" // Developers should set the respective URL of their web API here
        private const val scopes = "" // Developers should append the respective scopes of their web API.

    The companion object defines two private constants: WEB_API_BASE_URL, where developers set their web API's URL, and scopes, where developers append the respective scopes of their web API.

  2. To handle the process of accessing a web API, use the following code:

    private fun accessWebApi() {
        CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main).launch {
            binding.txtLog.text = ""
            try {
                if (WEB_API_BASE_URL.isBlank()) {
                    Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, getString(R.string.message_web_base_url), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
                val apiResponse = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
                    ApiClient.performGetApiRequest(WEB_API_BASE_URL, accessToken)
                binding.txtLog.text = getString(R.string.log_web_api_response)  + apiResponse.toString()
            } catch (exception: Exception) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Exception while accessing web API: $exception")
                binding.txtLog.text = getString(R.string.exception_web_api) + exception

    The code launches a coroutine in the main dispatcher. It begins by clearing the text log. Then, it checks if the web API base URL is blank; if so, it displays a toast message and returns. Next, it performs a GET request to the web API using the provided access token in a background thread.

    After receiving the API response, it updates the text log with the response content. If any exception occurs during this process, it logs the exception and updates the text log with the corresponding error message.

    In the code, where we specify our callback, we use a function called performGetApiRequest(). The function should have the following code:

    object ApiClient {
        private val client = OkHttpClient()
        fun performGetApiRequest(WEB_API_BASE_URL: String, accessToken: String?): Response {
            val fullUrl = "$WEB_API_BASE_URL/api/todolist"
            val requestBuilder = Request.Builder()
                    .addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer $accessToken")
            val request =
            client.newCall(request).execute().use { response -> return response }

    The code facilitates making GET requests to a web API. The main method is performGetApiRequest(), which takes the web API base URL and an access token as parameters. Inside this method, it constructs a full URL by appending /api/todolist to the base URL. Then, it builds an HTTP request with the appropriate headers, including the authorization header with the access token.

    Finally, it executes the request synchronously using OkHttp's newCall() method and returns the response. The ApiClient object maintains an instance of OkHttpClient to handle HTTP requests. To use OkHttpClient, you need to add the dependency implementation 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:4.9.0' to your Android Gradle file.

    Make sure you include the import statements. Android Studio should include the import statements for you automatically.