Kopīgot, izmantojot

Cart resources

Applies to: Partner Center | Partner Center operated by 21Vianet | Partner Center for Microsoft Cloud for US Government

A partner places an order when a customer wants to buy a subscription from a list of offers.


Describes a cart.

Property Type Description
id string A cart identifier that is supplied upon successful creation of the cart.
creationTimeStamp DateTime The date the cart was created, in date-time format. Applied upon successful creation of the cart.
lastModifiedTimeStamp DateTime The date the cart was last updated, in date-time format. Applied upon successful creation of the cart.
expirationTimeStamp DateTime The date the cart will expire, in date-time format. Applied upon successful creation of cart.
lastModifiedUser string The user who last updated the cart. Applied upon successful creation of cart.
lineItems Array of objects An Array of CartLineItem resources.
status string The status of the cart. Possible values are "Active" (can be updated/submitted) and "Ordered" (has already been submitted).


Represents one item contained in a cart.

Property Type Description
id string A unique identifier for a cart line item. Applied upon successful creation of cart.
catalogItemId string The catalog item identifier.
friendlyName string Optional. The friendly name for the item defined by the partner to help disambiguate.
quantity int The number of licenses or instances.
currencyCode string The currency code.
billingCycle Object The type of billing cycle set for the current period.
termDuration string An ISO 8601 representation of the term's duration. The current supported values are P1M (one month), P1Y (one year) and P3Y (three years).
participants List of Object String pairs A collection of PartnerID on Record on the purchase.
provisioningContext Dictionary<string, string> Additional context used when provisioning the purchased item. To determine which values are needed for a particular item, refer to the SKU's provisioningVariables property.
orderGroup string A group to indicate which items can be submitted together in the same order.
addonItems List of CartLineItem objects A collection of cart line items for addons. These items will be purchased towards the base subscription that results from the root cart line item's purchase.
error Object Applied after cart is created if an error occurred.
renewsTo Array of objects An array of RenewsTo resources.
AttestationAccepted bool Indicates agreement to offer or sku conditions. Required only for offers or skus where SkuAttestationProperties or OfferAttestationProperties enforceAttestation is True.
promotionId string The promotion ID that is about to be applied to the cart line item.
customTermEndDate DateTime The end date of the first billing term of the new subscription.


Represents the price details. Price amounts are provided before taxation.

Property Type Required Description
listPrice double No Price listed in the catalog without any pricing modifiers applied.
discountedPrice double No Price after applying all applicable pricing modifier.
proratedPrice double No Discounted price after proration has been performed.
price double No Price in the applicable billing currency after all discounts have been applied and proration has been performed.
extendedPrice double No Price of the line item with quantity, discounts and proration applied, in the applicable billing currency.


Represents one item contained in a cart line item.

Property Type Required Description
termDuration string No An ISO 8601 representation of the renewal term's duration. The current supported values are P1M (one month) and P1Y (one year).

Response success and error codes

Each response comes with an HTTP status code that indicates success or failure and additional debugging information. Use a network trace tool to read this code, error type, and additional parameters. For the full list, see Partner Center error codes.


Represents an error that occurs after a cart is created.

Property Type Description
errorCode CartErrorCode The type of cart error.
errorDescription string The error description, including any notes about supported values, default values, or limits.
additionalInformation AdditionalInformation Additional information for the error.


Additional information about the error.

Property Type Description
availableQuantity int The number of remaining licenses that can be purchased for the given product SKU.
purchasedQuantity int The number of licenses being purchased.


Types of cart errors.

Name ErrorCode Description
CurrencyIsNotSupported 10000 Currency isn't supported for given market
CatalogItemIdIsNotValid 10001 Catalog item ID isn't valid
QuotaNotAvailable 10002 Not enough quota available
InventoryNotAvailable 10003 Inventory isn't available for selected offer
ParticipantsIsNotSupportedForPartner 10004 Setting participants isn't supported for Partner
UnableToProcessCartLineItem 10006 Unable to process cart line item.
SubscriptionIsNotValid 10007 Subscription isn't valid.
SubscriptionIsNotEnabledForRI 10008 Subscription isn't enabled for reservation purchases.
SandboxLimitExceeded 10009 The sandbox limit has been exceeded.
InvalidInput 10010 Generic input isn't valid.
SubscriptionNotRegistered 10011 Subscription isn't valid.
AttestationNotAccepted 10012 Attestation hasn't been accepted.
MaxAllowedSeatsPerSubscriptionExceeded 10015 Requested number of seats exceeds the limit.
Unknown 0 Default value


Represents the result of a cart checkout.

Property Type Description
orders List of Order objects. The collection of orders.
orderErrors List of OrderError objects. The collection of order errors.


Represents an error that occurs during a cart checkout when an order is created.

Property Type Description
orderGroupId string The order group ID of the order with the error.
code int The error code.
description string The description of the error.