Power BI DataViz pasaules čempionāts
14. febr. 16 - 31. marts 16
Ar 4 iespējām piedalīties, jūs varētu laimēt konferences paketi un iekļūt LIVE Grand Finale Lasvegasā
Uzzināt vairākŠī pārlūkprogramma vairs netiek atbalstīta.
Jauniniet uz Microsoft Edge, lai izmantotu jaunāko līdzekļu, drošības atjauninājumu un tehniskā atbalsta sniegtās priekšrocības.
The Authentication API enables visuals to obtain Microsoft Entra ID (formerly known as Azure AD) access tokens for signed-in users, facilitating single sign-on authentication.
Power BI administrators can enable or disable the API through a global switch. The default setting blocks (disables) the API.
The API is applicable only for AppSource visuals, and not for private visuals. Visuals that are under development can be tested in debug mode before they're published.
The following environments are supported:
The following environments aren't yet supported:
In the capabilities.json file, add the "AADAuthentication" privilege with a Microsoft Entra ID registered application URI for each supported cloud. Fabric generates a token according to the audience configured for the current cloud, and delivers it to the visual.
The visual can then utilize the token to authenticate against the respective audience, representing its backend service:
"privileges": [
"name": "AADAuthentication",
"parameters": {
"COM": "",
"CN": ""
In the pbiviz.json file, set the API version to 5.9.1 or higher:
The newly exposed AcquireAADTokenService contains two methods:
acquireAADToken: Returns an authentication token payload of type AcquireAADTokenResult
for the visual or null if it can't be fetched.
* Enum representing the various clouds supported by the Authentication API.
export const enum CloudName {
COM = "COM", // Commercial Cloud
CN = "CN", // China Cloud
GCC = "GCC", // US Government Community Cloud
GCCHIGH = "GCCHIGH", // US Government Community Cloud High
DOD = "DOD", // US Department of Defense Cloud
* Interface representing information about the user associated with the token.
export interface AcquireAADTokenUserInfo {
userId?: string; // Unique identifier for the user
tenantId?: string; // Unique identifier for the tenant
* Interface representing information about the fabric environment.
export interface AcquireAADTokenFabricInfo {
cloudName?: CloudName; // Name of the cloud environment
* Interface representing the result of acquiring a Microsoft Entra ID token.
export interface AcquireAADTokenResult {
accessToken?: string; // Access token issued by Microsoft Entra ID
expiresOn?: number; // Expiration time of the access token
userInfo?: AcquireAADTokenUserInfo; // Information about the user associated with the token
fabricInfo?: AcquireAADTokenFabricInfo; // Information about the fabric environment
acquireAADTokenstatus: Returns one of the following privilege statuses associated with acquiring the token.
The following sample code demonstrates how to acquire a Microsoft Entra ID token using the API:
// Step 1: Check the status of AAD token acquisition
const acquireTokenStatus = await this.acquireAADTokenService.acquireAADTokenstatus();
// Step 2: Verify if acquiring the token is allowed
if (acquireTokenStatus === PrivilegeStatus.Allowed) {
// Step 3: Acquire the Microsoft Entra ID token
const acquireAADTokenResult: AcquireAADTokenResult = await this.acquireAADTokenService.acquireAADToken();
// Step 4: Confirm successful acquisition of the access token
if (acquireAADTokenResult.accessToken) {
// Step 5: Call your backend API with the obtained token
// Step 6: Handle unsuccessful AAD token acquisition
Token acquisition is blocked if any of the following conditions apply:
The tenant switch is turned off.
The user isn't signed in (in Desktop).
The ISV didn't preauthorize the Power BI application.
The format of the AADAuthentication privilege parameter is invalid.
The visual isn't publicly approved or isn't a debug visual.
The visual’s backend service, configured as the audience by the visual, doesn't have appropriate consents for the Graph API in the consumer tenant using the visual. For more about consent, see tenant administrator consent.
Power BI DataViz pasaules čempionāts
14. febr. 16 - 31. marts 16
Ar 4 iespējām piedalīties, jūs varētu laimēt konferences paketi un iekļūt LIVE Grand Finale Lasvegasā
Uzzināt vairākApmācība
Mācību ceļš
AZ-204: Implement user authentication and authorization - Training
AZ-204: Implement user authentication and authorization
Microsoft Certified: Identity and Access Administrator Associate - Certifications
Demonstrate the features of Microsoft Entra ID to modernize identity solutions, implement hybrid solutions, and implement identity governance.
Microsoft Entra ID application setup - Power BI
This article describes how to set up authentication for third party ISVs in Microsoft Entra for single sign-in users.
Check privileges API in Power BI Visuals - Power BI
The article describes how to use Power BI Visuals API to determine what privileges are enabled and how to check the permissions granted.
Power BI visuals API changelog - Power BI
This article provides a list of each Power BI visuals API version and the main changes made to each update.