
Kopīgot, izmantojot

Using the catalog with Power Platform CLI

The catalog in Power Platform enables developers and makers to:

  • Crowd-source and find templates and components within their environment easily.
  • Find and install the latest and authoritative version of a component.
  • Get started with templates and components that provide immediate value.

Before you can work with catalog items, you must install and configure it. More information: Administer the catalog

Application makers and developers can submit items to the catalog so that they can help their colleagues solve business problems.


Managed environments are required to submit items to the catalog. However, you can install items from any environments. Learn more about managed environments

Get started

  1. Install Power Platform CLI
  2. Get access to catalog as submitter or reader

Install Power Platform CLI

Follow the steps to install Power Platform CLI: Install Microsoft Power Platform CLI

Get access to catalog as submitter or reader

Contact your administrator to grant access to the catalog. You need the Catalog Submitter security role to be associated with your user account or a team that you belong to. More information: Edit user access

Use the catalog

After you have installed the Power Platform CLI, you must create an authentication profile using the pac auth create command. Using the authentication profile for the environment where the catalog is installed, you can perform the following tasks using PAC CLI:

  1. View available catalogs in your tenant
  2. View items in the catalog
  3. Install items from the catalog
  4. Submit items to the catalog
  5. Check status of catalog submissions

View available catalogs in your tenant

Use the pac admin list command to view the catalogs available in your tenant.


This command requires an administrator authentication profile.

When using this command, you must use the following --application parameter with the value 83a35943-cb41-4266-b7d2-81d60f383695.

pac admin list --application 83a35943-cb41-4266-b7d2-81d60f383695

83a35943-cb41-4266-b7d2-81d60f383695 is the application ID associated with the catalog.

View items in the catalog

Use the pac catalog list command to view items in the catalog.

pac catalog list 
Connected to... TestCatalog
Connected as user@domain
Listing all published catalog items from the current Dataverse Organization...
Catalog Item Name                   Publisher Name            Catalog Item Id                      Revision Id                          Version Status
Contoso Conference Custom Connector Catalog Conferences Team  ContosoConferencesCustomConnector    4e882dd6-74f3-ed11-8849-000d3a0a286b Published
Contoso Themed Components           ContosoPublisher          ContosoThemedComponents              efbc469d-f1b2-ed11-83fd-000d3a0a2d9d Published

Install items from the catalog

Use the pac catalog install command to install items from the catalog.

pac catalog install -tu https://<your org> -cid ContosoConferencesCustomConnector
Connected to... TestCatalog
Connected as user@domain
Tracking id for this installation is 202012ec-80f3-ed11-8849-000d3a0a2d9d

Submit items to the catalog

To submit an item to the catalog, you need:

  • A solution or package deployer package containing the item you want to submit
  • A submission metadata JSON document

Use the pac catalog create-submission command to get an example submission metadata JSON document. You must edit this document and more submission attributes can be added. More information: Submission attributes

After your submission metadata JSON document is ready, use the pac catalog submit command to submit it.

pac catalog submit -p "BuildDemoSubmission.json" -sz ""
Creating package for catalog submit request...
Connected to... TestCatalog
Connected as user@domain
Tracking id for this submission is 0e6b119d-80f3-ed11-8849-000d3a0a2d9d

Check status of catalog submissions

Use the pac catalog status command to check the status of catalog submissions.

pac catalog status --tracking-id 0e6b119d-80f3-ed11-8849-000d3a0a2d9d --type submit
Connected to... TestCatalog
Connected as user@domain
Status of the Submit request: Submitted

Submission attributes

Before you can submit items to a catalog, you must prepare a JSON document that describes the items you want to submit. More information: Submit items to the catalog

To help you, the pac catalog create-submission command generates a sample submission.json file.


More attributes are supported in the submission file and those are covered in the subsequent section.

You need to edit this file to submit an item. Here's an example submission created from the JSON above.

  "modelVersion": "",
  "operation": "CreateOrUpdate",
  "sourcePortal": 526430005,
  "businessJustification": "Power Platform custom connector for Conference API",
  "publisherDetails": {
    "publisherId": "ContosoConferencesTeam",
    "publisherDisplayName": "Catalog Conferences Team"
  "catalogItemDefinition": {
    "id": "ContosoConferencesCustomConnector",
    "displayName": "Contoso Conference Custom Connector",
    "description": "Demo Custom connector to query Conference Speakers & Sessions",
    "offer": {
      "type": "Component_Collection",
      "deploymentType": "Normal",
      "engineeringName": {
        "firstName": "Jennifer",
        "lastName": "Wilkins",
        "email": "",
        "phoneNumber": "555-111-1234"
      "supportName": {
        "firstName": "Aidan",
        "lastName": "Hunt",
        "email": "",
        "phoneNumber": "555-111-1234"

Required data

The following items are required for all submissions:


Creates a publisher record that can be associated to one or more Microsoft Entra ID groups containing authorized users who can make updates to the catalog item going forward.

Don't confuse this term with Solution Publisher. Catalog item publisher isn't used with solutions.

You need to provide the ID publisher DisplayName at a minimum. ID can be any string value. The system checks if that publisher exists, else creates it and assigns an ID.

For example, HR IT team of developers can create a publisher and ID the developers using a Microsoft Entra ID group.

Here's a sample of a publisher record:

"publisherDetails": {
   "publisherId": "MyPublisherId",
   "publisherDisplayName": "Contoso Publishing",
   "publisherUpnList": [
         "action": "Add",
         "upn": ""
   "publisherAADGroupOIDS": [
         "action": "Add",
         "groupName": "PowerCatalogSubmitters",
         "groupOID": "2ded6de9-ab44-4478-9bd4-e609947daa2e",
         "groupType": "Security"

Catalog item

The actual Power Platform solution. A package is what is stored in the catalog.

id and displayName are mandatory. description and businessCategories are optional.

Seeded business categories list of value is in the appendix. ComponentUsedInApplication is for future use only.

Here's an example of a catalog item including its engineeringName and supportName contacts that are mandatory.

"catalogItemDefinition": {
   "id": "ContosoTravelsApp",
   "displayName": "Contoso Travel Expense App",
   "description": "Submit expenses on the go!",
   "offer": {
   "businessCategories": [526430000, 526430001, 526430002],
   "type": "Component_Collection",
   "deploymentType": "Normal",
   "small48x48Image": {
      "name": "Small48Image",
      "fileSasLink": ""      
   "large216x216Image": {
      "name": "Large216image2",
      "fileSasLink": ""
   "documents": [
         "name": "ImaNewfile",
         "fileSasLink": ""
         "name": "ImaNewfile2",
         "fileSasLink": ""
   "helpLink": "",
   "privacyPolicyLink": "",
   "legalTerms": "",
   "engineeringName": {
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Roon",
      "email": "",
      "phoneNumber": "999-111-1234"
   "supportName": {
      "firstName": "Jane",
      "lastName": "Drill",
      "email": "",
      "phoneNumber": "999-111-1234"

Engineering contact

Developer product contact.

Contact that the consumer of catalog item can reach out to if they have technical questions to extend or reuse the app for another purpose.

"engineeringName": {
   "firstName": "String"
   "lastName": "String (required)"
   "email": "String (required)"
   "phoneNumber": "String"


   "engineeringName": {
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Roon",
      "email": "",
      "phoneNumber": "999-111-1234"

Support contact

IT support specialist.

Can be same as the engineering contact that the consumer of a catalog item can reach out to if they run into issues with the application.

"supportName": {
   "firstName": "String"
   "lastName": "String (required)"
   "email": "String (required)"
   "phoneNumber": "String"

The following items are highly recommended, but not required.


Provide information of the icon to be displayed in maker or other discovery UI. If you don't provide this image a system default icon is used.

   "name": "String",
   "fileSasLink": "Fully qualified publicly accessible url"


You can pass screenshots here of your application to help makers identify whether this app provides the functionality or capability they're looking for.

The most common thing people do before downloading an app or template is look at its images and screenshots to understand the capabilities instead of reading the description.

   "name": "String",
   "fileSasLink": "Fully qualified publicly accessible url"

URL link to help documentation.

Fully qualified URLs your users are able to access. These URLs can be links to internal docs or sharepoint resources.

 "helpLink": ""

The following items are optional

Source portal

Source of submission.

When submitting from the Power Platform CLI, use 526430005 as the Source Portal value. For other sources, use 526430000.

Business categories

One or more of the business categories can be included in the submission from the list below.

Code Description
526430000 Customer Service
526430001 Project Management
526430002 Calendar Management & Scheduling
526430003 Email Management
526430004 Files & Documentation
526430005 Notification & Reminders
526430006 Analytics
526430007 Collaboration
526430008 Commerce
526430009 Finance
526430010 Compliance & Legal
526430011 Sales
526430012 IT Tools
526430013 Marketing
526430014 Operations & Supply Chain
526430015 Internet of Things
526430016 AI Machine Learning
526430017 Geolocation
526430018 Human Resources

Currently, new business categories can't be configured.


Possible values:

  • CreateOrUpdate
  • Create
  • Update
  • Disabled

Use CreateOrUpdate for new submissions.

  "operation": "CreateOrUpdate"

Business justification

Explains the business value created by this catalog item. This information is visible to approvers and appears in the planned consumption experience in the maker discovery user experience.

Users can say their submission helps with cost reduction or productivity, for example. Some organizations require certain classes of value and those values can be entered here.

String can contain HTML, or Rich Text (RTF).

"businessJustification": "Submit your travel expenses!"


Provide information of the icon to be displayed in the maker or other discovery UI.

Some user experiences uses larger icons to render cards for discovery.

name: String
fileSasLink: fully qualified publicly accessible url
LogicalName: string, for future use, ignored
recId: guid, for future use, ignored
attributeName: string, for future use, ignored

An example of the image metadata.

      "large216x216Image": {
        "name": "Large216image2",
        "fileSasLink": "https://mywebsite/largeicon.jpeg"

Privacy policy

URL link to pertinent policies.

Policies regarding careful usage of the component or application being submitted.

"privacyPolicyLink": ""

URL link to pertinent terms and conditions.

Any legal terms or internal guidance for evaluation of the consumer of the catalog item.

"legalTerms": ""

See also

Administer the catalog