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Data Migration of Commerce Server 2000/2002 Site Resources

This topic discusses the migration options for each site resource in Commerce Server 2000 and Commerce Server 2002. The following table shows which site resources are available in each version.

Site Resource

Commerce Server 2000

Commerce Server 2002









Yes (Feature Pack 1 only)







Business Desk Security






Catalog Resource

The Upgrade Wizard lets you either upgrade the Catalog resource or leave it as is (the Do Nothing option).

If you upgrade the Catalog resource, the Upgrade Wizard updates resource version information and identifies conditions such as circular references in catalogs. If the wizard identifies such conditions, it displays errors on the Analyze page. This page is used to display pre-migration warnings from multiple resources. If you do not update the Catalog resource, the Upgrade Wizard will not update the version resource information and the resource will not work with Commerce Server 2007.

Dd327873.alert_caution(en-US,CS.90).gifImportant Note:

You must back up the data and rebuild full-text catalogs before migration, or the migration process will fail and the database will be left in a state where you cannot use it or roll it back to the original state.

You cannot migrate custom catalogs (which are the equivalent of virtual catalogs in Commerce Server 2007) from Commerce Server 2000 to Commerce Server 2007. Custom catalogs are exported as base catalogs in Commerce Server 2000. Therefore, all catalogs in Commerce Server 2000 Pup packages appear as base catalogs in Commerce Server 2007.

Campaigns Resource

The Upgrade Wizard lets you either upgrade and remove the Campaigns resource, or to leave it as is (the Do Nothing option).

In Commerce Server 2007, the Campaigns resource has been replaced by the Marketing resource. The Marketing resource was first available in Commerce Server 2002 Feature Pack 1 (FP1). If you have Feature Pack 1 installed, you have both the old Campaigns resource and the new Marketing resource. If you did not install Feature Pack 1, you only have the Campaigns resource. In either case, if you upgrade and remove the Campaigns resource, the Upgrade Wizard moves your Campaigns data to the updated Marketing resource and deletes the old Campaigns resource. The data from the Campaigns resource is left in the database for reference, but the Campaigns resource is no longer displayed as a site resource in Commerce Server Manager.

Dd327873.alert_caution(en-US,CS.90).gifImportant Note:

Business Desk was removed from Commerce Server 2007. Therefore, if you do not upgrade the Campaigns resource, the data cannot be accessed through the Campaigns module of Business Desk.

The Campaigns and Marketing resources must be migrated together, they cannot be migrated independently.

Marketing Resource

The Upgrade Wizard lets you either upgrade the Marketing resource or leave it as is (the Do Nothing option).

The Upgrade Wizard lists the Marketing resource as an existing site resource only if you have Commerce Server 2002 FP1 installed. In Commerce Server 2002 FP1, the Marketing and Campaigns resource coexist. However, in Commerce Server 2007, the Marketing resource replaces the Campaigns resource. If you upgrade the Marketing resource, the Upgrade Wizard updates the resource version information, adds new columns and tables to the Commerce Server 2002 FP1 Marketing resource, and then copies additional information from the Campaigns resource to the updated Marketing resource.

Additionally, several changes have been made to the site resource properties. The s_PromoCodeGeneratorQueuedComponentMoniker site resource property has been removed from Commerce Server 2007. The following table lists site resource properties that have been added.





Mailing List

Contains the connection string to the List database, which stores mailing list information that is used by the Direct Mailer. Each site must have a unique connection string for this database.


Direct Mail

Specifies the maximum number of recipients that a test Direct Mail can be sent to. This property is used to prevent unapproved Direct Mails from being sent to a large number of users.



Specifies the default marketing language. This determines which Basket Display string to use as the default in the Discount Content List. It determines the fallback language for Direct Mail subjects.


Mailing List

Specifies the Profiles User ID property in Expression Lists. This property is optional.


Mailing List: Profiles E-mail Address Property in Expression Lists

Specifies the Profiles E-mail Address property in Expression Lists. This property is required.


Mailing List

Specifies the Profiles Preferred Mail format property in Expression Lists. This property is optional.


Mailing List

Specifies the Profiles User Locale property in Expression Lists. This property is optional.


Mailing List

Specifies the Profiles User Character Set property in Expression Lists. This property is optional.


Mailing List

Specifies the Profiles URL property in Expression Lists. This property is optional.


Mailing List

Specifies the Profile Definition used in Expression Lists. All the Expression List Profile properties correspond to properties of this Profile Definition. The default value is "UserObject".


Promotion Codes

Specifies the maximum size in kilobytes of an upload file for Promotion Codes. Set this value to a size larger than the largest file that you want to import so that files can be uploaded before import. (The default is 204,800 KB.)


Mailing List

Specifies the maximum size in kilobytes of an upload file for Mailing Lists. Set this value to a size larger than the largest file that you want to import so that files can be uploaded before import. (The default is 204,800 KB.)


Promotion Codes

Specifies the number of hours to wait for Promotion Code Imports to complete before the process determines that the files have been abandoned. (The default is 24 hours.)


Mailing List

Specifies the number of hours to wait for Long Running Mailing List Operations (Import, Export, Append, Subtract) to complete before the process determines that the operations have been abandoned. (The default is 24 hours.)

The ProgID column for the marketing resource has been renamed to Commerce.MarketingPup. If you do not upgrade the Marketing resource, the Upgrade Wizard does not update the version resource information and the resource will not work with Commerce Server 2007.

Transaction Resource

The Upgrade Wizard lets you either upgrade the Transaction resource or leave it as is (the Do Nothing option).

The Transaction resource contains order information for baskets, order templates, and purchase orders. In Commerce Server 2002, baskets, order templates, and purchase orders are all stored as OrderGroup objects that have different order_status_code fields to indicate what type of object they were.

In Commerce Server 2007, the order_status_code field has been replaced by two new fields: StatusCode and Status. The StatusCode field can be set to Basket (1), OrderTemplate (2), or PurchaseOrder (4). The Status field can be set to any string, as long as the string is not already listed in the AllowedStatus table. The Upgrade Wizard infers the new StatusCode field from the existing values in the order_status_code field. For more information about how to migrate Orders System data, see Data Migration of the Commerce Server 2000/2002 Orders System.

TransactionConfig Resource

The Upgrade Wizard lets you either upgrade the TransactionConfig resource or leave it as is (the Do nothing option).

If you upgrade this resource, the Upgrade Wizard updates the version resource information and moves the shipping methods columns from the ShippingConfig table to the ShippingMethod table. The following table shows the columns from the ShippingConfig table and their replacement in the new ShippingMethod table.

ShippingConfig Column

Corresponding ShippingMethod Column















Three new columns have been added to the ShippingMethod table in Commerce Server 2007: Created, LastModified, and GroupId.

Data from the TableShippingRates table is migrated to the ShippingRates table. The following table shows the columns from the TableShippingRates table and their replacement in the new ShippingRates table.

TableShippingRates Column

Corresponding ShippingRates Column





The Upgrade Wizard also migrates the Region table to the RegionCodes table. Data moved to the RegionCodes table will have a new data type. The following table shows the types that are used in the Region table and their replacement in the RegionCodes table.

Region Column

Corresponding RegionCodes Column


















After the Upgrade Wizard moves the data to the ShippingMethod and RegionCodes tables, the ShippingConfig and Region tables are not removed from the database.

If you do not upgrade this resource, the Upgrade Wizard does not update the version resource information and the resource will not work with Commerce Server 2007.

Business Desk Security Resource

The Upgrade Wizard lets you either remove the Business Desk Security resource or leave it as is (the Do Nothing option).

In Commerce Server 2007, Windows Server Authentication Manager replaces existing business user authentication and permission management previously provided by Business Desk Security. Windows Server Authorization Manager provides a role-based security model, which you use to set these permissions. With role-based access control, you can specify access control according to the organizational structure of your company. For more information about Authorization Manager, see the article Role-Based Access Control for Multi-tier Applications Using Authorization Manager on the Microsoft TechNet Web site.

When a Commerce Server 2000 or 2002 site that contains a Business Desk Security resource is unpacked in a Quick UnPup or Custom UnPup scenario, an event message is logged to the Windows event log and the resource is ignored. The Business Desk Security resource cannot be packaged into a Commerce Server 2007 PuP file (.pup file).

No migration tools are provided to move Business Desk Security permissions to Authentication Manager.

AppDefaultConfig Resource

The Upgrade Wizard lets you either upgrade the AppDefaultConfig resource or leave it as is (the Do Nothing option).

If you upgrade this resource, the Upgrade Wizard updates the resource version information. This enables the resource to be packaged into a Pup file (.pup file). If you do not upgrade this resource, the Upgrade Wizard will not update the resource version information.

Region Codes and Language IDs

In Commerce Server 2007, Region Codes and Language IDs must to be unique and not null. Migration will fail if they are not. Many sites, including those built on the Commerce Server 2002 Retail site, might not have these constraints. Therefore, you should examine Region Code and Language ID tables before migration to make sure that each table contains a unique non-null value.

See Also

Other Resources

Data Migration to Commerce Server 2007