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Integration Services (SSIS) Scale Out Worker

Applies to: SQL Server SSIS Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory

The Scale Out Worker runs the Scale Out Worker service to pull execution tasks from Scale Out Master. Then the worker runs the packages locally with ISServerExec.exe.

Configure the Scale Out Worker service

You can configure the Scale Out Worker service by using the \<drive\>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140\DTS\Binn\WorkerSettings.config file. You have to restart the service after updating the configuration file.

Configuration Description Default value
DisplayName The display name of the Scale Out Worker. NOT in use in SQL Server 2017. Machine name
Description The description of the Scale Out Worker. NOT in use in SQL Server 2017. Empty
MasterEndpoint The endpoint to connect to Scale Out Master. The endpoint set during the Scale Out Worker installation
MasterHttpsCertThumbprint The thumbprint of the client TLS/SSL certificate used to authenticate Scale Out Master The thumbprint of the client certificate specified during the Scale Out Worker installation.
WorkerHttpsCertThumbprint The thumbprint of the certificate for Scale Out Master used to authenticate the Scale Out Worker. The thumbprint of a certificate created and installed automatically during the Scale Out Worker installation
StoreLocation The store location of worker certificate. LocalMachine
StoreName The store name that worker certificate is in. My
AgentHeartbeatInterval The interval of the Scale Out Worker heartbeat. 00:01:00
TaskHeartbeatInterval The interval of the Scale Out Worker reporting task state. 00:00:10
HeartbeatErrorTolerance After this time period from last successful task heartbeat, the task is terminated if error response of heartbeat is received. 00:10:00
TaskRequestMaxCPU The upper limit of CPU for Scale Out Worker to request tasks. 70.0
TaskRequestMinMemory The lower limit of memory in MB for Scale Out Worker to request tasks. 100.0
MaxTaskCount The max number of tasks the Scale Out Worker can hold. 10
LeaseInterval The lease interval of a task holding by the Scale Out Worker. 00:01:00
TasksRootFolder The folder of task logs. If the value is empty, the \<drive\>:\Users\[account]\AppData\Local\SSIS\Cluster\Tasks folder path is used. [account] is the account running Scale Out Worker service. By default, the account is SSISScaleOutWorker140. Empty
TaskLogLevel The task log level of the Scale Out Worker. (Verbose 0x01, Information 0x02, Warning 0x04, Error 0x08, Progress 0x10, CriticalError 0x20, Audit 0x40) 126 (Information, Warning, Error, Progress, CriticalError, Audit)
TaskLogSegment The time span of a task log file. 00:00:00
TaskLogEnabled Specifies whether the task log is enabled. true
ExecutionLogCacheFolder The folder used to cache package execution log. If the value is empty, the \<drive\>:\Users\[account]\AppData\Local\SSIS\Cluster\Agent\ELogCache folder path is used. [account] is the account running Scale Out Worker service. By default, the account is SSISScaleOutWorker140. Empty
ExecutionLogMaxBufferLogCount The max number of execution logs cached, in one execution log buffer in memory. 10000
ExecutionLogMaxInMemoryBufferCount The max number of execution log buffers in memory for execution logs. 10
ExecutionLogRetryCount The retry count if execution logging fails. 3
ExecutionLogRetryTimeout The retry timeout if execution logging fails. i\If ExecutionLogRetryTimeout is reached, ExecutionLogRetryCount is ignored. 7.00:00:00 (7 days)
AgentId Worker agent ID of the Scale Out Worker Generated automatically

View the Scale Out Worker log

The log file of the Scale Out Worker service is in the \<drive\>:\Users\\[account]\AppData\Local\SSIS\ScaleOut\Agent folder.

The log location of each individual task is configured in the WorkerSettings.config file in the TasksRootFolder. If a value is not specified, the log is in the \<drive\>:\Users\\[account]\AppData\Local\SSIS\ScaleOut\Tasks folder.

The [account] parameter is the account running the Scale Out Worker service. By default, the account is SSISScaleOutWorker140.

Next steps

Integration Services (SSIS) Scale Out Master