Ad Insight Value Sets
The Ad Insight service defines the following value sets.
Value Set | Description |
AdGroupBidLandscapeType | Defines the possible values that indicate whether all or a subset of an ad group's existing keywords are used to determine the bid landscape. |
AdPosition | Defines the possible positions of an ad in the search results. |
AgeEnum | Defines a value set of age ranges. |
AuctionInsightKpiAdditionalField | Defines a list of optional auction insight KPI properties that you can request when calling GetAuctionInsightData. |
AuctionSegment | Defines the possible auction segment values. |
BidOpportunityType | Defines the possible bid opportunity types you can request when calling GetBidOpportunities. |
BudgetLimitType | Defines the possible types of campaign budgets. |
BudgetPointType | Defines the possible values of a campaign budget point. |
CompetitionLevel | Competition levels are defined by the number of advertisers bidding on this keyword, relative to all other keywords across Microsoft Advertising. |
Currency | Defines a value set of currencies. |
CurrencyCode | Defines currency codes for the Ad Insight service. |
EntityType | Defines the entity types for retrieving auction insights. |
GenderEnum | Defines a value set for gender. |
KeywordIdeaAttribute | Determines which properties of the KeywordIdea object you want returned when calling the GetKeywordIdeas operation. |
KeywordOpportunityType | Defines the possible keyword opportunity types you can request when calling GetKeywordOpportunities. |
KPIType | Defines the type of key performance indicator. |
MatchType | Defines the possible keyword match type values. |
NetworkType | Defines the possible networks used for keyword research. |
ParameterType | Defines the type of parameter such as string, URL, or a list of demand entities. |
PerformanceInsightsEntityType | Defines the entity types for retrieving performance insights. |
PerformanceInsightsMessageTemplateId | Defines the message template ID for performance insights. |
PerformanceInsightsUrlCategory | Defines the URL category for performance insights. |
PerformanceInsightsUrlId | Defines the URL ID for performance insights. |
RadiusUnit | Defines a value set for the RadiusUnit. |
RecommendationType | Defines the RecommendationType value set. |
ScaleUnit | Defines a value set for the scale unit. |
SourceType | Defines the source or seed for the keyword idea. |
TargetAdPosition | Defines the possible positions where you can target an ad to appear in the search results. |
TimeInterval | Defines the possible time periods that determine the pool of data that the service uses to get the performance statistics of a keyword. |