Process a Query message

If you sign up for pull requests or pull with hints requests, Microsoft sends you a Query message that specifies the itinerary data that you need to send in your next Price feed (formerly Transaction message).

Using pull requests

If you use pull requests, Microsoft could send you a request that's similar to the following Query message.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Depending on the number of hotels you have, Microsoft may break the query up into several smaller queries with each query containing a subset of the hotels in the property list.

When you get the Query message, your response should contain a Price feed (formerly Transaction message) with the following <Result>.

    <!-- Pricing and other elements that changed -->
    <!-- Pricing and other elements that changed -->
    <!-- Pricing and other elements that changed -->
  . . .
    <!-- Pricing and other elements that changed -->
    <!-- Pricing and other elements that changed -->
    <!-- Pricing and other elements that changed -->
  . . .
    <!-- Pricing and other elements that changed -->
    <!-- Pricing and other elements that changed -->
    <!-- Pricing and other elements that changed -->

  . . .

Using pull with hints requests

For examples that show the different types of Query messages that Microsoft sends if you use pull with hints request, see Creating a Hint Message.