Price feed (formerly Transaction message) reference

If you create hotel price ads in Bing, use price feeds to provide Bing your itinerary data. This section describes the elements of a price feeddefined by the Transaction XSD.

For information about creating a price feed, see Creating a price feed.

For information about sending a price feed, see Pushing a Price feed to Bing or Having Bing Pull Price feeds.


Bing does not support all Transaction XSD elements. This topic includes only those elements and attributes that Bing supports. Bing ignores all other elements and attributes.


The elements must be specified in the order defined by the Transaction XSD (and as listed in this topic).


Defines the top-level element of a Price feed.

Element Description Children
Transaction The top-level element in a Price feed.

The message must include either the <PropertyDataSet> element, <Result> element, or both. But because the metadata (<PropertyDataSet>) doesn't change often, you typically create a separate Price feed for it and another Price feed for itineraries (<Result>), which are updated more frequently.

  • timestamp—Required. The UTC date and time that you sent the message. The time stamp format is: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[+/-hh:mm]. The UTC offset is optional. For example, 2017-06-14T08:00:34 or 2017-06-14T01:00:34+07:00.

    The time stamp applies to each itinerary in the message. Bing processes an itinerary only if the time stamp is later than the time stamp of the same itinerary stored in Bing. For example, if Bing processes a message with time stamp 14:10 and then processes a message with time stamp 14:09, only those itineraries not included in the 14:10 message are processed.

    Messages with a time stamp older than 24 hours are not processed.
  • id—Required. An opaque, user-defined ID that advertisers use to uniquely identify the message. The transaction status report includes this ID.
Transaction Type

Transaction Type

Defines the Price feed.

Element Description Children
PropertyDataSet Optional.

A container object that contains the metadata for rooms and packages.

Use RoomData to describe the physical description of a type of room (for example, non-smoking, single queen room).

Use PackageData to describe different packages of amenities (for example, you can have one package that includes breakfast and another that doesn't). Specify a property data set for each property that you want to define metadata for.

  • action — Optional. Describes the type of update for room and package data. The delta action attribute facilitates the addition or modification of fields within the previously defined room and package data. The overlay action invalidates and replaces the entire set of room and package data. The default behavior is a delta update.

Delta update for fields in Room Data
  • BedArrangement — Overwritten if bed arrangement is defined. Else previously established values will be retained.
  • Name — Overwritten in the case of a textual update in the same language. Merged if the text is in a different language.
  • Description — Overwritten in the event of a text update in the same language. Merged if the text is in a different language.
  • PhotoURL — Merging and deduplication based on URL. Overwriting captions in the case of a text update in the same language. Merging captions if the text is in a different language.
  • Capacity — Overwritten if a value is defined. If not defined, previously established values will be retained.
  • Occupancy — Overwritten if a value is defined. If not defined, previously established values will be retained.
  • OccupancySettings — MinAge and MinOccupancy fields will be overwritten if defined. If not defined, previously established values will be retained.
  • OccupancyDetails — NumAdults and Children Age list will be overwritten if defined. If not defined, previously established values will be retained.
  • RoomSize — Overwritten if a value is defined. If not defined, previously established values will be retained.
  • RoomAmenity — Merged with the existing room amenity list.

Delta update for fields in Package Data
  • Capacity — Will be overwritten if a value is defined. If not defined, previously established values will be retained.
  • Occupancy — Will be overwritten if a value is defined. If not defined, previously established values will be retained.
  • OccupancyDetails — NumAdults and Children Age list will be overwritten if defined. If not defined, previously established values will be retained.
  • ChargeCurrency — Will be overwritten if a value is defined. If not defined, previously established values will be retained.
  • CancellationDetails — Overwritten in case of a text update in the same language. Merged if the text update is in a different language.
  • Name — Overwritten in case of a text update in the same language. Merged if the text update is in a different language.
  • Description — Overwritten in case of a text update in the same language. Merged if the text update is in a different language.
  • Refundable — All attributes in this field will be overwritten if defined. If not defined, previously established values will be retained.
  • Package Policies — Merged with previously defined policies: FreeCancellationAvailable, BreakfastIncluded, LunchIncluded, DinnerIncluded, SnacksIncluded, BeveragesIncluded, ParkingIncluded, InternetIncluded, CarRentalIncluded.
Array of PropertyDataSet Type
Result Optional.

Defines an itinerary. An itinerary is a unique combination of the Checkin and Nights elements. Specify one Result element for each itinerary that you define for a property. The number of itineraries that you may specify is limited by the size of the Transaction element, which must be less than 100 MB (or 10 MB compressed).
Array of Result Type

PropertyDataSet Type

Defines a container object that contains the metadata for rooms and packages.

Element Description Children
Property Required.
Data type is string.

The ID of the hotel property. This ID must match the ID of a hotel in your property feed file that you submitted to Bing.
RoomData Describes a type of room. You may define one or more room types. Array of RoomData Type
PackageData Describes a package of amenities. You may define one or more packages. Array of PackageData Type

Result Type

Defines the itinerary.


Currently, a full price breakdown (Baserate, Tax, and OtherFees) is expected for the US market only. Prices should display, even if the tax value is 0, in all markets except the US market, as long as IsInclusive is true. Prices might still display without IsInclusive, or if IsInclusive is false AND the tax value is 0, if the country where the hotel is located isn't levying taxes. Note: The market is defined as where you are searching from--not the location of the property.

Here is an example of a transaction providing all-inclusive prices:

<Baserate currency="EUR" all_inclusive="true">1252.88</Baserate>
<Tax currency="EUR">0.00</Tax>
<OtherFees currency="EUR">0.00</OtherFees>
Element Description Children
Property Required.
Data type is string.

The ID of the hotel property. This ID must match the ID of a hotel in your property feed file that you submitted to Bing.
Checkin Required.
Data type is date.

The check-in date in the form: YYYY-MM-DD.

  • The date cannot be earlier than the Price feed's timestamp date.
  • The check-in date must be less than 180 days (the maximum advanced booking that you may specify) out from the time stamp date.
  • The combination of Checkin and Nights defines an itinerary. The itinerary must be unique for a Property.
Nights Required.
Data type is unsigned integer.

The number of nights stay for this itinerary. The maximum number of Nights is 14.
RoomID Optional.
Data type is string.

The ID that identifies the room type that applies to this itinerary. This ID and the <RoomBundle> element are mutually exclusive.
Baserate Required.
Data type is decimal.

The base rate is the cost of the room for the entire stay—not the per night rate. For example, if the per night rate is 100.00 and the itinerary is for three nights, the base rate is 300.00. Use the room rate of the least expensive, private, double-occupancy room that's available. If all double-occupancy rooms are booked, specify the lowest price of the next level of occupancy.

  • currency—Required. The three-character currency code that the rate is specified in. For example, USD for US Dollar. For a list of codes, see ISO 4217.
  • To remove the itinerary from inventory, set this element, Tax, and OtherFees to -1.00. You should remove the itinerary from inventory whenever there are no rooms available to satisfy the stay.
  • All currencies must use a decimal point (.) to separate the integer portion of the rate from the fractional portion (for example, 150.00).
  • Do not use a thousands separator in the integer portion of the rate. Instead of 1,150.00, use 1150.00
Tax Required.
Data type is decimal.

The tax amount is based on Baserate.

  • currency—Required. The three-character currency code that the tax is specified in. For example, USD for US Dollar. For a list of codes, see ISO 4217.
  • All currencies must use a decimal point (.) to separate the integer portion of the tax from the fractional portion (for example, 50.00).
  • Do not use a thousands separator in the integer portion of the tax. Instead of 1,000.00, use 1000.00
  • If Baserate is set to -1.00, this element must also be set to -1.00.
OtherFees Required.
Data type is decimal.

Any fee not covered by base rate and taxes (for example, a parking fee or portable bed fee).

  • currency—Required. The three-character currency code that the fee is specified in. For example, USD for US Dollar. For a list of codes, see ISO 4217.
  • All currencies must use a decimal point (.) to separate the integer portion of the fee from the fractional portion (for example, 50.00).
  • Do not use a thousands separator in the integer portion of the fee. Instead of 1,000.00, use 1000.00
  • If Baserate is set to -1.00, this element must also be set to -1.00.
ExpirationTimestamp Optional.
The UTC date and time when the price is considered expired. If the price is expired, the itinerary will not serve.

The time stamp is in the form: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[+/-hh:mm]. The UTC offset is optional. For example, 2017-06-14T08:00:34Z (no offset) or 2017-06-14T01:00:34+07:00.
ExpirationTime Optional.
The UTC date and time when the price is considered expired. If the price is expired, the itinerary will not serve.

The time stamp is in the form: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[+/-hh:mm]. The UTC offset is optional. For example, 2017-06-14T08:00:34Z (no offset) or 2017-06-14T01:00:34+07:00.
ChargeCurrency Optional.
Data type is string.

Defines when the user pays for a booking. The following are the possible case-insensitive values.

  • Deposit—The user is charged a portion at booking and the remainder at a later point in time, typically when the user checks out of the hotel.
  • Hotel—The user is charged at check-in. If the payment must be made in the hotel's currency, use this option.
  • Installment—The user is charged a fixed amount at specific intervals over fixed period of time.
  • Web—The user is charged online at the time of booking.
The default is Web.
Custom1 Optional.
Data type is string.

A user-defined string that Bing uses as a substitution value of a simarly named dynamic query parameter in a point of sale (POS) URL. For example, if the POS URL is and Custom1 is set to summer2017, the resulting POS URL is For more information, see Using Dynamic Query Parameters.

The sum of all Custom[1-5] values is limited to a maximum of 1,000 characters. But keep in mind that the practical limit may be less given the maximum length of a URL.
Custom2 Optional.
Data type is string.

A user-defined string that Bing uses as a substitution value of a simarly named dynamic query parameter in a point of sale (POS) URL. For example, if the POS URL is and Custom2 is set to summer2017, the resulting POS URL is For more information, see Using Dynamic Query Parameters.
Custom3 Optional.
Data type is string.

A user-defined string that Bing uses as a substitution value of a simarly named dynamic query parameter in a point of sale (POS) URL. For example, if the POS URL is and Custom3 is set to summer2017, the resulting POS URL is For more information, see Using Dynamic Query Parameters.
Custom4 Optional.
Data type is string.

A user-defined string that Bing uses as a substitution value of a simarly named dynamic query parameter in a point of sale (POS) URL. For example, if the POS URL is and Custom4 is set to summer2017, the resulting POS URL is For more information, see Using Dynamic Query Parameters.
Custom5 Optional.
Data type is string.

A user-defined string that Bing uses as a substitution value of a simarly named dynamic query parameter in a point of sale (POS) URL. For example, if the POS URL is and Custom5 is set to summer2017, the resulting POS URL is For more information, see Using Dynamic Query Parameters.
AllowablePointsOfSale Optional.

A list of Landing pages that identify websites where users can book the room. By default, the user can use any POS defined in your Landing pages feed file. Specify this element only if you want to limit the Landing pages for this specific itinerary.
Array of allowablePointsOfSale Type
RoomBundle Optional.

Defines a room bundle. A <Result> element may contain one or more <RoomBundle> elements. Use room bundles to specify different types of rooms that are available for this itinerary. The<RoomID> and <PackageID> elements should reference room and package data that you defined in the PropertyDataSet section of the Price feed. Typically, you define the room and package metadata in a separate, metadata-only Price feed. You should avoid using the room bundle's <RoomData> and <PackageData> elements to define the room and package data inline.
Array of RoomBundle

PackageData Type

Defines the amenities that are part of a package deal.

Element Description Children
PackageID Required.
Data type is string.

An ID that uniquely identifies the package. If your <Result> element contains <RoomBundle>, set the bundles' <PackageID> element to this ID, as appropriate.
Name Required.

A name that identifies the package. This should be the same name that you use to identify the package on your website. Specify a Text element for each language you support.
Text Type
Description Optional.

A description of the package. Specify a Text element for each language you support.
Text Type
Capacity Optional.
Data type is integer.

The maximum number of guests that the room is capable of accommodating.

  • The value must be in the range 1 through 20.
  • The value must not be less than Occupancy, if specified.
Typically, if you define room bundles, you set capacity as part of RoomData.
Occupancy Optional.
Data type is integer.

The maximum number of guests that the room is intended to accommodate. For example, although the room is physically capable of hosting 4 guests (capacity), it's intended for only 2 guests.

  • Although optional, you're strongly encouraged to always specify this element.
  • The value must be in the range 1 through 20.
OccupancyDetails Optional.

A container object that contains details about occupancy. If you include Occupancy, you may also specify this element.
OccupancyDetails Type
ChargeCurrency Optional
Data type is string.

Defines when the user pays for a booking. The following are the possible case-insensitive values.
  • Deposit—The user is charged a portion at booking and the remainder at a later point in time, typically when the user checks out of the hotel.
  • Hotel—The user is charged at check-in. If the payment must be made in the hotel's currency, use this option.
  • Installment—The user is charged a fixed amount at specific intervals over fixed period of time.
  • Web—The user is charged online at the time of booking.
The default is web.
Refundable Required.

An element that determines whether the room charge is refundable.

  • available — Required. Set to true (or 1) if the room charge is refundable; otherwise, false (or 0).
  • refundable_percentage — Optional. The percentage of refund allowed to the user. Not setting this attribute will set refundable percent to 100%
  • refundable_until_days — Optional. The date by which the guest must request a refund. Specify the date as the number of days in advance of check-in. If not specified, the room charge is refundable up to and including the check-in date. Valid values are 0 through 180.
  • refundable_until_time — Optional. The guest may request a refund up until this time on the date referenced in the refundable_until_days attribute. Specify the time in the hotel's local time. Specify the time in the form, hh:mm:ss. For example, if the refund is available until 4 PM, use 16:00:00.
CancellationDetails Optional.

A description of the details for cancellation. For example, You may cancel free of charge until 5 days before arrival. You will be charged the cost of the first night if you cancel in the 5 days before arrival.
Text Type
FreeCancellationAvailable Optional.
Data type is Boolean.

A value that determines whether the room has free cancellation available or not. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
The default is false. You can use <FreeCancellationAvailable/> as a shortcut for true.
BreakfastIncluded Optional.
Data type is Boolean.

A value that determines whether the room bundle includes complimentary breakfast. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
The default is false. You can use <BreakfastIncluded/> as a shortcut for true.

Don't include in a room bundle if the hotel provides free breakfast for all guests.
LunchIncluded Optional.
Data type is Boolean.

A value that determines whether the room bundle includes complimentary Lunch. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
The default is false. You can use <LunchIncluded/> as a shortcut for true.

Don't include in a room bundle if the hotel provides free lunch for all guests.
DinnerIncluded Optional.
Data type is Boolean.

A value that determines whether the room bundle includes complimentary Dinner. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
The default is false. You can use <DinnerIncluded/> as a shortcut for true.

Don't include in a room bundle if the hotel provides free dinner for all guests.
SnacksIncluded Optional.
Data type is Boolean.

A value that determines whether the room bundle includes complimentary snacks. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
The default is false. You can use <DinnerIncluded/> as a shortcut for true.

Don't include in a room bundle if the hotel provides free snacks for all guests.
BeveragesIncluded Optional.
Data type is Boolean.

A value that determines whether the room bundle includes complimentary drinks. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
The default is false. You can use <DrinksIncluded/> as a shortcut for true.

Don't include in a room bundle if the hotel provides free drinks for all guests.
ParkingIncluded Optional.
Data type is Boolean.

A value that determines whether the room bundle includes complimentary parking. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
The default is false. You can use <ParkingIncluded/> as a shortcut for true.

Don't include in a room bundle if the hotel provides free parking for all guests.
InternetIncluded Optional.
Data type is Boolean.

A value that determines whether the room bundle includes complimentary Internet service. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
The default is false. You can use <InternetIncluded/> as a shortcut for true.

Don't include in a room bundle if the hotel provides free internet service for all guests.
MembershipBenefitsIncluded Optional.

Defines membership benefits that apply for the length of the guest's stay.
MembershipBenefits Type
CarRentalIncluded Optional.
Data type is Boolean.

A value that determines whether the room bundle includes a complimentary car rental for the length of the guest's stay. If the stay includes a complimentary car rental, include the <CarRentalIncluded/> element, otherwise, don't include it.
MilesIncluded Optional.
Include if the stay provides frequent flyer miles.
Miles Type
FacilitatedBookingToken Optional.
Data type is string.
A string containing a token for facilitated booking.
OnPropertyCredit Optional.
Include if the guest receives a one-time credit for using on-site services during their stay.
OnPropertyCredit Type

RoomData Type

Defines a type of room.

Element Description Children
RoomID Required.
Data type is string.

An ID that uniquely identifies the room. If your <Result> element contains <RoomBundle>, set the bundles' <RoomID> element to this ID, as appropriate. You may also use this ID to set the Result object's <RoomID> element, if you don't use room bundles but want to identify a type of room.
RoomSize Optional. Size of the room in square meter or square feet.

Example: <RoomSize> <Text text="500 square feet" language="en"/> </RoomSize> or <RoomSize> <Text text="500 square meter" language="en"/> </RoomSize>
Text Type
BedArrangement A container for bed arrangements in this room. You may specify one or more BedArrangement. BedArrangement Type
Name Required.

A name that identifies the type of room (for example, non-smoking, single queen room). This should be the same name that you use to identify the room on your website. Specify a Text element for each language you support.
Text Type
Description Optional.

A description of the room. Specify a Text element for each language you support.
Text Type
PhotoURL Optional.

A container object that contains the URL of an image of the room type. You may specify one or more photos.
PhotoURL Type
Capacity Optional.
Data type is integer.

The maximum number of guests that the room is capable of accommodating.

  • The value must be in the range 1 through 20.
  • The value must not be less than Occupancy, if specified.
Occupancy Optional.
Data type is integer.

The maximum number of guests that the room is intended to accommodate. For example, although the room is physically capable of hosting 4 guests, it's intended for only 2 guests.

  • Although optional, you're strongly encouraged to always specify this element.
  • The value must be in the range 1 through 20.
  • The value must not be greater than Capacity.
Typically, if you define room bundles, you set occupancy as part of PackageData.
OccupancySettings Optional.

A container object that contains settings about occupancy.
OccupancyDetails Optional.

A container object that contains details about occupancy. If you include Occupancy, you may also specify this element.
RoomAmenity Optional. A container object that contains room amenities. RoomAmenity

allowablePointsOfSale Type

Defines a point of sale (POS) where a user may book the room.

Element Description Children


  • id—Required. An opaque, user-defined ID that uniquely identifies a POS. This ID must match the ID of a POS defined in your pints of sale feed file.

Text Type

Defines a text string.

Element Description Children
Text Attributes:
  • text—The text string.
  • language—The two-letter ISO 639-1 language code that identifies the language used by the text string. For example, 'en' for English.

OccupancyDetails Type

Defines a container object that contains details about occupancy.

Element Description Children
NumAdults Required.
Data type is integer.

The maximum number of adults the room is intended to accommodate.
Children Optional.

A container object the identifies the ages of children the room is intended to accommodate.
Children Type

OccupancySettings Type

Defines the settings which can restrict or modify the occupancy requirements of a room.

Element Description Children
MinOccupancy Data type is integer.

The minimum number of guests that can stay in a room. For example, if set to 2, this room cannot be booked for a single guest.

The value of MinOccupancy must be a positive integer between 1 and 99, inclusive.
MinAge Data type is integer.

The minimum age for all guests staying in a room. For example, if this is set to 18, this room can only be booked for groups where all guests are of age 18 or above. The value of MinAge must be a positive integer between 0 and 99, inclusive.

BedArrangement Type

Defines a container object that contains details about the bed arrangement of the room.

Element Description Children
BedType Required.
Data type is Text Type

The type of bed in this room (for example: Extra-large double bed).

Note: Don't add the number of beds to the BedType element. Use the BedCount element instead.
BedCount Required.
Data type is integer.

The number of bed(s) for this bed type.

Children Type

Defines a container object that identifies the ages of children the room is intended to accommodate.

Element Description Children
Child Attributes:
  • age—The maximum age of each child the room is intended to accommodate.

PhotoUrl Type

Defines a container object that contains the URL of an image of the room type.

Element Description Children
URL Required.

A URL to the image.
Caption Optional.

A container object that contains the text that's displayed when the user hovers over the image.
Text Type

MembershipBenefits Type

Defines a membership's benefit.

Element Description Children
ProgramName The benefit's name. Text Type
ProgramLevel The benefit's level. For example, Platinum or Gold. Text Type
NightlyValue Optional.
Data type is decimal.

The benefit's nightly value.

  • currency — The currency that the value is specified in. To specify the currency, use the ISO-4217 three-letter currency code. For example, use USD for United States Dollar.

Miles Type

Defines the frequent flyer provider and the number of miles the stay is worth.

Element Description Children
NumberOfMiles The number of miles the stay is worth. None
Provider The name of the frequent flyer provider. Text Type

OnPropertyCredit Type

Defines the credit the guest receives for using one of the on-site services.

Element Description Children
Amount Data type is decimal.

The amount of the credit given the guest if they use one of the services.

  • currency — The currency that the amount is specified in. To specify the currency, use the ISO-4217 three-letter currency code. For example, use USD for United States Dollar.
Element Description Children
ProgramName The benefit's name. Text Type
ProgramLevel The benefit's level. For example, Platinum or Gold. Text Type
NightlyValue Optional.
Data type is decimal.

The benefit's nightly value.

  • currency — The currency that the value is specified in. To specify the currency, use the ISO-4217 three-letter currency code. For example, use USD for United States Dollar.


Defines room and price information for a room bundle.

Element Description Children
RoomData We no longer support inline RoomData definitions in RoomBundle. All RoomData definitions should be added under PropertyDataSet. RoomData Type
PackageData We no longer support inline PackageData definitions in RoomBundle. All PackageData definitions should be added under PropertyDataSet. PackageData Type
RoomId Required.
Data type is string.

An ID that uniquely identifies a <RoomData> element that you defined in the PropertyDataSet section of this Price feed or a separate Price feed.

If you include an inline room type definition (see the <RoomData> element above), you may specify the ID here or in <RoomData>. Using inline room type definitions is not recommended.
PackageId Required. Note: If you want to run only Hotel Price Ads and Property Promotion Ads campaigns, PackageID is optional.
Data type is string.

An ID that uniquely identifies a <PackageData> element that you defined in the PropertyDataSet section of this Price feed or a separate Price feed.

If you include an inline package definition (see the <PackageData> element above), you may specify the ID here or in <PackageData>. Using inline package definitions is not recommended.
Capacity Optional.
Data type is integer.

The maximum number of guests that the room is capable of accommodating.

  • The value must be in the range 1 through 20.
  • The value must not be less than Occupancy, if specified.
Occupancy Required.
Data type is integer.

The maximum number of guests that the room is intended to accommodate. For example, although the room is physically capable of hosting 4 guests, it's intended for only 2 guests.

  • Although optional, you're strongly encouraged to always specify this element.
  • The value must be in the range 1 through 20.
  • The value must not be greater than Capacity, if specified.
OccupancyDetails Optional.

A container object that contains details about occupancy. If you include Occupancy, you may also specify this element.
Baserate Required.
Data type is decimal.

The room's rate, which is the cost of the room for the entire stay—not the per night rate. For example, if the per night rate is 100.00 and the itinerary is for three nights, the base rate is 300.00.

  • currency—Required. The three-character currency code that the rate is specified in. For example, USD for US Dollar. For a list of codes, see ISO 4217.
  • Remove the bundle from inventory whenever there are no rooms available to satisfy the stay. Unlike with itineraries where you set rate to -1.00 to remove it, with bundles you simply remove the bundle from the list.
  • All currencies must use a decimal point (.) to separate the integer portion of the rate from the fractional portion (for example, 150.00).
  • Do not use a thousands separator in the integer portion of the rate. Instead of 1,150.00, use 1150.00
Tax Required.
Data type is decimal.

The tax amount is based on Baserate.

  • currency—Required. The three-character currency code that the tax is specified in. For example, USD for US Dollar. For a list of codes, see ISO 4217.
  • All currencies must use a decimal point (.) to separate the integer portion of the tax from the fractional portion (for example, 50.00).
  • Do not use a thousands separator in the integer portion of the tax. Instead of 1,000.00, use 1000.00
OtherFees Required.
Data type is decimal.

Any fee not covered by base rate and taxes (for example, a parking fee or portable bed fee).

  • currency—Required. The three-character currency code that the fee is specified in. For example, USD for US Dollar. For a list of codes, see ISO 4217.
  • All currencies must use a decimal point (.) to separate the integer portion of the fee from the fractional portion (for example, 50.00).
  • Do not use a thousands separator in the integer portion of the fee. Instead of 1,000.00, use 1000.00
Custom1 Optional.
Data type is string.

A user-defined string that Bing uses as a substitution value of a simarly named dynamic query parameter in a point of sale (POS) URL. For example, if the POS URL is and Custom1 is set to summer2017, the resulting POS URL is For more information, see Using Dynamic Query Parameters.
Custom2 Optional.
Data type is string.

A user-defined string that Bing uses as a substitution value of a simarly named dynamic query parameter in a point of sale (POS) URL. For example, if the POS URL is and Custom2 is set to summer2017, the resulting POS URL is For more information, see Using Dynamic Query Parameters.
Custom3 Optional.
Data type is string.

A user-defined string that Bing uses as a substitution value of a simarly named dynamic query parameter in a point of sale (POS) URL. For example, if the POS URL is and Custom3 is set to summer2017, the resulting POS URL is For more information, see Using Dynamic Query Parameters.
Custom4 Optional.
Data type is string.

A user-defined string that Bing uses as a substitution value of a simarly named dynamic query parameter in a point of sale (POS) URL. For example, if the POS URL is and Custom4 is set to summer2017, the resulting POS URL is For more information, see Using Dynamic Query Parameters.
Custom5 Optional.
Data type is string.

A user-defined string that Bing uses as a substitution value of a simarly named dynamic query parameter in a point of sale (POS) URL. For example, if the POS URL is and Custom5 is set to summer2017, the resulting POS URL is For more information, see Using Dynamic Query Parameters.

RoomAmenity Type

Defines the room amenities type.

Element Description Children
RoomTeaCoffeMaker Optional. Data type is boolean.

A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomMinibar Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomShowerAvailable Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomBathAvailable Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomSafetyDepositBox Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    Television Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomTelephone Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomFax Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    AirConditioning Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomHairDryer Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomHotTub Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomIron Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    KitchenOrKitchenette Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    Balcony Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomBathRobes Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomRadio Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomFridge Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    DeskInRoom Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    SharedBathRoom Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomSeatingArea Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomFreeToiletries Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomDVDPlayer Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomCDPlayer Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    Toilets Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    Microwave Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    DishWasher Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomWashingMachine Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    Patio Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    ExtraLongBeds Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    Heating Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    DressingRoom Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    SharedToilet Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomSlippers Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    WiFi Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomBathOrShower Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomCarpeted Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    Fireplace Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomAdditionalToilet Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    InterConnectedRoomsAvailable Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    SafeForLaptop Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    FlatTV Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomPrivateEntrance Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomSofa Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    SoundproofedRooms Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    ScenicViews Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    WakeupService Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomAlarmClock Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomDiningArea Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomElectricKettle Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomExecutiveLoungAccess Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomMosquitoNet Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomSauna Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    SwimmingPool Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomWardrobeOrCloset Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    Oven Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomToaster Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomBarbecue Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomComputer Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomGameConsole Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomElectricBlankets Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomAdditionalBathRoom Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomBluRayPlayer Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomTerace Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomDiningTable Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomChildHighChair Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomEntirelyGroundFloor Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    WheelChairAccess Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomDetached Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomSemiDetached Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomClothesRack Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomFoldUpBed Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomChildSafetySocketCovers Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomBoardGamesOrPuzzles Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomChildSafetyGates Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomSofaBed Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomLoweredSink Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    EmergencyCordInBathRoom Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomShowerChair Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoofTopPool Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    PoolCover Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomBottledWater Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomTrashCans Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomSocketNearBed Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomMobileHotSpotDevice Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomOpenAirBath Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomAirPurifiers Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    FreeSpaAccess Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    FreeFitnessCenterAccess Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    PrivateBeachAccess Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    ConciergeDesk Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    FreeLaundryService Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    RoomHandSanitizer Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    SmokingAllowed Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    PetAllowed Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false)
  • true
  • false
  • None
    AirportTransportation Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ArcadeGameRoom Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    AtmBanking Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    CeilingFan Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Childcare Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Ballrooms Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    BanquetFacilities Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    BarLounge Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Dryer Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    BusinessCenter Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    CasinoGambling Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    CoffeeShopOrCafe Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ComplimentaryNewspapers Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    GarbageDisposable Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ConferenceRooms Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    CurrencyExchange Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    DryCleaningLaundry Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ElevatorLift Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    EventCatering Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ExpressCheckInCheckOut Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    FireplaceInLobby Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    FitnessCenter Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    GiftShopOrNewsstand Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    GolfCourse Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Grocery Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    HairSalon Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    KitchenRange Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    KidsActivities Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Refrigerator Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    LiveEntertainment Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    SmokeFreeZone Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    MeetingRoomsSmallGroups Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    PetsAllowed Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    PorterBellhop Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    RestaurantOnSite Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    RoomService Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    SafeDeposit Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Stove Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Security Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ShoeShine Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ShoppingNearby Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Spa Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Washer Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ControlledAccess Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    PetPark Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    TennisCourts Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    TranslationServices Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    VideoLibrary Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    WeddingServices Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Whirlpool Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Beachfront Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Bicycles Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    BilliardsAndDarts Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    CarRental Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    CoffeeMakerHairDryerIron Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Dancing Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    DisabledAccess Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ExecutiveSuite Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    FamilyFriendly Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Karaoke Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    MinibarFridge Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    NoAirConditioning Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    NoElevator Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    NoKids Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    NoPhone Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    NoTelevision Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    NonSmokingRooms Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    PhoneVoicemail Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    PicnicTablesBarbecueGrills Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    PrivatePartyRooms Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    TriviaGame Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    PowerAdapters Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ConnectedRoomsSuites Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    OutdoorRecreation Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ThemeRooms Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ExtendedStay Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    HoneymoonSuite Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Skiing Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ClubHouse Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ActivityRoom Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    SprinklerSystem Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Courtyard Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    DiningRoom Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Open24Hours Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    EmergencyRoadService Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ServiceRepair Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    CarWash Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    OilChange Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ConvenienceStore Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    SupermarketWarehouseStore Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Deli Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    LoyaltyProgram Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    InterstateAccess Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    CashOrClubDiscount Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    SafetyEmissionsInspection Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    SnacksSodaCoffeeCandy Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    RideSharing Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ElectricCharger Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ShuttleService Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ReEntryService Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Validation Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    UnobstructedParking Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    RV Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Bathhouse Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Dumpstation Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Hotshowers Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Gas Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Laundry Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Noshowers Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Propane Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Waterspigots Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Restroom Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Water Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Firewood Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    FoodStorageLocker Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    PicnicArea Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    PicnicShelters Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    RiverAccess Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    LanternPosts Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    IceMachine Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    NoWater Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    NoToilet Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    PrivateRooms Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    MobilePhonesPermitted Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    FamilyAccomodation Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Pharmacy Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    PublicTelephone Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    PlayArea Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    SingleSexAccomodationOnly Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Tailgating Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    OfficialVenue Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    CoveredParking Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ListeningDevice Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Disabled Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    StadiumSeating Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    CreditCardsAccepted Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    BathTubs Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    CarParking Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    CycleParking Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Shop Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    StepFreeAccess Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Camping Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Fishing Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Boating Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Swimming Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Hunting Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Bicycling Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Kayaking Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Canoeing Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Paddling Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Surfing Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Snorkeling Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ScubaDiving Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    IceSkating Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Sledding Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Snowmobiling Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    HorseRiding Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Geocaching Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Crabing Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Birding Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Climbing Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Rappelling Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    HikingTrails Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    HorseTrails Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Beaches Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Marinas Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Wildlife Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    BasketballCourts Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Vollyball Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Playground Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    VisitorCenter Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ParkStore Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Lodging Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ElectricSites Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Museums Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    HistoricalSite Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    FamilyPrograms Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Tours Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    OverheadClearance Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Handicap Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Garage Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Handrails Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    DesignatedSmokingArea Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    AllergyFreeRooms Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    SacredPlaces Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    EnglishSpoken Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    FrontDesk24Hour Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    StorageForBelongings Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    PackedFood Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Garden Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Library Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    GayFriendly Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Squash Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    TableTennis Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    DesignHotel Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    PetsNotAllowed Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ValetParking Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    BabyChangingFacility Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    BereavementSupport Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    BrailleTranslationService Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    DisabledParking Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    DisabledWC Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    InductionLoop Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    OnsiteChapel Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ParentAndBabyRoom Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    ParentAndChildParking Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    MoneyOrder Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Notary Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    PassportPhoto Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    PassportAcceptance Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    FreightService Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    DangerousGood Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    CopyAndPrint Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    OfficeSuppliesAndServices Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Jacuzzi Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    MovieRoom Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    IndoorCommonArea Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    OutdoorCommonArea Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    HomeworkHelp Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    StudyRooms Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    PublicComputers Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    Storytimes Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    MeetingRooms Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    PramPark Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    PrayerArea Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    RnidTypeTalk Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false
    SigningService Optional. Data type is boolean.

    A value that determines whether the amenity is available in the room. Valid values are:
    - 1 (true)
    - 0 (false)
    - true
    - false