17 Mac, 9 PTG - 21 Mac, 10 PG
Sertai siri perjumpaan untuk membina penyelesaian AI berskala berdasarkan kes penggunaan dunia sebenar dengan rakan pembangun dan pakar.
Daftar sekarangPelayar ini tidak lagi disokong.
Naik taraf kepada Microsoft Edge untuk memanfaatkan ciri, kemas kini keselamatan dan sokongan teknikal yang terkini.
The Azure Cosmos DB input binding uses the SQL API to retrieve one or more Azure Cosmos DB documents and passes them to the input parameter of the function. The document ID or query parameters can be determined based on the trigger that invokes the function.
For information on setup and configuration details, see the overview.
When the collection is partitioned, lookup operations must also specify the partition key value.
This article uses tabs to support multiple versions of the Node.js programming model. The v4 model is generally available and is designed to have a more flexible and intuitive experience for JavaScript and TypeScript developers. For more details about how the v4 model works, refer to the Azure Functions Node.js developer guide. To learn more about the differences between v3 and v4, refer to the migration guide.
Azure Functions supports two programming models for Python. The way that you define your bindings depends on your chosen programming model.
The Python v2 programming model lets you define bindings using decorators directly in your Python function code. For more information, see the Python developer guide.
This article supports both programming models.
Unless otherwise noted, examples in this article target version 3.x of the Azure Cosmos DB extension. For use with extension version 4.x, you need to replace the string collection
in property and attribute names with container
A C# function can be created by using one of the following C# modes:
Support will end for the in-process model on November 10, 2026. We highly recommend that you migrate your apps to the isolated worker model for full support.
This section contains the following examples for using in-process C# class library functions with extension version 3.x:
The examples refer to a simple ToDoItem
namespace CosmosDBSamplesV2
public class ToDoItem
public string Id { get; set; }
public string PartitionKey { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
The following example shows a C# function that retrieves a single document. The function is triggered by a queue message that contains a JSON object. The queue trigger parses the JSON into an object of type ToDoItemLookup
, which contains the ID and partition key value to look up. That ID and partition key value are used to retrieve a ToDoItem
document from the specified database and collection.
namespace CosmosDBSamplesV2
public class ToDoItemLookup
public string ToDoItemId { get; set; }
public string ToDoItemPartitionKeyValue { get; set; }
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace CosmosDBSamplesV2
public static class DocByIdFromJSON
public static void Run(
[QueueTrigger("todoqueueforlookup")] ToDoItemLookup toDoItemLookup,
databaseName: "ToDoItems",
collectionName: "Items",
ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDBConnection",
Id = "{ToDoItemId}",
PartitionKey = "{ToDoItemPartitionKeyValue}")]ToDoItem toDoItem,
ILogger log)
log.LogInformation($"C# Queue trigger function processed Id={toDoItemLookup?.ToDoItemId} Key={toDoItemLookup?.ToDoItemPartitionKeyValue}");
if (toDoItem == null)
log.LogInformation($"ToDo item not found");
log.LogInformation($"Found ToDo item, Description={toDoItem.Description}");
The following example shows a C# function that retrieves a single document. The function is triggered by an HTTP request that uses a query string to specify the ID and partition key value to look up. That ID and partition key value are used to retrieve a ToDoItem
document from the specified database and collection.
The HTTP query string parameter is case-sensitive.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Http;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace CosmosDBSamplesV2
public static class DocByIdFromQueryString
public static IActionResult Run(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)]
HttpRequest req,
databaseName: "ToDoItems",
collectionName: "Items",
ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDBConnection",
Id = "{}",
PartitionKey = "{Query.partitionKey}")] ToDoItem toDoItem,
ILogger log)
log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");
if (toDoItem == null)
log.LogInformation($"ToDo item not found");
log.LogInformation($"Found ToDo item, Description={toDoItem.Description}");
return new OkResult();
The following example shows a C# function that retrieves a single document. The function is triggered by an HTTP request that uses route data to specify the ID and partition key value to look up. That ID and partition key value are used to retrieve a ToDoItem
document from the specified database and collection.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Http;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace CosmosDBSamplesV2
public static class DocByIdFromRouteData
public static IActionResult Run(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post",
Route = "todoitems/{partitionKey}/{id}")]HttpRequest req,
databaseName: "ToDoItems",
collectionName: "Items",
ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDBConnection",
Id = "{id}",
PartitionKey = "{partitionKey}")] ToDoItem toDoItem,
ILogger log)
log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");
if (toDoItem == null)
log.LogInformation($"ToDo item not found");
log.LogInformation($"Found ToDo item, Description={toDoItem.Description}");
return new OkResult();
The following example shows a C# function that retrieves a single document. The function is triggered by an HTTP request that uses route data to specify the ID to look up. That ID is used to retrieve a ToDoItem
document from the specified database and collection.
The example shows how to use a binding expression in the SqlQuery
parameter. You can pass route data to the SqlQuery
parameter as shown, but currently you can't pass query string values.
If you need to query by just the ID, it is recommended to use a look up, like the previous examples, as it will consume less request units. Point read operations (GET) are more efficient than queries by ID.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Http;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace CosmosDBSamplesV2
public static class DocByIdFromRouteDataUsingSqlQuery
public static IActionResult Run(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post",
Route = "todoitems2/{id}")]HttpRequest req,
[CosmosDB("ToDoItems", "Items",
ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDBConnection",
SqlQuery = "select * from ToDoItems r where = {id}")]
IEnumerable<ToDoItem> toDoItems,
ILogger log)
log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");
foreach (ToDoItem toDoItem in toDoItems)
return new OkResult();
The following example shows a C# function that retrieves a list of documents. The function is triggered by an HTTP request. The query is specified in the SqlQuery
attribute property.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Http;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace CosmosDBSamplesV2
public static class DocsBySqlQuery
public static IActionResult Run(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)]
HttpRequest req,
databaseName: "ToDoItems",
collectionName: "Items",
ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDBConnection",
SqlQuery = "SELECT top 2 * FROM c order by c._ts desc")]
IEnumerable<ToDoItem> toDoItems,
ILogger log)
log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");
foreach (ToDoItem toDoItem in toDoItems)
return new OkResult();
The following example shows a C# function that retrieves a list of documents. The function is triggered by an HTTP request. The code uses a DocumentClient
instance provided by the Azure Cosmos DB binding to read a list of documents. The DocumentClient
instance could also be used for write operations.
You can also use the IDocumentClient interface to make testing easier.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client;
using Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Linq;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Http;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CosmosDBSamplesV2
public static class DocsByUsingDocumentClient
public static async Task<IActionResult> Run(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post",
Route = null)]HttpRequest req,
databaseName: "ToDoItems",
collectionName: "Items",
ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDBConnection")] DocumentClient client,
ILogger log)
log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");
var searchterm = req.Query["searchterm"];
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchterm))
return (ActionResult)new NotFoundResult();
Uri collectionUri = UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri("ToDoItems", "Items");
log.LogInformation($"Searching for: {searchterm}");
IDocumentQuery<ToDoItem> query = client.CreateDocumentQuery<ToDoItem>(collectionUri)
.Where(p => p.Description.Contains(searchterm))
while (query.HasMoreResults)
foreach (ToDoItem result in await query.ExecuteNextAsync())
return new OkResult();
The following example shows a C# function that retrieves a list of documents. The function is triggered by an HTTP request. The code uses a CosmosClient
instance provided by the Azure Cosmos DB binding, available in extension version 4.x, to read a list of documents. The CosmosClient
instance could also be used for write operations.
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Http;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace CosmosDBSamplesV2
public static class DocsByUsingCosmosClient
public static async Task<IActionResult> Run(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post",
Route = null)]HttpRequest req,
databaseName: "ToDoItems",
containerName: "Items",
Connection = "CosmosDBConnection")] CosmosClient client,
ILogger log)
log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");
var searchterm = req.Query["searchterm"].ToString();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchterm))
return (ActionResult)new NotFoundResult();
Container container = client.GetDatabase("ToDoItems").GetContainer("Items");
log.LogInformation($"Searching for: {searchterm}");
QueryDefinition queryDefinition = new QueryDefinition(
"SELECT * FROM items i WHERE CONTAINS(i.Description, @searchterm)")
.WithParameter("@searchterm", searchterm);
using (FeedIterator<ToDoItem> resultSet = container.GetItemQueryIterator<ToDoItem>(queryDefinition))
while (resultSet.HasMoreResults)
FeedResponse<ToDoItem> response = await resultSet.ReadNextAsync();
ToDoItem item = response.First();
return new OkResult();
This section contains the following examples:
The examples refer to a simple ToDoItem
public class ToDoItem {
private String id;
private String description;
public String getId() {
return id;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public String toString() {
return "ToDoItem={id=" + id + ",description=" + description + "}";
The following example shows a Java function that retrieves a single document. The function is triggered by an HTTP request that uses a query string to specify the ID and partition key value to look up. That ID and partition key value are used to retrieve a document from the specified database and collection, in String form.
public class DocByIdFromQueryString {
public HttpResponseMessage run(
@HttpTrigger(name = "req",
methods = {HttpMethod.GET, HttpMethod.POST},
authLevel = AuthorizationLevel.ANONYMOUS)
HttpRequestMessage<Optional<String>> request,
@CosmosDBInput(name = "database",
databaseName = "ToDoList",
collectionName = "Items",
id = "{}",
partitionKey = "{Query.partitionKeyValue}",
connectionStringSetting = "Cosmos_DB_Connection_String")
Optional<String> item,
final ExecutionContext context) {
// Item list
context.getLogger().info("Parameters are: " + request.getQueryParameters());
context.getLogger().info("String from the database is " + (item.isPresent() ? item.get() : null));
// Convert and display
if (!item.isPresent()) {
return request.createResponseBuilder(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
.body("Document not found.")
else {
// return JSON from Cosmos. Alternatively, we can parse the JSON string
// and return an enriched JSON object.
return request.createResponseBuilder(HttpStatus.OK)
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
In the Java functions runtime library, use the @CosmosDBInput
annotation on function parameters whose value would come from Azure Cosmos DB. This annotation can be used with native Java types, POJOs, or nullable values using Optional<T>
The following example shows a Java function that retrieves a single document. The function is triggered by an HTTP request that uses a query string to specify the ID and partition key value to look up. That ID and partition key value used to retrieve a document from the specified database and collection. The document is then converted to an instance of the ToDoItem
POJO previously created, and passed as an argument to the function.
public class DocByIdFromQueryStringPojo {
public HttpResponseMessage run(
@HttpTrigger(name = "req",
methods = {HttpMethod.GET, HttpMethod.POST},
authLevel = AuthorizationLevel.ANONYMOUS)
HttpRequestMessage<Optional<String>> request,
@CosmosDBInput(name = "database",
databaseName = "ToDoList",
collectionName = "Items",
id = "{}",
partitionKey = "{Query.partitionKeyValue}",
connectionStringSetting = "Cosmos_DB_Connection_String")
ToDoItem item,
final ExecutionContext context) {
// Item list
context.getLogger().info("Parameters are: " + request.getQueryParameters());
context.getLogger().info("Item from the database is " + item);
// Convert and display
if (item == null) {
return request.createResponseBuilder(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
.body("Document not found.")
else {
return request.createResponseBuilder(HttpStatus.OK)
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
The following example shows a Java function that retrieves a single document. The function is triggered by an HTTP request that uses a route parameter to specify the ID and partition key value to look up. That ID and partition key value are used to retrieve a document from the specified database and collection, returning it as an Optional<String>
public class DocByIdFromRoute {
public HttpResponseMessage run(
@HttpTrigger(name = "req",
methods = {HttpMethod.GET, HttpMethod.POST},
authLevel = AuthorizationLevel.ANONYMOUS,
route = "todoitems/{partitionKeyValue}/{id}")
HttpRequestMessage<Optional<String>> request,
@CosmosDBInput(name = "database",
databaseName = "ToDoList",
collectionName = "Items",
id = "{id}",
partitionKey = "{partitionKeyValue}",
connectionStringSetting = "Cosmos_DB_Connection_String")
Optional<String> item,
final ExecutionContext context) {
// Item list
context.getLogger().info("Parameters are: " + request.getQueryParameters());
context.getLogger().info("String from the database is " + (item.isPresent() ? item.get() : null));
// Convert and display
if (!item.isPresent()) {
return request.createResponseBuilder(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
.body("Document not found.")
else {
// return JSON from Cosmos. Alternatively, we can parse the JSON string
// and return an enriched JSON object.
return request.createResponseBuilder(HttpStatus.OK)
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
The following example shows a Java function that retrieves a single document. The function is triggered by an HTTP request that uses a route parameter to specify the ID to look up. That ID is used to retrieve a document from the specified database and collection, converting the result set to a ToDoItem[]
, since many documents may be returned, depending on the query criteria.
If you need to query by just the ID, it is recommended to use a look up, like the previous examples, as it will consume less request units. Point read operations (GET) are more efficient than queries by ID.
public class DocByIdFromRouteSqlQuery {
public HttpResponseMessage run(
@HttpTrigger(name = "req",
methods = {HttpMethod.GET, HttpMethod.POST},
authLevel = AuthorizationLevel.ANONYMOUS,
route = "todoitems2/{id}")
HttpRequestMessage<Optional<String>> request,
@CosmosDBInput(name = "database",
databaseName = "ToDoList",
collectionName = "Items",
sqlQuery = "select * from Items r where = {id}",
connectionStringSetting = "Cosmos_DB_Connection_String")
ToDoItem[] item,
final ExecutionContext context) {
// Item list
context.getLogger().info("Parameters are: " + request.getQueryParameters());
context.getLogger().info("Items from the database are " + item);
// Convert and display
if (item == null) {
return request.createResponseBuilder(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
.body("Document not found.")
else {
return request.createResponseBuilder(HttpStatus.OK)
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
The following example shows a Java function that retrieves multiple documents. The function is triggered by an HTTP request that uses a route parameter desc
to specify the string to search for in the description
field. The search term is used to retrieve a collection of documents from the specified database and collection, converting the result set to a ToDoItem[]
and passing it as an argument to the function.
public class DocsFromRouteSqlQuery {
public HttpResponseMessage run(
@HttpTrigger(name = "req",
methods = {HttpMethod.GET},
authLevel = AuthorizationLevel.ANONYMOUS,
route = "todoitems3/{desc}")
HttpRequestMessage<Optional<String>> request,
@CosmosDBInput(name = "database",
databaseName = "ToDoList",
collectionName = "Items",
sqlQuery = "select * from Items r where contains(r.description, {desc})",
connectionStringSetting = "Cosmos_DB_Connection_String")
ToDoItem[] items,
final ExecutionContext context) {
// Item list
context.getLogger().info("Parameters are: " + request.getQueryParameters());
context.getLogger().info("Number of items from the database is " + (items == null ? 0 : items.length));
// Convert and display
if (items == null) {
return request.createResponseBuilder(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
.body("No documents found.")
else {
return request.createResponseBuilder(HttpStatus.OK)
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
This section contains the following examples that read a single document by specifying an ID value from various sources:
The following example shows a TypeScript function that reads a single document and updates the document's text value.
import { app, input, InvocationContext, output } from '@azure/functions';
const cosmosInput = input.cosmosDB({
databaseName: 'MyDatabase',
collectionName: 'MyCollection',
id: '{queueTrigger}',
partitionKey: '{queueTrigger}',
connectionStringSetting: 'MyAccount_COSMOSDB',
const cosmosOutput = output.cosmosDB({
databaseName: 'MyDatabase',
collectionName: 'MyCollection',
createIfNotExists: false,
partitionKey: '{queueTrigger}',
connectionStringSetting: 'MyAccount_COSMOSDB',
interface MyDocument {
text: string;
export async function storageQueueTrigger1(queueItem: unknown, context: InvocationContext): Promise<void> {
const doc = <MyDocument>context.extraInputs.get(cosmosInput);
doc.text = 'This was updated!';
context.extraOutputs.set(cosmosOutput, doc);
app.storageQueue('storageQueueTrigger1', {
queueName: 'outqueue',
connection: 'MyStorageConnectionAppSetting',
extraInputs: [cosmosInput],
extraOutputs: [cosmosOutput],
handler: storageQueueTrigger1,
The following example shows a TypeScript function that retrieves a single document. The function is triggered by an HTTP request that uses a query string to specify the ID and partition key value to look up. That ID and partition key value are used to retrieve a ToDoItem
document from the specified database and collection.
import { app, HttpRequest, HttpResponseInit, input, InvocationContext } from '@azure/functions';
const cosmosInput = input.cosmosDB({
databaseName: 'ToDoItems',
collectionName: 'Items',
id: '{}',
partitionKey: '{Query.partitionKeyValue}',
connectionStringSetting: 'CosmosDBConnection',
interface ToDoDocument {
description: string;
export async function httpTrigger1(request: HttpRequest, context: InvocationContext): Promise<HttpResponseInit> {
const toDoItem = <ToDoDocument>context.extraInputs.get(cosmosInput);
if (!toDoItem) {
return {
status: 404,
body: 'ToDo item not found',
} else {
return {
body: `Found ToDo item, Description=${toDoItem.description}`,
app.http('httpTrigger1', {
methods: ['GET', 'POST'],
authLevel: 'anonymous',
extraInputs: [cosmosInput],
handler: httpTrigger1,
The following example shows a TypeScript function that retrieves a single document. The function is triggered by an HTTP request that uses route data to specify the ID and partition key value to look up. That ID and partition key value are used to retrieve a ToDoItem
document from the specified database and collection.
import { app, HttpRequest, HttpResponseInit, input, InvocationContext } from '@azure/functions';
const cosmosInput = input.cosmosDB({
databaseName: 'ToDoItems',
collectionName: 'Items',
id: '{id}',
partitionKey: '{partitionKeyValue}',
connectionStringSetting: 'CosmosDBConnection',
interface ToDoDocument {
description: string;
export async function httpTrigger1(request: HttpRequest, context: InvocationContext): Promise<HttpResponseInit> {
const toDoItem = <ToDoDocument>context.extraInputs.get(cosmosInput);
if (!toDoItem) {
return {
status: 404,
body: 'ToDo item not found',
} else {
return {
body: `Found ToDo item, Description=${toDoItem.description}`,
app.http('httpTrigger1', {
methods: ['GET', 'POST'],
authLevel: 'anonymous',
route: 'todoitems/{partitionKeyValue}/{id}',
extraInputs: [cosmosInput],
handler: httpTrigger1,
The following example shows a TypeScript function that retrieves multiple documents specified by a SQL query, using a queue trigger to customize the query parameters.
The queue trigger provides a parameter departmentId
. A queue message of { "departmentId" : "Finance" }
would return all records for the finance department.
import { app, input, InvocationContext } from '@azure/functions';
const cosmosInput = input.cosmosDB({
databaseName: 'MyDb',
collectionName: 'MyCollection',
sqlQuery: 'SELECT * from c where c.departmentId = {departmentId}',
connectionStringSetting: 'CosmosDBConnection',
interface MyDocument {}
export async function storageQueueTrigger1(queueItem: unknown, context: InvocationContext): Promise<void> {
const documents = <MyDocument[]>context.extraInputs.get(cosmosInput);
for (const document of documents) {
// operate on each document
app.storageQueue('storageQueueTrigger1', {
queueName: 'outqueue',
connection: 'MyStorageConnectionAppSetting',
extraInputs: [cosmosInput],
handler: storageQueueTrigger1,
This section contains the following examples that read a single document by specifying an ID value from various sources:
The following example shows a JavaScript function that reads a single document and updates the document's text value.
const { app, input, output } = require('@azure/functions');
const cosmosInput = input.cosmosDB({
databaseName: 'MyDatabase',
collectionName: 'MyCollection',
id: '{queueTrigger}',
partitionKey: '{queueTrigger}',
connectionStringSetting: 'MyAccount_COSMOSDB',
const cosmosOutput = output.cosmosDB({
databaseName: 'MyDatabase',
collectionName: 'MyCollection',
createIfNotExists: false,
partitionKey: '{queueTrigger}',
connectionStringSetting: 'MyAccount_COSMOSDB',
app.storageQueue('storageQueueTrigger1', {
queueName: 'outqueue',
connection: 'MyStorageConnectionAppSetting',
extraInputs: [cosmosInput],
extraOutputs: [cosmosOutput],
handler: (queueItem, context) => {
const doc = context.extraInputs.get(cosmosInput);
doc.text = 'This was updated!';
context.extraOutputs.set(cosmosOutput, doc);
The following example shows a JavaScript function that retrieves a single document. The function is triggered by an HTTP request that uses a query string to specify the ID and partition key value to look up. That ID and partition key value are used to retrieve a ToDoItem
document from the specified database and collection.
const { app, input } = require('@azure/functions');
const cosmosInput = input.cosmosDB({
databaseName: 'ToDoItems',
collectionName: 'Items',
id: '{}',
partitionKey: '{Query.partitionKeyValue}',
connectionStringSetting: 'CosmosDBConnection',
app.http('httpTrigger1', {
methods: ['GET', 'POST'],
authLevel: 'anonymous',
extraInputs: [cosmosInput],
handler: (request, context) => {
const toDoItem = context.extraInputs.get(cosmosInput);
if (!toDoItem) {
return {
status: 404,
body: 'ToDo item not found',
} else {
return {
body: `Found ToDo item, Description=${toDoItem.Description}`,
The following example shows a JavaScript function that retrieves a single document. The function is triggered by an HTTP request that uses route data to specify the ID and partition key value to look up. That ID and partition key value are used to retrieve a ToDoItem
document from the specified database and collection.
const { app, input } = require('@azure/functions');
const cosmosInput = input.cosmosDB({
databaseName: 'ToDoItems',
collectionName: 'Items',
id: '{id}',
partitionKey: '{partitionKeyValue}',
connectionStringSetting: 'CosmosDBConnection',
app.http('httpTrigger1', {
methods: ['GET', 'POST'],
authLevel: 'anonymous',
route: 'todoitems/{partitionKeyValue}/{id}',
extraInputs: [cosmosInput],
handler: (request, context) => {
const toDoItem = context.extraInputs.get(cosmosInput);
if (!toDoItem) {
return {
status: 404,
body: 'ToDo item not found',
} else {
return {
body: `Found ToDo item, Description=${toDoItem.Description}`,
The following example shows a JavaScript function that retrieves multiple documents specified by a SQL query, using a queue trigger to customize the query parameters.
The queue trigger provides a parameter departmentId
. A queue message of { "departmentId" : "Finance" }
would return all records for the finance department.
const { app, input } = require('@azure/functions');
const cosmosInput = input.cosmosDB({
databaseName: 'MyDb',
collectionName: 'MyCollection',
sqlQuery: 'SELECT * from c where c.departmentId = {departmentId}',
connectionStringSetting: 'CosmosDBConnection',
app.storageQueue('storageQueueTrigger1', {
queueName: 'outqueue',
connection: 'MyStorageConnectionAppSetting',
extraInputs: [cosmosInput],
handler: (queueItem, context) => {
const documents = context.extraInputs.get(cosmosInput);
for (const document of documents) {
// operate on each document
The following example demonstrates how to read and update a single Azure Cosmos DB document. The document's unique identifier is provided through JSON value in a queue message.
The Azure Cosmos DB input binding is listed first in the list of bindings found in the function's configuration file (function.json).
"name": "InputDocumentIn",
"type": "cosmosDB",
"databaseName": "MyDatabase",
"collectionName": "MyCollection",
"id": "{queueTrigger_payload_property}",
"partitionKey": "{queueTrigger_payload_property}",
"connectionStringSetting": "CosmosDBConnection",
"direction": "in"
"name": "InputDocumentOut",
"type": "cosmosDB",
"databaseName": "MyDatabase",
"collectionName": "MyCollection",
"createIfNotExists": false,
"partitionKey": "{queueTrigger_payload_property}",
"connectionStringSetting": "CosmosDBConnection",
"direction": "out"
The run.ps1 file has the PowerShell code which reads the incoming document and outputs changes.
param($QueueItem, $InputDocumentIn, $TriggerMetadata)
$Document = $InputDocumentIn
$Document.text = 'This was updated!'
Push-OutputBinding -Name InputDocumentOut -Value $Document
The following example demonstrates how to read and update a single Azure Cosmos DB document from a web API. The document's unique identifier is provided through a querystring parameter from the HTTP request, as defined in the binding's "Id": "{Query.Id}"
The Azure Cosmos DB input binding is listed first in the list of bindings found in the function's configuration file (function.json).
"bindings": [
"type": "cosmosDB",
"name": "ToDoItem",
"databaseName": "ToDoItems",
"collectionName": "Items",
"connectionStringSetting": "CosmosDBConnection",
"direction": "in",
"Id": "{}",
"PartitionKey": "{Query.partitionKeyValue}"
"authLevel": "anonymous",
"name": "Request",
"type": "httpTrigger",
"direction": "in",
"methods": [
"name": "Response",
"type": "http",
"direction": "out"
"disabled": false
The run.ps1 file has the PowerShell code which reads the incoming document and outputs changes.
using namespace System.Net
param($Request, $ToDoItem, $TriggerMetadata)
Write-Host 'PowerShell HTTP trigger function processed a request'
if (-not $ToDoItem) {
Write-Host 'ToDo item not found'
Push-OutputBinding -Name Response -Value ([HttpResponseContext]@{
StatusCode = [HttpStatusCode]::NotFound
Body = $ToDoItem.Description
} else {
Write-Host "Found ToDo item, Description=$($ToDoItem.Description)"
Push-OutputBinding -Name Response -Value ([HttpResponseContext]@{
StatusCode = [HttpStatusCode]::OK
Body = $ToDoItem.Description
The following example demonstrates how to read and update a single Azure Cosmos DB document from a web API. The document's unique identifier is provided through a route parameter. The route parameter is defined in the HTTP request binding's route
property and referenced in the Azure Cosmos DB "Id": "{Id}"
binding property.
The Azure Cosmos DB input binding is listed first in the list of bindings found in the function's configuration file (function.json).
"bindings": [
"type": "cosmosDB",
"name": "ToDoItem",
"databaseName": "ToDoItems",
"collectionName": "Items",
"connectionStringSetting": "CosmosDBConnection",
"direction": "in",
"Id": "{id}",
"PartitionKey": "{partitionKeyValue}"
"authLevel": "anonymous",
"name": "Request",
"type": "httpTrigger",
"direction": "in",
"methods": [
"route": "todoitems/{partitionKeyValue}/{id}"
"name": "Response",
"type": "http",
"direction": "out"
"disabled": false
The run.ps1 file has the PowerShell code which reads the incoming document and outputs changes.
using namespace System.Net
param($Request, $ToDoItem, $TriggerMetadata)
Write-Host 'PowerShell HTTP trigger function processed a request'
if (-not $ToDoItem) {
Write-Host 'ToDo item not found'
Push-OutputBinding -Name Response -Value ([HttpResponseContext]@{
StatusCode = [HttpStatusCode]::NotFound
Body = $ToDoItem.Description
} else {
Write-Host "Found ToDo item, Description=$($ToDoItem.Description)"
Push-OutputBinding -Name Response -Value ([HttpResponseContext]@{
StatusCode = [HttpStatusCode]::OK
Body = $ToDoItem.Description
The following example demonstrates how to read multiple Azure Cosmos DB documents. The function's configuration file (function.json) defines the binding properties, which includes the sqlQuery
. The SQL statement provided to the sqlQuery
property selects the set of documents provided to the function.
"name": "Documents",
"type": "cosmosDB",
"direction": "in",
"databaseName": "MyDb",
"collectionName": "MyCollection",
"sqlQuery": "SELECT * from c where c.departmentId = {departmentId}",
"connectionStringSetting": "CosmosDBConnection"
The run1.ps1 file has the PowerShell code which reads the incoming documents.
param($QueueItem, $Documents, $TriggerMetadata)
foreach ($Document in $Documents) {
# operate on each document
This section contains the following examples that read a single document by specifying an ID value from various sources:
The examples depend on whether you use the v1 or v2 Python programming model.
The following example shows an Azure Cosmos DB input binding. The function reads a single document and updates the document's text value.
import logging
import azure.functions as func
app = func.FunctionApp()
def test_function(msg: func.QueueMessage,
inputDocument: func.DocumentList,
outputDocument: func.Out[func.Document]):
document = documents[id]
document["text"] = "This was updated!"
doc = inputDocument[0]
doc["text"] = "This was updated!"
print(f"Updated document.")
The following example shows a function that retrieves a single document. The function is triggered by an HTTP request that uses a query string to specify the ID and partition key value to look up. That ID and partition key value are used to retrieve a ToDoItem
document from the specified database and collection.
The following example shows a function that retrieves a single document. The function is triggered by an HTTP request that uses route data to specify the ID and partition key value to look up. That ID and partition key value are used to retrieve a ToDoItem
document from the specified database and collection.
The following example shows an Azure Cosmos DB input binding Python function that uses the binding. The function retrieves multiple documents specified by a SQL query, using a queue trigger to customize the query parameters.
The queue trigger provides a parameter departmentId
. A queue message of { "departmentId" : "Finance" }
would return all records for the finance department.
Both in-process and isolated worker process C# libraries use attributes to define the function. C# script instead uses a function.json configuration file as described in the C# scripting guide.
Attribute property | Description |
Connection | The name of an app setting or setting collection that specifies how to connect to the Azure Cosmos DB account being queried. For more information, see Connections. |
DatabaseName | The name of the Azure Cosmos DB database with the container being monitored. |
ContainerName | The name of the container being monitored. |
PartitionKey | Specifies the partition key value for the lookup. May include binding parameters. It is required for lookups in partitioned containers. |
Id | The ID of the document to retrieve. This property supports binding expressions. Don't set both the Id and SqlQuery properties. If you don't set either one, the entire container is retrieved. |
SqlQuery | An Azure Cosmos DB SQL query used for retrieving multiple documents. The property supports runtime bindings, as in this example: SELECT * FROM c where c.departmentId = {departmentId} . Don't set both the Id and SqlQuery properties. If you don't set either one, the entire container is retrieved. |
PreferredLocations | (Optional) Defines preferred locations (regions) for geo-replicated database accounts in the Azure Cosmos DB service. Values should be comma-separated. For example, East US,South Central US,North Europe . |
Applies only to the Python v2 programming model.
Python v2 functions are defined using the cosmos_db_input
decorator, which supports these properties, depending on the extension version:
Property | Description |
arg_name |
The variable name used in function code that represents the list of documents with changes. |
database_name |
The name of the Azure Cosmos DB database with the collection being monitored. |
container_name |
The name of the Azure Cosmos DB collection being monitored. |
connection |
The connection string of the Azure Cosmos DB being monitored. |
partition_key |
The partition key of the Azure Cosmos DB being monitored. |
id |
The ID of the document to retrieve. |
For Python functions defined by using function.json, see the Configuration section.
From the Java functions runtime library, use the @CosmosDBInput
annotation on parameters that read from Azure Cosmos DB. The annotation supports the following properties:
Applies only to the Python v1 programming model.
The following table explains the binding configuration properties that you set in the function.json file, where properties differ by extension version:
function.json property | Description |
type | Must be set to cosmosDB . |
direction | Must be set to in . |
name | The variable name used in function code that represents the list of documents with changes. |
connection | The name of an app setting or setting container that specifies how to connect to the Azure Cosmos DB account being monitored. For more information, see Connections. |
databaseName | The name of the Azure Cosmos DB database with the container being monitored. |
containerName | The name of the container being monitored. |
partitionKey | Specifies the partition key value for the lookup. May include binding parameters. It is required for lookups in partitioned containers. |
id | The ID of the document to retrieve. This property supports binding expressions. Don't set both the id and sqlQuery properties. If you don't set either one, the entire container is retrieved. |
sqlQuery | An Azure Cosmos DB SQL query used for retrieving multiple documents. The property supports runtime bindings, as in this example: SELECT * FROM c where c.departmentId = {departmentId} . Don't set both the id and sqlQuery properties. If you don't set either one, the entire container is retrieved. |
preferredLocations | (Optional) Defines preferred locations (regions) for geo-replicated database accounts in the Azure Cosmos DB service. Values should be comma-separated. For example, East US,South Central US,North Europe . |
See the Example section for complete examples.
When the function exits successfully, any changes made to the input document are automatically persisted.
The parameter type supported by the Cosmos DB input binding depends on the Functions runtime version, the extension package version, and the C# modality used.
See Binding types for a list of supported types.
From the Java functions runtime library, the @CosmosDBInput annotation exposes Azure Cosmos DB data to the function. This annotation can be used with native Java types, POJOs, or nullable values using Optional<T>
Updates to documents are not made automatically upon function exit. To update documents in a function use an output binding. See the PowerShell example for more detail.
Data is made available to the function via a DocumentList
parameter. Changes made to the document are not automatically persisted.
The connectionStringSetting
and leaseConnectionStringSetting
properties are references to environment configuration which specifies how the app should connect to Azure Cosmos DB. They may specify:
and leaseConnection
versions from version 4.x or higher of the extension.If the configured value is both an exact match for a single setting and a prefix match for other settings, the exact match is used.
The connection string for your database account should be stored in an application setting with a name matching the value specified by the connection property of the binding configuration.
If you are using version 4.x or higher of the extension, instead of using a connection string with a secret, you can have the app use an Microsoft Entra identity. To do this, you would define settings under a common prefix which maps to the connection property in the trigger and binding configuration.
In this mode, the extension requires the following properties:
Property | Environment variable template | Description | Example value |
Account Endpoint | <CONNECTION_NAME_PREFIX>__accountEndpoint |
The Azure Cosmos DB account endpoint URI. | https://<database_account_name> |
Additional properties may be set to customize the connection. See Common properties for identity-based connections.
When hosted in the Azure Functions service, identity-based connections use a managed identity. The system-assigned identity is used by default, although a user-assigned identity can be specified with the credential
and clientID
properties. Note that configuring a user-assigned identity with a resource ID is not supported. When run in other contexts, such as local development, your developer identity is used instead, although this can be customized. See Local development with identity-based connections.
Whatever identity is being used must have permissions to perform the intended actions. For most Azure services, this means you need to assign a role in Azure RBAC, using either built-in or custom roles which provide those permissions.
Some permissions might be exposed by the target service that are not necessary for all contexts. Where possible, adhere to the principle of least privilege, granting the identity only required privileges. For example, if the app only needs to be able to read from a data source, use a role that only has permission to read. It would be inappropriate to assign a role that also allows writing to that service, as this would be excessive permission for a read operation. Similarly, you would want to ensure the role assignment is scoped only over the resources that need to be read.
Cosmos DB does not use Azure RBAC for data operations. Instead, it uses a Cosmos DB built-in RBAC system which is built on similar concepts. You will need to create a role assignment that provides access to your database account at runtime. Azure RBAC Management roles like Owner are not sufficient. The following table shows built-in roles that are recommended when using the Azure Cosmos DB extension in normal operation. Your application may require additional permissions based on the code you write.
Binding type | Example built-in roles1 |
Trigger2 | Cosmos DB Built-in Data Contributor |
Input binding | Cosmos DB Built-in Data Reader |
Output binding | Cosmos DB Built-in Data Contributor |
1 These roles cannot be used in an Azure RBAC role assignment. See the Cosmos DB built-in RBAC system documentation for details on how to assign these roles.
2 When using identity, Cosmos DB treats container creation as a management operation. It is not available as a data-plane operation for the trigger. You will need to ensure that you create the containers needed by the trigger (including the lease container) before setting up your function.
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