WMATA (Independent Publisher) (Preview)

This connector provides access to various services of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA).

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Richard Wilson
URL https://www.richardawilson.com
Email richard.a.wilson@microsoft.com
Connector Metadata
Publisher Richard Wilson, Daniel Cox
Website https://developer.wmata.com/
Privacy policy https://www.wmata.com/about/records/privacy.cfm
Categories Data

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareable


Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
API Key securestring The API Key for this api True

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Get bus GTFS RT alerts

Returns the GTFS RT service alerts feed for WMATA bus.

Get bus GTFS RT trip updates

Returns the GTFS RT trip updates feed for WMATA bus.

Get bus GTFS RT vehicle positions

Returns the GTFS RT vehicle positions feed for WMATA bus.

Get bus GTFS static

Returns the GTFS static data file for WMATA bus.

Get bus incidents

Returns a set of reported bus incidents or delays for a given route. If the Route parameter is omitted, all reported incidents are returned.

Get bus positions

Returns bus positions for the given route, with an optional search radius. If no parameters are specified, all bus positions are returned.

Get bus route details

Returns a set of ordered latitude/longitude points along a route variant along with the list of stops served.

Get bus route schedule

Returns the bus schedule for a specific route and date.

Get bus routes

Returns a list of bus routes and their variants.

Get bus stop schedule

Returns the bus schedule for a specific stop and date.

Get bus stops

Returns a list of bus stops.

Get elevator and escalator outages

Returns a list of reported elevator and escalator outages at a given station. Omit the StationCode parameter to return all reported outages.

Get live train positions

Returns uniquely identifiable trains in service and what track circuits they currently occupy. Will return an empty set of results when no positions are available.

Get next bus arrival times

Returns next bus arrival times at a specified stop.

Get next train arrival times

Returns next train arrival information for one or more stations. Will return an empty set of results when no predictions are available. Use All for the StationCodes parameter to return predictions for all stations.

Get path between rail stations

Returns a set of ordered stations and distances between two stations on the same line.

Get rail and bus combined GTFS static

Returns the GTFS static data file for WMATA rail and bus combined, updated daily.

Get rail GTFS RT alerts

Returns the GTFS RT service alerts feed for WMATA rail.

Get rail GTFS RT trip updates

Returns the GTFS RT trip updates feed for WMATA rail.

Get rail GTFS RT vehicle positions

Returns the GTFS RT vehicle positions feed for WMATA rail.

Get rail GTFS static

Returns the GTFS static data file for WMATA rail, updated daily.

Get rail incidents

Returns reported rail incidents, including significant disruptions and delays to normal service. The data is identical to WMATA's Metrorail Service Status feed.

Get rail lines

Returns information about all rail lines.

Get rail station entrances

Returns a list of nearby station entrances based on latitude, longitude, and radius.

Get rail station information

Returns station location and address information based on a given StationCode.

Get rail station list

Returns a list of station location and address information based on a given LineCode. Omit the LineCode to return all stations. The response is an array of objects identical to those returned in the Station Information method.

Get rail station parking information

Returns parking information at a station based on a given StationCode.

Get rail station times

Returns opening and scheduled first/last train times for a given StationCode.

Get rail station to rail station information

Returns travel time, distance, and fare information between two stations.

Get standard train routes

Returns an ordered list of mostly revenue (and some lead) track circuits, arranged by line and track number. This data does not change frequently and should be cached for a reasonable amount of time.

Get track circuits

Returns a list of all track circuits, including those on pocket tracks and crossovers. Each track circuit may include references to its right and left neighbors.

Get bus GTFS RT alerts

Returns the GTFS RT service alerts feed for WMATA bus.


GTFS RT service alerts feed

Get bus GTFS RT trip updates

Returns the GTFS RT trip updates feed for WMATA bus.


GTFS RT trip updates feed

Get bus GTFS RT vehicle positions

Returns the GTFS RT vehicle positions feed for WMATA bus.


GTFS RT vehicle positions feed

Get bus GTFS static

Returns the GTFS static data file for WMATA bus.


GTFS static data file

Get bus incidents

Returns a set of reported bus incidents or delays for a given route. If the Route parameter is omitted, all reported incidents are returned.


Name Key Required Type Description
Route string

Base bus route. Variations are not recognized (e.g., use C2 instead of C2v1, C2v2).


Name Path Type Description
Bus incidents
BusIncidents array of object

Array of reported bus incidents or delays.

Date updated
BusIncidents.DateUpdated date-time

Date and time (Eastern Standard Time) when the incident was last updated.

Incident description
BusIncidents.Description string

Free-text description of the delay or incident.

Incident ID
BusIncidents.IncidentID string

Unique identifier for the incident.

Incident type
BusIncidents.IncidentType string

Free-text description of the incident type, usually 'Delay' or 'Alert'.

Routes affected
BusIncidents.RoutesAffected array of string

Array of routes affected by the incident.

Get bus positions

Returns bus positions for the given route, with an optional search radius. If no parameters are specified, all bus positions are returned.


Name Key Required Type Description
Route ID
RouteID string

Base bus route, e.g., 70, 10A.

Lat number

Center point latitude, required if Longitude and Radius are specified.

Lon number

Center point longitude, required if Latitude and Radius are specified.

Radius number

Radius (meters) to include in the search area, required if Latitude and Longitude are specified.


Name Path Type Description
Bus positions
BusPositions array of object

Array containing bus position information.

Last update
BusPositions.DateTime date-time

Date and time of the last position update (Eastern Standard Time).

Schedule deviation
BusPositions.Deviation number

Deviation in minutes from the schedule. Positive values indicate the bus is running late, while negative values indicate it is ahead of schedule.

BusPositions.DirectionText string

General direction of the trip, such as NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, or WEST.

BusPositions.Lat number

Last reported latitude of the bus.

BusPositions.Lon number

Last reported longitude of the bus.

Route ID
BusPositions.RouteID string

Base route name as shown on the bus.

Trip end time
BusPositions.TripEndTime date-time

Scheduled end date and time (Eastern Standard Time) of the bus's current trip.

Trip headsign
BusPositions.TripHeadsign string

Destination of the bus.

Trip ID
BusPositions.TripID string

Unique trip ID, correlating with schedule-related data.

Vehicle ID
BusPositions.VehicleID string

Unique identifier for the bus, typically visible on the bus itself.

Get bus route details

Returns a set of ordered latitude/longitude points along a route variant along with the list of stops served.


Name Key Required Type Description
Route ID
RouteID True string

Bus route variant, e.g., 70, 10A, 10Av1.

Date string

Date in YYYY-MM-DD format for which to retrieve route and stop information. Defaults to today's date unless specified.


Name Path Type Description
Direction number
Direction0.DirectionNum string

Binary property indicating the direction (0 or 1) for the route variant.

Direction text
Direction0.DirectionText string

General direction of the route variant (e.g., NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, LOOP).

Route shape
Direction0.Shape array of object

Array containing shape point information along the route.

Direction0.Shape.Lat number

Latitude of the shape point.

Direction0.Shape.Lon number

Longitude of the shape point.

Sequence number
Direction0.Shape.SeqNum integer

Order of the point in the sequence of shape points.

Direction0.Stops array of object

Array containing stop information along the route.

Stop latitude
Direction0.Stops.Lat number

Latitude of the stop.

Stop longitude
Direction0.Stops.Lon number

Longitude of the stop.

Stop name
Direction0.Stops.Name string

Name of the stop, which may differ slightly from what is displayed on the bus.

Stop ID
Direction0.Stops.StopID string

7-digit regional ID for the stop.

Routes at stop
Direction0.Stops.Routes array of string

Array of route variants serving the stop.

Direction number
Direction1.DirectionNum string

Binary property indicating the direction (0 or 1) for the route variant.

Direction text
Direction1.DirectionText string

General direction of the route variant (e.g., NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, LOOP).

Route shape
Direction1.Shape array of object

Array containing shape point information along the route.

Direction1.Shape.Lat number

Latitude of the shape point.

Direction1.Shape.Lon number

Longitude of the shape point.

Sequence number
Direction1.Shape.SeqNum integer

Order of the point in the sequence of shape points.

Direction1.Stops array of object

Array containing stop information along the route.

Stop latitude
Direction1.Stops.Lat number

Latitude of the stop.

Stop longitude
Direction1.Stops.Lon number

Longitude of the stop.

Stop name
Direction1.Stops.Name string

Name of the stop, which may differ slightly from what is displayed on the bus.

Stop ID
Direction1.Stops.StopID string

7-digit regional ID for the stop.

Routes at stop
Direction1.Stops.Routes array of string

Array of route variants serving the stop.

Get bus route schedule

Returns the bus schedule for a specific route and date.


Name Key Required Type Description
Route ID
RouteID True string

Bus route identifier.

Date string

Date in YYYY-MM-DD format for which to retrieve the schedule. Defaults to today's date if not specified.


Name Path Type Description
Route schedules
RouteSchedules array of object

Array containing bus schedule information.

Route ID
RouteSchedules.RouteID string

Bus route identifier.

Trip ID
RouteSchedules.TripID string

Unique identifier for the trip.

Start time
RouteSchedules.StartTime date-time

Scheduled start time of the trip.

End time
RouteSchedules.EndTime date-time

Scheduled end time of the trip.

RouteSchedules.Stops array of object

Array of stops for the trip.

Stop ID
RouteSchedules.Stops.StopID string

Stop identifier.

Stop name
RouteSchedules.Stops.Name string

Name of the stop.

Arrival time
RouteSchedules.Stops.Time date-time

Scheduled arrival time at the stop.

Get bus routes

Returns a list of bus routes and their variants.


Name Path Type Description
Bus routes
Routes array of object

Array of bus routes and their variants.

Route ID
Routes.RouteID string

Bus route identifier.

Route name
Routes.Name string

Name of the bus route.

Line description
Routes.LineDescription string

Description of the bus line.

Get bus stop schedule

Returns the bus schedule for a specific stop and date.


Name Key Required Type Description
Stop ID
StopID True string

Bus stop identifier.

Date string

Date in YYYY-MM-DD format for which to retrieve the schedule. Defaults to today's date if not specified.


Name Path Type Description
Stop schedules
StopSchedules array of object

Array containing bus schedule information for the stop.

Route ID
StopSchedules.RouteID string

Bus route identifier.

Trip ID
StopSchedules.TripID string

Unique identifier for the trip.

Start time
StopSchedules.StartTime date-time

Scheduled start time of the trip.

End time
StopSchedules.EndTime date-time

Scheduled end time of the trip.

Get bus stops

Returns a list of bus stops.


Name Key Required Type Description
Lat number

Center point latitude. Required if Longitude and Radius are specified.

Lon number

Center point longitude. Required if Latitude and Radius are specified.

Radius number

Radius (meters) to include in the search area. Required if Latitude and Longitude are specified.


Name Path Type Description
Stops array of object

Array of bus stops for the specified route.

Stop ID
Stops.StopID string

Stop identifier.

Stop name
Stops.Name string

Name of the bus stop.

Stops.Lat number

Latitude of the bus stop.

Stops.Lon number

Longitude of the bus stop.

Get elevator and escalator outages

Returns a list of reported elevator and escalator outages at a given station. Omit the StationCode parameter to return all reported outages.


Name Key Required Type Description
Station code
StationCode string

Station code. Use the Station List method to return a list of all station codes.


Name Path Type Description
Elevator incidents
ElevatorIncidents array of object

Array of reported elevator and escalator outages.

Date out of service
ElevatorIncidents.DateOutOfServ date-time

Date and time (Eastern Standard Time) when the unit was reported out of service.

Date updated
ElevatorIncidents.DateUpdated date-time

Date and time (Eastern Standard Time) when the outage details were last updated.

Estimated return to service
ElevatorIncidents.EstimatedReturnToService date-time

Estimated date and time by when the unit is expected to return to normal service. May be NULL.

Location description
ElevatorIncidents.LocationDescription string

Free-text description of the unit's location within the station.

Station code
ElevatorIncidents.StationCode string

Station code for the unit's location.

Station name
ElevatorIncidents.StationName string

Full station name, may include entrance information.

Symptom description
ElevatorIncidents.SymptomDescription string

Description for why the unit is out of service or otherwise in reduced operation.

Unit name
ElevatorIncidents.UnitName string

Unique identifier for the unit.

Unit type
ElevatorIncidents.UnitType string

Type of unit. Will be either 'ELEVATOR' or 'ESCALATOR'.

Get live train positions

Returns uniquely identifiable trains in service and what track circuits they currently occupy. Will return an empty set of results when no positions are available.


Name Path Type Description
Train positions
TrainPositions array of object

Array containing train position information.

Train ID
TrainPositions.TrainId string

Uniquely identifiable internal train identifier.

Train number
TrainPositions.TrainNumber string

Non-unique train identifier used by WMATA.

Car count
TrainPositions.CarCount integer

Number of cars in the train. Can sometimes be 0 when no data is available.

Direction number
TrainPositions.DirectionNum integer

Direction of movement. 1 is northbound/eastbound, 2 is southbound/westbound.

Circuit ID
TrainPositions.CircuitId integer

The circuit identifier the train is currently on.

Destination station code
TrainPositions.DestinationStationCode string

Destination station code. Can be NULL.

Line code
TrainPositions.LineCode string

Two-letter abbreviation for the line.

Seconds at location
TrainPositions.SecondsAtLocation integer

Approximate dwell time at the current track circuit.

Service type
TrainPositions.ServiceType string

Service type of the train, such as Normal or Special.

Get next bus arrival times

Returns next bus arrival times at a specified stop.


Name Key Required Type Description
Stop ID
StopID True string

7-digit regional stop ID.


Name Path Type Description
Stop name
StopName string

Full name of the bus stop.

Bus predictions
Predictions array of object

Array of bus arrival predictions at the stop.

Direction number
Predictions.DirectionNum string

Binary direction of the bus (0 or 1), indicating opposite directions for the same route.

Direction text
Predictions.DirectionText string

Customer-friendly description of the bus direction and destination.

Minutes to arrival
Predictions.Minutes integer

Minutes until the bus arrives at the stop.

Route ID
Predictions.RouteID string

Base route name as displayed on the bus.

Trip ID
Predictions.TripID string

Identifier for the bus trip, useful for correlating with other data.

Vehicle ID
Predictions.VehicleID string

Bus identifier, useful for tracking the specific vehicle.

Get next train arrival times

Returns next train arrival information for one or more stations. Will return an empty set of results when no predictions are available. Use All for the StationCodes parameter to return predictions for all stations.


Name Key Required Type Description
Station codes
StationCodes True string

Comma-separated list of station codes. For all predictions, use All


Name Path Type Description
Trains array of object

Array of trains arriving at the station.

Train cars
Trains.Car string

Number of cars on the train, usually 6 or 8.

Trains.Destination string

Abbreviated version of the train's final destination.

Destination station code
Trains.DestinationCode string

Station code of the destination, if available.

Destination name
Trains.DestinationName string

Full name of the destination station.

Track group
Trains.Group string

Indicates the track group the train is on.

Line abbreviation
Trains.Line string

Abbreviation of the train line (e.g., RD for Red Line).

Arrival station code
Trains.LocationCode string

Station code where the train is arriving.

Arrival station name
Trains.LocationName string

Full name of the station where the train is arriving.

Minutes to arrival
Trains.Min string

Minutes until the train arrives. Can be a numeric value or text such as ARR (arriving) or BRD (boarding).

Get path between rail stations

Returns a set of ordered stations and distances between two stations on the same line.


Name Key Required Type Description
From Station Code
FromStationCode True string

Station code for the origin station.

To Station Code
ToStationCode True string

Station code for the destination station.


Name Path Type Description
Path between stations
Path array of object

Array containing path details.

Distance to previous station
Path.DistanceToPrev integer

Distance in feet to the previous station in the list.

Line code
Path.LineCode string

Two-letter abbreviation for the line this station's platform is on.

Sequence number
Path.SeqNum integer

Ordered sequence number.

Station code
Path.StationCode string

Station code for this station.

Station name
Path.StationName string

Full name for this station.

Get rail and bus combined GTFS static

Returns the GTFS static data file for WMATA rail and bus combined, updated daily.


Combined GTFS static data file

Get rail GTFS RT alerts

Returns the GTFS RT service alerts feed for WMATA rail.


GTFS RT service alerts feed

Get rail GTFS RT trip updates

Returns the GTFS RT trip updates feed for WMATA rail.


GTFS RT trip updates feed

Get rail GTFS RT vehicle positions

Returns the GTFS RT vehicle positions feed for WMATA rail.


GTFS RT vehicle positions feed

Get rail GTFS static

Returns the GTFS static data file for WMATA rail, updated daily.


GTFS static data file

Get rail incidents

Returns reported rail incidents, including significant disruptions and delays to normal service. The data is identical to WMATA's Metrorail Service Status feed.


Name Path Type Description
Rail incidents
Incidents array of object

Array of reported rail incidents, including disruptions and delays.

Date updated
Incidents.DateUpdated date-time

Date and time (Eastern Standard Time) when the incident was last updated.

Incident description
Incidents.Description string

Free-text description of the incident.

Incident ID
Incidents.IncidentID string

Unique identifier for the incident.

Incident type
Incidents.IncidentType string

Free-text description of the incident type, usually 'Delay' or 'Alert'.

Lines affected
Incidents.LinesAffected string

Semi-colon and space-separated list of line codes affected by the incident.

Get rail lines

Returns information about all rail lines.


Name Path Type Description
Rail lines
Lines array of object

Array containing line information.

Display name
Lines.DisplayName string

Full name of the line.

End station code
Lines.EndStationCode string

End station code for the line.

Internal destination 1
Lines.InternalDestination1 string

Intermediate terminal station code for some lines.

Internal destination 2
Lines.InternalDestination2 string

Similar to InternalDestination1.

Line code
Lines.LineCode string

Two-letter abbreviation for the line.

Start station code
Lines.StartStationCode string

Start station code for the line.

Get rail station entrances

Returns a list of nearby station entrances based on latitude, longitude, and radius.


Name Key Required Type Description
Lat number

Center point Latitude, required if Longitude and Radius are specified.

Lon number

Center point Longitude, required if Latitude and Radius are specified.

Radius number

Radius (meters) to include in the search area, required if Latitude and Longitude are specified.


Name Path Type Description
Station entrances
Entrances array of object

Array containing detailed information about station entrances.

Entrance description
Entrances.Description string

Additional information for the entrance.

Entrances.Lat number

Latitude of the entrance.

Entrances.Lon number

Longitude of the entrance.

Entrance name
Entrances.Name string

Name of the entrance.

Station code 1
Entrances.StationCode1 string

The station code associated with this entrance.

Station code 2
Entrances.StationCode2 string

For stations containing multiple platforms, the other station code.

Get rail station information

Returns station location and address information based on a given StationCode.


Name Key Required Type Description
Station Code
StationCode True string

Station code. Use the Station List method to return a list of all station codes.


Name Path Type Description
Address.City string

City where the station is located.

Address.State string

State (abbreviated) where the station is located.

Address.Street string

Street address of the station.

Zip code
Address.Zip string

Zip code of the station.

Station code
Code string

Station code.

Lat number

Latitude of the station.

Lon number

Longitude of the station.

Station name
Name string

Full name of the station.

Primary line code
LineCode1 string

Two-letter abbreviation for one line served by this station.

Secondary line code
LineCode2 string

Additional line served by this station.

Tertiary line code
LineCode3 string

Additional line served by this station.

Connected station code 1
StationTogether1 string

The additional StationCode will be listed here.

Connected station code 2
StationTogether2 string

Similar in function to StationTogether1.

Get rail station list

Returns a list of station location and address information based on a given LineCode. Omit the LineCode to return all stations. The response is an array of objects identical to those returned in the Station Information method.


Name Key Required Type Description
LineCode string

Two-letter line code abbreviation: RD - Red, YL - Yellow, GR - Green, BL - Blue, OR - Orange, SV - Silver.


Name Path Type Description
Stations array of object

Array containing station information.

Stations.Address.City string


Stations.Address.State string

State (abbreviated).

Stations.Address.Street string

Street address (for GPS use).

Zip code
Stations.Address.Zip string

Zip code.

Station code
Stations.Code string

Station code. Repeated from input.

Stations.Lat number


Stations.Lon number


Station name
Stations.Name string

Station name.

Primary line code
Stations.LineCode1 string

Two-letter abbreviation for one line served by this station.

Secondary line code
Stations.LineCode2 string

Additional line served by this station, if applicable.

Tertiary line code
Stations.LineCode3 string

Additional line served by this station, if applicable.

Quaternary line code
Stations.LineCode4 string

Additional line served by this station, if applicable.

Connected station code 1
Stations.StationTogether1 string

For stations with multiple platforms, the additional StationCode will be listed here.

Connected station code 2
Stations.StationTogether2 string

Similar in function to StationTogether1.

Get rail station parking information

Returns parking information at a station based on a given StationCode.


Name Key Required Type Description
Station Code
StationCode string

Station code. Use the Station List method to return a list of all station codes.


Name Path Type Description
Stations parking
StationsParking array of object

Array containing station parking information.

Station code
StationsParking.Code string

Station code for the parking information.

Parking notes
StationsParking.Notes string

Additional parking resources such as nearby lots.

Total parking spots
StationsParking.AllDayParking.TotalCount integer

Number of all-day parking spots available.

Rider cost
StationsParking.AllDayParking.RiderCost number

All-day cost per day (weekday) for Metro riders.

Non-rider cost
StationsParking.AllDayParking.NonRiderCost number

All-day cost per day (weekday) for non-Metro riders.

Total short-term parking spots
StationsParking.ShortTermParking.TotalCount integer

Number of short-term parking spots available.

Short-term parking notes
StationsParking.ShortTermParking.Notes string

Miscellaneous information related to short-term parking.

Get rail station times

Returns opening and scheduled first/last train times for a given StationCode.


Name Key Required Type Description
Station Code
StationCode True string

Station code. Use the Station List method to return a list of all station codes.


Name Path Type Description
Station times
StationTimes array of object

Array containing station times information.

Station code
StationTimes.Code string

Station code.

Station name
StationTimes.StationName string

Full name of the station.

StationTimes.Monday DaySchedule
StationTimes.Tuesday DaySchedule
StationTimes.Wednesday DaySchedule
StationTimes.Thursday DaySchedule
StationTimes.Friday DaySchedule
StationTimes.Saturday DaySchedule
StationTimes.Sunday DaySchedule

Get rail station to rail station information

Returns travel time, distance, and fare information between two stations.


Name Key Required Type Description
From Station Code
FromStationCode True string

Station code for the origin station.

To Station Code
ToStationCode True string

Station code for the destination station.


Name Path Type Description
Station to station info
StationToStationInfos array of object

Array containing travel time, distance, and fare information between two stations.

Distance in miles
StationToStationInfos.CompositeMiles number

Distance between the two stations in miles.

Destination station
StationToStationInfos.DestinationStation string

Station code for the destination station.

Peak fare
StationToStationInfos.RailFare.PeakTime number

Fare during peak hours.

Off-peak fare
StationToStationInfos.RailFare.OffPeakTime number

Fare during off-peak hours.

Senior/disabled fare
StationToStationInfos.RailFare.SeniorDisabled number

Fare for senior citizens and people with disabilities.

Travel time
StationToStationInfos.RailTime integer

Estimated travel time in minutes.

Source station
StationToStationInfos.SourceStation string

Station code for the source station.

Get standard train routes

Returns an ordered list of mostly revenue (and some lead) track circuits, arranged by line and track number. This data does not change frequently and should be cached for a reasonable amount of time.


Name Path Type Description
Standard routes
StandardRoutes array of object

Array containing revenue line information.

Line code
StandardRoutes.LineCode string

Abbreviation for the revenue line.

Track circuits
StandardRoutes.TrackCircuits array of object

Array containing ordered track circuit information.

Circuit ID
StandardRoutes.TrackCircuits.CircuitId integer

Uniquely identifiable circuit number.

Sequence number
StandardRoutes.TrackCircuits.SeqNum integer

Order in which the circuit appears for the given line and track.

Station code
StandardRoutes.TrackCircuits.StationCode string

Station code if the circuit is at a station, otherwise NULL.

Get track circuits

Returns a list of all track circuits, including those on pocket tracks and crossovers. Each track circuit may include references to its right and left neighbors.


Name Path Type Description
Track circuits
TrackCircuits array of object

Array containing track circuit information.

Circuit ID
TrackCircuits.CircuitId integer

Uniquely identifiable circuit number.

Track number
TrackCircuits.Track integer

Track number. 1 and 2 denote main lines, 0 and 3 are connectors and pocket tracks.

TrackCircuits.Neighbors array of object

Array containing track circuit neighbor information.

Neighbor type
TrackCircuits.Neighbors.NeighborType string

Left or Right neighbor group.

Circuit IDs
TrackCircuits.Neighbors.CircuitIds array of integer

Array of neighboring circuit IDs.



Name Path Type Description
Opening time
OpeningTime string

Scheduled station opening time.

First trains
FirstTrains array of object

Array containing first train information.

Departure time
FirstTrains.Time string

Scheduled departure time of the first train.

Destination station
FirstTrains.DestinationStation string

Station code of the first train's destination.

Last trains
LastTrains array of object

Array containing last train information.

Departure time
LastTrains.Time string

Scheduled departure time of the last train.

Destination station
LastTrains.DestinationStation string

Station code of the last train's destination.


This is the basic data type 'binary'.