
Kongsi melalui

PrimitiveTypeKind Enum


Specifies the primitive types as defined by EDM.

public enum class PrimitiveTypeKind
public enum PrimitiveTypeKind
type PrimitiveTypeKind = 
Public Enum PrimitiveTypeKind


Binary 0

The Binary type.

Boolean 1

The Boolean type.

Byte 2

The Byte type.

DateTime 3

The DateTime type.

DateTimeOffset 14

The DateTimeOffset type.

Decimal 4

The Decimal type.

Double 5

The Double type.

Geography 16

The Geography type.

GeographyCollection 30

The Geographic collection type.

GeographyLineString 25

The Geographic line string type.

GeographyMultiLineString 28

The Geographic multi-line string type.

GeographyMultiPoint 27

The Geographic multi-point type.

GeographyMultiPolygon 29

The Geographic multi-polygon type.

GeographyPoint 24

The Geographic point type.

GeographyPolygon 26

The Geographic polygon type.

Geometry 15

The Geometry Type.

GeometryCollection 23

The Geometric collection type.

GeometryLineString 18

The Geometric line string type.

GeometryMultiLineString 21

The Geometric multi-line string type.

GeometryMultiPoint 20

The Geometric multi-point type.

GeometryMultiPolygon 22

The Geometric multi-polygon type.

GeometryPoint 17

The Geometric point type.

GeometryPolygon 19

The Geometric polygon type.

Guid 6

The Guid type.

Int16 9

The Int16 type.

Int32 10

The Int32 type.

Int64 11

The Int64 type.

SByte 8

The SByte type.

Single 7

The Single type.

String 12

The String type.

Time 13

The Time type.

Applies to