
Kongsi melalui

SoapHeader Class


When overridden in a derived class, represents the content of a SOAP header.

public ref class SoapHeader abstract
public abstract class SoapHeader
type SoapHeader = class
Public MustInherit Class SoapHeader


The following MyWebService XML Web service defines the MyHeader SOAP header and requires it to be sent with any calls to the MyWebMethod XML Web service method. Additionally, MyWebMethod receives any SOAP headers other than the MyHeader SOAP header.

<%@ WebService Language="C#" Class="MyWebService"%>
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
using System.Xml;
using System;

// Define a SOAP header by deriving from the SoapHeader base class.

public class MyHeader : SoapHeader {
    public string MyValue;

public class MyWebService {

    public MyHeader myHeader;
    // Receive all SOAP headers besides the MyHeader SOAP header.
    public SoapUnknownHeader[] unknownHeaders;
    [SoapHeader("myHeader", Direction=SoapHeaderDirection.InOut)]

    //Receive any SOAP headers other than MyHeader.

    public string MyWebMethod() {

       foreach (SoapUnknownHeader header in unknownHeaders) {
           // Perform some processing on the header.
       if (header.Element.Name == "MyKnownHeader")
               header.DidUnderstand = true;
                // For those headers that cannot be  
                // processed, set the DidUnderstand property to false.
                header.DidUnderstand = false;
       return "Hello";
<%@ WebService Language="VB" Class="MyWebService"%>

Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols
Imports System.Xml
Imports System

' Define a SOAP header by deriving from the SoapHeader base class.
Public Class MyHeader
    Inherits SoapHeader
    Public MyValue As String
End Class

Public Class MyWebService
    Public theHeader As MyHeader
    ' Receive all SOAP headers besides the MyHeader SOAP header.
    Public unknownHeaders() As SoapUnknownHeader    

    'Receive any SOAP headers other than MyHeader.    
    <WebMethod, _
     SoapHeader("theHeader", Direction := SoapHeaderDirection.InOut), _
     SoapHeader("unknownHeaders")> _
    Public Function MyWebMethod() As String
        Dim header As SoapUnknownHeader
        For Each header In unknownHeaders
            ' Perform some processing on the header.
            If header.Element.Name = "MyKnownHeader" Then
                header.DidUnderstand = True
                ' For those headers that cannot be
                ' processed, set the DidUnderstand propert to false.
                header.DidUnderstand = False
            End If
        Next header
        Return "Hello"
    End Function
End Class


SOAP headers offer a method for passing data to and from an XML Web service method if the data is not directly related to the XML Web service method's primary functionality. For instance, an XML Web service might contain several XML Web service methods that each require a custom authentication scheme. Instead of adding parameters to each XML Web service method for the custom authentication scheme, a SoapHeaderAttribute, referring to a class deriving from SoapHeader, can be applied to each XML Web service method. The implementation for the class deriving from SoapHeader handles the custom authentication scheme. In this manner, the XML Web service method implements only the functionality specific to it and adds additional functionality using a SOAP header.

The following list outlines the basic steps to receiving and processing a SOAP header:

  1. Create a class that derives from SoapHeader representing the data passed into the SOAP header.

  2. Add a member to the class implementing an XML Web service or an XML Web service client proxy class, of the type created in the first step.

  3. Apply a SoapHeaderAttribute to the XML Web service method or the corresponding method in the proxy class, specifying the member created in the second step in the MemberName property.

  4. Within the XML Web service method or XML Web service client code, access the MemberName property to process the data sent in the SOAP header.



Initializes a new instance of the SoapHeader class.



Gets or sets the recipient of the SOAP header.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether an XML Web service method properly processed a SOAP header.


Gets or sets the value of the mustUnderstand XML attribute for the SOAP header when communicating with SOAP protocol version 1.1.


Gets or sets the value of the mustUnderstand XML attribute for the SOAP header when communicating with SOAP protocol version 1.2.


Gets or sets the relay attribute of the SOAP 1.2 header.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the SoapHeader must be understood.


Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the SOAP header is to be relayed to the next SOAP node if the current node does not understand the header.


Gets or sets the recipient of the SOAP header.



Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Serves as the default hash function.

(Inherited from Object)

Gets the Type of the current instance.

(Inherited from Object)

Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

(Inherited from Object)

Returns a string that represents the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Applies to

See also