Workspace roles in Fabric data warehousing
Applies to: ✅ SQL analytics endpoint and Warehouse in Microsoft Fabric
This article details the permissions that workspace roles provide in SQL analytics endpoint and Warehouse. For instructions on assigning workspace roles, see Give Workspace Access.
Workspace roles
Assigning users to the various workspace roles provides the following capabilities:
Workspace role | Description |
Admin | Grants the user CONTROL access for each Warehouse and SQL analytics endpoint within the workspace, providing them with full read/write permissions and the ability to manage granular user SQL permissions. Allows the user to see workspace-scoped session, monitor connections and requests in DMVs via TSQL, and KILL sessions. |
Member | Grants the user CONTROL access for each Warehouse and SQL analytics endpoint within the workspace, providing them with full read/write permissions and the ability to manage granular user SQL permissions. |
Contributor | Grants the user CONTROL access for each Warehouse and SQL analytics endpoint within the workspace, providing them with full read/write permissions and the ability to manage granular user SQL permissions. |
Viewer | Grants the user CONNECT and ReadData permissions for each Warehouse and SQL analytics endpoint within the workspace. Viewers have SQL permissions to read data from tables/views using T-SQL. For more information, see Manage SQL granular permissions. |