ModifyAccess Action
Replaces the access rights on the target record for the specified security principal (user, team, or organization).
Parameters allow for data to be passed to the action.
Name | Type | Nullable | Unicode | Description |
crmbaseentity | False | True | The entity that is the target of the request to modify access. |
PrincipalAccess | True | True | The team or user whose access to the specified record is modified. |
Use the ModifyAccess action with these entity types:
Name | Display name | Description |
account | Account | Business that represents a customer or potential customer. The company that is billed in business transactions. |
activityfileattachment | Activity File Attachment | Attachment entity with data stored in file type attribute |
adx_invitation | Invitation | Send invitations to existing contacts or email addresses and assign them to web roles upon redemption. |
adx_inviteredemption | Invite Redemption | Holds information about the redemption of an invite. |
adx_portalcomment | Portal Comment | An activity which is used to share information between the user and the customer on the portal. |
adx_setting | Setting | |
aiplugin | AIPlugin | AIPlugins component |
aipluginauth | AIPluginAuth | Entity to store AIPlugin Auth Information |
aipluginconversationstarter | AI Plugin Conversation Starter | Conversation Starters for AI Plugins. |
aipluginconversationstartermapping | AI Plugin Conversation Starter Mapping | AIPlugins component |
aipluginexternalschema | AIPluginExternalSchema | AIPluginExternalSchemas component |
aipluginexternalschemaproperty | AIPluginExternalSchemaProperty | AIPluginExternalSchemaProperties component |
aiplugingovernance | AI Plugin Governance | |
aiplugingovernanceext | AI Plugin Governance Extended | |
aiplugininstance | AIPluginInstance | AI Plugin Instances Component |
aipluginoperation | AIPluginOperation | AIPluginOperations component |
aipluginoperationparameter | AIPluginOperationParameter | Parameter overrides for AI Operation |
aipluginoperationresponsetemplate | AIPluginOperationResponseTemplate | Content for the AI Plugin Operation Response Template |
aipluginusersetting | AIPluginUserSetting | |
annotation | Note | Note that is attached to one or more objects, including other notes. |
appointment | Appointment | Commitment representing a time interval with start/end times and duration. |
bot | Copilot | Represents a copilot created in Copilot Studio. |
botcomponent | Copilot component | Holds key authoring components of a Copilot such a topics, entities, variables, etc. |
botcomponentcollection | Copilot component collection | |
card | Card | Card |
certificatecredential | CertificateCredential | Contains data to represent an Azure Active Directory Application used to connect to secure web-hosted resources. |
chat | Teams chat | For internal use only. Entity which stores association data of Dynamics 365 records with Microsoft Teams chat |
connection | Connection | Relationship between two entities. |
connectioninstance | Connection Instance | |
connectionreference | Connection Reference | |
connector | Connector | Connector Entity to support Solutioning Integration |
contact | Contact | Person with whom a business unit has a relationship, such as customer, supplier, and colleague. |
conversationtranscript | ConversationTranscript | Contains the transcripts of conversations between participants such as customers, Virtual Agents or Human agents. |
copilotglossaryterm | CopilotGlossaryTerm | CopilotGlossaryTerm Component |
copilotsynonyms | CopilotSynonyms | CopilotSynonyms Component |
credential | Credential | |
customapi | Custom API | Entity that defines a custom API |
datalakefolder | Data Lake Folder | A folder is a place to store data in Azure Data Lake. |
desktopflowbinary | Desktop Flow Binary | |
desktopflowmodule | Desktop Flow Module | |
duplicaterule | Duplicate Detection Rule | Rule used to identify potential duplicates. |
dvfilesearch | DVFileSearch | DVFileSearches Component |
dvfilesearchattribute | DVFileSearchAttribute | |
dvfilesearchentity | DVFileSearchEntity | DVFileSearchEntities component. |
dvtablesearch | DVTableSearch | DVTableSearches component |
dvtablesearchattribute | DVTableSearchAttribute | DVTableSearchAttribute component |
dvtablesearchentity | DVTableSearchEntity | DVTableSearchEntities component |
Activity that is delivered using email protocols. | ||
emailserverprofile | Email Server Profile | Holds the Email Server Profiles of an organization |
environmentvariabledefinition | Environment Variable Definition | Contains information about the settable variable: its type, default value, and etc. |
exportedexcel | Exported Excel | A Place holder entity to save excel file for each exportretaineddata custom api requests. |
exportsolutionupload | ExportSolutionUpload | |
fabricaiskill | Fabric AISkill | AISkills published from Fabric. |
fax | Fax | Activity that tracks call outcome and number of pages for a fax and optionally stores an electronic copy of the document. |
featurecontrolsetting | FeatureControlSetting | featurecontrolsetting |
federatedknowledgeconfiguration | FederatedKnowledgeConfiguration | FederatedKnowledgeConfigurations component |
federatedknowledgeentityconfiguration | FederatedKnowledgeEntityConfiguration | FederatedKnowledgeEntityConfigurations component |
feedback | Feedback | Feedback and rating. |
flowcapacityassignment | Flow Capacity Assignment | Capacity assignment for usage in Power Automate |
flowcredentialapplication | Flow Credential Application | |
flowevent | Flow Event | Entity to store the events that happen during usage of Power Automate. |
flowmachine | Flow Machine | |
flowmachinegroup | Flow Machine Group | |
flowmachineimage | Flow Machine Image | |
flowmachineimageversion | Flow Machine Image Version | |
flowmachinenetwork | Flow Machine Network | |
flowsession | Flow Session | Entity to store the information that is generated when a Power Automate Desktop flow runs. |
fxexpression | FxExpression | |
goal | Goal | Target objective for a user or a team for a specified time period. |
goalrollupquery | Rollup Query | Query that is used to filter the results of the goal rollup. |
governanceconfiguration | Governance Configuration | |
import | Data Import | Status and ownership information for an import job. |
importfile | Import Source File | File name of file used for import. |
importmap | Data Map | Data map used in import. |
keyvaultreference | Key Vault Reference | Contains data that refers to an Azure Key Vault containing credentials used to connect to secure web-hosted resources. |
knowledgearticle | Knowledge Article | Organizational knowledge for internal and external use. |
knowledgebaserecord | Knowledge Base Record | Metadata of knowledge base (KB) articles associated with Microsoft Dynamics 365 entities. |
letter | Letter | Activity that tracks the delivery of a letter. The activity can contain the electronic copy of the letter. |
mailbox | Mailbox | |
mailmergetemplate | Mail Merge Template | Template for a mail merge document that contains the standard attributes of that document. |
managedidentity | Managed Identity | Contains data to represent an Azure Active Directory Application used to connect to secure web-hosted resources. |
msdyn_aibdataset | AI Builder Dataset | |
msdyn_aibdatasetfile | AI Builder Dataset File | |
msdyn_aibdatasetrecord | AI Builder Dataset Record | |
msdyn_aibdatasetscontainer | AI Builder Datasets Container | |
msdyn_aibfeedbackloop | AI Builder Feedback Loop | |
msdyn_aibfile | AI Builder File | |
msdyn_aibfileattacheddata | AI Builder File Attached Data | |
msdyn_aievent | AI Event | |
msdyn_aifptrainingdocument | AI Form Processing Document | |
msdyn_aimodel | AI Model | |
msdyn_aiodimage | AI Object Detection Image | |
msdyn_aiodlabel | AI Object Detection Label | |
msdyn_aiodtrainingboundingbox | AI Object Detection Bounding Box | |
msdyn_aiodtrainingimage | AI Object Detection Image Mapping | |
msdyn_aitemplate | AI Template | |
msdyn_analysiscomponent | Analysis Component | |
msdyn_analysisjob | Analysis Job | |
msdyn_analysisoverride | Analysis Override | |
msdyn_analysisresult | Analysis Result | |
msdyn_analysisresultdetail | Analysis Result Detail | |
msdyn_apirequestcache | API Request Cache | |
msdyn_apirequestfolder | API Request Folder | |
msdyn_copilotinteractions | Copilot Interactions | Data table of previous copilot interactions. |
msdyn_customcontrolextendedsettings | Custom Control Extended Setting | |
msdyn_dataflow | Dataflow | |
msdyn_dataflow_datalakefolder | Dataflow DatalakeFolder | |
msdyn_dataflowconnectionreference | Dataflow Connection Reference | Intersecting table between Dataflow and Connection Reference |
msdyn_dataflowrefreshhistory | DataflowRefreshHistory | |
msdyn_dataflowtemplate | Dataflow Template | An entity to store information about dataflow templates |
msdyn_dmsrequest | Data Movement Service Request | Table for Data Movement Service Requests |
msdyn_dmsrequeststatus | Data Movement Service Request Status | Table for Data Movement Service Request Status |
msdyn_dmssyncrequest | DMS Sync Request | An entity to save DMS sync requests. |
msdyn_dmssyncstatus | DMS Sync Status | An entity to save DMS sync statuses. |
msdyn_entitylinkchatconfiguration | Entity link chat configuration | |
msdyn_entityrefreshhistory | EntityRefreshHistory | |
msdyn_favoriteknowledgearticle | Favorite knowledge article | Entity for favorite knowledge articles |
msdyn_federatedarticle | Knowledge Federated Article | |
msdyn_fileupload | File Upload | |
msdyn_flow_actionapprovalmodel | Action Approval Model | The action approval model data attached to an action approval. |
msdyn_flow_approval | Approval | An approval. |
msdyn_flow_approvalrequest | Approval Request | An individual request for approval. |
msdyn_flow_approvalresponse | Approval Response | An individual response to an approval. |
msdyn_flow_approvalstep | Approval Step | |
msdyn_flow_awaitallactionapprovalmodel | Await All Action Approval Model | The await all action approval model data attached to an action approval. |
msdyn_flow_awaitallapprovalmodel | Await All Approval Model | The await all approval model data attached to an approval. |
msdyn_flow_basicapprovalmodel | Basic Approval Model Data | The basic approval model data attached to an approval. |
msdyn_flow_flowapproval | Flow Approval | Microsoft Flow data attached to an approval. |
msdyn_formmapping | Form Mapping | |
msdyn_function | Function | |
msdyn_historicalcaseharvestbatch | msdyn_historicalcaseharvestbatch | |
msdyn_historicalcaseharvestrun | msdyn_historicalcaseharvestrun | |
msdyn_integratedsearchprovider | Integrated search provider | Ingest and search files, documents, or articles from data sources outside of your current Dynamics 365 organization with a unified ranking. |
msdyn_kalanguagesetting | Knowledge article language setting | Allows you to select default language for knowledge authoring. |
msdyn_kbattachment | Knowledge Article Attachment | |
msdyn_kmfederatedsearchconfig | Search provider | |
msdyn_knowledgearticleimage | Knowledge Article Image | |
msdyn_knowledgearticletemplate | Knowledge Article Template | Organizational Knowledge Article Template for Internal and external creation of Knowledge Articles. |
msdyn_knowledgeassetconfiguration | Knowledge Asset Configuration | Knowledge asset configurations for data sources configured in knowledge hub. |
msdyn_knowledgeharvestjobrecord | Knowledge Harvest Job Record | Tracking entity record used to trigger the harvesting process for knowledge articles |
msdyn_knowledgeinteractioninsight | Knowledge Interaction Insight | Knowledge Interaction Insight |
msdyn_knowledgemanagementsetting | Knowledge Management Setting | Setup knowledge management for your organization. |
msdyn_knowledgepersonalfilter | Knowledge search personal filter config | Allows you to configure and manage personal filter settings. |
msdyn_knowledgesearchfilter | Knowledge search filter | Allows you to configure and manage filter settings. |
msdyn_knowledgesearchinsight | Knowledge Search Insight | Knowledge Search Insight |
msdyn_mobileapp | Mobile App | Mobile App |
msdyn_pmanalysishistory | PM Analysis History | |
msdyn_pmbusinessruleautomationconfig | PM Business Rule Automation Config | |
msdyn_pmcalendar | PM Calendar | |
msdyn_pmcalendarversion | PM Calendar Version | |
msdyn_pminferredtask | PM Inferred Task | |
msdyn_pmprocessextendedmetadataversion | PM Process Extended Metadata Version | |
msdyn_pmprocesstemplate | PM Process Template | |
msdyn_pmprocessusersettings | PM Process User Settings | |
msdyn_pmprocessversion | PM Process Version | |
msdyn_pmrecording | PM Recording | |
msdyn_pmsimulation | PM Simulation | |
msdyn_pmtemplate | PM Template | |
msdyn_pmview | PM View | |
msdyn_richtextfile | Rich Text Attachment | Image or file attached to a rich text field |
msdyn_salesforcestructuredobject | Salesforce Structured Object | Entity that represents the Salesforce Structured Object. |
msdyn_salesforcestructuredqnaconfig | Salesforce Structured QnA Config | Entity that represents the Salesforce Structured QnA Config. |
msdyn_schedule | Schedule | Generic refresh schedule |
msdyn_serviceconfiguration | Service Configuration | |
msdyn_slakpi | SLA KPI | |
msdyn_solutionhealthrule | Solution Health Rule | |
msdyn_solutionhealthruleargument | Solution Health Rule Argument | |
msdyn_virtualtablecolumncandidate | Virtual Table Column Candidate | |
msdynce_botcontent | BotContent | |
msfp_alert | Customer Voice alert | |
msfp_alertrule | Customer Voice alert rule | |
msfp_emailtemplate | Customer Voice survey email template | Template for an email message that contains the survey invitation link. |
msfp_fileresponse | Customer Voice file response | Response to a file upload question. |
msfp_localizedemailtemplate | Customer Voice localized survey email template | Stores localized data for email templates. |
msfp_project | Customer Voice project | Set of surveys to collect feedback. |
msfp_question | Customer Voice survey question | Question in a survey to collect feedback. |
msfp_questionresponse | Customer Voice survey question response | Response to a question in a survey. |
msfp_satisfactionmetric | Customer Voice satisfaction metric | Satisfaction metric defined for a project. |
msfp_survey | Customer Voice survey | Set of questions to collect feedback. |
msfp_surveyinvite | Customer Voice survey invite | Activity that tracks a survey invitation sent to a person. |
msfp_surveyreminder | Customer Voice survey reminder | Email reminders for surveys created in Customer Voice. |
msfp_surveyresponse | Customer Voice survey response | Response to a survey. |
msfp_unsubscribedrecipient | Customer Voice unsubscribed recipient | Email address of an unsubscribed respondent. |
mspcat_catalogsubmissionfiles | Catalog Submission Files | Files associated with the package that will be used as part of the submission to the catalog system. |
mspcat_packagestore | Package Submission Store | Manages submissions to the Catalog and provisioning |
personaldocumenttemplate | Personal Document Template | Used to store Personal Document Templates in database in binary format. |
phonecall | Phone Call | Activity to track a telephone call. |
plannerbusinessscenario | Planner Business Scenario | For internal use only. The Business Scenario record to be created in Planner. |
plannersyncaction | Planner Sync Action | The Planner Sync Action to be executed. |
plugin | Plug-in | |
powerbidataset | Power BI Dataset | |
powerbidatasetapdx | powerbidatasetapdx | PowerBI Dataset appendix entity - for unmanaged technical attributes |
powerbimashupparameter | Power BI Mashup Parameter | |
powerbireport | Power BI Report | |
powerbireportapdx | powerbireportapdx | PowerBI Report appendix entity for unmanaged technical attributes |
powerfxrule | PowerfxRule | |
powerpagecomponent | Site Component | |
powerpagesite | Site | |
powerpagesitelanguage | Site Language | |
powerpagesitepublished | Power Pages Site Published | |
powerpagesmanagedidentity | PowerPagesManagedIdentity | |
powerpagesscanreport | Power Pages Scan Report | Power Pages Scan Report |
privilegecheckerrun | Privilege Checker Run | Entity to keep track of privilege checker tool runs. Parent entity of privilege checker log. |
processsession | Process Session | Information that is generated when a dialog is run. Every time that you run a dialog, a dialog session is created. |
processstageparameter | ProcessStageParameter | |
queue | Queue | A list of records that require action, such as accounts, activities, and cases. |
recurringappointmentmaster | Recurring Appointment | The Master appointment of a recurring appointment series. |
report | Report | Data summary in an easy-to-read layout. |
retaineddataexcel | RetainedData Excel | A Place holder entity to save excel file for each exportretaineddata custom api requests. |
retentionconfig | RetentionConfig | Holds retention policies for a table. |
retentionfailuredetail | RetentionFailureDetail | Retention failure details. |
retentionoperation | RetentionOperation | Retention policy execution details. |
retentionsuccessdetail | RetentionSuccessDetail | Retention Success details. |
sharepointdocumentlocation | Document Location | Document libraries or folders on a SharePoint server from where documents can be managed in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
sharepointsite | SharePoint Site | SharePoint site from where documents can be managed in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
sideloadedaiplugin | SideloadedAIPlugin | Sideloaded AIPlugins metadata. |
sla | SLA | Contains information about the tracked service-level KPIs for cases that belong to different customers. |
slakpiinstance | SLA KPI Instance | Service level agreement (SLA) key performance indicator (KPI) instance that is tracked for an individual case |
socialactivity | Social Activity | For internal use only. |
socialprofile | Social Profile | This entity is used to store social profile information of its associated account and contacts on different social channels. |
solutioncomponentbatchconfiguration | Solution Component Batch Configuration | |
stagesolutionupload | StageSolutionUpload | |
synapsedatabase | Synapse Database | This entity represents an external Synapse database and its associated datalake folder link. |
task | Task | Generic activity representing work needed to be done. |
template | Email Template | Template for an email message that contains the standard attributes of an email message. |
userform | User Dashboard | User-owned dashboards. |
userquery | Saved View | Saved database query that is owned by a user. |
userqueryvisualization | User Chart | Chart attached to an entity. |
workflow | Process | Set of logical rules that define the steps necessary to automate a specific business process, task, or set of actions to be performed. |
workflowbinary | Workflow Binary | |
workqueue | Work Queue | |
workqueueitem | Work Queue Item |