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Python tutorial: Categorizing customers using k-means clustering with SQL machine learning

Applies to: SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later Azure SQL Managed Instance

In this four-part tutorial series, use Python to develop and deploy a K-Means clustering model in SQL Server Machine Learning Services or on Big Data Clusters to categorize customer data.

In this four-part tutorial series, use Python to develop and deploy a K-Means clustering model in SQL Server Machine Learning Services to cluster customer data.

In this four-part tutorial series, use Python to develop and deploy a K-Means clustering model in Azure SQL Managed Instance Machine Learning Services to cluster customer data.

In part one of this series, set up the prerequisites for the tutorial and then restore a sample dataset to a database. Later in this series, use this data to train and deploy a clustering model in Python with SQL machine learning.

In parts two and three of this series, develop some Python scripts in an Azure Data Studio notebook to analyze and prepare your data and train a machine learning model. Then, in part four, run those Python scripts inside a database using stored procedures.

Clustering can be explained as organizing data into groups where members of a group are similar in some way. For this tutorial series, imagine you own a retail business. Use the K-Means algorithm to perform the clustering of customers in a dataset of product purchases and returns. By clustering customers, you can focus your marketing efforts more effectively by targeting specific groups. K-Means clustering is an unsupervised learning algorithm that looks for patterns in data based on similarities.

In this article, learn how to:

  • Restore a sample database

In part two, learn how to prepare the data from a database to perform clustering.

In part three, learn how to create and train a K-Means clustering model in Python.

In part four, learn how to create a stored procedure in a database that can perform clustering in Python based on new data.


  • Azure Data Studio. use a notebook in Azure Data Studio for both Python and SQL. For more information about notebooks, see How to use notebooks in Azure Data Studio.

  • Additional Python packages - The examples in this tutorial series use Python packages that you might or might not have installed.

    Open an Administrative Command Prompt and change to the installation path for the version of Python you use in Azure Data Studio. For example, cd %LocalAppData%\Programs\Python\Python37-32. Then run the following commands to install any of these packages that aren't already installed. Ensure these packages are installed in the correct Python installation location. You can use the option -t to specify the destination directory.

    pip install matplotlib
    pip install pandas
    pip install pyodbc
    pip install scipy
    pip install scikit-learn

Run the following icacls commands to grant READ & EXECUTE access to the installed libraries to SQL Server Launchpad Service and SID S-1-15-2-1 (ALL_APPLICATION_PACKAGES).

Windows Command Prompt
  icacls "C:\Program Files\Python310\Lib\site-packages" /grant "NT Service\MSSQLLAUNCHPAD":(OI)(CI)RX /T
  icacls "C:\Program Files\Python310\Lib\site-packages" /grant *S-1-15-2-1:(OI)(CI)RX /T

Restore the sample database

The sample dataset used in this tutorial has been saved to a .bak database backup file for you to download and use. This dataset is derived from the tpcx-bb dataset provided by the Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC).


If you are using Machine Learning Services on Big Data Clusters, see how to Restore a database into the SQL Server big data cluster master instance.

  1. Download the file tpcxbb_1gb.bak.

  2. Follow the directions in Restore a database from a backup file in Azure Data Studio, using these details:

    • Import from the tpcxbb_1gb.bak file you downloaded.
    • Name the target database tpcxbb_1gb.
  3. You can verify that the dataset exists after you have restored the database by querying the dbo.customer table:

    USE tpcxbb_1gb;
    SELECT * FROM [dbo].[customer];
  1. Download the file tpcxbb_1gb.bak.

  2. Follow the directions in Restore a database to a SQL Managed Instance in SQL Server Management Studio, using these details:

    • Import from the tpcxbb_1gb.bak file you downloaded.
    • Name the target database tpcxbb_1gb.
  3. You can verify that the dataset exists after you have restored the database by querying the dbo.customer table:

    USE tpcxbb_1gb;
    SELECT * FROM [dbo].[customer];

Clean up resources

If you're not going to continue with this tutorial, delete the tpcxbb_1gb database.

Next step

In part one of this tutorial series, you completed these steps:

  • Restore a sample database

To prepare the data for the machine learning model, follow part two of this tutorial series: