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Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization
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Overview of the The Windows Shell technology.
To develop The Windows Shell, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
CItemIDFactory Exposes methods for interacting with Shell data sources. |
_BROWSERFRAMEOPTIONS Used with method IBrowserFrameOptions::GetFrameOptions. |
_EXPCMDSTATE EXPCMDSTATE values represent the command state of a Shell item. |
_EXPLORERPANESTATE Indicate flags used by IExplorerPaneVisibility::GetPaneState to get the current state of the given Windows Explorer pane. |
_FILEOPENDIALOGOPTIONS Defines the set of options available to an Open or Save dialog. |
_KF_DEFINITION_FLAGS Flags that specify certain known folder behaviors. Used with the KNOWNFOLDER_DEFINITION structure. |
_KF_REDIRECT_FLAGS Flags used by IKnownFolderManager::Redirect to specify details of a known folder redirection such as permissions and ownership for the redirected folder. |
_KF_REDIRECTION_CAPABILITIES Flags that specify the current redirection capabilities of a known folder. Used by IKnownFolder::GetRedirectionCapabilities. |
_NSTCITEMSTATE Specifies the state of a tree item. These values are used by methods of the INameSpaceTreeControl interface. |
_NSTCSTYLE Describes the characteristics of a given namespace tree control. |
_SHCONTF Determines the types of items included in an enumeration. These values are used with the IShellFolder::EnumObjects method. |
_SHGDNF Defines the values used with the IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf and IShellFolder::SetNameOf methods to specify the type of file or folder names used by those methods. |
_SICHINTF Used to determine how to compare two Shell items. IShellItem::Compare uses this enumerated type. |
_SPBEGINF Used by IActionProgress::Begin, these constants specify certain UI operations that are to be enabled or disabled. |
_SVGIO Used with the IFolderView::Items, IFolderView::ItemCount, and IShellView::GetItemObject methods to restrict or control the items in their collections. |
_SVSIF Indicates flags used by IFolderView, IFolderView2, IShellView and IShellView2 to specify a type of selection to apply. |
_TRANSFER_SOURCE_FLAGS Used by methods of the ITransferSource and ITransferDestination interfaces to control their file operations. |
APPACTIONFLAGS Specifies application management actions supported by an application publisher. These flags are bitmasks passed to IShellApp::GetPossibleActions. |
APPINFODATAFLAGS Specifies application information to return from IShellApp::GetAppInfo. These flags are bitmasks used in the dwMask member of the APPINFODATA structure. |
APPLICATION_VIEW_ORIENTATION Defines the set of display orientation modes for a window (app view). Used by IApplicationDesignModeSettings2::GetApplicationViewOrientation and IApplicationDesignModeSettings2::SetApplicationViewOrientation. |
APPLICATION_VIEW_SIZE_PREFERENCE Defines the set of possible general window (app view) size preferences. Used by ILaunchSourceViewSizePreference::GetSourceViewSizePreference and ILaunchTargetViewSizePreference::GetTargetViewSizePreference. |
APPLICATION_VIEW_STATE Indicates the current view state of a Windows Store app. Used by IApplicationDesignModeSettings::SetApplicationViewState and IApplicationDesignModeSettings::IsApplicationViewStateSupported. |
ASSOCDATA Used by IQueryAssociations::GetData to define the type of data that is to be returned. |
ASSOCIATIONLEVEL Specifies the source of the default association for a file name extension. Used by methods of the IApplicationAssociationRegistration interface. |
ASSOCIATIONTYPE Specifies the type of association for an application. Used by methods of the IApplicationAssociationRegistration interface. |
ASSOCKEY Specifies the type of key to be returned by IQueryAssociations::GetKey. |
ASSOCSTR Used by IQueryAssociations::GetString to define the type of string that is to be returned. |
ATTACHMENT_ACTION Provides a set of flags to be used with IAttachmentExecute::Prompt to indicate the action to be performed upon user confirmation. |
ATTACHMENT_PROMPT Provides a set of flags to be used with IAttachmentExecute::Prompt to indicate the type of prompt UI to display. |
AUTOCOMPLETELISTOPTIONS Specifies which objects are enumerated for autocompletion lists. |
AUTOCOMPLETEOPTIONS Specifies values used by IAutoComplete2::GetOptions and IAutoComplete2::SetOptions for options surrounding autocomplete. |
BNSTATE Deprecated. Used by IBrowserService::SetNavigateState and IBrowserService::GetNavigateState to specify navigation states. |
CATEGORYINFO_FLAGS Provides a set of flags for use with the CATEGORY_INFO structure. |
CATSORT_FLAGS Specifies methods for sorting category data. |
CM_ENUM_FLAGS Used by members of the IColumnManager interface to specify which set of columns are being requested, either all or only those currently visible. |
CM_MASK Indicates which values in the CM_COLUMNINFO structure should be set during calls to IColumnManager::SetColumnInfo. |
CM_SET_WIDTH_VALUE Specifies width values in pixels and includes special support for default and autosize. Used by members of the IColumnManager interface through the CM_COLUMNINFO structure. |
CM_STATE Specifies column state values. Used by members of the IColumnManager interface through the CM_COLUMNINFO structure. |
CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_ACCOUNT_OPTIONS Indicates the type of credential that a credential provider should return to associate with the "Other user" tile. Used by ICredentialProviderUserArray_GetAccountOptions. |
CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_CREDENTIAL_FIELD_OPTIONS Provides customization options for a single field in a logon or credential UI. |
CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_INTERACTIVE_STATE Describes the state of a field and how it a user can interact with it. Fields can be displayed by a credential provider in a variety of different interactive states. |
CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_STATE Specifies the state of a single field in the Credential UI. |
CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_GET_SERIALIZATION_RESPONSE Describes the response when a credential provider attempts to serialize credentials. |
CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_STATUS_ICON Indicates which status icon should be displayed. |
CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_USAGE_SCENARIO Declares the scenarios in which a credential provider is supported. A credential provider usage scenario (CPUS) enables the credential provider to provide distinct enumeration behavior and UI field setup across scenarios. |
DATAOBJ_GET_ITEM_FLAGS Values used by the SHGetItemFromDataObject function to specify options concerning the processing of the source object. |
DEF_SHARE_ID Values that specify the folder being acted on by methods of the ISharingConfigurationManager interface. |
DEFAULTSAVEFOLDERTYPE Specifies the default save location. |
DESKTOP_WALLPAPER_POSITION Specifies how the desktop wallpaper should be displayed. |
DEVICE_SCALE_FACTOR Indicates a spoofed device scale factor, as a percent. Used by IApplicationDesignModeSettings::SetApplicationViewState and IApplicationDesignModeSettings::IsApplicationViewStateSupported. |
DISPLAY_DEVICE_TYPE Indicates whether the device is a primary or immersive type of display. |
DROPIMAGETYPE Values used with the DROPDESCRIPTION structure to specify the drop image. |
EXPLORER_BROWSER_FILL_FLAGS These flags are used with IExplorerBrowser::FillFromObject. |
EXPLORER_BROWSER_OPTIONS These flags are used with IExplorerBrowser::GetOptions and IExplorerBrowser::SetOptions. |
FDAP Specifies list placement. |
FDE_OVERWRITE_RESPONSE Specifies the values used by the IFileDialogEvents::OnOverwrite method to indicate an application's response to an overwrite request during a save operation using the common file dialog. |
FDE_SHAREVIOLATION_RESPONSE Specifies the values used by the IFileDialogEvents::OnShareViolation method to indicate an application's response to a sharing violation that occurs when a file is opened or saved. |
FFFP_MODE Describes match criteria. Used by methods of the IKnownFolderManager interface. |
FILE_USAGE_TYPE Constants used by IFileIsInUse::GetUsage to indicate how a file in use is being used. |
FILETYPEATTRIBUTEFLAGS Indicates FILETYPEATTRIBUTEFLAGS constants that are used in the EditFlags value of a file association PROGID registry key. |
FOLDER_ENUM_MODE Used by IObjectWithFolderEnumMode::GetMode and IObjectWithFolderEnumMode::SetMode methods to get and set the display modes for the folders. |
FOLDERFLAGS A set of flags that specify folder view options. The flags are independent of each other and can be used in any combination. |
FOLDERLOGICALVIEWMODE Used by IFolderViewSettings::GetViewMode and ISearchFolderItemFactory::SetFolderLogicalViewMode to describe the view mode. |
FOLDERVIEWMODE Specifies the folder view type. |
FOLDERVIEWOPTIONS Used by methods of the IFolderViewOptions interface to activate Windows Vista options not supported by default in Windows 7 and later systems as well as deactivating new Windows 7 options. |
IESHORTCUTFLAGS Specifies how a shortcut should be handled by the browser. |
KF_CATEGORY Value that represent a category by which a folder registered with the Known Folder system can be classified. |
KNOWN_FOLDER_FLAG Defines constants that specify special retrieval options for known folders. These values supersede CSIDL values, which have parallel meanings. |
LIBRARYFOLDERFILTER Defines options for filtering folder items. |
LIBRARYMANAGEDIALOGOPTIONS Used by SHShowManageLibraryUI to define options for handling a name collision when saving a library. |
LIBRARYOPTIONFLAGS Specifies the library options. |
LIBRARYSAVEFLAGS Specifies the options for handling a name collision when saving a library. |
MIMEASSOCIATIONDIALOG_IN_FLAGS Used with the MIMEAssociationDialog function to determine how it executes. |
MONITOR_APP_VISIBILITY Specifies whether a display is showing desktop windows instead of Windows Store apps. |
NSTCFOLDERCAPABILITIES Specifies the state of a tree item. These values are used by methods of the INameSpaceTreeControlFolderCapabilities interface. |
NSTCSTYLE2 Used by methods of the INameSpaceTreeControl2 to specify extended display styles in a Shell namespace treeview. |
NWMF Flags used by INewWindowManager::EvaluateNewWindow. These values are factors in the decision of whether to display a pop-up window. |
PERCEIVED Specifies a file's perceived type. This set of constants is used in the AssocGetPerceivedType function. |
PUBAPPINFOFLAGS Specifies which members in the PUBAPPINFO structure are valid. These flags are bitmasks set in the dwMask member and passed to IPublishedApp::GetPublishedAppInfo. |
QUERY_USER_NOTIFICATION_STATE Specifies the state of the machine for the current user in relation to the propriety of sending a notification. Used by SHQueryUserNotificationState. |
RESTRICTIONS These flags are used with the SHRestricted function. |
SCALE_CHANGE_FLAGS Flags that are used to indicate the scaling change that occurred. |
SCNRT_STATUS Indicates whether to enable or disable Async Register and Deregister for SHChangeNotifyRegisterThread. |
SECURELOCKCODE Deprecated. This enumeration is used by the BASEBROWSERDATA structure to indicate the base browser's lock icon status. |
SHARD Indicates the interpretation of the data passed by SHAddToRecentDocs in its pv parameter to identify the item whose usage statistics are being tracked. |
SHARE_ROLE Specifies the access permissions assigned to the Users or Public folder. Used in CreateShare and GetSharePermissions. |
SHCOLSTATE Describes how a property should be treated. These values are defined in Shtypes.h. |
SHELL_LINK_DATA_FLAGS Specifies option settings. Used with IShellLinkDataList::GetFlags and IShellLinkDataList::SetFlags. |
SHELL_UI_COMPONENT Identifies the type of UI component that is needed in the shell. |
ShellFolderViewOptions Specifies the view options returned by the ViewOptions property. |
ShellSpecialFolderConstants Specifies unique, system-independent values that identify special folders. |
ShellWindowFindWindowOptions Specifies options for finding window in the Shell windows collection. |
ShellWindowTypeConstants Specifies types of Shell windows. |
SHGLOBALCOUNTER Identifiers for various global counters, or shared variables. Each global counter can be incremented or decremented using SHGlobalCounterIncrement and SHGlobalCounterDecrement. |
SHREGDEL_FLAGS Provides a set of values that indicate from which base key an item will be deleted. |
SHREGENUM_FLAGS Provides a set of values that indicate the base key that will be used for an enumeration. |
SHSTOCKICONID Used by SHGetStockIconInfo to identify which stock system icon to retrieve. |
SIGDN Requests the form of an item's display name to retrieve through IShellItem::GetDisplayName and SHGetNameFromIDList. |
SPACTION Describes an action being performed that requires progress to be shown to the user using an IActionProgress interface. |
SPTEXT Specifies the type of descriptive text being provided to an IActionProgress interface. |
STPFLAG Used by the ITaskbarList4::SetTabProperties method to specify tab properties. |
SVUIA_STATUS Used with the IBrowserService2::_UIActivateView method to set the state of a browser view. |
SYNCMGR_CANCEL_REQUEST Describes a request by the user to cancel a synchronization. |
SYNCMGR_CONFLICT_ITEM_TYPE Describes conflict item type. |
SYNCMGR_CONTROL_FLAGS Specifies how an operation requested on certain methods of ISyncMgrControl should be performed. |
SYNCMGR_EVENT_FLAGS Specifies flags for a synchronization event. |
SYNCMGR_EVENT_LEVEL Specifies the type of event being reported to Sync Center. |
SYNCMGR_HANDLER_CAPABILITIES Specifies the capabilities of a handler regarding the actions that can be performed against it. |
SYNCMGR_HANDLER_POLICIES Enumerates policies specified by a sync handler that deviate from the default policy. |
SYNCMGR_HANDLER_TYPE Specifies the type of a handler. Used by ISyncMgrHandlerInfo::GetType. |
SYNCMGR_ITEM_CAPABILITIES Specifies the actions that can be performed against an item. |
SYNCMGR_ITEM_POLICIES Specifies an item's policies to control how they can be enabled or disabled by group policy. |
SYNCMGR_PRESENTER_CHOICE Describes what choice a user makes about a sync manager conflict resolution. Used by ISyncMgrConflictPresenter. |
SYNCMGR_PRESENTER_NEXT_STEP Describes the next step that is to occur in sync manager conflict resolution. Used by ISyncMgrConflictPresenter. |
SYNCMGR_PROGRESS_STATUS Specifies the current progress status of a synchronization process. Used by ISyncMgrSyncCallback::ReportProgress. |
SYNCMGR_RESOLUTION_ABILITIES Indicates abilities and the conflict resolution activity to follow. Used with ISyncMgrResolutionHandler::QueryAbilities. |
SYNCMGR_RESOLUTION_FEEDBACK Describes Sync Manager resolution feedback. Used by ISyncMgrResolutionHandler. |
SYNCMGR_SYNC_CONTROL_FLAGS Indicates flags used by ISyncMgrControl::StartHandlerSync and ISyncMgrControl::StartItemSync. |
SYNCMGRFLAG The SYNCMGRFLAG enumeration values are used in the ISyncMgrSynchronize::Initialize method to indicate how the synchronization event was initiated. |
SYNCMGRHANDLERFLAGS Used in the SYNCMGRHANDLERINFO structure as flags that apply to the current handler. |
SYNCMGRINVOKEFLAGS The SYNCMGRINVOKEFLAGS enumeration value specifies how the Sync Manager is to be invoked in the ISyncMgrSynchronizeInvoke::UpdateItems method. |
SYNCMGRITEMFLAGS Specifies information for the current item in the SYNCMGRITEM structure. |
SYNCMGRLOGLEVEL The SYNCMGRLOGLEVEL enumeration values specify an error level for use in the ISyncMgrSynchronizeCallback::LogError method. |
SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAGS The SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAGS enumeration values are used in methods of the ISyncMgrRegister interface to identify events for which the handler is registered to be notified. |
SYNCMGRSTATUS Used in the ISyncMgrSynchronize::SetItemStatus method to specify the updated status for the item. |
tagDESKBANDCID These command IDs can be sent to the band object's container with IOleCommandTarget::Exec. |
tagSFBS_FLAGS Specifies how the StrFormatByteSizeEx function should handle rounding of undisplayed digits. |
THUMBBUTTONFLAGS Used by THUMBBUTTON to control specific states and behaviors of the button. |
THUMBBUTTONMASK Used by the THUMBBUTTON structure to specify which members of that structure contain valid data. |
ThumbnailStreamCacheOptions Defines the cache options used by the IThumbnailStreamCache interface. |
TRANSLATEURL_IN_FLAGS The TRANSLATEURL_IN_FLAGS enumerated values are used with the TranslateURL function to determine how it will execute. |
UNDOCK_REASON Values that indicate the reason that a docked accessibility app window has been undocked. Used by IAccessibilityDockingServiceCallback::Undocked. |
URL_SCHEME Used to specify URL schemes. |
URLASSOCIATIONDIALOG_IN_FLAGS The URLASSOCIATIONDIALOG_IN_FLAGS enumerated values are used with URLAssociationDialog to determine how it executes. |
VPCOLORFLAGS Specifies the use of a color. Used by IVisualProperties methods. |
VPWATERMARKFLAGS Specifies watermark flags. Used by IVisualProperties::SetWatermark. |
WTS_CONTEXTFLAGS Specifies the context of a thumbnail extraction. Used by IThumbnailSettings::SetContext. |
WTS_FLAGS Values used by IThumbnailCache::GetThumbnail to specify options for the extraction and display of the thumbnail image. |
_CancelPendingNavigationAsync Deprecated. Enables a derived class to request that the base class cancel any pending navigation. |
_CancelPendingView Deprecated. Enables a derived class to request that the base class cancel any pending views. |
_CloseAndReleaseToolbars Deprecated. Requests the closing of the browser toolbars hosted by the derived class. |
_DisableModeless Deprecated. Enables a derived class to ask the base class whether a modal UI is visible. A modal UI blocks minimize and close behavior in the browser window. |
_ExecChildren Deprecated. Enables the derived class to issue a command through the IOleCommandTarget::Exec method directly, instead of relying on the base class. |
_FindTBar Deprecated. Returns the index of a browser toolbar item based on Component Object Model (COM) identity rules. |
_get_itbLastFocus Deprecated. Gets the ID of the last toolbar or view that had focus. |
_GetBorderDWHelper Deprecated. A helper method for the implementation of GetBorderDW. |
_GetEffectiveClientArea Deprecated. Used with IBrowserService2::_GetViewBorderRect to negotiate the dimensions of the browser view. |
_GetToolbarCount Deprecated. Returns the number of toolbars in the browser window. |
_GetToolbarItem Deprecated. Gets a specific item from a toolbar. |
_GetViewBorderRect Deprecated. Used with IBrowserService2::_GetEffectiveClientArea to negotiate the size and position of the browser view. |
_Initialize Deprecated. Coordinates the initializing of state between the base and the derived classes. |
_LoadToolbars Deprecated. Loads the saved state of the browser's toolbars. |
_MaySaveChanges Deprecated. Enables the base class to check whether the browser view needs to save changes before closing. |
_NavigateToPidl Deprecated. Navigates the base class to a new location synchronously. |
_NewEnum Retrieves an enumerator for the collection of Shell windows. |
_OnFocusChange Deprecated. Coordinates focus between the base and the derived class when the focus shifts between the derived class's browser toolbars and its view. |
_PauseOrResumeView Deprecated. Enables a derived class to request the base class to either pause (such as before a minimize operation) or resume the browser view. |
_PositionViewWindow Deprecated. Used in view size negotiations. This method is called by _UpdateViewRectSize after determining the available dimensions. |
_put_itbLastFocus Deprecated. Sets the last toolbar or the last view with focus. |
_ResizeAllBorders Deprecated. (IBrowserService4._ResizeAllBorders) |
_ResizeNextBorder Deprecated. Resizes the border of the browser view in response to the addition or removal of toolbars. |
_ResizeNextBorderHelper Deprecated. A helper method used by the implementation of IBrowserService2::_ResizeNextBorder. |
_ResizeView Deprecated. Calls IBrowserService2::_UpdateViewRectSize, then updates the browser view by using IOleInPlaceActiveObject::ResizeBorder. |
_SaveToolbars Deprecated. Saves the state of browser toolbars. |
_SendChildren Deprecated. Allows the derived class to send a message through the SendMessage function directly instead of relying on the base class. |
_SetFocus Deprecated. Sets the focus on a toolbar or on the browser's view window. Called when translating accelerators through TranslateAcceleratorSB or when IBrowserService2::v_MayGetNextToolbarFocus fails. |
_SwitchActivationNow Deprecated. Coordinates state updates while switching between current and pending browser views. |
_TryShell2Rename Deprecated. Coordinates the renaming of the current browser view when the browser is redirected. |
_UIActivateView Deprecated. Allows a derived class to request that the base class update the browser view. |
_UpdateViewRectSize Deprecated. Called to inform other functions involved in the browser view size negotiations that the allowable browser view dimensions have changed. |
AbortList Discontinues a Jump List building session initiated by ICustomDestinationList::BeginList without committing any changes. |
Activate Requests that the handler is activated or deactivated. An active handler can be synchronized; an inactive handler cannot. |
ActivateApplication Activates the specified Windows Store app for the generic launch contract (Windows.Launch) in the current session. |
ActivateBackgroundTask Activates the specified background task. |
ActivateForFile Activates the specified Windows Store app for the file contract (Windows.File). |
ActivateForProtocol Activates the specified Windows Store app for the protocol contract (Windows.Protocol). |
ActivateHandler Activates or deactivates a handler. |
ActivatePendingView Deprecated. Coordinates state updating while the browser is switching between a current and a pending view. |
ActivateTab Activates an item on the taskbar. The window is not actually activated; the window's item on the taskbar is merely displayed as active. |
ActivateView Deprecated. (IBrowserService4.ActivateView) |
AddBand Adds a band to a band site object. |
AddCheckButton Adds a check button (check box) to the dialog. |
AddComboBox Adds a combo box to the dialog. |
AddControlItem Adds an item to a container control in the dialog. |
AddCreateFlags Set additional flags that will be included in the call to CreateProcess. |
AddDataBlock Adds a data block to a link. |
AddEditBox Adds an edit box control to the dialog. |
AddEntry Deprecated. Adds a new entry for a pending navigation to the travel log. |
AddFolder Adds a folder to the library. |
AddFromArray Adds the objects contained in an IObjectArray to the collection. |
AddIDList Inserts a pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) into a results folder. |
AddItem Adds an item to a results folder. |
AddItemToSession Adds a specified item to the set of items currently being synchronized. |
AddMenu Adds a menu to the dialog. |
AddObject AddObject may be altered or unavailable. |
AddObject Adds a single object to the collection. |
AddPages Adds extension pages to the wizard by filling an array with handles to PROPSHEETPAGE structures representing those pages. |
AddPages Adds one or more pages to a property sheet that the Shell displays for a file object. The Shell calls this method for each property sheet handler registered to the file type. |
AddPlace Adds a folder to the list of places available for the user to open or save items. |
AddPropertySheetPages Allows the view to add pages to the Options property sheet from the View menu. |
AddPushButton Adds a button to the dialog. |
AddRadioButtonList Adds an option button (also known as radio button) group to the dialog. |
AddSeparator Adds a separator to the dialog, allowing a visual separation of controls. |
AddStartupFlags Additional flags that will be included in the STARTUPINFO structure passed to CreateProcess. |
AddTab Adds an item to the taskbar. |
AddTask Adds a task to the scheduler's background queue. |
AddText Adds text content to the dialog. |
AddToolbar Adds the specified IDockingWindow object to the frame. |
AddUserTasks Specifies items to include in the Tasks category of a custom Jump List. |
AdvanceSlideshow Switches the wallpaper on a specified monitor to the next image in the slideshow. |
Advise Registers an advise sink object to receive notification of changes to the display. |
Advise Initiates a connection with IExplorerBrowser for event callbacks. |
Advise Assigns an event handler that listens for events coming from the dialog. |
Advise Enables a handler to provide status and error information for all operations. |
Advise Registers the app's input pane handler object to receive notifications on behalf of a window when an event triggers the input pane. This method differs from AdviseWithHWND in that it references its window through an object that implements ICoreWindow. |
Advise Sets up an advisory connection for notifications on the status of file operations. (ITransferDestination.Advise) |
Advise Sets up an advisory connection for notifications on the status of file operations. (ITransferSource.Advise) |
Advise Allows a credential provider to initiate events in the Logon UI or Credential UI through a callback interface. |
Advise Enables a credential to initiate events in the Logon UI or Credential UI through a callback interface. This method should be called before other methods in ICredentialProviderCredential interface. |
AdviseWithHWND Registers the app's input pane handler object to receive notifications on behalf of a window when an event triggers the input pane. This method differs from Advise in that it references its window through an HWND. |
AllowAutoPlay Determines whether to play media inserted by a user and if so using what restrictions. |
AllowViewResize Deprecated. Informs the base class whether to allow view resizing. |
Append Appends an object to the collection of managed objects. |
AppendCategory Defines a custom category and the destinations that it contains, for inclusion in a custom Jump List. |
AppendFieldComboBoxItem Communicates to the Logon UI or Credential UI that a combo box needs an item appended and that the UI should be updated. |
AppendKnownCategory Specifies that the Frequent or Recent category should be included in a custom Jump List. |
AppendRoot Appends a Shell item to the list of roots in a tree. |
APPLET_PROC Serves as the entry point for a Control Panel application. This is a library-defined callback function. |
ApplyProperties Applies a set of properties to an item using the Shell's copy engine. |
ApplyPropertiesToItem Declares a single item whose property values are to be set. |
ApplyPropertiesToItem Apply a set of property changes to an item. |
ApplyPropertiesToItems Declares a set of items for which to apply a common set of property values. |
AppVisibilityOnMonitorChanged Notifies a client that the mode of a display has changed. |
ArePrintersShared Determines whether any printers connected to this computer are shared. |
AreSnapshotsAvailable Queries for the availability of a Windows Server 2003 volume image recorded by the system at an earlier time. |
ArrangeGrid Arranges moved icons so that they align to an invisible grid. |
AssocCreate Returns a pointer to an IQueryAssociations object. |
AssocCreateForClasses Retrieves an object that implements an IQueryAssociations interface. |
AssocGetDetailsOfPropKey Retrieves the value for a given property key using the file association information provided by the Namespace Extensions. |
AssocGetPerceivedType Retrieves a file's perceived type based on its extension. |
AssocIsDangerous Determines whether a file type is considered a potential security risk. |
AssocQueryKeyA Searches for and retrieves a key related to a file or protocol association from the registry. (ANSI) |
AssocQueryKeyW Searches for and retrieves a key related to a file or protocol association from the registry. (Unicode) |
AssocQueryStringA Searches for and retrieves a file or protocol association-related string from the registry. (AssocQueryStringA) |
AssocQueryStringByKeyA Searches for and retrieves a file association-related string from the registry starting from a specified key. (ANSI) |
AssocQueryStringByKeyW Searches for and retrieves a file association-related string from the registry starting from a specified key. (Unicode) |
AssocQueryStringW Searches for and retrieves a file or protocol association-related string from the registry. (AssocQueryStringW) |
AutoArrange AutoArrange may be altered or unavailable. |
BeforeCoCreateInstance . (IHandlerActivationHost.BeforeCoCreateInstance) |
BeforeCreateProcess . (IHandlerActivationHost.BeforeCreateProcess) |
Begin Called when an action has begun that requires its progress be displayed to the user. |
BeginFieldUpdates Starts a batch update to fields in the logon or credential UI. |
BeginList Initiates a building session for a custom Jump List. |
BindToConflict Binds to a particular conflict specified by IID. |
BindToHandler Binds to a handler for an item as specified by the handler ID value (BHID). |
BindToHandler Binds to an object by means of the specified handler. |
BindToHandler Instantiates a specified sync handler when called by Sync Center. |
BindToObject Retrieves a handler, typically the Shell folder object that implements IShellFolder for a particular item. Optional parameters that control the construction of the handler are passed in the bind context. |
BindToStorage Requests a pointer to an object's storage interface. |
BrowseObject Informs Windows Explorer to browse to another folder. |
BrowseToIDList Browses to a pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) |
BrowseToObject Browses to an object. |
Burn Instructs data to be copied from the staging area to a writable CD. |
ByteToChar Converts a value of type BYTE to a value of type CHAR. |
ByteToInt8 Converts a value of type BYTE to a value of type INT8. |
CacheOLEServer Deprecated. Caches a reference to an external object to avoid reloading the server on reuse. |
CallBack Enables the callback function for a context menu. |
CallbackSM Receives messages from a menu band object. |
CanCategorizeOnSCID Determines whether a column can be used as a category. |
CancelIo Marks all pending input/output (I/O) operations as canceled. |
CanContinue Determines whether the synchronization has been canceled. |
CanNavigateNow Deprecated. Returns a value that indicates whether navigation is currently allowed. |
CanRenderComposited Indicates the deskband's ability to be displayed as translucent. |
CaptureThumbnail Retrieves a thumbnail representation of an IHTMLDocument2 document. |
CDefFolderMenu_Create2 Creates a context menu for a selected group of file folder objects. |
CheckPolicy Provides a Boolean test that can be used to make decisions based on the attachment's execution policy. |
ChrCmpIA Performs a comparison between two characters. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
ChrCmpIW Performs a comparison between two characters. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
CIDLData_CreateFromIDArray CIDLData_CreateFromIDArray may be altered or unavailable. |
Clear Removes all objects from the collection. (IObjectCollection.Clear) |
ClearClientData Instructs the dialog to clear all persisted state information. |
ClearClientState Removes any stored state that is based on the client's GUID. An example might be a setting based on a checked box that indicates a prompt should not be displayed again for a particular file type. |
ClearUserAssociations Removes all per-user associations for the current user. This results in a reversion to machine defaults, if they exist. Not intended for use in Windows 8. |
Clone Not currently implemented. (IEnumExplorerCommand.Clone) |
Clone Used to request a duplicate of the enumerator object to preserve its current state. |
Clone Creates a new item enumeration object with the same contents and state as the current one. (IEnumFullIDList.Clone) |
Clone Creates a new item enumeration object with the same contents and state as the current one. (IEnumIDList.Clone) |
Clone Not implemented.Not implemented. |
Clone Clones a resource enumerator. |
Clone Gets a copy of the current enumeration. |
Clone Not used. Clones an IEnumSyncMgrConflict object. |
Clone Clones an IEnumSyncMgrEvents object. |
Clone Not used. Clones an IEnumSyncMgrSyncItems object. |
Clone Creates another items enumerator with the same state as the current enumerator to iterate over the same list. This method makes it possible to record a point in the enumeration sequence in order to return to that point at a later time. |
Clone Deprecated. Duplicates the contents of the current travel log. |
CloneFrame Retrieves a clone of the current image or frame. |
Close Closes the image cache. |
Close Closes the dialog. |
CloseDW Notifies the docking window object that it is about to be removed from the frame. The docking window object should save any persistent information at this time. |
CloseFile Closes the file currently in use. |
CollapseAll Collapses all of the items in the given tree. |
ColorAdjustLuma Changes the luminance of a RGB value. Hue and saturation are not affected. |
ColorHLSToRGB Converts colors from hue-luminance-saturation (HLS) to RGB format. |
ColorRGBToHLS Converts colors from RGB to hue-luminance-saturation (HLS) format. |
ColumnClick Rearranges a column. |
CommandLineToArgvW Parses a Unicode command line string and returns an array of pointers to the command line arguments, along with a count of such arguments, in a way that is similar to the standard C run-time argv and argc values. |
CommandLinkClicked Enables the Logon UI and Credential UI to indicate that a link was clicked. |
Commit Writes the contents specified by pdwLoc to storage. |
Commit Commits library updates to an existing Library Description file. |
CommitItem Confirms a specified item as a member of the handler's sync set and confirms that it should be shown in the UI. |
CommitList Declares that the Jump List initiated by a call to ICustomDestinationList::BeginList is complete and ready for display. |
Compare Compares two IShellItem objects. |
CompareCategory Determines the relative order of two items in their item identifier lists, and hence in the UI. |
CompareIDs Determines the relative order of two file objects or folders, given their item identifier lists. |
ComputeApplicationSize Gets the size of the Windows Store app, based on the current set of spoofed settings. |
ComputerInfoChanged Not supported. This interface may be absent in later versions of Windows. (IComputerInfoChangeNotify.ComputerInfoChanged) |
ConfirmEncryptionLoss Displays a message to the user confirming that loss of encryption is acceptable for this operation. |
ConfirmOverwrite Displays a message to the user confirming that overwriting existing items is acceptable. |
Connect Connects an IConnectableCredentialProviderCredential object. This method is called after the user clicks the Submit button within the Pre-Logon-Access Provider screen and before ICredentialProviderCredential::GetSerialization is called. |
ConnectToConnectionPoint Establishes or terminates a connection between a client's sink and a connection point container. |
CopyCallback Determines whether the Shell will be allowed to move, copy, delete, or rename a folder or printer object. (ANSI) |
CopyCallback Determines whether the Shell will be allowed to move, copy, delete, or rename a folder or printer object. (Unicode) |
CopyDataBlock Retrieves a copy of a link's data block. |
CopyItem Declares a single item that is to be copied to a specified destination. |
CopyItems Declares a set of items that are to be copied to a specified destination. |
CountEntries Deprecated. Generates the number of entries in the travel log. |
CountTasks Counts tasks with the same owner ID in the scheduler's queue. |
CreateAppContainerProfile Creates a per-user, per-app profile for an AppContainer. |
CreateBand Creates a specified band. |
CreateBrowserPropSheetExt Deprecated. Allows the derived class to add Folder Options property sheets to the base class. |
CreateCategory Creates a category object. |
CreateEnumIDListFromContents Creates an enumerator of ID lists from the contents of the view. |
CreateEnvironmentBlock Retrieves the environment variables for the specified user. This block can then be passed to the CreateProcessAsUser function. |
CreateImageFromFile Creates an instance of the IShellImageData interface based on a given file. |
CreateImageFromStream Creates an instance of the IShellImageData interface based on a given file stream. |
CreateInvoker Retrieves an object that enables the invocation of the associated handler on the current selection. The invoker includes the ability to verify whether the current selection is supported. |
CreateIShellImageData Creates an instance of the IShellImageData interface. |
CreateItem Creates the specified file. |
CreateItemID Creates an ItemID from the supplied data. |
CreateObject Creates a local object of a specified class and returns a pointer to a specified interface on the object. |
CreateProfile Creates a new user profile. |
CreateResource Creates a specified resource. |
CreateSession Notifies Sync Center that synchronization of the specified items has begun. |
CreateShare Shares the Users or Public folder. If the folder is already shared, this method updates its sharing status. |
CreateViewObject Requests an object that can be used to obtain information from or interact with a folder object. |
CreateViewWindow Creates a view window. This can be either the right pane of Windows Explorer or the client window of a folder window. |
CreateViewWindow Deprecated. Coordinates the updating of state when creating a new browser view window. |
CreateViewWindow2 Used to request the creation of a new Shell view window. It can be either the right pane of Windows Explorer or the client window of a folder window. |
CreateViewWindow3 Requests the creation of a new Shell view window. The view can be either the right pane of Windows Explorer or the client window of a folder window. This method replaces CreateViewWindow2. |
CredentialsChanged Signals the Logon UI or Credential UI that the enumerated list of credentials has changed. |
DAD_AutoScroll Scrolls the window while an image is being dragged. |
DAD_DragEnterEx Locks updates to the specified window during a drag operation and displays the drag image at the specified position within the window. (DAD_DragEnterEx) |
DAD_DragEnterEx2 Locks updates to the specified window during a drag-and-drop operation and displays the drag image at the specified position within the window. |
DAD_DragLeave Unlocks the window locked by the DAD_DragEnterEx function. |
DAD_DragMove Moves the image that is being dragged during a drag-and-drop operation. |
DAD_SetDragImage Sets the drag image. |
DAD_ShowDragImage Shows or hides the image being dragged. (DAD_ShowDragImage) |
Decode Decodes the image file, setting state. |
DEFINE_PROPERTYKEY Used to pack a format identifier (FMTID) and property identifier (PID) into a PROPERTYKEY structure that represents a property key. |
DefScreenSaverProc Provides default processing for any messages that a screen saver application does not process. |
DefSubclassProc Calls the next handler in a window's subclass chain. The last handler in the subclass chain calls the original window procedure for the window. |
Delete Deletes a sync item. |
DeleteAppContainerProfile Deletes the specified per-user, per-app profile. |
DeleteFieldComboBoxItem Communicates to the Logon UI or Credential UI that an item should be deleted from a combo box and that the UI should be updated. |
DeleteItem Declares a single item that is to be deleted. |
DeleteItems Declares a set of items that are to be deleted. |
DeleteList Deletes a custom Jump List for a specified application. |
DeleteLogError Called by the registered application's handler to delete a previously logged ErrorInformation, warning, or error message in the error tab on the synchronization manager status dialog box. |
DeleteProfileA Deletes the user profile and all user-related settings from the specified computer. The caller must have administrative privileges to delete a user's profile. (ANSI) |
DeleteProfileW Deletes the user profile and all user-related settings from the specified computer. The caller must have administrative privileges to delete a user's profile. (Unicode) |
DeleteShare Removes sharing from either the Users or Public folder. |
DeleteTab Deletes an item from the taskbar. |
DeriveAppContainerSidFromAppContainerName Gets the SID of the specified profile. |
DeriveRestrictedAppContainerSidFromAppContainerSidAndRestrictedName DeriveRestrictedAppContainerSidFromAppContainerSidAndRestrictedName is reserved for future use. |
DeskBandRegistrationChanged Refreshes the deskband registration cache. |
Destroy Destroys the browser. |
DestroyBand Destroys a specified band. |
DestroyEnvironmentBlock Frees environment variables created by the CreateEnvironmentBlock function. |
DestroyViewWindow Destroys the view window. |
Detach Retrieves the bitmap contained in an ISharedBitmap object, and returns a copy if the contained bitmap resides in shared memory. |
DisableDebugging Disables debug mode for the processes of the specified package. |
DiscardEdit Discards edits made to an image. |
Disconnect Disconnects an IConnectableCredentialProviderCredential object. |
DisplayName Gets the name of the file if IShellImageData was initialized on a file path. Otherwise, gets the name of the data stream. |
DisplayParseError Deprecated. Displays a URL that failed to be successfully parsed by IBrowserService::IEParseDisplayName. |
DLLGETVERSIONPROC Implemented by many of the Windows Shell DLLs to allow applications to obtain DLL-specific version information. |
DllInstall Handles installation and setup for a DLL. |
DoContextMenuPopup DoContextMenuPopup is no longer available for use as of Windows Server 2003. |
DoEnvironmentSubstA Parses an input string that contains references to one or more environment variables and replaces them with their fully expanded values. (ANSI) |
DoEnvironmentSubstW Parses an input string that contains references to one or more environment variables and replaces them with their fully expanded values. (Unicode) |
DoPreview Directs the preview handler to load data from the source specified in an earlier Initialize method call, and to begin rendering to the previewer window. |
DoRename Starts a rename operation on the current selection. |
DragAcceptFiles Registers whether a window accepts dropped files. |
DragEnter Notifies the drag-image manager that the drop target's IDropTarget::DragEnter method has been called. |
DragFinish Releases memory that the system allocated for use in transferring file names to the application. |
DragLeave Notifies the drag-image manager that the drop target's IDropTarget::DragLeave method has been called. |
DragOver Notifies the drag-image manager that the drop target's IDropTarget::DragOver method has been called. |
DragQueryFileA Retrieves the names of dropped files that result from a successful drag-and-drop operation. (ANSI) |
DragQueryFileW Retrieves the names of dropped files that result from a successful drag-and-drop operation. (Unicode) |
DragQueryPoint Retrieves the position of the mouse pointer at the time a file was dropped during a drag-and-drop operation. |
Draw Draws a decoded image. |
DriveType The DriveType function determines the drive type based on the drive number. (DriveType function) |
DriveType The DriveType function determines the drive type based on the drive number. (DriveType) |
Drop Notifies the drag-image manager that the drop target's IDropTarget::Drop method has been called. |
DuplicateIcon Creates a duplicate of a specified icon. |
DWordPtrAdd Adds two values of type DWORD_PTR. |
DWordPtrMult Multiplies one value of type DWORD_PTR by another. |
DWordPtrSub Subtracts one value of type DWORD_PTR from another. |
Enable Enables or disables autocompletion. |
Enable Enables or disables the desktop background. |
Enable Requests that an active handler be enabled or disabled. An enabled handler can be synchronized and a disabled handler cannot. |
Enable Enables or disables the sync item. |
EnableDebugging Enables debug mode for the processes of the specified package. |
EnableFocusTracking Enables a client process to opt-in to the focus tracking mechanism for Windows Store apps that controls the invoking and dismissing semantics of the touch keyboard. |
EnableHandler Enables or disables a handler. |
EnableItem Enables or disables a sync item managed by a specified handler. |
EnableModeless Enables or disables modeless dialog boxes. This method is not currently implemented. |
EnableModeless Called by the registered application before and after any dialog boxes are displayed from within the PrepareForSync and Synchronize methods. |
EnableModelessSB Tells Windows Explorer to enable or disable its modeless dialog boxes. |
EnableOpenDropDown Enables a drop-down list on the Open or Save button in the dialog. |
End Indicates that the action associated with this progress implementation has ended. |
EndFieldUpdates Finishes and commits the batch updates started by BeginFieldUpdates. |
EndOperation Notifies the data object that the asynchronous data extraction has ended. |
EndVisualGroup Stops the addition of elements to a visual group in the dialog. |
EnsureItemVisible Ensures that the given item is visible. |
EnterFolder Called when a folder is about to be entered during a namespace walk. Use this method for any initialization of the retrieved item. |
EnterFolder Notifies that a folder is the destination of a file operation. |
EnumApps Creates an enumerator for enumerating all applications published by an application publisher for a given category. |
EnumBands Enumerates the bands in a band site. |
EnumCategories Gets the enumerator for the list of GUIDs that represent categories. |
EnumConflicts Enumerates conflicts scoped to the provided sync handler and sync item. |
EnumerateBackgroundTasks Gets the background tasks that are provided by the specified package. |
EnumItems Gets an enumerator of the items in the array. |
EnumObjects Enables a client to determine the contents of a folder by creating an item identifier enumeration object and returning its IEnumIDList interface. The methods supported by that interface can then be used to enumerate the folder's contents. |
EnumReady Notifies the implementer that the view's item enumeration has completed. |
EnumResources Gets a resource enumerator object. |
EnumSearches Requests a pointer to an interface that allows a client to enumerate the available search objects. |
EnumSubCommands Retrieves an enumerator for a command's subcommands. |
EnumSyncMgrItems Obtains the ISyncMgrEnumItems interface for the items that are handled by a registered application. |
EstablishConnection Called by the registered application's handler when a network connection is required. |
EvaluateNewWindow Accepts data about a new window that is attempting to display and determines whether that window should be allowed to open based on the user's preferences. |
Execute Executes an action on an attachment. |
Execute Invoke the verb on the selected items. Call this method after you have called the other methods of this interface. |
Expand Requests that the autocompletion client generate candidate strings associated with a specified item in its namespace. |
ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserA Expands the source string by using the environment block established for the specified user. (ANSI) |
ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserW Expands the source string by using the environment block established for the specified user. (Unicode) |
Extract Extracts an icon image from the specified location. (ANSI) |
Extract Extracts an icon image from the specified location. (Unicode) |
Extract Requests an image from an object, such as an item in a Shell folder. |
ExtractAssociatedIconA Gets a handle to an icon stored as a resource in a file or an icon stored in a file's associated executable file. (ANSI) |
ExtractAssociatedIconExA ExtractAssociatedIconEx may be altered or unavailable. (ANSI) |
ExtractAssociatedIconExW ExtractAssociatedIconEx may be altered or unavailable. (Unicode) |
ExtractAssociatedIconW Gets a handle to an icon stored as a resource in a file or an icon stored in a file's associated executable file. (Unicode) |
ExtractIconA Gets a handle to an icon from the specified executable file, DLL, or icon file. To retrieve an array of handles to large or small icons, use the ExtractIconEx function. (ANSI) |
ExtractIconExA The ExtractIconEx function creates an array of handles to large or small icons extracted from the specified executable file, DLL, or icon file. (ANSI) |
ExtractIconExW The ExtractIconEx function creates an array of handles to large or small icons extracted from the specified executable file, DLL, or icon file. (Unicode) |
ExtractIconW Gets a handle to an icon from the specified executable file, DLL, or icon file. To retrieve an array of handles to large or small icons, use the ExtractIconEx function. (Unicode) |
FileFailure Called when there is a failure and user interaction is needed. |
FillFromObject Creates a results folder and fills it with items. |
Filter Evaluates whether a list of credential providers should be allowed to provide credential tiles. |
FilterView Sets the filter on the contents of the current view. |
FindCIE4ConnectionPoint Deprecated. Gets a connection point for browser events. |
FindConnectionPoint Deprecated. Gets connection points for browser events. |
FindExecutableA Retrieves the name of and handle to the executable (.exe) file associated with a specific document file. (ANSI) |
FindExecutableW Retrieves the name of and handle to the executable (.exe) file associated with a specific document file. (Unicode) |
FindFolderFromIDList Gets an object that represents a known folder based on an IDList. The object allows you to query certain folder properties, get the current path of the folder, redirect the folder to another location, and get the path of the folder as an ITEMIDLIST. |
FindFolderFromPath Gets an object that represents a known folder based on a file system path. |
FindToolbar Finds the specified IDockingWindow object in the toolbar frame and returns an interface pointer to it. |
FindTravelEntry Deprecated. Determines whether a specific travel entry is present in the travel log. |
FindWindowSW Finds a window in the Shell windows collection and returns the window's handle and IDispatch interface. |
FinishOperations Performs caller-implemented actions after the last operation performed by the call to IFileOperation is complete. |
FolderIdFromCsidl Gets the KNOWNFOLDERID that is the equivalent of a legacy CSIDL value. |
FolderIdToCsidl Gets the legacy CSIDL value that is the equivalent of a given KNOWNFOLDERID. |
ForwardViewMsg Deprecated. Calls the SendMessage function with a message received by the view, using the _hwndView member of the BASEBROWSERDATA structure as the SendMessage hWnd parameter. |
FoundItem Called when an object is found in the namespace during a namespace walk. Use this method as the main action function for the class implementing it. Perform your actions as needed inside this method. |
FreeConfirmConflictItem Frees the resources that have been allocated for a CONFIRM_CONFLICT_ITEM structure. |
FreeIDListArray Frees the memory used by a pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) list array. |
FreeIDListArrayChild Releases the memory space for the array of pointers to child item IDs. This releases both the PITEMID_CHILDs within the array and the array itself. |
FreeIDListArrayFull Releases the memory space for the pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) array. This releases both the PIDLIST_ABSOLUTEs within the array and the array itself. |
FreeKnownFolderDefinitionFields Frees the allocated fields in the result from IKnownFolder::GetFolderDefinition. |
get_Application Gets the application object. |
get_Count Gets the number of windows in the Shell windows collection. |
get_CurrentViewMode Gets the current view mode of the current folder. |
get_FocusedItem Gets the FolderItem object that represents the item that has input focus. |
get_Folder Gets the Folder object that represents the view. |
get_FolderFlags Gets the settings for the current folder. |
get_GroupBy Gets the column used for grouping the folder view. |
get_IconSize Gets the icon size setting for the current folder. |
get_Parent Not implemented. (IShellFolderViewDual.get_Parent) |
get_Script Gets the scripting object for the view. |
get_SortColumns Gets the names of the columns used to sort the current folder. |
get_ViewOptions Gets a set of flags that indicate the current options of the view. |
GetAcceptLanguagesA Retrieves a string used with websites when specifying language preferences. (ANSI) |
GetAcceptLanguagesW Retrieves a string used with websites when specifying language preferences. (Unicode) |
GetAccountOptions Retrieves a value that indicates whether the "Other user" tile for local or Microsoft accounts is shown in the logon or credential UI. |
GetAllUsersProfileDirectoryA Retrieves the path to the root of the directory that contains program data shared by all users. (ANSI) |
GetAllUsersProfileDirectoryW Retrieves the path to the root of the directory that contains program data shared by all users. (Unicode) |
GetAnyOperationsAborted Gets a value that states whether any file operations initiated by a call to IFileOperation::PerformOperations were stopped before they were complete. The operations could be stopped either by user action or silently by the system. |
GetAppContainerFolderPath Gets the path of the local app data folder for the specified app container. |
GetAppContainerRegistryLocation Gets the location of the registry storage associated with an app container. |
GetAppID Retrieves a file type handler's explicit Application User Model ID (AppUserModelID), if one has been declared. |
GetAppInfo Gets general information about an application. |
GetApplicationDisplayName Retrieves the display name of the application that implemented the handler. |
GetApplicationIconReference Retrieves the icon of the application that implemented the handler. |
GetApplicationPublisher Retrieves the name of the publisher of the application that implemented the handler. |
GetApplicationSizeBounds This methods retrieves the size bounds supported by the application. |
GetApplicationViewOrientation Gets the orientation of the application design mode window. |
GetAppName Retrieves the name of the application that is using the file. |
GetAppUserModelId Retrieves an AppUserModelId from the source application. |
GetAppVisibilityOnMonitor Queries the current mode of the specified monitor. |
GetArguments Gets the command-line arguments associated with a Shell link object. (ANSI) |
GetArguments Gets the command-line arguments associated with a Shell link object. (Unicode) |
GetArrangeParam Gets the arrangement parameter of the view, which is how the view has been sorted. |
GetAsyncMode Called by a drop target to determine whether the data object supports asynchronous data extraction. |
GetAt Retrieves a specified user from the array. |
GetAt Provides a pointer to a specified object's interface. The object and interface are specified by index and interface ID. |
GetAttributes Gets a requested set of attributes of the IShellItem object. |
GetAttributes Gets the attributes of the set of items contained in an IShellItemArray. |
GetAttributes Gets resource attributes. |
GetAttributesOf Gets the attributes of one or more file or folder objects contained in the object represented by IShellFolder. |
GetAutoArrange GetAutoArrange may be altered or unavailable. |
GetAutoArrange Gets the current state of the folder's Auto Arrange mode. |
GetAvailableSize Retrieves the dimensions available on a specific screen for displaying an accessibility window. |
GetBackgroundColor Retrieves the color that is visible on the desktop when no image is displayed or when the desktop background has been disabled. This color is also used as a border when the desktop wallpaper does not fill the entire screen. |
GetBandInfo Gets state information for a band object. |
GetBandInfoSFB Gets information concerning an IShellFolderBand object and places it in a BANDINFOSFB structure. |
GetBandObject Gets a specified band object from a band site. |
GetBandSiteInfo Gets information about a band in the band site. |
GetBaseBrowserData Deprecated. Gets a read-only structure containing the protected elements owned by the base class, for the purpose of determining state. |
GetBitmapValue Enables retrieval of bitmap data from a credential with a bitmap field. |
GetBool Gets the boolean value of a specified property key. |
GetBorderDW Gets the border space allocated for the specified IDockingWindow object. |
GetBrowserByIndex Deprecated. Retrieves the browser with the given index. |
GetBrowserIndex Deprecated. Retrieves the index of the browser in the window hierarchy. |
GetCachedSlowAppInfo Returns information to the application that originates from a slow source. Unlike IShellApp::GetSlowAppInfo, this method can return information that has been cached. This method is not applicable to published applications. |
GetCancelEvent Retrieves an event that will be sent when an operation is canceled. |
GetCancelInformation Returns information that is posted when a user selects Cancel from the progress UI. |
GetCancelledPage Called when the user cancels navigation through the wizard extension. Gets the handle of the PROPSHEETPAGE that represents the wizard page to display when the user cancels navigation while in the wizard extension. |
GetCanonicalName Gets the GUID of a Windows Explorer command. |
GetCapabilities Determines whether the file can be closed and whether the UI is capable of switching to the window of the application that is using the file. |
GetCapabilities Gets a set of flags describing the handler's defined capabilities. |
GetCapabilities Gets a set of flags describing the item's defined capabilities. |
GetCategories Retrieves a structure listing the categories provided by an application publisher. |
GetCategory Gets a list of categories associated with a list of identifiers. |
GetCategory Retrieves the category�virtual, fixed, common, or per-user�of the selected folder. |
GetCategoryForSCID Gets a GUID that represents the categorizer to use for the specified Shell column. |
GetCategoryInfo Gets information about a category, such as the default display and the text to display in the UI. |
GetCategoryName Gets the name of the specified category. |
GetCheckboxValue Retrieves the checkbox value. |
GetCheckButtonState Gets the current state of a check button (check box) in the dialog. |
GetCheckState Gets the state of a check box item in a tree-view control. |
GetClient Gets the client object. |
GetCLSID Gets the class identifier (CLSID) value of specified property key. |
GetCodePage Retrieves the numeric value (Code Page identifier) of the ANSI code page. |
GetColor Gets the color, as specified. |
GetColumnCount Gets the column count for either the visible columns or the complete set of columns. |
GetColumnInfo Requests information about a column. |
GetColumnInfo Gets information about each column:_width, visibility, display name, and state. |
GetColumnPropertyList Gets an ordered list of columns that corresponds to the column enumerated. |
GetColumns Gets an array of PROPERTYKEY structures that represent the columns that the view supports. Includes either all columns or only those currently visible. |
GetComboBoxValueAt Gets the string label for a combo box entry at the given index. |
GetComboBoxValueCount Gets a count of the items in the specified combo box and designates which item should have initial selection. |
GetCommand Gets a specified Explorer command instance. |
GetCommands Gets a specified Explorer command enumerator instance. |
GetCommandString Gets information about a shortcut menu command, including the help string and the language-independent, or canonical, name for the command. |
GetComment Gets a string that contains commentary regarding the handler. |
GetComment Gets a string that contains commentary regarding the item. |
GetCompositionState Gets the composition state. |
GetCondition Retrieves the contents of the search box as an ICondition object. |
GetConflictIdInfo Gets information that identifies a conflict within a conflict store. |
GetConflictIDList Maps a conflict to its IShellItem. |
GetContext Gets a context object that can be used by a handler to display properties or execute a context menu action. |
GetControlItemState Gets the current state of an item in a container control found in the dialog. |
GetControlState Gets the current visibility and enabled states of a given control. |
GetControlStyle Gets the display styles set for the namespace object's treeview controls. |
GetControlStyle2 Gets the extended display styles set for the namespace object's treeview controls. |
GetControlWindow Gets the window handle to a browser control. |
GetCount Gets the number of items in the given IShellItem array. |
GetCount Retrieves the number of ICredentialProviderUser objects in the user array. |
GetCount Gets the conflict item count. |
GetCount Gets item count. |
GetCount Gets the number of conflicts in the store. |
GetCount Provides a count of the objects in the collection. |
GetCreateFlags Gets the additional flags that will be passed to CreateProcess. |
GetCredentialAt Gets a specific credential. |
GetCredentialCount Gets the number of available credentials under this credential provider. |
GetCurFolder Gets the ITEMIDLIST for the folder object. |
GetCurrentFilter Gets the current filter as a Unicode string. |
GetCurrentFolderFlags Gets the currently applied folder flags. |
GetCurrentInfo Gets the current folder settings. |
GetCurrentPage Gets the current page of a multipage image. |
GetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID Retrieves the application-defined, explicit Application User Model ID (AppUserModelID) for the current process. |
GetCurrentSelection Gets the user's current selection in the dialog. |
GetCurrentView Gets an interface for the current view of the browser. |
GetCurrentView Gets the most recent Control Panel view:_Classic view or Category view. |
GetCurrentViewMode Gets an address containing a value representing the folder's current view mode. |
GetData Searches for and retrieves file or protocol association-related binary data from the registry. |
GetDataFormatFromPath Determines a file's format based on its extension. |
GetDataFromIDList Gets a read only pointer to the client provided structure in the first ItemID in the IDList. (overload 1/2) |
GetDataFromIDList Gets a read only pointer to the client provided structure in the first ItemID in the IDList. (overload 2/2) |
GetDataObject Gets an IDataObject representation of the current DataPackage object. |
GetDateStamp Requests the date the image was last modified. This method allows the Shell to determine whether cached images are out-of-date. |
GetDefaultBandWidth Gets the band width that the bandsite initially uses to set the default width when the band is added. |
GetDefaultCategory Enables the folder to override the default grouping. |
GetDefaultColumn Gets the default sorting and display columns. |
GetDefaultColumnState Gets the default state for a specified column. |
GetDefaultDestinationName Gets the default name for a Shell item. |
GetDefaultMenuText Called by the Shell view to get the default shortcut menu text. |
GetDefaultSaveFolder Retrieves the default target folder that the library uses for save operations. |
GetDefaultSearchGUID Returns the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the default search object for the folder. |
GetDefaultSpacing Gets a pointer to a POINT structure containing the default width (x) and height (y) measurements of an item, including the surrounding white space. |
GetDefaultUserProfileDirectoryA Retrieves the path to the root of the default user's profile. (ANSI) |
GetDefaultUserProfileDirectoryW Retrieves the path to the root of the default user's profile. (Unicode) |
GetDelay Gets the delay value for the current frame of an animation. |
GetDelayedPropertyStore Gets an IPropertyStore interface object, as specified. |
GetDescription Gets the name of a categorizer, such as Group By Device Type, that can be displayed in the UI. |
GetDescription Gets the description string for a Shell link object. (ANSI) |
GetDescription Gets the description string for a Shell link object. (Unicode) |
GetDescription Gets the event description. |
GetDestinationStream Gets an empty stream that receives the new version of the file being copied. |
GetDetailsEx Gets detailed information, identified by a property set identifier (FMTID) and a property identifier (PID), on an item in a Shell folder. |
GetDetailsOf Gets detailed information on an item in a Shell folder. |
GetDetailsOf Gets detailed information, identified by a column index, on an item in a Shell folder. |
GetDirectory Gets the current working directory. |
GetDisplayName Gets the display name of the IShellItem object. |
GetDisplayNameOf Retrieves the display name for the specified file object or subfolder. |
GetDpiForShellUIComponent Retrieves the dots per inch (dpi) occupied by a SHELL_UI_COMPONENT based on the current scale factor and PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS. |
GetDragPoint Gets the point at which the current drag-and-drop operation was initiated. |
GetDropDownStatus Gets the current display status of the autocomplete drop-down list. |
GetDropPoint Gets the point at which the current drag-and-drop operation was terminated. |
GetDynamicInfo Called by the system to determine whether a particular handler will be shown before the AutoPlay dialog is displayed. |
GetEditBoxText Gets the current text in an edit box control. |
GetEncoderParams Gets the current set of encoder parameters. |
GetEntry Gets a handle to an image in the cache. |
GetEnum This method is not implemented. (IQueryAssociations.GetEnum) |
GetEnumFlags Allows a client to specify which classes of objects in a Shell folder should be enumerated. When used with SHBrowseForFolder, specifies the class or classes of items that should be shown in the dialog box tree view and which class or classes should not. |
GetEnumFlagsForItem Allows a client to specify which classes of objects in a Shell item should be enumerated for inclusion in the view. |
GetEvent Gets a specified event object. |
GetEventCount Gets the event count. |
GetEventEnumerator Gets an enumerator for a handler's events. |
GetEventID Gets the event ID. |
GetExtension Gets the file name extension for the shortcut object. (ANSI) |
GetExtension Gets the file name extension for the shortcut object. (Unicode) |
GetFieldDescriptorAt Gets metadata that describes a specified field. |
GetFieldDescriptorCount Retrieves the count of fields in the needed to display this provider's credentials. |
GetFieldOptions Retrieves the current option set for a specified field in a logon or credential UI. Called by the credential provider framework. |
GetFieldState Retrieves the field state. The Logon UI and Credential UI use this to gain information about a field of a credential to display this information in the user tile. |
GetFileID Gets the unique file identifier for the current file. |
GetFileName Retrieves the text currently entered in the dialog's File name edit box. |
GetFileNameFromBrowse The GetFileNameFromBrowse function creates an Open dialog box so that the user can specify the drive, directory, and name of a file to open. |
GetFileNameFromBrowse The GetFileNameFromBrowse function creates an Open dialog box so that the user can specify the drive, directory, and name of a file to open. (GetFileNameFromBrowse) |
GetFileOverlayInfo Gets the index of the icon overlay or the icon image for the specified file with the specified attributes. |
GetFileTime Gets the date and time value of a specified property key. |
GetFileTypeIndex Gets the currently selected file type. |
GetFindData Gets the file system information stored in the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure. |
GetFirstPage Gets a handle to the first page of the wizard extension. |
GetFlags Gets the flags associated with a Windows Explorer command. |
GetFlags Gets the current option settings. |
GetFlags Gets event flags. |
GetFlags Deprecated. Retrieves the current set of browser flags. |
GetFocusedItem Gets the index of the item that currently has focus in the folder's view. |
GetFolder Gets the folder name for the shortcut object. (ANSI) |
GetFolder Gets the folder name for the shortcut object. (Unicode) |
GetFolder Gets either the folder currently selected in the dialog, or, if the dialog is not currently displayed, the folder that is to be selected when the dialog is opened. |
GetFolder Gets the folder object. |
GetFolder Gets an object that represents a known folder identified by its KNOWNFOLDERID. |
GetFolderByName Gets an object that represents a known folder identified by its canonical name. |
GetFolderCapabilities Gets a folder's capability to be filtered through the System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree property key value and change notification registration status. |
GetFolderDefinition Retrieves a structure that contains the defining elements of a known folder, which includes the folder's category, name, path, description, tooltip, icon, and other properties. |
GetFolderFlags Gets folder view options flags. |
GetFolderIds Gets an array of all registered known folder IDs. This can be used in enumerating all known folders. |
GetFolders Gets the set of child folders that are contained in the library. |
GetFolderSetData Deprecated. Gets a structure containing folder information. |
GetFolderTargetInfo Provides the location and attributes of a folder shortcut's target folder. |
GetFolderType Retrieves the folder type. |
GetFolderType Gets the library's folder type. |
GetFolderViewOptions Retrieves the current set of options for the view. |
GetFont Gets the current attributes set on the font. |
GetFormat Retrieves the alpha type of the bitmap image. |
GetForWindow Gets the DataTransferManager instance for the specified window. |
GetFrameOptions Retrieves the available browser frame view options. |
GetGroupBy Retrieves the property and sort order used for grouping items in the folder display. |
GetGroupByProperty Gets a grouping property. |
GetGroupSubsetCount Gets the count of visible rows displayed for a group's subset. |
GetGroupSubsetCount Gets group count for visible rows. |
GetHandlerEnumerator Gets an enumerator that provides access to the IDs of sync handlers exposed to and managed by the user. |
GetHandlerID Gets the ID of the handler for which the event was logged. |
GetHandlerInfo Gets properties that describe the handler. |
GetHandlerInfo Obtains handler information. |
GetHandlerRegistrationInfo Called by the registered application's handler to get current registration information. |
GetHistoryObject Deprecated. Retrieves an IOleObject that represents the browser's history object. |
GetHotkey Gets the keyboard shortcut (hot key) for a Shell link object. (ANSI) |
GetHotkey Gets the keyboard shortcut (hot key) for a Shell link object. (Unicode) |
GetIcon Gets an icon resource string of the icon associated with the specified Windows Explorer command item. |
GetIcon Gets the default icon for the library. |
GetIconLocation Gets the location and index of an icon. (ANSI) |
GetIconLocation Gets the location and index of an icon. (Unicode) |
GetIconLocation Retrieves the location of the icon associated with the application. |
GetIconLocation Gets the location (path and index) of the icon for a Shell link object. (ANSI) |
GetIconLocation Gets the location (path and index) of the icon for a Shell link object. (Unicode) |
GetIconOf Gets an icon for an object inside a specific folder. |
GetIconSize Gets the folder icon size. |
GetId Gets the ID of the selected folder. |
GetIDArrayResult Gets a list of objects found during a namespace walk initiated by INamespaceWalk::Walk. |
GetIDList Gets the location of the Shell namespace folder in the IDList (ITEMIDLIST) form. |
GetIDList Gets an item identifier list. |
GetIDList Gets the search folder as an ITEMIDLIST. |
GetIDList Gets the list of item identifiers for the target of a Shell link object. (ANSI) |
GetIDList Gets the list of item identifiers for the target of a Shell link object. (Unicode) |
GetImage Gets an HBITMAP that represents an IShellItem. |
GetInfoFlags Gets the information flags for an item. This method is not currently used. |
GetInfoTip Gets the info tip text for an item. |
GetInt32 Gets the Int32 value of specified property key. |
GetItem Retrieves an object that represents a specified item. |
GetItem IParseAndCreateItem::GetItem method |
GetItem Gets the IShellItem that is related to this item. |
GetItem Gets a specified conflict data item. |
GetItem Gets result information for a specified item, when successful. |
GetItemAt Gets the item at the given index in the IShellItemArray. |
GetItemChoice Gets the index of an item that the user wants to keep. |
GetItemChoiceCount Gets the number of items that the user wants to keep. |
GetItemCustomState Gets the state of the checkbox associated with a given Shell item. |
GetItemData Requests column data for a specified file. |
GetItemHeight Gets the item height. |
GetItemID Gets the ID of the item for which the event was logged. |
GetItemID Gets the unique ID of a sync item. |
GetItemIDList Gets the pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) for the item that is related. |
GetItemInfo Gets the properties of a sync item. |
GetItemObject Gets an interface that refers to data presented in the view. |
GetItemObject Obtains an interface on a specified item that a registered application handles. |
GetItemPosition Gets the position of an item in the folder's view. |
GetItemRect Gets the RECT structure that describes the size and position of a given item. |
GetItemsArray Retrieves a conflict items array. |
GetItemSpacing Gets the spacing for small and large view modes only. |
GetItemState Gets state information about a Shell item. |
GetIterationInfo Gets information about which conflict in a set of conflicts is being resolved. |
GetJunctionCLSID Gets the class identifier (CLSID) of the object that implements IShellFolder for the item, if the item is a junction point. |
GetKey Searches for and retrieves a file or protocol association-related key from the registry. |
GetLastPage Gets a handle to the final page of the wizard extension pages. |
GetLastSyncTime Gets the date and time when the handler was last synchronized. |
GetLastSyncTime Gets the date and time when the item was last synchronized. |
GetLevel Gets the log level of the event. |
GetLinkReference Gets the reference for the hot link for the event. The hot link is a displayed property that the user can click to execute an action. This allows the handler to show an available action that the user can see at a glance in the folder. |
GetLinkText Gets the text for the hot link for the event. |
GetList Retrieves an object that represents the collection of destinations listed in the Recent or Frequent category in a Jump List. |
GetLocation Gets a path to the image that is to be extracted. |
GetMaxLength Returns the maximum number of characters allowed for a particular name in the namespace under which it is called. |
GetMenu Gets the menu information set by calling IShellMenu::SetMenu. |
GetMenuContextHelpId Retrieves the Help context identifier associated with the specified menu. |
GetMenuInfo Gets information from the IShellMenu::Initialize method. |
GetMenuPosFromID GetMenuPosFromID may be altered or unavailable. |
GetMenuRestrictions . (IDefaultFolderMenuInitialize.GetMenuRestrictions) |
GetMilliseconds Gets elapsed and remaining time for progress dialog. |
GetMode Retrieves the enumeration mode of the parsed item. |
GetMonitor Retrieves the target monitor for the application being launched. |
GetMonitorDevicePathAt Retrieves the unique ID of one of the system's monitors. |
GetMonitorDevicePathCount Retrieves the number of monitors that are associated with the system. |
GetMonitorRECT Retrieves the display rectangle of the specified monitor. |
GetName Gets the file name of the shortcut object, without the extension. (ANSI) |
GetName Gets the file name of the shortcut object, without the extension. (Unicode) |
GetName Retrieves the full path and file name of the executable file associated with the file type. |
GetName Gets the name of the event. This string can be a simple name for the event or a short summary. It is displayed in the folder and in the property sheet for the event. |
GetName Gets the display name of the handler. |
GetName Gets the UI display name of the sync item. |
GetNameAt Gets the name of a property at a specified index in the property store. |
GetNameCount Gets the number of property names in the property store. |
GetNamedValue Gets the value of a named property from the named property store. |
GetNavigateState Deprecated. Retrieves the browser's current navigation state. |
GetNextItem Retrieves the next item in the tree according to which method is requested. |
GetNextPage Called when the user navigates forward past the wizard extension pages. Gets the handle of the PROPSHEETPAGE that represents the wizard page immediately following the wizard extension page. |
GetNumberOfApps Obsolete. Clients of Add/Remove Programs Control Panel Application can return E_NOTIMPL. |
GetNumberOfCategories Obsolete. Clients of the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel Application may return E_NOTIMPL. |
GetObject Gets an item from the view. |
GetObject Creates a specific type of object related to the handler. |
GetObject Creates a specific type of object related to the item. |
GetObjectCount Gets the number of items in the folder view. |
GetOleObject Deprecated. Retrieves an IOleObject for the browser. |
GetOperationStatus Gets operation status for progress dialog. |
GetOptions Gets the current autocomplete options. (IACList2.GetOptions) |
GetOptions Gets the current autocomplete options. (IAutoComplete2.GetOptions) |
GetOptions Gets the current browser options. |
GetOptions Gets the current flags that are set to control dialog behavior. |
GetOptions Gets the library's options. |
GetOverlayIconIndex Gets the index of the icon overlay in the system image list. |
GetOverlayIndex Gets the overlay index in the system image list. |
GetOverlayInfo Provides the location of the icon overlay's bitmap. |
GetPackageExecutionState Returns the current execution state of the specified package. |
GetPageCount Gets the number of pages in a multipage image. |
GetPalette Deprecated. Retrieves the browser's palette. |
GetPaneState Gets the visibility state of the given Windows Explorer pane. |
GetParent Gets the parent of an IShellItem object. |
GetParentAndItem Gets the parent of an item and the parent's child ID. |
GetParentSite Deprecated. Retrieves the browser parent's in-place client site. |
GetPath Retrieves the path of a known folder as a string. |
GetPath Gets the path of a specified Control Panel item. |
GetPath Gets the path and file name of the target of a Shell link object. (ANSI) |
GetPath Gets the path and file name of the target of a Shell link object. (Unicode) |
GetPidl Deprecated. Retrieves a copy of the current pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL). |
GetPidl Deprecated. Gets the pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) associated with the travel entry. |
GetPinnedWindow Gets the handle to the current pinned window, if one exists. |
GetPixelFormat Gets the pixel format of the image. |
GetPolicies Gets a set of flags describing the policies set by the handler. |
GetPolicies Gets a set of flags describing the policies set by the item. |
GetPosition Retrieves the current display value for the desktop background image. |
GetPossibleActions Gets a bitmask of management actions allowed for an application. |
GetPresenterChoice Gets what kind of choice was made and whether to apply the choice to all subsequent conflicts in the set. |
GetPresenterNextStep Gets what the presenter wants to do as the next step in the sync manager conflict resolution. |
GetPreviousPage Called when the user navigates backward out of the wizard extension. Gets the handle of the PROPSHEETPAGE that represents the wizard page that is before the wizard extension page. |
GetPriority Specifies the priority of an icon overlay. |
GetProcessReference Retrieves the process-specific object supplied by SetProcessReference, incrementing the reference count to keep the process alive. |
GetProfilesDirectoryA Retrieves the path to the root directory where user profiles are stored. (ANSI) |
GetProfilesDirectoryW Retrieves the path to the root directory where user profiles are stored. (Unicode) |
GetProfileType Retrieves the type of profile loaded for the current user. |
GetProgID Retrieves the ProgID associated with an object. |
GetProperties Retrieves the set of property values for a saved item or an item in the process of being saved. |
GetProperties Gets an IPropertySetStorage through which the properties of the image can be accessed. |
GetProperty Gets a PROPVARIANT structure from a specified property key. |
GetProperty Gets a conflict property, given a property key. |
GetPropertyDescriptionList Gets a property description list object given a reference to a property key. |
GetPropertyDescriptionList Gets a property description list for the items in the shell item array. |
GetPropertyFromIDList Gets a property from the IPropertyStore within the IDList as a variant, using the key. (overload 3/4) |
GetPropertyFromIDList Gets a property from the IPropertyStore within the IDList as a variant, using the key. (overload 2/4) |
GetPropertyFromIDList Gets a property from the IPropertyStore within the IDList as a variant, using the key. (overload 4/4) |
GetPropertyFromIDList Gets a property from the IPropertyStore within the IDList as a variant, using the key. (overload 1/4) |
GetPropertyHandlerFromFileId Gets an instance of IStorageProviderPropertyHandler associated with the provided file identifier. |
GetPropertyHandlerFromPath Gets an instance of IStorageProviderPropertyHandler associated with the provided path. |
GetPropertyHandlerFromUri Gets an instance of IStorageProviderPropertyHandler associated with the provided URI. |
GetPropertyKey Gets the property key. |
GetPropertyStorage Gets the serialized property storage data from the property store instance. |
GetPropertyStorage Gets a read only pointer to the serialized property storage that is used for storing metadata. |
GetPropertyStorageBuffer Gets the serialized property storage buffer from the property store instance. |
GetPropertyStorageFromIDList Create an instance of the IPropertyStore based on the serialized property storage associated with the first ItemID. |
GetPropertyStorageSize Gets the size of serialized property storage data from the property store instance. |
GetPropertyStore Gets a property store object for specified property store flags. |
GetPropertyStore Gets a property store. |
GetPropertyStoreForKeys Gets property store object for specified property keys. |
GetPropertyStoreWithCreateObject Uses the specified ICreateObject instead of CoCreateInstance to create an instance of the property handler associated with the Shell item on which this method is called. |
GetProviderID Retrieves the ID of the account provider for this user. |
GetPublishedAppInfo Gets publishing-related information about an application published by an application publisher. |
GetRawDataFormat Retrieves a GUID that identifies the format of the image. |
GetRecorderDriveLetter Gets the drive letter of a CD drive that has been marked as write-enabled. |
GetRedirectionCapabilities Gets a value that states whether the known folder can have its path set to a new value or what specific restrictions or prohibitions are placed on that redirection. |
GetReferent Gets the referent of the shortcut object. (ANSI) |
GetReferent Gets the referent of the shortcut object. (Unicode) |
GetRemovedDestinations Retrieves the current list of destinations that have been removed by the user from the existing Jump List that this custom Jump List is meant to replace. |
GetReservedOverlayInfo Gets the index of the icon overlay or the icon image for the specified file with the specified attributes from one of the reserved overlays. |
GetResolution Gets the resolution, in dots per inch (dpi), of the image. |
GetResolutionHandler Gets the resolution handler for the conflict. |
GetResourceDescription Gets a resource description. |
GetResult Gets the choice that the user made in the dialog. |
GetResults Gets the user's choices in a dialog that allows multiple selection. |
GetResults Returns search results, from an OpenSearch data source, formatted in RSS or Atom format. |
GetRootItems Gets an array of the root items. |
GetScaleFactorForDevice Gets the preferred scale factor for a display device. |
GetScaleFactorForMonitor Gets the scale factor of a specific monitor. This function replaces GetScaleFactorForDevice. |
GetSearchStyle Overrides the registry settings that determine how an autosearch is performed. |
GetSearchText Retrieves the text that is in the browser's Address bar. |
GetSearchUrl Retrieves the URL that is being searched for. |
GetSectorSize Retrieves the number of bytes per sector on the disk currently being used. When using unbuffered input/output (I/O), it is important to know the size of the sectors on the disk being read in order to ensure proper byte alignment. |
GetSelectedControlItem Gets a particular item from specified container controls in the dialog. |
GetSelectedCount Gets the number of items in the view that are selected. |
GetSelectedItem Locates the currently selected item at or after a given index. |
GetSelectedItems Gets the currently selected items in the dialog. These items may be items selected in the view, or text selected in the file name edit box. |
GetSelectedItems Gets an array of selected Shell items. |
GetSelectedObjects Gets an array of the objects in the view that are selected and the number of those objects. |
GetSelection Gets the current selection as an IShellItemArray. |
GetSelection Gets the Shell item array that contains the selected items. |
GetSelectionMarkedItem Gets the index of an item in the folder's view which has been marked by using the SVSI_SELECTIONMARK in IFolderView::SelectItem. |
GetSelectionState Gets the selection state including check state. |
GetSerialization Called in response to an attempt to submit this credential to the underlying authentication engine. |
GetSetCodePage Deprecated. Sets a new character code page and retrieves a pointer to the previous code page. |
GetSharedBitmap Retrieves the bitmap contained in an ISharedBitmap object. |
GetSharePermissions Gets the access permissions currently associated with the User or Public folder for the Everyone access control entry (ACE). |
GetShellFolder Gets the folder that the menu band is set to browse. |
GetShellItem Retrieves the location of a known folder in the Shell namespace in the form of a Shell item (IShellItem or derived interface). |
GetShellItem Gets the search folder as a IShellItem. |
GetShowCmd Gets the show command for a Shell link object. (ANSI) |
GetShowCmd Gets the show command for a Shell link object. (Unicode) |
GetSid Retrieves the user's security identifier (SID). (ICredentialProviderUser.GetSid) |
GetSize Gets the source size. |
GetSize Retrieves the size of the bitmap contained in an ISharedBitmap object. |
GetSize Gets the dimensions of the image file. |
GetSlideshow Gets the path to the directory where the slideshow images are stored. |
GetSlideshowOptions Gets the current desktop wallpaper slideshow settings for shuffle and timing. |
GetSlowAppInfo Returns information to the application that originates from a slow source. This method is not applicable to published applications. |
GetSortColumnCount Gets the count of sort columns currently applied to the view. |
GetSortColumns Gets the sort columns currently applied to the view. |
GetSortColumns Gets sort column information. |
GetSourceViewSizePreference Retrieves the view size preference of the application after the application has launched. |
GetSourceViewToPosition Retrieves the position of the source application window. |
GetSpacing Gets a POINT structure containing the width (x) and height (y) dimensions, including the surrounding white space, of an item. |
GetState Gets state information associated with a specified Windows Explorer command item. |
GetState Gets the command state associated with a specified Shell item. |
GetState Gets a filled SMDATA structure. |
GetStatus Gets the current status of the slideshow. |
GetString Gets the string value of a specified property key. |
GetString Searches for and retrieves a file or protocol association-related string from the registry. (IQueryAssociations.GetString) |
GetStringValue Enables retrieval of text from a credential with a text field. |
GetStringValue Retrieves string properties from the ICredentialProviderUser object based on the input value. |
GetSubmitButtonValue Retrieves the identifier of a field that the submit button should be placed next to in the Logon UI. |
GetSupportedActionTypes Determines the supported data type for a CD writing extension. |
GetSwitchToHWND Retrieves the handle of the top-level window of the application that is using the file. |
GetSyncItem Gets a specified sync item. |
GetSyncItemCount Gets a count of the sync items in the container. |
GetSyncItemEnumerator Gets an interface that enumerates the handler's sync items. |
GetTargetViewSizePreference Retrieves the preferred view size of the application being launched. |
GetText Retrieves the contents of the search box as plain text. |
GetThumbnail Gets a cached thumbnail for a given Shell item. |
GetThumbnail Gets a thumbnail image and alpha type. |
GetThumbnailByID Gets a thumbnail from the thumbnail cache, given its ID. |
GetThumbnailHandler Gets the requested thumbnail handler for the thumbnail of a given item. |
GetThumbnailStream Gets the thumbnail stream. This method is for internal use only and can only be called by the photos application. |
GetTime Gets the creation time. |
GetTimes Gets file times. |
GetTitle Gets the title text of the button or menu item that launches a specified Windows Explorer command item. |
GetTitle Deprecated. Retrieves the title of a browser window. |
GetToolTip Gets the tooltip string associated with a specified Windows Explorer command item. |
GetToolTipText Deprecated. Gets tooltip text for a travel entry, which is used as a Unicode display string in the UI. |
GetTransferManifest Gets a transfer manifest for a file transfer operation performed by a publishing wizard, such as the Online Print Wizard or the Add Network Place Wizard. |
GetTravelEntry Deprecated. Gets a travel entry in the travel log relative to the position of the current entry. |
GetTravelLog Deprecated. Retrieves the browser's ITravelLog. |
GetType Gets the handler type for Sync Center. |
GetTypeLabel Gets a label for the handler type. This typically provides the model of the device or an equivalent handler-specific identity string. |
GetTypeLabel Gets a label for the item type. This typically provides the model of the device or an equivalent item-specific identity string. |
GetUIMode Enables an IExplorerCommand-based Shell verb handler to query the UI mode of the host component from which the application was invoked.. |
GetUIName Retrieves the display name of an application. |
GetUInt32 Gets the UInt32 value of a specified property key. |
GetUInt64 Gets the UInt64 value of a specified property key. |
GetUIObjectOf Gets an object that can be used to carry out actions on the specified file objects or folders. |
GetUsage Gets a value that indicates how the file in use is being used. |
GetUserProfileDirectoryA Retrieves the path to the root directory of the specified user's profile. (ANSI) |
GetUserProfileDirectoryW Retrieves the path to the root directory of the specified user's profile. (Unicode) |
GetUserSid Retrieves the security identifier (SID) of the user that is associated with this credential. |
GetValidCharacters Loads a string that contains each of the characters that are valid or invalid in the namespace under which it is called. |
GetValue Determines whether the current application host environment is in the desktop or immersive mode. |
GetValue Retrieves a specified property value set for the user. |
GetView Requests the current or default Shell view, together with all other valid view identifiers (VIDs) supported by this implementation of IShellView2. |
GetViewFlags Called when the view must determine if special customization needs to be made for the common dialog browser. |
GetViewMode Gets a folder's logical view mode. |
GetViewModeAndIconSize Gets the current view mode and icon size applied to the view. |
GetViewProperty Gets a property value for a given property key from the view's cache. |
GetViewRect Deprecated. Retrieves a value that is used to negotiate the allowed size of the window. |
GetViewStateStream Gets an IStream interface that can be used for storage of view-specific state information. |
GetViewWindow Deprecated. Provides direct access to the browser view window created by IBrowserService2::CreateViewWindow. |
GetVisibleItem Gets the next visible item in relation to a given index in the view. |
GetWallpaper Gets the current desktop wallpaper. |
GetWindowContext Gets a list of the keyboard shortcuts for the preview host. |
GetWindowContextHelpId Retrieves the Help context identifier, if any, associated with the specified window. |
GetWindowDesktopId Gets the identifier for the virtual desktop hosting the provided top-level window. |
GetWindowSubclass Retrieves the reference data for the specified window subclass callback. |
GetWorkingDirectory Gets the name of the working directory for a Shell link object. (ANSI) |
GetWorkingDirectory Gets the name of the working directory for a Shell link object. (Unicode) |
GroupChildWithParent ISuspensionDependencyManager::GroupChildWithParent method |
HandleEvent Handles AutoPlay device events for which there is no content of the type the application is registered to handle. |
HandleEventWithContent Not implemented. (IHWEventHandler.HandleEventWithContent) |
HandleEventWithHWND Handles AutoPlay device events that contain content types that the application is not registered to handle. This method provides a handle to the owner window so that UI can be displayed if the process requires elevated privileges. |
HandleMenuMsg Enables client objects of the IContextMenu interface to handle messages associated with owner-drawn menu items. |
HandleMenuMsg2 Allows client objects of the IContextMenu3 interface to handle messages associated with owner-drawn menu items. |
HandleRename Used to change an item's identifier. |
HasFocusIO Determines if one of the object's windows has the keyboard focus. |
HashData Hashes an array of data. |
HasRecordableDrive Scans the system for a CD drive with write-capability, returning TRUE if one is found. |
HasUserCancelled Checks whether the user has canceled the operation. |
HideDeskBand Hides a specified deskband. |
Hiding Called when the input pane is about to leave the display. |
HitTest Retrieves the item that a given point is in, if any. |
HrInit Initializes the taskbar list object. This method must be called before any other ITaskbarList methods can be called. |
IDListContainerIsConsistent Verifies that the container structure of an IDList is valid. |
IEGetDisplayName Deprecated. Retrieves the URL that corresponds to a pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL). |
IEParseDisplayName Deprecated. Parses a URL into a pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL). (IBrowserService.IEParseDisplayName) |
IEParseDisplayNameEx Deprecated. Parses a URL into a pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL). (IBrowserService3.IEParseDisplayNameEx) |
IID_PPV_ARGS Used to retrieve an interface pointer, supplying the IID value of the requested interface automatically based on the type of the interface pointer used. This avoids a common coding error by checking the type of the value passed at compile time. |
ILAppendID Appends or prepends an SHITEMID structure to an ITEMIDLIST structure. |
ILClone Clones an ITEMIDLIST structure. |
ILCloneChild Clones a child ITEMIDLIST structure. |
ILCloneFirst Clones the first SHITEMID structure in an ITEMIDLIST structure. |
ILCloneFull Clones a full, or absolute, ITEMIDLIST structure. |
ILCombine Combines two ITEMIDLIST structures. |
ILCreateFromPath The ILCreateFromPath function returns the ITEMIDLIST structure associated with a specified file path. |
ILCreateFromPathA Returns the ITEMIDLIST structure associated with a specified file path. (ILCreateFromPathA) |
ILCreateFromPathW The ILCreateFromPathW (Unicode) function returns the ITEMIDLIST structure associated with a specified file path. |
ILFindChild Determines whether a specified ITEMIDLIST structure is the child of another ITEMIDLIST structure. |
ILFindLastID Returns a pointer to the last SHITEMID structure in an ITEMIDLIST structure. |
ILFree Frees an ITEMIDLIST structure allocated by the Shell. |
ILGetNext Retrieves the next SHITEMID structure in an ITEMIDLIST structure. (ILGetNext) |
ILGetSize Returns the size, in bytes, of an ITEMIDLIST structure. |
ILIsAligned Verifies whether a constant ITEMIDLIST is aligned on a pointer boundary, which is a DWORD on 32-bit architectures and a QWORD on 64-bit architectures. |
ILIsChild Verifies whether a pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) is a child PIDL, which is a PIDL with exactly one SHITEMID. |
ILIsEmpty Verifies whether an ITEMIDLIST structure is empty. |
ILIsEqual Tests whether two ITEMIDLIST structures are equal in a binary comparison. |
ILIsParent Tests whether an ITEMIDLIST structure is the parent of another ITEMIDLIST structure. |
ILLoadFromStream Deprecated. Loads an ITEMIDLIST structure from a stream. |
ILLoadFromStreamEx This function may be altered or unavailable. |
ILNext Retrieves the next SHITEMID structure in an ITEMIDLIST structure. (ILNext) |
ILRemoveLastID Removes the last SHITEMID structure from an ITEMIDLIST structure. |
ILSaveToStream Saves an ITEMIDLIST structure to a stream. |
ILSkip Skips a given number of bytes in a constant, unaligned, relative ITEMIDLIST structure. |
IncludeItem Sets a given Shell item status to inclusion in the view. |
IncludeItems Allows the view to filter the items shown in the menu. |
IncludeObject Allows the common dialog box to filter objects that the view displays. |
InetIsOffline Determines whether the system is connected to the Internet. |
Init Initializes the autocomplete object. |
Init Enables Sync Center to provide the event to link to so ISyncMgrUIOperation::Run knows which event to operate upon. |
Init Initializes the IQueryAssociations interface and sets the root key to the appropriate ProgID. |
Initialize Initializes the object that hosts an IFolderView object. |
Initialize Initializes an object that contains an implementation of the IHWEventHandler interface. |
Initialize Initializes the Publishing Wizard object with the files to transfer, the settings to use, and the type of wizard to create. |
Initialize Initializes an IColumnProvider interface. |
Initialize Initializes a handler with a file path. |
Initialize Initializes a handler with a stream. |
Initialize Provides details about the action progress dialog. |
Initialize . (IDefaultFolderMenuInitialize.Initialize) |
Initialize Prepares the browser to be navigated. |
Initialize Initialize objects that share an implementation of IExplorerCommandState, IExecuteCommand or IDropTarget with the application-specified command name and its registered properties. |
Initialize Initializes a handler with a bind context. |
Initialize Initializes a handler with an IShellItem. |
Initialize Initializes a handler with an IPropertyStore. |
Initialize Specifies an owner window to be used by a Windows Runtime object that is used in a desktop app. |
Initialize Initializes an INameSpaceTreeControl object. |
Initialize Instructs a Shell folder object to initialize itself based on the information passed. |
Initialize Used by Windows Explorer or Windows Internet Explorer when it is initializing or enumerating a namespace extension invoked on a remote computer. |
Initialize Initializes a property sheet extension, shortcut menu extension, or drag-and-drop handler. |
Initialize Initializes a menu band. |
Initialize Called by the synchronization manager in a registered application handler to determine whether the handler processes the synchronization event. |
InitializeBitmap Initializes a new ISharedBitmap object with a given bitmap. |
InitializeDownloadManager Deprecated. Enables the download manager in the base class. |
InitializeEx Initializes a folder and specifies its location in the namespace. If the folder is a shortcut, this method also specifies the location of the target folder. |
InitializeFromBitmap Initializes the drag-image manager for a windowless control. |
InitializeFromWindow Initializes the drag-image manager for a control with a window. |
InitializeProgressDialog Initializes the window title and cancel button text of the progress dialog box displayed during the namespace walk. |
InitializeSFB Initializes an IShellFolderBand object. |
InitializeTransitionSite Deprecated. Enables transitions in the browser view window. |
InitializeTravelLog Deprecated. Allows the derived class to specify a navigation record to be used in a new window. |
InitNetworkAddressControl Initializes the network address control window class. |
InitWizard Initializes the sync schedule wizard. |
InOperation Called by the drop source to determine whether the target is extracting data asynchronously. |
InsertItem Adds an ITEMIDLIST structure to a list of such structures. |
InsertMenuEntries Deprecated. Inserts entries into the specified menu. |
InsertMenusSB Allows the container to insert its menu groups into the composite menu that is displayed when an extended namespace is being viewed or used. |
InsertRoot Inserts a Shell item on a root item in a tree. |
Install Installs an application published by an application publisher. This method is invoked when the user selects Add or Add Later in Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel. |
Install2 Installs an application published by an application publisher, while preventing multiple windows from being active on the same thread. |
Int8Add Adds two values of type INT8. |
Int8Mult Multiplies two values of type INT8. |
Int8Sub Subtracts one value of type INT8 from another. |
Int8ToUChar Converts a value of type INT8 to a value of type UCHAR. |
Int8ToUInt Converts a value of type INT8 to a value of type UINT. |
Int8ToUInt8 Converts a value of type INT8 to a value of type UINT8. |
Int8ToUIntPtr Converts a value of type INT8 to a value of type UINT_PTR. |
Int8ToULong Converts a value of type INT8 to a value of type ULONG. |
Int8ToULongLong Converts a value of type INT8 to a value of type ULONGLONG. |
Int8ToULongPtr Converts a value of type INT8 to a value of type ULONG_PTR. |
Int8ToUShort Converts a value of type INT8 to a value of type USHORT. |
IntAdd Adds two values of type INT. |
IntlStrEqNA Performs a case-sensitive comparison of a specified number of characters from the beginning of two localized strings. (ANSI) |
IntlStrEqNIA Performs a case-insensitive comparison of a specified number of characters from the beginning of two localized strings. (ANSI) |
IntlStrEqNIW Performs a case-insensitive comparison of a specified number of characters from the beginning of two localized strings. (Unicode) |
IntlStrEqNW Performs a case-sensitive comparison of a specified number of characters from the beginning of two localized strings. (Unicode) |
IntlStrEqWorkerA Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two localized strings. (ANSI) |
IntlStrEqWorkerW Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two localized strings. (Unicode) |
IntMult Multiplies two values of type INT. |
IntPtrAdd Adds two values of type INT_PTR. |
IntPtrMult Multiplies two values of type INT_PTR. |
IntPtrSub Subtracts one value of type INT_PTR from another. |
IntPtrToChar Converts a value of type INT_PTR to a value of type CHAR. |
IntPtrToInt Converts a value of type INT_PTR to a value of type INT. |
IntPtrToInt8 Converts a value of type INT_PTR to a value of type INT8. |
IntPtrToLong Converts a value of type INT_PTR to a value of type LONG. |
IntPtrToLongPtr Converts a value of type INT_PTR to a value of type LONG_PTR. |
IntPtrToShort Converts a value of type INT_PTR to a value of type SHORT. |
IntPtrToUChar Converts a value of type INT_PTR to a value of type UCHAR. |
IntPtrToUInt Converts a value of type INT_PTR to a value of type UINT. |
IntPtrToUInt8 Converts a value of type INT_PTR to a value of type UINT8. |
IntPtrToUIntPtr Converts a value of type INT_PTR to a value of type UINT_PTR. |
IntPtrToULong Converts a value of type INT_PTR to a value of type ULONG. |
IntPtrToULongLong Converts a value of type INT_PTR to a value of type ULONGLONG. |
IntPtrToULongPtr Converts a value of type INT_PTR to a value of type ULONG_PTR. |
IntPtrToUShort Converts a value of type INT_PTR to a value of type USHORT. |
IntSub Subtracts one value of type INT from another. |
IntToChar Converts a value of type INT to a value of type CHAR. |
IntToInt8 Converts a value of type INT to a value of type INT8. |
IntToShort Converts a value of type INT to a value of type SHORT. |
IntToUChar Converts a value of type INT to a value of type UCHAR. |
IntToUInt Converts a value of type INT to a value of type UINT. |
IntToUInt8 Converts a value of type INT to a value of type UINT8. |
IntToULong Converts a value of type INT to a value of type ULONG. |
IntToULongLong Converts a value of type INT to a value of type UINT_PTR. |
IntToUShort Converts a value of type INT to a value of type USHORT. |
InvalidateItem Redraws an item in a menu band. |
Invoke Directly invokes the associated handler. |
Invoke Invokes an associated application handler. |
Invoke Invokes a Windows Explorer command. |
Invoke Deprecated. Invokes the travel entry, navigating to that page. |
InvokeCommand Carries out the command associated with a shortcut menu item. |
InvokeVerbOnSelection Invokes the given verb on the current selection. |
IsActive Gets a value that indicates whether the handler can be synchronized. |
IsAnimated Determines whether the image is animated. |
IsApplicationViewStateSupported Determines whether a particular application view state is supported for specific spoofed display size and scale factor settings. |
IsBkDropTarget IsBkDropTarget may be altered or unavailable. |
IsCharSpaceA Determines whether a character represents a space. (ANSI) |
IsCharSpaceW Determines whether a character represents a space. (Unicode) |
IsConnected Gets a value that indicates whether the handler�typically some type of external device�is connected. |
IsConnected Generates a value that indicates whether the item�typically some type of external device�is connected. |
IsControlWindowShown Deprecated. Retrieves a value that indicates whether a specified frame control is currently visible. |
IsDecoded Determines whether the image has been decoded by calling IShellImageData::Decode. Many operations return a failure code if the image is not first decoded. |
IsDelegateFolder Gets a Boolean value specifying whether the factory is a delegate folder. |
IsDeskBandShown Indicates whether a deskband is shown. |
IsDropOnSource Checks whether the destination of the current drag-and-drop or cut-and-paste operation is the same as the source. |
IsEditable Determines whether the image can be edited. |
IsEnabled Gets a value that indicates whether the handler is enabled. |
IsEnabled Generates a value that indicates whether the item is enabled. |
IsEntryInStore Checks to see if the image is in the store. |
IsEqualPropertyKey Compares the members of two PROPERTYKEY structures and returns whether they are equal. |
IsInstalled Gets a value indicating whether a specified application is currently installed. |
IsInternetESCEnabled Determines whether Windows Internet Explorer is in the Enhanced Security Configuration. |
IsLauncherVisible Gets a value that indicates whether the Start screen is displayed. |
IsMember Determines whether the local computer is a member of a HomeGroup. |
IsMemberOf Specifies whether an icon overlay should be added to a Shell object's icon. |
IsMenuMessage A message pump calls this method to see if any messages should be redirected to the Component Object Model (COM) object. |
IsMoveInSameFolder Checks to see if this view sourced the current drag-and-drop or cut-and-paste operation (used by drop target objects). |
IsMultipage Determines whether the image is a multipage Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) image. |
IsNetDrive Tests whether a drive is a network drive. |
IsOS Checks for specified operating systems and operating system features. |
IsPrintable Determines whether the image can be printed. |
IsRecommended Indicates whether the application is registered as a recommended handler for the queried file type. |
IsRunning Requests information on the state of a task, such as thumbnail extraction. |
IsTransparent Determines whether the image is transparent. |
IStream_Copy Copies a stream to another stream. |
IStream_Read Reads bytes from a specified stream and returns a value that indicates whether all bytes were successfully read. |
IStream_ReadPidl Reads a pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) from an IStream object into a PIDLIST_RELATIVE object. |
IStream_ReadStr Reads from a stream and writes into a string. |
IStream_Reset Moves the seek position in a specified stream to the beginning of the stream. |
IStream_Size Retrieves the size, in bytes, of a specified stream. |
IStream_Write Writes data of unknown format from a buffer to a specified stream. |
IStream_WritePidl Writes a pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) from a PCUIDLIST_RELATIVE object into an IStream object. |
IStream_WriteStr Reads from a string and writes into a stream. |
IsUserAnAdmin IsUserAnAdmin may be altered or unavailable. |
IsVector Determines whether the image is a vector image. |
IsWindowOnCurrentVirtualDesktop Indicates whether the provided window is on the currently active virtual desktop. |
Item Returns the registered Shell window for a specified index. |
Item Gets the identifier of a specific item in the folder view, by index. |
ItemCount Gets the number of items in the folder. This can be the number of all items, or a subset such as the number of selected items. |
ItemPostPaint Called after an item in the namespace tree control is drawn. |
ItemPrePaint Called before an item in the namespace tree control is drawn. |
Items Gets the address of an enumeration object based on the collection of items in the folder view. |
IUnknown_AtomicRelease Releases a Component Object Model (COM) pointer and sets it to NULL. |
IUnknown_GetSite Calls the specified object's IObjectWithSite::GetSite method. |
IUnknown_GetWindow Attempts to retrieve a window handle from a Component Object Model (COM) object by querying for various interfaces that have a GetWindow method. |
IUnknown_QueryService Retrieves an interface for a service from a specified object. |
IUnknown_Set Changes the value of a Component Object Model (COM) interface pointer and releases the previous interface. |
IUnknown_SetSite Sets the specified object's site by calling its IObjectWithSite::SetSite method. |
KeepItems Keeps the Shell items that are passed in. |
KeepOther Replaces the versions in conflict with a different Shell item that is usually a merged version of the originals. |
KeepRecent Keeps the more recent copy. |
Kill Requests that a task be stopped. |
LaunchAdvancedAssociationUI Launches an advanced association dialog box through which the user can customize the associations for the application specified in pszAppRegName. |
LauncherVisibilityChange Notifies a client that visibility of the Start screen has changed. |
LeaveFolder Called after a namespace walk through a folder. Use this method to perform any necessary cleanup following the actions performed by INamespaceWalkCB::EnterFolder or INamespaceWalkCB::FoundItem. |
LeaveFolder Sends notification that a folder is no longer the destination of a file operation. |
LinkItem Not implemented. (ITransferSource.LinkItem) |
LoadLibraryFromItem Loads the library from a specified library definition file. |
LoadLibraryFromKnownFolder Loads the library that is referenced by a KNOWNFOLDERID. |
LoadNonloadedOverlayIdentifiers Loads any registered overlay identifiers, or handlers, that are not currently loaded. |
LoadUserProfileA Loads the specified user's profile. The profile can be a local user profile or a roaming user profile. (ANSI) |
LoadUserProfileW Loads the specified user's profile. The profile can be a local user profile or a roaming user profile. (Unicode) |
Location Gets the current location of the input pane. |
LogError Called by a registered application to log information, warning, or an error message into the error tab on the synchronization manager status dialog box. |
LongAdd Adds two values of type LONG. |
LongLongAdd Adds two values of type LONGLONG. |
LongLongMult Multiplies two values of type LONGLONG. |
LongLongSub Subtracts one value of type LONGLONG from another. |
LongLongToChar Converts a value of type LONGLONG to a value of type CHAR. |
LongLongToInt Converts a value of type LONGLONG to a value of type INT. |
LongLongToInt8 Converts a value of type LONGLONG to a value of type INT8. |
LongLongToIntPtr Converts a value of type LONGLONG to a value of type INT_PTR. |
LongLongToLong Converts a value of type LONGLONG to a value of type LONG. |
LongLongToLongPtr Converts a value of type LONGLONG to a value of type LONG_PTR. |
LongLongToShort Converts a value of type LONGLONG to a value of type SHORT. |
LongLongToUChar Converts a value of type LONGLONG to a value of type UCHAR. |
LongLongToUInt Converts a value of type LONGLONG to a value of type UINT. |
LongLongToUInt8 Converts a value of type LONGLONG to a value of type UINT8. |
LongLongToULong Converts a value of type LONGLONG to a value of type ULONG. |
LongLongToULongLong Converts a value of type LONGLONG to a value of type ULONGLONG. |
LongLongToUShort Converts a value of type LONGLONG to a value of type USHORT. |
LongMult Multiplies two values of type LONG. |
LongPtrAdd Adds two values of type LONG_PTR. |
LongPtrMult Multiplies two values of type LONG_PTR. |
LongPtrSub Subtracts one value of type LONG_PTR from another. |
LongPtrToChar Converts a value of type LONG_PTR to a value of type CHAR. |
LongPtrToInt Converts a value of type LONG_PTR to a value of type INT. |
LongPtrToInt8 Converts a value of type LONG_PTR to a value of type INT8. |
LongPtrToIntPtr Converts a value of type LONG_PTR to a value of type INT_PTR. |
LongPtrToLong Converts a value of type LONG_PTR to a value of type LONG. |
LongPtrToShort Converts a value of type LONG_PTR to a value of type SHORT. |
LongPtrToUChar Converts a value of type LONG_PTR to a value of type UCHAR. |
LongPtrToUInt Converts a value of type LONG_PTR to a value of type UINT. |
LongPtrToUInt8 Converts a value of type LONG_PTR to a value of type UINT8. |
LongPtrToUIntPtr Converts a value of type LONG_PTR to a value of type UINT_PTR. |
LongPtrToULong Converts a value of type LONG_PTR to a value of type ULONG. |
LongPtrToULongLong Converts a value of type LONG_PTR to a value of type ULONGLONG. |
LongPtrToULongPtr Converts a value of type LONG_PTR to a value of type ULONG_PTR. |
LongPtrToUShort Converts a value of type LONG_PTR to a value of type USHORT. |
LongSub Subtracts one value of type LONG from another. |
LongToChar Converts a value of type LONG to a value of type CHAR. |
LongToInt Converts a value of type LONG to a value of type INT. |
LongToInt8 Converts a value of type LONG to a value of type INT8. |
LongToIntPtr Converts a value of type LONG to a value of type INT_PTR. |
LongToShort Converts a value of type LONG to a value of type SHORT. |
LongToUChar Converts a value of type LONG to a value of type UCHAR. |
LongToUInt Converts a value of type LONG to a value of type UINT. |
LongToUInt8 Converts a value of type LONG to a value of type UINT8. |
LongToUIntPtr Converts a value of type LONG to a value of type UINT_PTR. |
LongToULong Converts a value of type LONG to a value of type ULONG. |
LongToULongLong Converts a value of type LONG to a value of type ULONGLONG. |
LongToULongPtr Converts a value of type LONG to a value of type ULONG_PTR. |
LongToUShort Converts a value of type LONG to a value of type USHORT. |
LPFNDFMCALLBACK LPFNDFMCALLBACK may be altered or unavailable. |
LPFNVIEWCALLBACK Defines the prototype for the callback function used by the system folder view object. This function essentially duplicates the functionality of IShellFolderViewCB. |
MakeDefault Sets an application as the default application for this file type. |
MAKEDLLVERULL Used to pack DLL version information into a ULONGLONG value. |
MakeProminent Places a control in the dialog so that it stands out compared to other added controls. |
MapColumnToSCID Converts a column to the appropriate property set ID (FMTID) and property ID (PID). |
MarkForDelete Marks for delete. |
MarkFullscreenWindow Marks a window as full-screen. |
Merge IFileSyncMergeHandler::Merge method |
MessageSFVCB Allows communication between the system folder view object and a system folder view callback object. |
MIMEAssociationDialogA Runs the unregistered MIME content type dialog box.Note Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) or later:_This function is no longer supported. (ANSI) |
MIMEAssociationDialogW Runs the unregistered MIME content type dialog box.Note Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) or later:_This function is no longer supported. (Unicode) |
MoveIcons This method is not implemented. (IShellFolderView.MoveIcons) |
MoveItem Declares a single item that is to be moved to a specified destination. |
MoveItem Moves the item within the volume/namespace, returning the IShellItem in its new location. |
MoveItems Declares a set of items that are to be moved to a specified destination. |
MoveWindowToDesktop Moves a window to the specified virtual desktop. |
NavigateToPidl Deprecated. Navigates the browser to the location indicated by a pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL). |
NetAddr_DisplayErrorTip Displays an error message in the balloon tip associated with the network address control. |
NetAddr_GetAddress Indicates whether a network address conforms to a specified type and format. |
NetAddr_GetAllowType Retrieves the network address types that a specified network address control accepts. |
NetAddr_SetAllowType Sets the network address types that a specified network address control accepts. |
NewItem Declares a new item that is to be created in a specified location. |
Next Retrieves a specified number of elements. |
Next Retrieves a specified number of elements that directly follow the current element. |
Next Used to request information on one or more search objects. |
Next Retrieves a specified number of IDLIST_ABSOLUTE items. |
Next Retrieves the specified number of item identifiers in the enumeration sequence and advances the current position by the number of items retrieved. |
Next Gets the next specified number and type of objects. |
Next Gets the next SHELL_ITEM_RESOURCE structure. |
Next Gets an array of one or more IShellItem interfaces from the enumeration. |
Next Gets the next IPublishedApp object in the enumeration. |
Next Gets the next batch of conflicts from the conflicts store. |
Next Gets the next batch of events from the event store. |
Next Gets the next batch of sync items from the handler. |
Next Enumerates the next celt elements in the enumerator's list, returning them in rgelt along with the actual number of enumerated elements in pceltFetched. |
NextFrame Switches to the next frame of an animated image. |
NextPage Switches to the next page of a multipage image. Any associated animations are reset. |
Notify Called by a Shell view to notify the common dialog box hosting it that an event has occurred. |
NotifyRedirect Deprecated. Updates the browser to the specified pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL), navigating if necessary. This method is called when a page is redirected. |
Offline Deprecated. Checks for and updates the browser's offline status, synchronizing the state between the base class and any derived classes. |
OnActivated Occurs when a Shell window's activation state changes. |
OnAfterContextMenu Called after a context menu is displayed. |
OnAfterExpand Called after an IShellItem is expanded. |
OnBalloonUserClick Called when the user clicks the balloon. The application may respond with an action that is suitable for the balloon being clicked. |
OnBeforeContextMenu Called before a context menu is displayed; allows client to add additional menu entries. |
OnBeforeExpand Called before an IShellItem is expanded. |
OnBeforeItemDelete Called before an IShellItem and all of its children are deleted. |
OnBeforeStateImageChange Called before the state icon of the given IShellItem is changed. |
OnBeginLabelEdit Called before the IShellItem goes into edit mode. |
OnButtonClicked Called when the user clicks a command button. |
OnChange Informs a namespace extension that an event has taken place that affects its items. |
OnCheckButtonToggled Called when the user changes the state of a check button (check box). |
OnColumnClicked Called after a specified column is clicked in the IShellView interface. |
OnCommand Deprecated. Calls the derived class from the base class on receipt of a WM_COMMAND message. The derived class handles the message. |
OnContextMenu Called when the user right-clicks (or presses SHIFT+F10) the icon in the notification area. The application should show its context menu in response. |
OnControlActivating Called when an Open button drop-down list customized through EnableOpenDropDown or a Tools menu is about to display its contents. |
OnCreate Deprecated. Calls the derived class from the base class on receipt of a WM_CREATE message. The derived class handles the message. |
OnCreated Occurs when a new Shell window is created for a frame. |
OnCreating Allows you to modify the parameters of the process being created. |
OnCreatingWindow Called when the window is created. Enables credentials to retrieve the HWND of the parent window after Advise is called. |
OnDefaultCommand Called when a user double-clicks in the view or presses the ENTER key. |
OnDestroy Deprecated. Calls the derived class from the base class on receipt of a WM_DESTROY message. The derived class handles the message. |
OnDoDefaultAccessibilityAction Invokes the default accessibility action on a Shell item. |
OnDragEnter Called on drag enter to set drag effect, as specified. |
OnDragLeave Called on drag leave for a specified item. |
OnDragOver Called on drag over to set drag effect, as specified. |
OnDragPosition Called when the item is being dragged within the same level (within the same parent folder) in the tree. |
OnDrop Called on drop to set drop effect, as specified. |
OnDropPosition Called when the item is being dropped within the same level (within the same parent folder) in the tree. |
OnEndLabelEdit Called after the IShellItem leaves edit mode. |
OnFileOk Called just before the dialog is about to return with a result. |
OnFocusChangeIS Informs the browser that the focus has changed. |
OnFolderChange Called when the user navigates to a new folder. |
OnFolderChanging Called before IFileDialogEvents::OnFolderChange. This allows the implementer to stop navigation to a particular location. |
OnFrameWindowActivateBS Deprecated. Calls the derived class from the base class in response to a subframe window being activated or deactivated. The derived class determines what to do in response to the action. |
OnGetAccessibilityRole Gets the accessibility role for a Shell item. |
OnGetDefaultAccessibilityAction Gets the default accessibility action for a Shell item. |
OnGetToolTip Enables you to provide a tooltip. |
OnHttpEquiv Deprecated. Called when the document object responds to an HTTP-EQUIV metatag by issuing either the OLECMDID_HTTPEQUIV or OLECMDID_HTTPEQUIV_DONE command through IOleCommandTarget::Exec. |
OnInvoke Deprecated. Gets ambient properties. |
OnInvoke Not implemented. (IExpDispSupportXP.OnInvoke) |
OnItemAdded Called after an IShellItem has been added. |
OnItemClick Called when the user clicks a button on the mouse. |
OnItemDeleted Called after an IShellItem has been deleted. |
OnItemSelected Called when an item is selected in a combo box, when a user clicks an option button (also known as a radio button), or an item is chosen from the Tools menu. |
OnItemStateChanged Not implemented. (INameSpaceTreeControlEvents.OnItemStateChanged) |
OnItemStateChanging Called before the state of an item changes. |
OnKeyboardInput Called when the user presses a key on the keyboard. |
OnLeftClick Called when the user clicks the icon in the notification area. The applications may launch some customary UI in response. |
OnNavigate Occurs when a Shell window is navigated to a new location. |
OnNavigationComplete Notifies clients that the Explorer browser has successfully navigated to a Shell folder. |
OnNavigationFailed Notifies clients that the Explorer browser has failed to navigate to a Shell folder. |
OnNavigationPending Notifies clients of a pending Explorer browser navigation to a Shell folder. |
OnNotify Deprecated. Calls the derived class from the base class on receipt of a WM_NOTIFY message. The derived class handles the message. |
OnOverwrite Called from the save dialog when the user chooses to overwrite a file. |
OnPictureChange Called to send notifications when the picture that represents a user account is changed. |
OnPosRectChangeDB Notifies the object that the rectangle has changed. |
OnPreViewCreated Called after a specified preview is created in the IShellView interface. |
OnPropertyItemCommit Not implemented. (INameSpaceTreeControlEvents.OnPropertyItemCommit) |
OnSelect Handles selection notifications. |
OnSelectionChange Called when the user changes the selection in the dialog's view. |
OnSelectionChanged Called when the selection changes. |
OnSetFocus Deprecated. Calls the derived class from the base class on receipt of a WM_SETFOCUS message. The derived class handles the message. |
OnSetTitle Sets or retrieves the title of the site object. |
OnShareViolation Enables an application to respond to sharing violations that arise from Open or Save operations. |
OnSize Deprecated. Calls the derived class from the base class on receipt of a WM_SIZE message. The derived class handles the message. |
OnStateChange Called after a state, identified by the uChange parameter, has changed in the IShellView interface. |
OnStateChanged Called when package state changes during Windows Store app debugging. |
OnTranslateAccelerator Deprecated. Instructs the control site to process the keystroke described in pMsg and modified by the flags in grfModifiers. |
OnTranslateAccelerator Not implemented. (IExpDispSupportXP.OnTranslateAccelerator) |
OnTypeChange Called when the dialog is opened to notify the application of the initial chosen filetype. |
OnViewCreated Notifies clients that the view of the Explorer browser has been created and can be modified. |
OnViewWindowActive Called by the Shell view when the view window or one of its child windows gets the focus or becomes active. |
Open Opens the store and returns a lock. |
Open Opens the specified Control Panel item, optionally to a specific page. |
OpenItem Opens the item for copying. Returns an object that can be enumerated for resources (IShellItemResources). |
OpenRegStream OpenRegStream may be altered or unavailable. Instead, use SHOpenRegStream2 or SHOpenRegStream. |
OpenResource Opens a specified resource. |
OverlappedResult Retrieves the results of an overlapped operation. |
OverlayIndexFromImageIndex Finds the index of an overlay image for the specified icon image. It can add an overlay if one is not found for the icon. |
PageInThumbnail . (IThumbnailCachePrimer.PageInThumbnail) |
PAPPSTATE_CHANGE_ROUTINE Specifies an app-defined callback function that notifies the app when the app is entering or leaving a suspended state. |
ParseDisplayName Translates the display name of a file object or a folder into an item identifier list. |
ParseURLA Performs rudimentary parsing of a URL. (ANSI) |
ParseURLW Performs rudimentary parsing of a URL. (Unicode) |
PathAddBackslashA Adds a backslash to the end of a string to create the correct syntax for a path. (PathAddBackslashA) |
PathAddBackslashW Adds a backslash to the end of a string to create the correct syntax for a path. (PathAddBackslashW) |
PathAddExtensionA Adds a file name extension to a path string. (ANSI) |
PathAddExtensionW Adds a file name extension to a path string. (Unicode) |
PathAllocCanonicalize Converts a path string into a canonical form.This function differs from PathCchCanonicalize and PathCchCanonicalizeEx in that it returns the result on the heap. |
PathAllocCombine Concatenates two path fragments into a single path. |
PathAppendA Appends one path to the end of another. (ANSI) |
PathAppendW Appends one path to the end of another. (Unicode) |
PathBuildRootA Creates a root path from a given drive number. (ANSI) |
PathBuildRootW Creates a root path from a given drive number. (Unicode) |
PathCanonicalizeA Simplifies a path by removing navigation elements such as "." and ".." to produce a direct, well-formed path. (ANSI) |
PathCanonicalizeW Simplifies a path by removing navigation elements such as "." and ".." to produce a direct, well-formed path. (Unicode) |
PathCchAddBackslash Adds a backslash to the end of a string to create the correct syntax for a path. (PathCchAddBackslash) |
PathCchAddBackslashEx Adds a backslash to the end of a string to create the correct syntax for a path. (PathCchAddBackslashEx) |
PathCchAddExtension Adds a file name extension to a path string.This function differs from PathAddExtension in that it accepts paths with "\", "\?" and "\?\UNC" prefixes. |
PathCchAppend Appends one path to the end of another.This function differs from PathCchAppendEx in that you are restricted to a final path of length MAX_PATH.This function differs from PathAppend in that it accepts paths with "\", "\?" and "\?\UNC" prefixes. |
PathCchAppendEx Appends one path to the end of another.This function differs from PathCchAppend in that it allows for a longer final path to be constructed.This function differs from PathAppend in that it accepts paths with "\", "\?" and "\?\UNC" prefixes. |
PathCchCanonicalize Converts a path string into a canonical form.This function differs from PathCchCanonicalizeEx in that you are restricted to a final path of length MAX_PATH.This function differs from PathAllocCanonicalize in that the caller must declare the size of the returned string, which is stored on the stack.This function differs from PathCanonicalize in that it accepts paths with "\", "\?" and "\?\UNC" prefixes. |
PathCchCanonicalizeEx Simplifies a path by removing navigation elements such as "." and ".." to produce a direct, well-formed path.This function differs from PathCchCanonicalize in that it allows for a longer final path to be constructed.This function differs from PathAllocCanonicalize in that the caller must declare the size of the returned string, which is stored on the stack.This function differs from PathCanonicalize in that it accepts paths with "\", "\?" and "\?\UNC" prefixes. |
PathCchCombine Combines two path fragments into a single path. (PathCchCombine) |
PathCchCombineEx Combines two path fragments into a single path. (PathCchCombineEx) |
PathCchFindExtension Searches a path to find its file name extension, such as ".exe" or ".ini". |
PathCchIsRoot Determines whether a path string refers to the root of a volume.This function differs from PathIsRoot in that it accepts paths with "\", "\?" and "\?\UNC" prefixes. |
PathCchRemoveBackslash Removes the trailing backslash from the end of a path string.This function differs from PathRemoveBackslash in that it accepts paths with "\", "\?" and "\?\UNC" prefixes. |
PathCchRemoveBackslashEx Removes the trailing backslash from the end of a path string.This function differs from PathCchRemoveBackslash in that it can return a pointer to the new end of the string and report the number of unused characters remaining in the buffer.This function differs from PathRemoveBackslash in that it accepts paths with "\", "\?" and "\?\UNC" prefixes. |
PathCchRemoveExtension Removes the file name extension from a path, if one is present.This function differs from PathRemoveExtension in that it accepts paths with "\", "\?" and "\?\UNC" prefixes. |
PathCchRemoveFileSpec Removes the last element in a path string, whether that element is a file name or a directory name. |
PathCchRenameExtension Replaces a file name's extension at the end of a path string with a new extension. |
PathCchSkipRoot Retrieves a pointer to the first character in a path following the drive letter or Universal Naming Convention (UNC) server/share path elements.This function differs from PathSkipRoot in that it accepts paths with "\", "\?" and "\?\UNC" prefixes. |
PathCchStripPrefix Removes the "\?" prefix, if present, from a file path. |
PathCchStripToRoot Removes all file and directory elements in a path except for the root information.This function differs from PathStripToRoot in that it accepts paths with "\", "\?" and "\?\UNC" prefixes. |
PathCleanupSpec PathCleanupSpec may be altered or unavailable. |
PathCombineA Concatenates two strings that represent properly formed paths into one path; also concatenates any relative path elements. (ANSI) |
PathCombineW Concatenates two strings that represent properly formed paths into one path; also concatenates any relative path elements. (Unicode) |
PathCommonPrefixA Compares two paths to determine if they share a common prefix. A prefix is one of these types:_"C:\", ".", "..", "..\". (ANSI) |
PathCommonPrefixW Compares two paths to determine if they share a common prefix. A prefix is one of these types:_"C:\", ".", "..", "..\". (Unicode) |
PathCompactPathA Truncates a file path to fit within a given pixel width by replacing path components with ellipses. (ANSI) |
PathCompactPathExA Truncates a path to fit within a certain number of characters by replacing path components with ellipses. (ANSI) |
PathCompactPathExW Truncates a path to fit within a certain number of characters by replacing path components with ellipses. (Unicode) |
PathCompactPathW Truncates a file path to fit within a given pixel width by replacing path components with ellipses. (Unicode) |
PathCreateFromUrlA Converts a file URL to a Microsoft MS-DOS path. (ANSI) |
PathCreateFromUrlAlloc Creates a path from a file URL. |
PathCreateFromUrlW Converts a file URL to a Microsoft MS-DOS path. (Unicode) |
PathFileExistsA Determines whether a path to a file system object such as a file or folder is valid. (ANSI) |
PathFileExistsW Determines whether a path to a file system object such as a file or folder is valid. (Unicode) |
PathFindExtensionA Searches a path for an extension. (ANSI) |
PathFindExtensionW Searches a path for an extension. (Unicode) |
PathFindFileNameA Searches a path for a file name. (ANSI) |
PathFindFileNameW Searches a path for a file name. (Unicode) |
PathFindNextComponentA Parses a path and returns the portion of that path that follows the first backslash. (ANSI) |
PathFindNextComponentW Parses a path and returns the portion of that path that follows the first backslash. (Unicode) |
PathFindOnPathA Searches for a file. (ANSI) |
PathFindOnPathW Searches for a file. (Unicode) |
PathFindSuffixArrayA Determines whether a given file name has one of a list of suffixes. (ANSI) |
PathFindSuffixArrayW Determines whether a given file name has one of a list of suffixes. (Unicode) |
PathGetArgsA Finds the command line arguments within a given path. (ANSI) |
PathGetArgsW Finds the command line arguments within a given path. (Unicode) |
PathGetCharTypeA Determines the type of character in relation to a path. (ANSI) |
PathGetCharTypeW Determines the type of character in relation to a path. (Unicode) |
PathGetDriveNumberA Searches a path for a drive letter within the range of 'A' to 'Z' and returns the corresponding drive number. (ANSI) |
PathGetDriveNumberW Searches a path for a drive letter within the range of 'A' to 'Z' and returns the corresponding drive number. (Unicode) |
PathGetShortPath PathGetShortPath may be altered or unavailable. |
PathIsContentTypeA Determines if a file's registered content type matches the specified content type. This function obtains the content type for the specified file type and compares that string with the pszContentType. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
PathIsContentTypeW Determines if a file's registered content type matches the specified content type. This function obtains the content type for the specified file type and compares that string with the pszContentType. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
PathIsDirectoryA Verifies that a path is a valid directory. (ANSI) |
PathIsDirectoryEmptyA Determines whether a specified path is an empty directory. (ANSI) |
PathIsDirectoryEmptyW Determines whether a specified path is an empty directory. (Unicode) |
PathIsDirectoryW Verifies that a path is a valid directory. (Unicode) |
PathIsExe PathIsExe may be altered or unavailable. |
PathIsFileSpecA Searches a path for any path-delimiting characters (for example, ':' or '' ). If there are no path-delimiting characters present, the path is considered to be a File Spec path. |
PathIsFileSpecW Searches a path for any path-delimiting characters (for example, ':' or '\' ). If there are no path-delimiting characters present, the path is considered to be a File Spec path. |
PathIsHTMLFileA Determines if a file is an HTML file. The determination is made based on the content type that is registered for the file's extension. (ANSI) |
PathIsHTMLFileW Determines if a file is an HTML file. The determination is made based on the content type that is registered for the file's extension. (Unicode) |
PathIsLFNFileSpecA Determines whether a file name is in long format. (ANSI) |
PathIsLFNFileSpecW Determines whether a file name is in long format. (Unicode) |
PathIsNetworkPathA Determines whether a path string represents a network resource. (ANSI) |
PathIsNetworkPathW Determines whether a path string represents a network resource. (Unicode) |
PathIsPrefixA Examines a path to determine if it starts with a prefix value passed by pszPrefix. (ANSI) |
PathIsPrefixW Examines a path to determine if it starts with a prefix value passed by pszPrefix. (Unicode) |
PathIsRelativeA Searches a path and determines if it is relative. (ANSI) |
PathIsRelativeW Searches a path and determines if it is relative. (Unicode) |
PathIsRootA Determines whether a path string refers to the root of a volume. (ANSI) |
PathIsRootW Determines whether a path string refers to the root of a volume. (Unicode) |
PathIsSameRootA Compares two paths to determine if they have a common root component. (ANSI) |
PathIsSameRootW Compares two paths to determine if they have a common root component. (Unicode) |
PathIsSlowA PathIsSlow may be altered or unavailable. (ANSI) |
PathIsSlowW PathIsSlow may be altered or unavailable. (Unicode) |
PathIsSystemFolderA Determines if an existing folder contains the attributes that make it a system folder. Alternately, this function indicates if certain attributes qualify a folder to be a system folder. (ANSI) |
PathIsSystemFolderW Determines if an existing folder contains the attributes that make it a system folder. Alternately, this function indicates if certain attributes qualify a folder to be a system folder. (Unicode) |
PathIsUNCA Determines if a path string is a valid Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path, as opposed to a path based on a drive letter. (ANSI) |
PathIsUNCEx Determines if a path string is a valid Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path, as opposed to a path based on a drive letter.This function differs from PathIsUNC in that it also allows you to extract the name of the server from the path. |
PathIsUNCServerA Determines if a string is a valid Universal Naming Convention (UNC) for a server path only. (ANSI) |
PathIsUNCServerShareA Determines if a string is a valid Universal Naming Convention (UNC) share path, \server\share. (ANSI) |
PathIsUNCServerShareW Determines if a string is a valid Universal Naming Convention (UNC) share path, \server\share. (Unicode) |
PathIsUNCServerW Determines if a string is a valid Universal Naming Convention (UNC) for a server path only. (Unicode) |
PathIsUNCW Determines if a path string is a valid Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path, as opposed to a path based on a drive letter. (Unicode) |
PathIsURLA Tests a given string to determine if it conforms to a valid URL format. (ANSI) |
PathIsURLW Tests a given string to determine if it conforms to a valid URL format. (Unicode) |
PathMakePrettyA Converts an all-uppercase path to all lowercase characters to give the path a consistent appearance. (ANSI) |
PathMakePrettyW Converts an all-uppercase path to all lowercase characters to give the path a consistent appearance. (Unicode) |
PathMakeSystemFolderA Gives an existing folder the proper attributes to become a system folder. (ANSI) |
PathMakeSystemFolderW Gives an existing folder the proper attributes to become a system folder. (Unicode) |
PathMakeUniqueName Creates a unique path name from a template. |
PathMatchSpecA Searches a string using a Microsoft MS-DOS wildcard match type. (ANSI) |
PathMatchSpecExA Matches a file name from a path against one or more file name patterns. (ANSI) |
PathMatchSpecExW Matches a file name from a path against one or more file name patterns. (Unicode) |
PathMatchSpecW Searches a string using a Microsoft MS-DOS wildcard match type. (Unicode) |
PathParseIconLocationA Parses a file location string that contains a file location and icon index, and returns separate values. (ANSI) |
PathParseIconLocationW Parses a file location string that contains a file location and icon index, and returns separate values. (Unicode) |
PathProcessCommand Deprecated. Processes a string that contains a command line and generates a suitably quoted string, with arguments attached if required. |
PathQuoteSpacesA Searches a path for spaces. If spaces are found, the entire path is enclosed in quotation marks. (ANSI) |
PathQuoteSpacesW Searches a path for spaces. If spaces are found, the entire path is enclosed in quotation marks. (Unicode) |
PathRelativePathToA Creates a relative path from one file or folder to another. (ANSI) |
PathRelativePathToW Creates a relative path from one file or folder to another. (Unicode) |
PathRemoveArgsA Removes any arguments from a given path. (ANSI) |
PathRemoveArgsW Removes any arguments from a given path. (Unicode) |
PathRemoveBackslashA Removes the trailing backslash from a given path. (ANSI) |
PathRemoveBackslashW Removes the trailing backslash from a given path. (Unicode) |
PathRemoveBlanksA Removes all leading and trailing spaces from a string. (ANSI) |
PathRemoveBlanksW Removes all leading and trailing spaces from a string. (Unicode) |
PathRemoveExtensionA Removes the file name extension from a path, if one is present. (ANSI) |
PathRemoveExtensionW Removes the file name extension from a path, if one is present. (Unicode) |
PathRemoveFileSpecA Removes the trailing file name and backslash from a path, if they are present. (ANSI) |
PathRemoveFileSpecW Removes the trailing file name and backslash from a path, if they are present. (Unicode) |
PathRenameExtensionA Replaces the extension of a file name with a new extension. If the file name does not contain an extension, the extension will be attached to the end of the string. (ANSI) |
PathRenameExtensionW Replaces the extension of a file name with a new extension. If the file name does not contain an extension, the extension will be attached to the end of the string. (Unicode) |
PathResolve PathResolve may be altered or unavailable. |
PathSearchAndQualifyA Determines if a given path is correctly formatted and fully qualified. (ANSI) |
PathSearchAndQualifyW Determines if a given path is correctly formatted and fully qualified. (Unicode) |
PathSetDlgItemPathA Sets the text of a child control in a window or dialog box, using PathCompactPath to ensure the path fits in the control. (ANSI) |
PathSetDlgItemPathW Sets the text of a child control in a window or dialog box, using PathCompactPath to ensure the path fits in the control. (Unicode) |
PathSkipRootA Retrieves a pointer to the first character in a path following the drive letter or Universal Naming Convention (UNC) server/share path elements. (ANSI) |
PathSkipRootW Retrieves a pointer to the first character in a path following the drive letter or Universal Naming Convention (UNC) server/share path elements. (Unicode) |
PathStripPathA Removes the path portion of a fully qualified path and file. (ANSI) |
PathStripPathW Removes the path portion of a fully qualified path and file. (Unicode) |
PathStripToRootA Removes all file and directory elements in a path except for the root information. (ANSI) |
PathStripToRootW Removes all file and directory elements in a path except for the root information. (Unicode) |
PathUndecorateA Removes the decoration from a path string. (ANSI) |
PathUndecorateW Removes the decoration from a path string. (Unicode) |
PathUnExpandEnvStringsA Replaces certain folder names in a fully qualified path with their associated environment string. (ANSI) |
PathUnExpandEnvStringsW Replaces certain folder names in a fully qualified path with their associated environment string. (Unicode) |
PathUnmakeSystemFolderA Removes the attributes from a folder that make it a system folder. This folder must actually exist in the file system. (ANSI) |
PathUnmakeSystemFolderW Removes the attributes from a folder that make it a system folder. This folder must actually exist in the file system. (Unicode) |
PathUnquoteSpacesA Removes quotes from the beginning and end of a path. (ANSI) |
PathUnquoteSpacesW Removes quotes from the beginning and end of a path. (Unicode) |
PathYetAnotherMakeUniqueName Creates a unique filename based on an existing filename. |
PauseTimer Not supported. (IFileOperationProgressSink.PauseTimer) |
PauseTimer Pauses progress dialog timer. |
PerformOperations Executes all selected operations. |
PerUserInit Creates My Documents and other special folders, initializes them as needed, and creates the Send To shortcut menu item for My Documents. |
PickIconDlg PickIconDlg may be altered or unavailable. |
PlaySound Plays a sound in conjunction with the notification. (IUserNotification2.PlaySound) |
PlaySound Plays a sound in conjunction with the notification. (IUserNotification.PlaySound) |
Popup Invokes the shortcut menu at a specified onscreen location. |
Popup Displays a modal pop-up menu at a specific location. |
PopupItemMenu Creates a shortcut menu for the specified item and returns the selected command string. |
PostCopyItem Performs caller-implemented actions after the copy process for each item is complete. |
PostDeleteItem Performs caller-implemented actions after the delete process for each item is complete. |
PostMoveItem Performs caller-implemented actions after the move process for each item is complete. |
PostNewItem Performs caller-implemented actions after the new item is created. |
PostPaint Called after the namespace tree control is drawn. |
PostRenameItem Performs caller-implemented actions after the rename process for each item is complete. |
PreCopyItem Performs caller-implemented actions before the copy process for each item begins. |
PreDeleteItem Performs caller-implemented actions before the delete process for each item begins. |
PreMoveItem Performs caller-implemented actions before the move process for each item begins. |
PreNewItem Performs caller-implemented actions before the process to create a new item begins. |
PrePaint Called before the namespace tree control is drawn. |
PrepareForSync Allows a registered application to display any user interface, and perform any necessary initialization before the ISyncMgrSynchronize::Synchronize method is called. |
PrepareForSyncCompleted Called by a registered handler of an application after the PrepareForSync method is complete. |
PreRenameItem Performs caller-implemented actions before the rename process for each item begins. |
PresentConflict Presents the conflict to the user. |
PrevPage Switches to the previous page of a multipage image. Any associated animations are reset. |
PrintTo Prints a file. (ANSI) |
PrintTo Prints a file. (Unicode) |
ProcessAttachDetach Deprecated. Always returns S_OK. |
ProfferService Makes a service available to other objects on the same host. |
Progress Called by a registered application to update the progress information and determine whether an operation should continue. |
Prompt Presents a prompt UI to the user. |
PropertyFailure Called when there is a failure that involves file properties and user interaction is needed. |
ProposeItem Proposes the addition of a new item to the set of items previously enumerated. |
PtrdiffTAdd Adds two values of type ptrdiff_t. |
PtrdiffTMult Multiplies two values of type ptrdiff_t. |
PtrdiffTSub Subtracts one value of type ptrdiff_t from another. |
put_CurrentViewMode Sets the current view mode of the current folder. |
put_FolderFlags Sets the current folders settings. |
put_GroupBy Sets the column used in grouping the folder view. |
put_IconSize Sets the icon size setting for the current folder. |
put_SortColumns Sets the names of the columns to be sorted. |
PutBaseBrowserData Deprecated. Gets a structure that allows read/write access to protected members of the base class. Note, however, that state should only be updated by the base browser. |
QISearch A table-driven implementation of the IUnknown::QueryInterface method. |
QueryAbilities Determines what options the conflict presenter will display. |
QueryAbort Aborts an IShellImageData process such as Decode, Draw, or Scale. This is a callback method. |
QueryActiveShellView Retrieves the currently active (displayed) Shell view object. |
QueryAppIsDefault Determines whether an application owns the registered default association for a given application level and type. Not intended for use in Windows 8. |
QueryAppIsDefaultAll Determines whether an application owns all of the registered default associations for a given application level. Not intended for use in Windows 8. |
QueryBand Gets information about a band in a band site. |
QueryCancel Provides information about whether the action is being canceled. |
QueryContextMenu Adds commands to a shortcut menu. |
QueryContinue Returns S_OK if the operation associated with the current instance of this interface should continue. |
QueryCurrentDefault Determines the default application for a given association type. This is the default application launched by ShellExecute for that type. |
QueryFocus Directs the preview handler to return the HWND from calling the GetFocus Function. |
QueryForAdditionalItems Retrieves an enumerator of the set of items that have a pending request to be synchronized. This is the set of items that will be synchronized after the current synchronization is finished. |
QueryObject Queries for a specified object. |
QuerySupport QuerySupport may be altered or unavailable. |
ReadAsync Reads information from a stream asynchronously. For example, the Shell implements this interface on file items when transferring them asynchronously. |
ReadCabinetState ReadCabinetState may be altered or unavailable. |
ReadPropertyNPB Causes a property to be read from the named property bag. |
RealDriveType RealDriveType may be altered or unavailable. |
Rearrange Rearrange may be altered or unavailable. |
RecompressImage Recompresses an image. Implemented in an ImageRecompress object, this method accepts x and y dimensions with a designation of quality. The method creates a stream containing the new image that has been recompressed to the specified size. |
RecycleItem Recycle the item into the provided recycle location and return the item in its new location. |
Redirect Redirects folder requests for common and per-user folders. |
Refresh Refreshes the view's contents in response to user input. |
RefreshObject RefreshObject may be altered or unavailable. |
RefreshOverlayImages Refreshes the overlay cache, the image list, or both. |
Register Registers an open window as a Shell window; the window is specified by handle. |
RegisterAbort Sets a callback abort object, optionally returning a pointer to the previous object. |
RegisterAppStateChangeNotification Enables an app to register a callback function through which it can be notified that its library is going into or coming out of a suspended state. |
RegisterAsChild ISuspensionDependencyManager::RegisterAsChild method |
RegisterDialogClasses Registers any nonstandard window classes required by a screen saver's configuration dialog box. |
RegisterFolder Adds a new known folder to the registry. Used particularly by independent software vendors (ISVs) that are adding one of their own folders to the known folder system. |
RegisterForPackageStateChanges Register for package state-change notifications. |
RegisterPending Registers a pending window as a Shell window; the window is specified by an absolute PIDL. |
RegisterScaleChangeEvent Registers for an event that is triggered when the scale has possibly changed. This function replaces RegisterScaleChangeNotifications. |
RegisterScaleChangeNotifications Registers a window to receive callbacks when scaling information changes. |
RegisterSyncMgrHandler Registers a handler with the synchronization manager when the handler has items to synchronize. |
RegisterTab Informs the taskbar that a new tab or document thumbnail has been provided for display in an application's taskbar group flyout. |
RegisterWindow Deprecated. Registers the browser in the list of browser windows. |
ReleaseShellView Deprecated. Coordinates the view lifetime between the base class and its derived class. |
Remove Removes an object from the collection of managed objects. |
RemoveAll Removes all items from a results folder. |
RemoveAll Removes all items from the results folder. |
RemoveAllControlItems Not implemented. (IFileDialogCustomize.RemoveAllControlItems) |
RemoveAllDestinations Clears all destination entries from the Recent and Frequent categories in an application's Jump List. |
RemoveAllRoots Removes all roots and their children from a tree. |
RemoveBackReferences Removes all back references held by an object. |
RemoveBand Removes a band from the band site. |
RemoveConflicts Deletes a set of conflicts, specified by conflict ID, from the store. |
RemoveControlItem Removes an item from a container control in the dialog. |
RemoveDataBlock Removes a data block from a link. |
RemoveDestination Removes a single destination from the Recent and Frequent categories in a Jump List. |
RemoveEvent Removes events, as specified. |
RemoveFolder Removes a folder from the library. |
RemoveFromList Windows Vista:_Removes an item from the Start menu pinned list, which is the list in the upper left position of the Start menu. |
RemoveFromSyncSet Deletes the conflict and removes the IShellItem from synchronization. |
RemoveIDList Removes a pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) from a results folder. |
RemoveItem Removes an item from a results folder. |
RemoveItem Removes the item without moving the item to the Recycle Bin. |
RemoveMenusSB Permits the container to remove any of its menu elements from the in-place composite menu and to free all associated resources. |
RemoveObject RemoveObject may be altered or unavailable. |
RemoveObjectAt Removes a single, specified object from the collection. |
RemovePropertyNPB Removes a property from a named property bag. |
RemoveRoot Removes a root and its children from a tree. |
RemoveTasks Removes tasks from the scheduler's background queue. |
RemoveToolbar Removes the specified IDockingWindow from the toolbar frame. |
RemoveWindowSubclass Removes a subclass callback from a window. |
RenameItem Declares a single item that is to be given a new display name. |
RenameItem Changes the name of an item, returning the IShellItem with the new name. |
RenameItems Declares a set of items that are to be given a new display name. All items are given the same name. |
ReplaceFrame Replaces the current frame with a new image. |
ReplacePage Replaces a page in a property sheet for a Control Panel object. |
ReportEvent Provides an event to add to the Sync Results folder for an item being synchronized. |
ReportManualSync Reports that a synchronization operation is being performed that was requested manually from outside the Sync Center UI. |
ReportProgress Reports the progress of the synchronization of a single sync item to Sync Center. |
ReportResult Translates a received error status code into the appropriate user-readable message. |
RequestBorderSpaceDW Approves, modifies, or refuses a request for an IDockingWindow object's border space. The border space is not allocated until the SetBorderSpaceDW method is called. |
RequireTouchInEditControl Requires an explicit user tap in an edit field before the touch keyboard invokes. |
Reset Resets the enumeration to 0. |
Reset Used to reset the enumeration index to zero. |
Reset Returns the enumerator to the beginning of the enumeration sequence. |
Reset Returns to the beginning of the enumeration sequence. |
Reset Resets the enumeration index to 0. (IEnumObjects.Reset) |
Reset Resets the enumeration index to 0. (IEnumResources.Reset) |
Reset Resets the internal count of retrieved IShellItem interfaces in the enumeration. |
Reset Resets the enumeration of IPublishedApp objects to the first item. |
Reset Resets the current position in the enumeration to zero. |
Reset Resets the current location in the enumeration to zero. |
Reset Resets the current position in the enumeration to 0. |
Reset Instructs the enumerator to position itself at the beginning of the list of elements. |
ResetCancel Resets progress dialog after a cancellation has been completed. |
ResetEnumerator Forces the autocomplete object to refresh its list of suggestions when the list is visible. |
ResetTimer Not supported. (IFileOperationProgressSink.ResetTimer) |
ResetTimer Resets progress dialog timer to 0. |
ResizeBorderDW Notifies the docking window object that the frame's border space has changed. In response to this method, the IDockingWindow implementation must call SetBorderSpaceDW, even if no border space is required or a change is not necessary. |
Resolve Attempts to find the target of a Shell link, even if it has been moved or renamed. (ANSI) |
Resolve Attempts to find the target of a Shell link, even if it has been moved or renamed. (Unicode) |
Resolve Resolves the conflict using its own sync handler, controls UI. |
ResolveFolder Resolves the target location of a library folder, even if the folder has been moved or renamed. |
ResolveShellLink Requests that a folder object resolve a Shell link. |
RestartDialog Displays a dialog box that prompts the user to restart Windows. When the user clicks the button, the function calls ExitWindowsEx to attempt to restart Windows. |
RestartDialogEx Displays a dialog box that asks the user to restart Windows. When the user clicks the button, the function calls ExitWindowsEx to attempt to restart Windows. |
Result Gets the result of a StartHandlerSync or StartItemSync call. |
Resume Resumes the processes of the package if they are currently suspended. |
Resume Requests that a task resume. |
ResumeTimer Not supported. (IFileOperationProgressSink.ResumeTimer) |
ResumeTimer Resumes progress dialog timer. |
RetrieveProperties Gets the properties managed by the sync engine. |
Revert Deprecated. Reverts to the current entry, dropping the result of ITravelLog::AddEntry in the case of a failed navigation. |
Revoke Revokes a Shell window's registration and removes the window from the Shell windows collection. |
RevokeScaleChangeNotifications Revokes the registration of a window, preventing it from receiving callbacks when scaling information changes. |
RevokeService Makes a service unavailable that had previously been available to other objects through IProfferService::ProfferService. |
Rotate Rotates an image in increments of 90 degrees. |
Run Not supported. (IShellRunDll.Run) |
Run Requests that a task begin. |
Run Performs the actual display of UI for a handler or sync item when requested to do so by Sync Center. |
RunGadget Adds an installed gadget to the desktop. |
Save Saves the attachment. |
Save Saves the library to a new Library Description (*.library-ms) file. |
SaveInKnownFolder Saves the library to a new file in a specified known folder. |
SaveProperties Saves properties associated with a file or folder. |
SaveViewState Saves the Shell's view settings so the current state can be restored during a subsequent browsing session. |
SaveViewState Deprecated. (IBrowserService4.SaveViewState) |
SaveWithUI Presents the user with explanatory error UI if the save action fails. |
Scale Adjusts the size of an image. |
ScreenSaverConfigureDialog Receives messages sent to a screen saver's configuration dialog box. A screen saver that allows user configuration must define this function. |
ScreenSaverProc Receives messages sent to the specified screen saver window. |
Select IShellFolderView::Select may be altered or unavailable. |
SelectAndEditItem INewMenuClient::SelectAndEditItem method |
SelectAndPositionItem Selects and positions an item in a Shell View. |
SelectAndPositionItems Allows the selection and positioning of items visible in the folder's view. |
SelectedItems Gets a FolderItems object that represents all of the selected items in the view. |
SelectItem Sets the selection state of an item in the view. |
SelectItem Selects an item in the folder's view. |
SelectItem Changes the selection state of one or more items within the Shell view window. |
SelectItemRelative Selects an item relative to the current item. |
SelectPage Selects a specified page in a multipage image. |
SendControlMsg Sends control messages to either the toolbar or the status bar in a Windows Explorer window. |
SetAcceleratorMenu Deprecated. Implemented by a derived class to define menu accelerators that can be used in a call to TranslateAcceleratorSB. |
SetAccelerators Sets accelerators. |
SetAccessibleName Sets text that is retrieved by IAccessible::get_accName which accessibility tools use to obtain the Name Property of an object. |
SetActivateState Deprecated. Updates the value of the _uActivateState member of the BASEBROWSERDATA structure, which tracks whether the browser view window is in an activated state. The derived class makes this call to the base class. |
SetActiveAlt Marks a taskbar item as active but does not visually activate it. |
SetAdjacentDisplayEdges Sets whether the application window will be adjacent to the edge of the emulated display. |
SetAnimation Specifies an Audio-Video Interleaved (AVI) clip that runs in the dialog box. |
SetAppAsDefault Sets an application as the default for a given extension or protocol, provided that the application's publisher matches the current default's. For more information, see Default Programs. Not intended for use in Windows 8. |
SetAppAsDefaultAll Sets an application as the default for all of the registered associations of any type for that application. Not intended for use in Windows 8. |
SetAppID Specifies a unique Application User Model ID (AppUserModelID) for the application from whose taskbar button's Jump List the methods of this interface will remove destinations. This method is optional. |
SetAppID Specifies a unique Application User Model ID (AppUserModelID) for the application whose destination lists are being retrieved. This method is optional. |
SetAppID Specifies a unique Application User Model ID (AppUserModelID) for the application whose taskbar button will hold the custom Jump List built through the methods of this interface. This method is optional. |
SetAppID Specifies a unique application-defined Application User Model ID (AppUserModelID) that identifies the object as a handler for a specific file type. This method is used by applications that require dynamic AppUserModelIDs. |
SetApplicationViewMinWidth Sets the desired minimum width of the application design mode window. |
SetApplicationViewOrientation Sets the window orientation used for the design mode window. |
SetApplicationViewState Sets a spoofed application view state (full-screen landscape, full-screen portrait, filled, or snapped) to be used for a Windows Store app running in design mode. |
SetArguments Sets the command-line arguments for a Shell link object. (ANSI) |
SetArguments Sets the command-line arguments for a Shell link object. (Unicode) |
SetAsDefFolderSettings Deprecated. Sets the folder's current view mode as the default view mode for all folders. Used by the Folder Options dialog. |
SetAsyncMode Called by a drop source to specify whether the data object supports asynchronous data extraction. |
SetAutomationObject Replaces the internal automation object of the IShellView. |
SetBackgroundColor Sets the color that is visible on the desktop when no image is displayed or when the desktop background has been disabled. This color is also used as a border when the desktop wallpaper does not fill the entire screen. |
SetBackgroundColor Sets the background color of the preview handler. |
SetBalloonInfo Sets the information to be displayed in a balloon notification. (IUserNotification2.SetBalloonInfo) |
SetBalloonInfo Sets the information to be displayed in a balloon notification. (IUserNotification.SetBalloonInfo) |
SetBalloonRetry Specifies the conditions for trying to display user information when the first attempt fails. (IUserNotification2.SetBalloonRetry) |
SetBalloonRetry Specifies the conditions for trying to display user information when the first attempt fails. (IUserNotification.SetBalloonRetry) |
SetBandAvailability Sets the availability of a specified band. |
SetBandInfoSFB Uses the information in a BANDINFOSFB structure to set the band information for a IShellFolderBand object. |
SetBandSiteInfo Sets information about the band site. |
SetBandState Set the state of a band in the band site. |
SetBorderSpaceDW Allocates and reserves border space for an IDockingWindow object. |
SetCallback IShellFolderView::SetCallback may be altered or unavailable. |
SetCancelButtonLabel Replaces the default text "Cancel" on the common file dialog's Cancel button. |
SetCancelInformation Sets information that is posted when a user selects Cancel from the progress UI. |
SetCancelMsg Sets a message to be displayed if the user cancels the operation. |
SetCascade Sets a cascade folder. |
SetCheckboxValue Enables a Logon UI and Credential UI to indicate that a checkbox value has changed. |
SetCheckButtonState Sets the state of a check button (check box) in the dialog. |
SetCheckState Sets the state of a check box item in a tree-view control. |
SetClient Sets the client specified by punkClient. |
SetClientGuid Specifies and stores the GUID for the client. |
SetClientGuid Enables a calling application to associate a GUID with a dialog's persisted state. |
SetClientTitle Specifies and stores the title of the prompt window. |
SetClipboard SetClipboard may be altered or unavailable. |
SetCodePage Sets the numeric value of the ANSI code page to a specified code page identifier. |
SetCollectedProperties Specifies which properties will be collected in the save dialog. |
SetColor Sets the color, as specified. |
SetColumnInfo Sets the state for a specified column. |
SetColumns Sets the collection of columns for the view to display. |
SetComboBoxSelectedValue Enables a Logon UI and Credential UI to indicate that a combo box value has been selected. |
SetCompositionState Sets the composition state. |
SetCondition Sets the ICondition of the search. When this method is not called, the resulting search will have no filters applied. |
SetContext Enables a thumbnail provider to return a thumbnail specific to the user's context. |
SetContractDelegateWindow Associates an app window other than the primary foreground window with an app's contracts. Use this function if you are a developer writing a Windows Store app in native C++. |
SetControlItemState Sets the current state of an item in a container control found in the dialog. |
SetControlItemText Sets the text of a control item. For example, the text that accompanies a radio button or an item in a menu. |
SetControlLabel Sets the text associated with a control, such as button text or an edit box label. |
SetControlState Sets the current visibility and enabled states of a given control. |
SetControlStyle Sets the display styles for the namespace object's treeview controls. |
SetControlStyle2 Sets the extended display styles for the namespace object's treeview controls. |
SetCreateFlags Set the flags that will be included in the call to CreateProcess. |
SetCurrentFolderFlags Sets and applies specified folder flags. |
SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID Specifies a unique application-defined Application User Model ID (AppUserModelID) that identifies the current process to the taskbar. This identifier allows an application to group its associated processes and windows under a single taskbar button. |
SetCurrentViewMode Sets the selected folder's view mode. |
SetDataObject Wraps an IDataObject instance as a Windows Runtime DataPackage. |
SetDefaultExtension Sets the default extension to be added to file names. |
SetDefaultFolder Sets the folder used as a default if there is not a recently used folder value available. |
SetDefaultIcon Sets the default icon. |
SetDefaultSaveFolder Sets the default target folder that the library will use for save operations. |
SetDescription Sets the description for a Shell link object. The description can be any application-defined string. (ANSI) |
SetDescription Sets the description for a Shell link object. The description can be any application-defined string. (Unicode) |
SetDeselected Called when a credential loses selection. |
SetDirectory Sets the current working directory. |
SetDirectory Sets a new working directory. |
SetDisplayName Sets the search folder display name, as specified. |
SetEditBoxText Sets the text in an edit box control found in the dialog. |
SetEmptyText Sets the default empty text. |
SetEncoderParams Sets encoder parameters. |
SetEnumReadyCallback Sets a callback on the view that is notified when the initial view enumeration is complete. |
SetEnvironmentVariable Sets a variable in the environment of the created process. |
SetErrorURL Specifies the URL of a page that displays when a user experiences an error while navigating through the wizard extension pages. |
SetExtendedTileViewProperties Sets the list of extended tile properties for an item. |
SetFieldBitmap Communicates to the Logon UI or Credential UI that a tile image field has changed and that the UI should be updated. |
SetFieldCheckbox Communicates to the Logon UI or Credential UI that a checkbox field has changed and that the UI should be updated. |
SetFieldComboBoxSelectedItem Communicates to the Logon UI or Credential UI that the selected item in a combo box has changed and that the UI should be updated. |
SetFieldInteractiveState Communicates to the Logon UI or Credential UI that the interactivity state of a field has changed and that the UI should be updated. |
SetFieldOptions Specifies whether a specified field in the logon or credential UI should display a "password reveal" glyph or is expected to receive an e-mail address. |
SetFieldState Communicates to the Logon UI or Credential UI that a field state has changed and that the UI should be updated. |
SetFieldString Communicates to the Logon UI or Credential UI that the string associated with a field has changed and that the UI should be updated. |
SetFieldSubmitButton Enables credentials to set the field that the submit button appears adjacent to. |
SetFileID Sets the unique file identifier for the current file. |
SetFileName Specifies and stores the proposed name of the file. |
SetFileName Sets the file name that appears in the File name edit box when that dialog box is opened. |
SetFileNameLabel Sets the text of the label next to the file name edit box. |
SetFileTypeIndex Sets the file type that appears as selected in the dialog. |
SetFileTypes Sets the file types that the dialog can open or save. |
SetFilter SetFilter is no longer available for use as of Windows 7. |
SetFilter Exposed by a host to allow clients to pass the host their IUnknown interface pointers. |
SetFindData Stores file system information in a WIN32_FIND_DATA structure. This information is used by ParseDisplayName. |
SetFlags Sets the characteristics of a drag-and-drop operation over an IDragSourceHelper object. |
SetFlags Toggles the property store object between the read-only and read/write state. |
SetFlags Sets GIL_XXX flags. |
SetFlags Sets the current option settings. |
SetFlags Deprecated. Sets flags that indicate browser status. |
SetFocus Directs the preview handler to set focus to itself. |
SetFolder Sets the folder name for the shortcut object. (ANSI) |
SetFolder Sets the folder name for the shortcut object. (Unicode) |
SetFolder Sets a folder that is always selected when the dialog is opened, regardless of previous user action. |
SetFolderLogicalViewMode Sets folder logical view mode. The default settings are based on the FolderTypeID which is set by the ISearchFolderItemFactory::SetFolderTypeID method. |
SetFolderSettings Sets the folder settings for the current view. |
SetFolderType Sets the library's folder type. |
SetFolderTypeID Sets a search folder type ID, as specified. |
SetFolderViewOptions Sets specified options for the view. |
SetFont Sets attributes of the font. |
SetFont Sets the font attributes to be used for text within the preview handler. |
SetGroupBy Groups the view by the given property key and direction. |
SetGroupColumn Sets a group column, as specified. If no group column is specified, no grouping occurs. |
SetGroupSubsetCount Turns on group subsetting and sets the number of visible rows of items in each group. |
SetHandlerClsid . (IDefaultFolderMenuInitialize.SetHandlerClsid) |
SetHandlerProgressText Sets the content of an information field for the handler while that handler is performing a synchronization. |
SetHistoryObject Deprecated. Sets the browser's history object. |
SetHotkey Sets a keyboard shortcut (hot key) for a Shell link object. (ANSI) |
SetHotkey Sets a keyboard shortcut (hot key) for a Shell link object. (Unicode) |
SetHotKey Sets the hot key for the application. |
SetIcon Sets the default icon for the library. |
SetIconInfo Sets the notification area icon associated with specific user information. (IUserNotification2.SetIconInfo) |
SetIconInfo Sets the notification area icon associated with specific user information. (IUserNotification.SetIconInfo) |
SetIconLocation Sets the location (path and index) of the icon for a Shell link object. (ANSI) |
SetIconLocation Sets the location (path and index) of the icon for a Shell link object. (Unicode) |
SetIconSize Sets the search folder icon size, as specified. The default settings are based on the FolderTypeID which is set by the ISearchFolderItemFactory::SetFolderTypeID method. |
SetIDList Sets a persisted item identifier list. |
SetIDList Sets the pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) for a Shell link object. (ANSI) |
SetIDList Sets the pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) for a Shell link object. (Unicode) |
SetInitialURL Sets the URL of the initial server-provided HTML page in a hosted wizard. |
SetIsOnLockScreen This method determines whether or not the application, in design mode, can display information on the Windows 8 lock screen. |
SetItem IParseAndCreateItem::SetItem method |
SetItemAlloc Provides the delegate folder an IMalloc interface used to allocate and free item IDs. |
SetItemAlloc Provides the CItemIDFactory an IMalloc interface used to allocate and free item IDs. |
SetItemChoices Sets the array of indexes that represents which items the user wants to keep. This method is used when the user chooses to apply the same operation to all selected conflicts of the same type from the same handler. |
SetItemCustomState Sets the state of the checkbox associated with the Shell item. |
SetItemHeight Sets the specified item height. |
SetItemPos Sets the position of the given item. |
SetItemState Sets state information for a Shell item. |
SetItemStatus Called by the synchronization manager in a registered application's handler to change the status of an item in the following two cases:_between the time the handler has returned from the ISyncMgrSynchronize::PrepareForSync method and called the PrepareForSyncCompleted callback method, or after the handler has returned from the ISyncMgrSynchronize::Synchronize method but has not yet called the SynchronizeCompleted callback method. |
SetJunctionCLSID Sets the class identifier (CLSID) of the object that implements IShellFolder, if the current item is a junction point. |
SetKey Sets the registry key from which to load the "DefaultIcon" value. |
SetKeyState Sets a value based on the current state of the keys CTRL and SHIFT. |
SetLine Displays a message in the progress dialog. |
SetLocalPath Sets and stores the path to the file. |
SetMenu Appends a static menu to the menu band. |
SetMenuContextHelpId Associates a Help context identifier with a menu. |
SetMenuRestrictions . (IDefaultFolderMenuInitialize.SetMenuRestrictions) |
SetMenuSB Installs the composite menu in the view window. |
SetMenuToolbar Adds a menu to the menuband. |
SetMode Sets the enumeration mode of the parsed item. |
SetMode Sets progress dialog operations mode. |
SetNamedValue Sets the value of a named property. |
SetNameOf Sets the display name of a file object or subfolder, changing the item identifier in the process. |
SetNativeDisplayOrientation Sets the orientation of the emulated display for the design mode window. |
SetNativeDisplaySize Sets a spoofed native display size to be used for a Windows Store app running in design mode. |
SetNavigateState Deprecated. Sets the current navigation state. This method affects the cursor and animation. |
SetNavigationRoot Specifies a top-level location from which to begin browsing a namespace, for instance in the Save dialog's Browse folder option. Users cannot navigate above this location. |
SetNoIcons Sets whether icons are displayed in a folder band. |
SetNormalIcon Sets the normal icon. |
SetNoShowUI Indicates whether any UI associated with the selected Shell item should be displayed. |
SetNoText Sets whether text is displayed in a folder band. |
SetObjectCount SetObjectCount is no longer available. |
SetObscured Coordinates obscured items on a toolbar with items in a menu. |
SetOkButtonLabel Sets the text of the Open or Save button. |
SetOpenIcon Sets the icon that allows containers to specify an "open" look. |
SetOperation Sets which progress dialog operation is occurring, and whether we are in pre-flight or undo mode. |
SetOperationFlags Sets parameters for the current operation. |
SetOptions Sets the current autocomplete options. (IACList2.SetOptions) |
SetOptions Sets the current autocomplete options. (IAutoComplete2.SetOptions) |
SetOptions Sets the current browser options. |
SetOptions Sets flags to control the behavior of the dialog. |
SetOptions Sets the library options. |
SetOverlayIcon Applies an overlay to a taskbar button to indicate application status or a notification to the user. |
SetOwner Deprecated. Declares an owner reference to the service object. |
SetOwnerWindow Sets the parent or owner window for progress and dialog windows. |
SetParameters Provides parameter values for the verb. |
SetParentAndItem Sets the parent of an item and the parent's child ID. |
SetPath Assigns a new path to a known folder. |
SetPath Sets the path and file name for the target of a Shell link object. (ANSI) |
SetPath Sets the path and file name for the target of a Shell link object. (Unicode) |
SetPinnedWindow Sets the pinned window. When the user selects a new file to view, the Shell directs the file viewer to display the new file in the pinned window instead of creating a new window. |
SetPoints SetPoints may be altered or unavailable. |
SetPosition Sets the display option for the desktop wallpaper image, determining whether the image should be centered, tiled, or stretched. |
SetPosition Sets the coordinates of a point used for display. |
SetPresenterChoice Sets what kind of choice was made about a sync manager conflict resolution and whether to apply the choice to all subsequent conflicts in the set. |
SetPresenterNextStep Sets what the presenter wants to do as the next step in the sync manager conflict resolution. |
SetProcessReference Provides a Component Object Model (COM) object that allows hosted Shell extensions and other components to prevent their host process from closing prematurely. |
SetProgID Sets the ProgID of an object. |
SetProgress Updates the progress dialog box with the current state of the operation. (IProgressDialog.SetProgress) |
SetProgress64 Updates the progress dialog box with the current state of the operation. (IProgressDialog.SetProgress64) |
SetProgressCallback Sets the ISyncMgrSynchronizeCallback interface. Registered applications use this callback interface to give status information from within the ISyncMgrSynchronize::PrepareForSync and ISyncMgrSynchronize::Synchronize methods. |
SetProgressDialog Specifies a dialog box used to display the progress of the operation. |
SetProgressMessage Not implemented. (IFileOperation.SetProgressMessage) |
SetProgressState Sets the type and state of the progress indicator displayed on a taskbar button. |
SetProgressValue Displays or updates a progress bar hosted in a taskbar button to show the specific percentage completed of the full operation. |
SetProperties Declares a set of properties and values to be set on an item or items. |
SetProperties Provides a property store that defines the default values to be used for the item being saved. |
SetProperties Sets properties that should be applied to an item. |
SetPropertyBag Sets the name of the property bag. |
SetPropertyKey Sets the property key. |
SetPropertyStorage Initializes the property store instance from the specified serialized property storage data. |
SetProviderFilter Limits the set of users in the array to either local accounts or Microsoft accounts. |
SetRect Sets the size and position of the view windows created by the browser. |
SetRect Directs the preview handler to change the area within the parent hwnd that it draws into. |
SetRedraw Allows a view to be redrawn or prevents it from being redrawn. |
SetRedraw Sets redraw on and off. |
SetReferent Sets the referent of the shortcut object. (ANSI) |
SetReferent Sets the referent of the shortcut object. (Unicode) |
SetReferrer Sets the security zone associated with the attachment file based on the referring file. |
SetReferrer Deprecated. Sets the pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) used for zone checking when creating a new window. |
SetRelativePath Sets the relative path to the Shell link object. (ANSI) |
SetRelativePath Sets the relative path to the Shell link object. (Unicode) |
SetSaveAsItem Sets an item to be used as the initial entry in a Save As dialog. |
SetScaleFactor Sets a spoofed device scale factor to be used for a Windows Store app running in design mode. |
SetScope Sets search scope, as specified. |
SetSelected Called when a credential is selected. Enables the implementer to set logon characteristics. |
SetSelectedControlItem Sets the selected state of a particular item in an option button group or a combo box found in the dialog. |
SetSelection Provides the Shell item array that specifies the items included in the selection. |
SetSerialization Sets the serialization characteristics of the credential provider. |
SetShellFolder Specifies the folder for the menu band to browse. |
SetShortcutIcon Sets the icon for a shortcut to the object. |
SetShowCmd Sets the show command for a Shell link object. The show command sets the initial show state of the window. (ANSI) |
SetShowCmd Sets the show command for a Shell link object. The show command sets the initial show state of the window. (Unicode) |
SetShowWindow Sets the specified window's visual state. |
SetSlideshow Specifies the images to use for the desktop wallpaper slideshow. |
SetSlideshowOptions Sets the desktop wallpaper slideshow settings for shuffle and timing. |
SetSortColumns Sets and sorts the view by the given sort columns. |
SetSortColumns Creates a list of sort column directions, as specified. |
SetSource Sets an alternate path or URL for the source of a file transfer. |
SetStacks Creates a list of stack keys, as specified. If this method is not called, by default the folder will not be stacked. |
SetStatusMessage Enables the credential provider to set status messages as it attempts to complete IConnectableCredentialProviderCredential::Connect. |
SetStatusTextSB Sets and displays status text about the in-place object in the container's frame-window status bar. |
SetStringValue Enables a Logon UI or Credential UI to update the text for a CPFT_EDIT_TEXT fields as the user types in them. |
SetSubMenu Sets the given menu bar interface to be the submenu of the calling application object's interface. |
SetTabActive Informs the taskbar that a tab or document window has been made the active window. |
SetTabOrder Inserts a new thumbnail into a tabbed-document interface (TDI) or multiple-document interface (MDI) application's group flyout or moves an existing thumbnail to a new position in the application's group. |
SetTabProperties Allows a tab to specify whether the main application frame window or the tab window should be used as a thumbnail or in the peek feature under certain circumstances. |
SetTargetSessionId Sets the session identifier. |
SetText Sets the default text to be used when there are no items in the view. |
SetTextColor Sets the color of the text within the preview handler. |
SetTheme Sets the specified theme. |
SetTheme Sets the desktop theme for the current window only. |
SetThumbnailClip Selects a portion of a window's client area to display as that window's thumbnail in the taskbar. |
SetThumbnailStream Sets the thumbnail stream. This method is for internal use only and can only be called by the photos application. |
SetThumbnailTooltip Specifies or updates the text of the tooltip that is displayed when the mouse pointer rests on an individual preview thumbnail in a taskbar button flyout. |
SetTileViewProperties Set the list of tile properties for an item. |
SetTimes Sets file times. |
SetTitle Sets the title of the progress dialog box. |
SetTitle Sets the title that will be passed CreateProcess. |
SetTitle Sets the title of the dialog. |
SetTitle Deprecated. Sets the title of a browser window. |
SetToolbarItems Adds toolbar items to Windows Explorer's toolbar. |
SetTopBrowser Deprecated. Informs the base class when it becomes the topmost browser instance. |
SetUsageScenario Defines the scenarios for which the credential provider is valid. Called whenever the credential provider is initialized. |
SetUserArray Called by the system during the initialization of a logon or credential UI to retrieve the set of users to show in that UI. |
SetViewModeAndIconSize Sets and applies the view mode and image size. |
SetViewProperty Caches a property for an item in the view's property cache. |
SetVisibleColumns Creates a new column list whose columns are all visible, given an array of PROPERTYKEY structures. The default is based on FolderTypeID. |
SetWallpaper Sets the desktop wallpaper. |
SetWatermark Provides a bitmap to use as a watermark. |
SetWindow Sets the parent window of the previewer window, as well as the area within the parent to be used for the previewer window. |
SetWindowContextHelpId Associates a Help context identifier with the specified window. |
SetWindowSubclass Installs or updates a window subclass callback. |
SetWorkingDirectory Sets the name of the working directory for a Shell link object. (ANSI) |
SetWorkingDirectory Sets the name of the working directory for a Shell link object. (Unicode) |
SHAddFolderPathToLibrary Adds a folder to a library. |
SHAddFromPropSheetExtArray Adds pages to a property sheet extension array created by SHCreatePropSheetExtArray. |
SHAddToRecentDocs Notifies the system that an item has been accessed, for the purposes of tracking those items used most recently and most frequently. This function can also be used to clear all usage data. |
SHAlloc Allocates memory from the Shell's heap. |
SHAllocShared SHAllocShared may be altered or unavailable. |
SHAnsiToAnsi Copies an ANSI string. |
SHAnsiToUnicode Converts a string from the ANSI code page to the Unicode code page. |
SHAppBarMessage Sends an appbar message to the system. |
ShareExists Queries whether the Users or Public folder is shared. |
SharePrinters Shares all local printers connected to a computer, enabling them to be discovered by other computers on the network. |
SHAssocEnumHandlers Returns an enumeration object for a specified set of file name extension handlers. |
SHAssocEnumHandlersForProtocolByApplication Gets an enumeration interface that provides access to handlers associated with a given protocol. |
SHAutoComplete Instructs system edit controls to use AutoComplete to help complete URLs or file system paths. |
SHBindToFolderIDListParent Given a Shell namespace item specified in the form of a folder, and an item identifier list relative to that folder, this function binds to the parent of the namespace item and optionally returns a pointer to the final component of the item identifier list. |
SHBindToFolderIDListParentEx Extends the SHBindToFolderIDListParent function by allowing the caller to specify a bind context. |
SHBindToObject Retrieves and binds to a specified object by using the Shell namespace IShellFolder::BindToObject method. |
SHBindToParent Takes a pointer to a fully qualified item identifier list (PIDL), and returns a specified interface pointer on the parent object. |
SHBrowseForFolderA Displays a dialog box that enables the user to select a Shell folder. (ANSI) |
SHBrowseForFolderW Displays a dialog box that enables the user to select a Shell folder. (Unicode) |
SHChangeNotification_Lock Locks the shared memory associated with a Shell change notification event. |
SHChangeNotification_Unlock Unlocks shared memory for a change notification. |
SHChangeNotify Notifies the system of an event that an application has performed. An application should use this function if it performs an action that may affect the Shell. |
SHChangeNotifyDeregister Unregisters the client's window process from receiving SHChangeNotify messages. |
SHChangeNotifyRegister Registers a window to receive notifications from the file system or Shell, if the file system supports notifications. |
SHChangeNotifyRegisterThread Enables asynchronous register and deregister of a thread. |
SHCloneSpecialIDList SHCloneSpecialIDList may be altered or unavailable. Instead, use SHGetSpecialFolderLocation. |
SHCLSIDFromString Takes the string form of a class identifier (CLSID) and creates the corresponding CLSID. |
SHCoCreateInstance SHCoCreateInstance may be altered or unavailable. Instead, use CoCreateInstance. |
SHCopyKeyA Recursively copies the subkeys and values of the source subkey to the destination key. SHCopyKey does not copy the security attributes of the keys. (ANSI) |
SHCopyKeyW Recursively copies the subkeys and values of the source subkey to the destination key. SHCopyKey does not copy the security attributes of the keys. (Unicode) |
SHCreateAssociationRegistration Creates an IApplicationAssociationRegistration object based on the stock implementation of the interface provided by Windows. |
SHCreateDataObject Creates a data object in a parent folder. |
SHCreateDefaultContextMenu Creates an object that represents the Shell's default context menu implementation. |
SHCreateDefaultExtractIcon Creates a standard icon extractor, whose defaults can be further configured via the IDefaultExtractIconInit interface. |
SHCreateDefaultPropertiesOp Creates a file operation that sets the default properties on the Shell item that have not already been set. |
SHCreateDirectory Creates a new file system folder. |
SHCreateDirectoryExA Creates a new file system folder, with optional security attributes. (ANSI) |
SHCreateDirectoryExW Creates a new file system folder, with optional security attributes. (Unicode) |
SHCreateFileExtractIconA SHCreateFileExtractIcon may be altered or unavailable. (ANSI) |
SHCreateFileExtractIconW SHCreateFileExtractIcon may be altered or unavailable. (Unicode) |
SHCreateItemFromIDList Creates and initializes a Shell item object from a pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL). The resulting shell item object supports the IShellItem interface. |
SHCreateItemFromParsingName Creates and initializes a Shell item object from a parsing name. |
SHCreateItemFromRelativeName Creates and initializes a Shell item object from a relative parsing name. |
SHCreateItemInKnownFolder Creates a Shell item object for a single file that exists inside a known folder. |
SHCreateItemWithParent Create a Shell item, given a parent folder and a child item ID. |
SHCreateLibrary Creates an IShellLibrary object. |
SHCreateMemStream Creates a memory stream using a similar process to CreateStreamOnHGlobal. |
SHCreateProcessAsUserW Creates a new user-mode process and its primary thread to run a specified executable file. |
SHCreatePropSheetExtArray SHCreatePropSheetExtArray may be altered or unavailable. |
SHCreateQueryCancelAutoPlayMoniker Deprecated. Creates a QueryCancelAutoPlay class moniker, which can then be used to register the IQueryCancelAutoPlay handler in the running object table (ROT). |
SHCreateShellFolderView Creates a new instance of the default Shell folder view object (DefView). |
SHCreateShellFolderViewEx Creates a new instance of the default Shell folder view object. It is recommended that you use SHCreateShellFolderView rather than this function. |
SHCreateShellItem Creates an IShellItem object. |
SHCreateShellItemArray Creates a Shell item array object. |
SHCreateShellItemArrayFromDataObject Creates a Shell item array object from a data object. |
SHCreateShellItemArrayFromIDLists Creates a Shell item array object from a list of ITEMIDLIST structures. |
SHCreateShellItemArrayFromShellItem Creates an array of one element from a single Shell item. |
SHCreateShellPalette Creates a halftone palette for the specified device context. |
SHCreateStdEnumFmtEtc SHCreateStdEnumFmtEtc may be altered or unavailable. |
SHCreateStreamOnFileA SHCreateStreamOnFile may be altered or unavailable. Instead, use SHCreateStreamOnFileEx. (ANSI) |
SHCreateStreamOnFileEx Opens or creates a file and retrieves a stream to read or write to that file. |
SHCreateStreamOnFileW SHCreateStreamOnFile may be altered or unavailable. Instead, use SHCreateStreamOnFileEx. (Unicode) |
SHCreateThread Creates a thread. |
SHCreateThreadRef Creates a per-thread reference to a Component Object Model (COM) object. |
SHCreateThreadWithHandle Creates a new thread and retrieves its handle. |
SHDefExtractIconA Provides a default handler to extract an icon from a file. (ANSI) |
SHDefExtractIconW Provides a default handler to extract an icon from a file. (Unicode) |
SHDeleteEmptyKeyA Deletes an empty key. (ANSI) |
SHDeleteEmptyKeyW Deletes an empty key. (Unicode) |
SHDeleteKeyA Deletes a subkey and all its descendants. This function removes the key and all the key's values from the registry. (ANSI) |
SHDeleteKeyW Deletes a subkey and all its descendants. This function removes the key and all the key's values from the registry. (Unicode) |
SHDeleteValueA Deletes a named value from the specified registry key. (ANSI) |
SHDeleteValueW Deletes a named value from the specified registry key. (Unicode) |
SHDestroyPropSheetExtArray Frees property sheet handlers that are pointed to an array created by SHCreatePropSheetExtArray. |
SHDoDragDrop Executes a drag-and-drop operation. Supports drag source creation on demand, as well as drag images. |
Shell_GetCachedImageIndex Shell_GetCachedImageIndex may be altered or unavailable. |
Shell_GetCachedImageIndexA Shell_GetCachedImageIndex may be altered or unavailable. (ANSI) |
Shell_GetCachedImageIndexW Shell_GetCachedImageIndex may be altered or unavailable. (Unicode) |
Shell_GetImageLists Retrieves system image lists for large and small icons. |
Shell_MergeMenus Shell_MergeMenus may be altered or unavailable. |
Shell_NotifyIconA Sends a message to the taskbar's status area. (ANSI) |
Shell_NotifyIconGetRect Gets the screen coordinates of the bounding rectangle of a notification icon. |
Shell_NotifyIconW Sends a message to the taskbar's status area. (Unicode) |
ShellAboutA Displays a ShellAbout dialog box. (ANSI) |
ShellAboutW Displays a ShellAbout dialog box. (Unicode) |
ShellExecuteA Performs an operation on a specified file. (ShellExecuteA) |
ShellExecuteExA Performs an operation on a specified file. (ShellExecuteExA) |
ShellExecuteExW Performs an operation on a specified file. (ShellExecuteExW) |
ShellExecuteW Performs an operation on a specified file. (ShellExecuteW) |
ShellMessageBoxA ShellMessageBox may be altered or unavailable. (ANSI) |
ShellMessageBoxW ShellMessageBox may be altered or unavailable. (Unicode) |
SHEmptyRecycleBinA Empties the Recycle Bin on the specified drive. (ANSI) |
SHEmptyRecycleBinW Empties the Recycle Bin on the specified drive. (Unicode) |
SHEnumerateUnreadMailAccountsA Enumerates the user accounts that have unread email. (ANSI) |
SHEnumerateUnreadMailAccountsW Enumerates the user accounts that have unread email. (Unicode) |
SHEnumKeyExA Enumerates the subkeys of the specified open registry key. (SHEnumKeyExA) |
SHEnumKeyExW Enumerates the subkeys of the specified open registry key. (SHEnumKeyExW) |
SHEnumValueA Enumerates the values of the specified open registry key. (ANSI) |
SHEnumValueW Enumerates the values of the specified open registry key. (Unicode) |
SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate Enforces strict validation of parameters used in a call to CreateProcess or ShellExecute. |
SHFileOperationA Copies, moves, renames, or deletes a file system object. This function has been replaced in Windows Vista by IFileOperation. |
SHFileOperationW Copies, moves, renames, or deletes a file system object. On Windows Vista and later releases, we recommend that you use IFileOperation instead of this function. |
SHFind_InitMenuPopup SHFind_InitMenuPopup may be altered or unavailable. |
SHFindFiles SHFindFiles may be altered or unavailable. |
SHFlushSFCache SHFlushSFCache may be altered or unavailable. |
SHFormatDateTimeA SHFormatDateTime may be altered or unavailable. (ANSI) |
SHFormatDateTimeW SHFormatDateTime may be altered or unavailable. (Unicode) |
SHFormatDrive SHFormatDrive may be altered or unavailable. |
SHFree Frees the memory allocated by SHAlloc. |
SHFreeNameMappings Frees a file name mapping object that was retrieved by the SHFileOperation function. |
SHFreeShared SHFreeShared may be altered or unavailable. |
SHGetAssocKeys Retrieves an array of class subkeys associated with an IQueryAssociations object. |
SHGetAttributesFromDataObject SHGetAttributesFromDataObject may be altered or unavailable. |
SHGetDataFromIDListA Retrieves extended property data from a relative identifier list. (ANSI) |
SHGetDataFromIDListW Retrieves extended property data from a relative identifier list. (Unicode) |
SHGetDesktopFolder Retrieves the IShellFolder interface for the desktop folder, which is the root of the Shell's namespace. |
SHGetDiskFreeSpaceExA Retrieves disk space information for a disk volume. (ANSI) |
SHGetDiskFreeSpaceExW Retrieves disk space information for a disk volume. (Unicode) |
SHGetDriveMedia Returns the type of media that is in the given drive. |
SHGetFileInfoA Retrieves information about an object in the file system, such as a file, folder, directory, or drive root. (ANSI) |
SHGetFileInfoW Retrieves information about an object in the file system, such as a file, folder, directory, or drive root. (Unicode) |
SHGetFolderLocation Deprecated. Retrieves the path of a folder as an ITEMIDLIST structure. |
SHGetFolderPathA Deprecated. (SHGetFolderPathA) |
SHGetFolderPathAndSubDirA Gets the path of a folder and appends a user-provided subfolder path. (ANSI) |
SHGetFolderPathAndSubDirW Gets the path of a folder and appends a user-provided subfolder path. (Unicode) |
SHGetFolderPathW Deprecated. (SHGetFolderPathW) |
SHGetIconOverlayIndexA Returns the index of the overlay icon in the system image list. (ANSI) |
SHGetIconOverlayIndexW Returns the index of the overlay icon in the system image list. (Unicode) |
SHGetIDListFromObject Retrieves the pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) of an object. |
SHGetImageList Retrieves an image list. |
SHGetInstanceExplorer Retrieves an interface that allows hosted Shell extensions and other components to prevent their host process from closing prematurely. |
SHGetInverseCMAP Retrieves the inverse color table mapping for the halftone palette. |
SHGetItemFromDataObject Creates an IShellItem or related object based on an item specified by an IDataObject. |
SHGetItemFromObject Retrieves an IShellItem for an object. |
SHGetKnownFolderIDList Retrieves the path of a known folder as an ITEMIDLIST structure. |
SHGetKnownFolderItem Retrieves an IShellItem object that represents a known folder. |
SHGetKnownFolderPath Retrieves the full path of a known folder identified by the folder's KNOWNFOLDERID. |
SHGetLocalizedName Retrieves the localized name of a file in a Shell folder. |
SHGetMalloc Retrieves a pointer to the Shell's IMalloc interface. |
SHGetNameFromIDList Retrieves the display name of an item identified by its IDList. |
SHGetNewLinkInfoA Creates a name for a new shortcut based on the shortcut's proposed target. This function does not create the shortcut, just the name. (ANSI) |
SHGetNewLinkInfoW Creates a name for a new shortcut based on the shortcut's proposed target. This function does not create the shortcut, just the name. (Unicode) |
SHGetPathFromIDListA Converts an item identifier list to a file system path. (ANSI) |
SHGetPathFromIDListEx Converts an item identifier list to a file system path. This function extends SHGetPathFromIDList by allowing you to set the initial size of the string buffer and declare the options below. |
SHGetPathFromIDListW Converts an item identifier list to a file system path. (Unicode) |
SHGetRealIDL SHGetRealIDL may be altered or unavailable. |
SHGetSetFolderCustomSettings SHGetSetFolderCustomSettings may be altered or unavailable. |
SHGetSetSettings SHGetSetSettings may be altered or unavailable. |
SHGetSettings Retrieves the current Shell option settings. |
SHGetSpecialFolderLocation SHGetSpecialFolderLocation is not supported and may be altered or unavailable in the future. Instead, use SHGetFolderLocation. |
SHGetSpecialFolderPathA SHGetSpecialFolderPath is not supported. Instead, use ShGetFolderPath. (ANSI) |
SHGetSpecialFolderPathW SHGetSpecialFolderPath is not supported. Instead, use ShGetFolderPath. (Unicode) |
SHGetStockIconInfo Retrieves information about system-defined Shell icons. |
SHGetTemporaryPropertyForItem Retrieves the temporary property for the given item. A temporary property is a read/write store that holds properties only for the lifetime of the IShellItem object, rather than being persisted back into the item. |
SHGetThreadRef Retrieves the per-thread object reference set by SHSetThreadRef. |
SHGetUnreadMailCountA Retrieves a specified user's unread message count for any or all email accounts. (ANSI) |
SHGetUnreadMailCountW Retrieves a specified user's unread message count for any or all email accounts. (Unicode) |
SHGetValueA Retrieves a registry value. (SHGetValueA) |
SHGetValueW Retrieves a registry value. (SHGetValueW) |
SHGetViewStatePropertyBag SHGetViewStatePropertyBag may be altered or unavailable. |
SHGlobalCounterDecrement Decrements a global counter. |
SHGlobalCounterGetValue Gets the current value of a global counter. |
SHGlobalCounterIncrement Increments a global counter. |
SHHandleUpdateImage SHHandleUpdateImage may be altered or unavailable. |
SHILCreateFromPath SHILCreateFromPath may be altered or unavailable. |
SHInvokePrinterCommandA Executes a command on a printer object. (ANSI) |
SHInvokePrinterCommandW Executes a command on a printer object. (Unicode) |
SHIsFileAvailableOffline Determines whether a file or folder is available for offline use. This function also determines whether the file would be opened from the network, from the local Offline Files cache, or from both locations. |
SHIsLowMemoryMachine Not supported. (SHIsLowMemoryMachine) |
SHLimitInputEdit Sets limits on valid characters for an edit control. |
SHLoadIndirectString Extracts a specified text resource when given that resource in the form of an indirect string (a string that begins with the '@' symbol). |
SHLoadInProc Creates an instance of the specified object class from within the context of the Shell's process. Windows Vista and later:_This function has been disabled and returns E_NOTIMPL. |
SHLoadLibraryFromItem Creates and loads an IShellLibrary object from a specified library definition file. |
SHLoadLibraryFromKnownFolder Creates and loads an IShellLibrary object for a specified known folder ID. |
SHLoadLibraryFromParsingName Creates and loads an IShellLibrary object for a specified path. |
SHLoadNonloadedIconOverlayIdentifiers Signals the Shell that during the next operation requiring overlay information, it should load icon overlay identifiers that either failed creation or were not present for creation at startup. Identifiers that have already been loaded are not affected. |
SHLoadOLE Deprecated. Provided for backward compatibility. |
SHLocalStrDupA Makes a copy of a string in newly allocated memory. (SHLocalStrDupA) |
SHLocalStrDupW Makes a copy of a string in newly allocated memory. (SHLocalStrDupW) |
SHLockShared SHLockShared may be altered or unavailable. |
SHMapPIDLToSystemImageListIndex SHMapPIDLToSystemImageListIndex may be altered or unavailable. |
SHMessageBoxCheckA SHMessageBoxCheck may be altered or unavailable. (ANSI) |
SHMessageBoxCheckW SHMessageBoxCheck may be altered or unavailable. (Unicode) |
SHMultiFileProperties Displays a merged property sheet for a set of files. Property values common to all the files are shown while those that differ display the string (multiple values). |
SHObjectProperties SHObjectProperties may be altered or unavailable. |
SHOpenFolderAndSelectItems Opens a Windows Explorer window with specified items in a particular folder selected. |
SHOpenPropSheetA SHOpenPropSheet may be altered or unavailable. (ANSI) |
SHOpenPropSheetW SHOpenPropSheet may be altered or unavailable. (Unicode) |
SHOpenRegStream2A Opens a registry value and supplies a stream that can be used to read from or write to the value. This function supersedes SHOpenRegStream. (ANSI) |
SHOpenRegStream2W Opens a registry value and supplies a stream that can be used to read from or write to the value. This function supersedes SHOpenRegStream. (Unicode) |
SHOpenRegStreamA Deprecated. (SHOpenRegStreamA) |
SHOpenRegStreamW Deprecated. (SHOpenRegStreamW) |
SHOpenWithDialog Displays the Open With dialog box. |
ShortAdd Adds two values of type SHORT. |
ShortMult Multiplies two values of type SHORT. |
ShortSub Subtracts one value of type SHORT from another. |
ShortToChar Converts a value of type SHORT to a value of CHAR. |
ShortToDWordPtr Converts a value of type SHORT to a value of type DWORD_PTR. |
ShortToInt8 Converts a value of type SHORT to a value of type INT8. |
ShortToUChar Converts a value of type SHORT to a value of UCHAR. |
ShortToUInt Converts a value of type SHORT to a value of type UINT. |
ShortToUInt8 Converts a value of type SHORT to a value of type UINT8. |
ShortToUIntPtr Converts a value of type SHORT to a value of type UINT_PTR. |
ShortToULong Converts a value of type SHORT to a value of type ULONG. |
ShortToULongLong Converts a value of type SHORT to a value of type ULONGLONG. |
ShortToULongPtr Converts a value of type SHORT to a value of type ULONG_PTR. |
ShortToUShort Converts a value of type SHORT to a value of type USHORT. |
ShouldShow Specifies whether an individual item should be allowed through the filter and which should be blocked. |
Show Displays the user information in a balloon-style tooltip. |
Show Displays a file. (ANSI) |
Show Displays a file. (Unicode) |
Show Notifies the drag-image manager to show or hide the drag image. |
Show Launches the modal window. |
Show Displays the notification. |
ShowContactCardForWindow Displays the UI for a contact on the specified window. |
ShowControlWindow Deprecated. Shows or hides various frame controls. |
ShowDeskBand Shows a specified deskband. |
ShowDW Instructs the docking window object to show or hide itself. |
ShowError Called by the synchronization manager in a registered application handler when a user double-clicks an associated message in the error tab. |
ShowErrorCompleted Called by the registered application's handler before or after its PrepareForSync operation has been completed. |
Showing Called before the input pane is shown, to allow the app window to make any necessary adjustments to its UI in response to the reduced screen space available to it. |
ShowInitialize Allows a file viewer to determine whether it can display a file. (ANSI) |
ShowInitialize Allows a file viewer to determine whether it can display a file. (Unicode) |
ShowProperties Called by the synchronization manager when a user selects an item in the choice dialog box, and then clicks the Properties button. |
ShowPropertiesCompleted Called by the registered application's handler before or after its ShowProperties operation is completed. |
ShowResolveConflictUIAsync IFileSyncMergeHandler::ShowResolveConflictUIAsync method |
ShowShareUIForWindow Displays the UI for sharing content for the specified window. |
ShowSharingWizard Displays a wizard that allows a user to create a Home Group, and then retrieves the sharing options that the user selected through the wizard. |
SHParseDisplayName Translates a Shell namespace object's display name into an item identifier list and returns the attributes of the object. This function is the preferred method to convert a string to a pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL). |
SHPathPrepareForWriteA Checks to see if the path exists. (ANSI) |
SHPathPrepareForWriteW Checks to see if the path exists. (Unicode) |
SHQueryInfoKeyA Retrieves information about a specified registry key. (ANSI) |
SHQueryInfoKeyW Retrieves information about a specified registry key. (Unicode) |
SHQueryRecycleBinA Retrieves the size of the Recycle Bin and the number of items in it, for a specified drive. (ANSI) |
SHQueryRecycleBinW Retrieves the size of the Recycle Bin and the number of items in it, for a specified drive. (Unicode) |
SHQueryUserNotificationState Checks the state of the computer for the current user to determine whether sending a notification is appropriate. |
SHQueryValueExA Opens a registry key and queries it for a specific value. (ANSI) |
SHQueryValueExW Opens a registry key and queries it for a specific value. (Unicode) |
SHRegCloseUSKey Closes a handle to a user-specific registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). |
SHRegCreateUSKeyA Creates or opens a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegCreateUSKeyW Creates or opens a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyA Deletes an empty registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyW Deletes an empty registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegDeleteUSValueA Deletes a registry subkey value in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegDeleteUSValueW Deletes a registry subkey value in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegDuplicateHKey Duplicates a registry key's HKEY handle. |
SHRegEnumUSKeyA Enumerates the subkeys of a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegEnumUSKeyW Enumerates the subkeys of a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegEnumUSValueA Enumerates the values of the specified registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegEnumUSValueW Enumerates the values of the specified registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegGetBoolUSValueA Retrieves a Boolean value from a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegGetBoolUSValueW Retrieves a Boolean value from a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegGetBoolValueFromHKCUHKLM Evaluates a registry key value and returns a boolean value that reflects whether the value exists and the expected state matches the actual state. |
SHRegGetIntW Reads a numeric string value from the registry and converts it to an integer. |
SHRegGetPathA Retrieves a file path from the registry, expanding environment variables as needed. (ANSI) |
SHRegGetPathW Retrieves a file path from the registry, expanding environment variables as needed. (Unicode) |
SHRegGetUSValueA Retrieves a value from a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegGetUSValueW Retrieves a value from a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegGetValueA Retrieves a registry value. (SHRegGetValueA) |
SHRegGetValueFromHKCUHKLM Obtains specified information from the registry. |
SHRegGetValueW Retrieves a registry value. (SHRegGetValueW) |
SHRegOpenUSKeyA Opens a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegOpenUSKeyW Opens a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyA Retrieves information about a specified registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyW Retrieves information about a specified registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegQueryUSValueA Retrieves the type and data for a specified name associated with an open registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegQueryUSValueW Retrieves the type and data for a specified name associated with an open registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegSetPathA Takes a file path, replaces folder names with environment strings, and places the resulting string in the registry. (ANSI) |
SHRegSetPathW Takes a file path, replaces folder names with environment strings, and places the resulting string in the registry. (Unicode) |
SHRegSetUSValueA Sets a registry subkey value in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegSetUSValueW Sets a registry subkey value in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHRegSetValue Not supported. (SHRegSetValue) |
SHRegWriteUSValueA Writes a value to a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (ANSI) |
SHRegWriteUSValueW Writes a value to a registry subkey in a user-specific subtree (HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). (Unicode) |
SHReleaseThreadRef Releases a thread reference before the thread procedure returns. |
SHRemoveFolderPathFromLibrary Removes a folder from a library. |
SHRemoveLocalizedName Removes the localized name of a file in a Shell folder. |
SHReplaceFromPropSheetExtArray Requests each property sheet in a property sheet extension array to replace pages. Each page is allowed up to one replacement. |
SHResolveFolderPathInLibrary Attempts to resolve the target location of a library folder that has been moved or renamed. |
SHResolveLibrary Resolves all locations in a library, even those locations that have been moved or renamed. |
SHRestricted SHRestricted may be altered or unavailable. |
SHRunControlPanel Opens a Control Panel item. |
SHSaveLibraryInFolderPath Saves an IShellLibrary object to disk. |
SHSendMessageBroadcastA Sends a message to all top-level windows in the system. (ANSI) |
SHSendMessageBroadcastW Sends a message to all top-level windows in the system. (Unicode) |
SHSetDefaultProperties Applies the default set of properties on a Shell item. |
SHSetFolderPathA Deprecated. Assigns a new path to a system folder identified by its CSIDL. (ANSI) |
SHSetFolderPathW Deprecated. Assigns a new path to a system folder identified by its CSIDL. (Unicode) |
SHSetInstanceExplorer Provides an interface that allows hosted Shell extensions and other components to prevent their host process from closing prematurely. |
SHSetKnownFolderPath Redirects a known folder to a new location. |
SHSetLocalizedName Sets the localized name of a file in a Shell folder. |
SHSetTemporaryPropertyForItem Sets a temporary property for the specified item. A temporary property is kept in a read/write store that holds properties only for the lifetime of the IShellItem object, instead of writing them back into the item. |
SHSetThreadRef Stores a per-thread reference to a Component Object Model (COM) object. This allows the caller to control the thread's lifetime so that it can ensure that Windows won't shut down the thread before the caller is ready. |
SHSetUnreadMailCountA Stores the current user's unread message count for a specified email account in the registry. (ANSI) |
SHSetUnreadMailCountW Stores the current user's unread message count for a specified email account in the registry. (Unicode) |
SHSetValueA Sets the value of a registry key. (ANSI) |
SHSetValueW Sets the value of a registry key. (Unicode) |
SHShellFolderView_Message SHShellFolderView_Message may be altered or unavailable. |
SHShowManageLibraryUI Shows the library management dialog box, which enables users to manage the library folders and default save location. |
SHSimpleIDListFromPath Deprecated. Returns a pointer to an ITEMIDLIST structure when passed a path. |
SHSkipJunction Checks a bind context to see if it is safe to bind to a particular component object. |
SHStartNetConnectionDialogA SHStartNetConnectionDialog may be altered or unavailable. (ANSI) |
SHStartNetConnectionDialogW SHStartNetConnectionDialog may be altered or unavailable. (Unicode) |
SHStrDupA Makes a copy of a string in newly allocated memory. (SHStrDupA) |
SHStrDupW Makes a copy of a string in newly allocated memory. (SHStrDupW) |
SHStripMneumonicA Removes the mnemonic marker from a string. (ANSI) |
SHStripMneumonicW Removes the mnemonic marker from a string. (Unicode) |
SHTestTokenMembership Uses CheckTokenMembership to test whether the given token is a member of the local group with the specified RID. |
SHUnicodeToAnsi Converts a string from the Unicode code page to the ANSI code page. |
SHUnicodeToUnicode Copies a Unicode string. |
SHUnlockShared SHUnlockShared may be altered or unavailable. |
SHUpdateImageA Notifies the Shell that an image in the system image list has changed. (ANSI) |
SHUpdateImageW Notifies the Shell that an image in the system image list has changed. (Unicode) |
SHValidateUNC SHValidateUNC may be altered or unavailable. |
SignalFileOpen SignalFileOpen may be altered or unavailable. |
SizeTAdd Adds two values of type size_t. |
SizeTMult Multiplies one value of type size_t by another. (SizeTMult) |
SizeTSub Subtracts one value of type size_t from another. |
Skip Not currently implemented. (IEnumExplorerCommand.Skip) |
Skip Skip a specified number of objects. |
Skip Skips a specified number of IDLIST_ABSOLUTE items. |
Skip Skips the specified number of elements in the enumeration sequence. |
Skip Skips a specified number of objects. |
Skip Skips a specified number of resources. |
Skip Skips a given number of IShellItem interfaces in the enumeration. Used when retrieving interfaces. |
Skip Skips forward the specified number of conflicts in the enumeration. |
Skip Skips forward the specified number of events in the enumeration. |
Skip Skips forward in the enumeration the specified number of items. |
Skip Instructs the enumerator to skip the next celt elements in the enumeration so that the next call to ISyncMgrEnumItems::Next does not return those elements. |
SoftwareUpdateMessageBox Displays a standard message box that can be used to notify a user that an application has been updated. |
SSIZETAdd Adds two SSIZE_T values together. |
SSIZETMult Multiplies one SSIZE_T value by another. |
SSIZETSub Subtracts one SSIZE_T value from another. |
StartHandlerSync Initiates the synchronization of all items managed by a particular handler. |
StartItemSync Initiates the synchronization of specified items managed by a particular handler. |
StartOperation Called by a drop target to indicate that asynchronous data extraction is starting. |
StartOperations Performs caller-implemented actions before any specific file operations are performed. |
StartProgressDialog Starts the progress dialog box. |
StartProgressDialog Starts the specified progress dialog. |
StartServicing Suspends and terminates the non-background portion of the apps associated with the specified package and cancels the background tasks associated with the package. |
StartSessionRedirection Causes background tasks for the specified package to activate in the specified user session. |
StartSyncAll Synchronizes all items managed by all handlers. |
StartVisualGroup Declares a visual group in the dialog. Subsequent calls to any "add" method add those elements to this group. |
Status Sets the release status and background thread timeout for the current task. |
StgMakeUniqueName Creates a unique name for a stream or storage object from a template. |
Stop Stops a progress dialog. |
StopHandlerSync Stops the synchronization of a specified handler. |
StopItemSync Stops the synchronization of specified items managed by a particular handler. |
StopProgressDialog Stops the progress dialog box and removes it from the screen. |
StopProgressDialog Stops current progress dialog. |
StopServicing Completes the previous servicing operation that was started by a call to the StartServicing method. |
StopSessionRedirection Stops redirection of background tasks for the specified package. |
StopSharingPrinters Stops sharing all local, shared printers connected to a computer. |
StopSyncAll Stops the synchronization of all items managed by all handlers. |
StopWatchFlush StopWatchFlush may be altered or unavailable. |
StopWatchMode StopWatchMode may be altered or unavailable. |
StrCatBuffA Copies and appends characters from one string to the end of another. (ANSI) |
StrCatBuffW Copies and appends characters from one string to the end of another. (Unicode) |
StrCatChainW Concatenates two Unicode strings. Used when repeated concatenations to the same buffer are required. |
StrCatW Appends one string to another. |
StrChrA Searches a string for the first occurrence of a character that matches the specified character. The comparison is case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
StrChrIA Searches a string for the first occurrence of a character that matches the specified character. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
StrChrIW Searches a string for the first occurrence of a character that matches the specified character. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
StrChrNIW Searches a string for the first occurrence of a specified character. The comparison is not case-sensitive. |
StrChrNW Searches a string for the first occurrence of a specified character. The comparison is case-sensitive. |
StrChrW Searches a string for the first occurrence of a character that matches the specified character. The comparison is case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
StrCmpCA Compares strings using C run-time (ASCII) collation rules. The comparison is case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
StrCmpCW Compares strings using C run-time (ASCII) collation rules. The comparison is case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
StrCmpICA Compares two strings using C run-time (ASCII) collation rules. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
StrCmpICW Compares two strings using C run-time (ASCII) collation rules. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
StrCmpIW Compares two strings to determine if they are the same. The comparison is not case-sensitive. |
StrCmpLogicalW Compares two Unicode strings. Digits in the strings are considered as numerical content rather than text. This test is not case-sensitive. |
StrCmpNA Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two strings to determine if they are the same. The comparison is case-sensitive. The StrNCmp macro differs from this function in name only. (ANSI) |
StrCmpNCA Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two strings using C run-time (ASCII) collation rules. The comparison is case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
StrCmpNCW Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two strings using C run-time (ASCII) collation rules. The comparison is case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
StrCmpNIA Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two strings to determine if they are the same. The comparison is not case-sensitive. The StrNCmpI macro differs from this function in name only. (ANSI) |
StrCmpNICA Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two strings using C run-time (ASCII) collation rules. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
StrCmpNICW Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two strings using C run-time (ASCII) collation rules. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
StrCmpNIW Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two strings to determine if they are the same. The comparison is not case-sensitive. The StrNCmpI macro differs from this function in name only. (Unicode) |
StrCmpNW Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two strings to determine if they are the same. The comparison is case-sensitive. The StrNCmp macro differs from this function in name only. (Unicode) |
StrCmpW Compares two strings to determine if they are the same. The comparison is case-sensitive. |
StrCpyNW Copies a specified number of characters from the beginning of one string to another.Note Do not use this function or the StrNCpy macro. |
StrCpyW Copies one string to another. (StrCpyW) |
StrCSpnA Searches a string for the first occurrence of any of a group of characters. The search method is case-sensitive, and the terminating NULL character is included within the search pattern match. (ANSI) |
StrCSpnIA Searches a string for the first occurrence of any of a group of characters. The search method is not case-sensitive, and the terminating NULL character is included within the search pattern match. (ANSI) |
StrCSpnIW Searches a string for the first occurrence of any of a group of characters. The search method is not case-sensitive, and the terminating NULL character is included within the search pattern match. (Unicode) |
StrCSpnW Searches a string for the first occurrence of any of a group of characters. The search method is case-sensitive, and the terminating NULL character is included within the search pattern match. (Unicode) |
StrDupA Duplicates a string. (ANSI) |
StrDupW Duplicates a string. (Unicode) |
StrFormatByteSize64A Converts a numeric value into a string that represents the number expressed as a size value in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes, depending on the size. |
StrFormatByteSizeA Converts a numeric value into a string that represents the number expressed as a size value in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes, depending on the size. Differs from StrFormatByteSizeW in one parameter type. |
StrFormatByteSizeEx Converts a numeric value into a string that represents the number in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes, depending on the size. |
StrFormatByteSizeW Converts a numeric value into a string that represents the number expressed as a size value in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes, depending on the size. Differs from StrFormatByteSizeA in one parameter type. |
StrFormatKBSizeA Converts a numeric value into a string that represents the number expressed as a size value in kilobytes. (ANSI) |
StrFormatKBSizeW Converts a numeric value into a string that represents the number expressed as a size value in kilobytes. (Unicode) |
StrFromTimeIntervalA Converts a time interval, specified in milliseconds, to a string. (ANSI) |
StrFromTimeIntervalW Converts a time interval, specified in milliseconds, to a string. (Unicode) |
StrIsIntlEqualA Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two strings to determine if they are equal. (ANSI) |
StrIsIntlEqualW Compares a specified number of characters from the beginning of two strings to determine if they are equal. (Unicode) |
StrNCatA Appends a specified number of characters from the beginning of one string to the end of another. (ANSI) |
StrNCatW Appends a specified number of characters from the beginning of one string to the end of another. (Unicode) |
StrPBrkA Searches a string for the first occurrence of a character contained in a specified buffer. This search does not include the terminating null character. (ANSI) |
StrPBrkW Searches a string for the first occurrence of a character contained in a specified buffer. This search does not include the terminating null character. (Unicode) |
StrRChrA Searches a string for the last occurrence of a specified character. The comparison is case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
StrRChrIA Searches a string for the last occurrence of a specified character. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
StrRChrIW Searches a string for the last occurrence of a specified character. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
StrRChrW Searches a string for the last occurrence of a specified character. The comparison is case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
StrRetToBSTR Accepts a STRRET structure returned by IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf that contains or points to a string, and returns that string as a BSTR. |
StrRetToBufA Converts an STRRET structure returned by IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf to a string, and places the result in a buffer. (ANSI) |
StrRetToBufW Converts an STRRET structure returned by IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf to a string, and places the result in a buffer. (Unicode) |
StrRetToStrA Takes an STRRET structure returned by IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf and returns a pointer to an allocated string containing the display name. (ANSI) |
StrRetToStrW Takes an STRRET structure returned by IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf and returns a pointer to an allocated string containing the display name. (Unicode) |
StrRStrIA Searches for the last occurrence of a specified substring within a string. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
StrRStrIW Searches for the last occurrence of a specified substring within a string. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
StrSpnA Obtains the length of a substring within a string that consists entirely of characters contained in a specified buffer. (ANSI) |
StrSpnW Obtains the length of a substring within a string that consists entirely of characters contained in a specified buffer. (Unicode) |
StrStrA Finds the first occurrence of a substring within a string. The comparison is case-sensitive. (StrStrA) |
StrStrIA Finds the first occurrence of a substring within a string. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (ANSI) |
StrStrIW Finds the first occurrence of a substring within a string. The comparison is not case-sensitive. (Unicode) |
StrStrNIW Finds the first occurrence of a substring within a string. The comparison is case-insensitive. |
StrStrNW Finds the first occurrence of a substring within a string. The comparison is case-sensitive. (StrStrNW) |
StrStrW Finds the first occurrence of a substring within a string. The comparison is case-sensitive. (StrStrW) |
StrToInt64ExA Converts a string representing a decimal or hexadecimal value to a 64-bit integer. (ANSI) |
StrToInt64ExW Converts a string representing a decimal or hexadecimal value to a 64-bit integer. (Unicode) |
StrToIntA Converts a string that represents a decimal value to an integer. The StrToLong macro is identical to this function. (ANSI) |
StrToIntExA Converts a string representing a decimal or hexadecimal number to an integer. (ANSI) |
StrToIntExW Converts a string representing a decimal or hexadecimal number to an integer. (Unicode) |
StrToIntW Converts a string that represents a decimal value to an integer. The StrToLong macro is identical to this function. (Unicode) |
StrTrimA Removes specified leading and trailing characters from a string. (ANSI) |
StrTrimW Removes specified leading and trailing characters from a string. (Unicode) |
SUBCLASSPROC Defines the prototype for the callback function used by RemoveWindowSubclass and SetWindowSubclass. |
SubStreamFailure Called when there is a failure that involves secondary streams and user interaction is needed. |
SupportsResource Retrieves whether an item supports a specified resource. |
SupportsSelection Determines whether an invoker supports its selection. |
Suspend Suspends the processes of the package if they are currently running. |
Suspend Requests that a task be suspended. |
Synchronize Initiates a synchronization of a selection of the handler's sync items. |
Synchronize Called by the synchronization manager once for each selected group after the user has chosen the registered applications to be synchronized. |
SynchronizeCompleted Called by an application when its Synchronize method is complete. |
TerminateAllProcesses Terminates all processes for the specified package. |
ThumbBarAddButtons Adds a thumbnail toolbar with a specified set of buttons to the thumbnail image of a window in a taskbar button flyout. |
ThumbBarSetImageList Specifies an image list that contains button images for a toolbar embedded in a thumbnail image of a window in a taskbar button flyout. |
ThumbBarUpdateButtons Shows, enables, disables, or hides buttons in a thumbnail toolbar as required by the window's current state. A thumbnail toolbar is a toolbar embedded in a thumbnail image of a window in a taskbar button flyout. |
Timer Resets the progress dialog box timer to zero. |
TranscodeImage Converts an image to JPEG or bitmap (BMP) image format. |
Translate Called by the browser when the browser cannot determine the protocol of a URL address. |
TranslateAccelerator Directs the preview handler to handle a keystroke passed up from the message pump of the process in which the preview handler is running. |
TranslateAccelerator Directs the host to handle a keyboard shortcut passed from the preview handler. |
TranslateAccelerator Translates keyboard shortcut (accelerator) key strokes when a namespace extension's view has the focus. |
TranslateAcceleratorGlobal Handles global accelerators so that input objects can respond to the keyboard even when they are not active in the UI. |
TranslateAcceleratorIO Enables the object to process keyboard accelerators. |
TranslateAcceleratorSB Translates accelerator keystrokes intended for the browser's frame while the view is active. |
TranslateMenuMessage Translates a message for a Component Object Model (COM) object. |
TranslateURLA Applies common translations to a given URL string, creating a new URL string. (ANSI) |
TranslateURLW Applies common translations to a given URL string, creating a new URL string. (Unicode) |
TranslateWithSearchContext Called by the browser when the browser cannot determine the protocol of a URL address. This method uses a search context to determine the protocol. |
Travel Deprecated. Navigates to a travel entry in the travel log relative to the position of the current entry. |
TreeAdvise Enables a client to register with the control. |
TreeUnadvise Enables a client to unregister with the control. |
TriggerEdgeGesture Sends a spoofed edge gesture event to the proxy core window on the caller's thread. This gesture toggles the app's app bar, if the app supports one. The caller can specify the type of input that triggered the edge gesture. |
UIActivate Called when the activation state of the view window is changed by an event that is not caused by the Shell view itself. For example, if the TAB key is pressed when the tree has the focus, the view should be given the focus. |
UIActivateIO UI-activates or deactivates the object. |
UInt8Add Adds two values of type UINT8. |
UInt8Mult Multiplies two values of type UINT8. |
UInt8Sub Subtracts one value of type UINT8 from another. |
UInt8ToChar Converts a value of type UINT8 to a value of type CHAR. |
UInt8ToInt8 Converts a value of type UINT8 to a value of type INT8. |
UIntAdd Adds two values of type UINT. |
UIntMult Multiplies one value of type UINT by another. |
UIntPtrAdd Adds two values of type UINT_PTR. |
UIntPtrMult Multiplies one value of type UINT_PTR by another. |
UIntPtrSub Subtracts one value of type UINT_PTR from another. |
UIntPtrToChar Converts a value of type UINT_PTR to a value of type CHAR. |
UIntPtrToInt Converts a value of type SIZE_T to a value of type INT. |
UIntPtrToInt16 Converts a value of type UINT_PTR to a value of type INT16. |
UIntPtrToInt8 Converts a value of type UINT_PTR to a value of type INT8. |
UIntPtrToIntPtr Converts a value of type UINT_PTR to a value of type INT_PTR. |
UIntPtrToLong Converts a value of type size_t to a value of type LONG. |
UIntPtrToLongLong Converts a value of type UINT_PTR to a value of type LONGLONG. |
UIntPtrToLongPtr Converts a value of type UINT_PTR to a value of type LONG_PTR. |
UIntPtrToShort Converts a value of type UINT_PTR to a value of type SHORT. |
UIntPtrToUChar Converts a value of type UINT_PTR to a value of type UCHAR. |
UIntPtrToUInt Converts a value of type UINT_PTR to a value of type UINT. |
UIntPtrToUInt16 Converts a value of type UINT_PTR to a value of type UINT16. |
UIntPtrToUInt8 Converts a value of type UINT_PTR to a value of type UINT8. |
UIntPtrToULong Converts a value of type UINT_PTR to a value of type ULONG. |
UIntPtrToUShort Converts a value of type UINT_PTR to a value of type USHORT. |
UIntSub Subtracts one value of type UINT from another. |
UIntToChar Converts a value of type UINT to a value of type CHAR. |
UIntToInt Converts a value of type UINT to a value of type INT. |
UIntToInt8 Converts a value of type UINT to a value of type INT8. |
UIntToIntPtr Converts a value of type UINT to a value of type INT_PTR. |
UIntToLong Converts a value of type UINT to a value of type LONG. |
UIntToLongPtr Converts a value of type UINT to a value of type LONG_PTR. |
UIntToShort Converts a value of type UINT to a value of type SHORT. |
UIntToUChar Converts a value of type UINT to a value of type UCHAR. |
UIntToUInt8 Converts a value of type UINT to a value of type UINT8. |
UIntToUShort Converts a value of type UINT to a value of type USHORT. |
ULongAdd Adds two values of type ULONG. |
ULongLongAdd Adds two values of type SIZE_T. |
ULongLongMult Multiplies one value of type size_t by another.S |
ULongLongSub Subtracts one value of type SIZE_T from another. |
ULongLongToChar Converts a value of type ULONGLONG to a value of type CHAR. |
ULongLongToInt Converts a value of type ULONGLONG to a value of type INT. |
ULongLongToInt8 Converts a value of type ULONGLONG to a value of type INT8. |
ULongLongToLong Converts a value of type ULONGLONG to a value of type LONG. |
ULongLongToLongLong Converts a value of type ULONGLONG to a value of type INT_PTR. |
ULongLongToLongPtr Converts a value of type ULONGLONG to a value of type LONG_PTR. |
ULongLongToShort Converts a value of type ULONGLONG to a value of type SHORT. |
ULongLongToUChar Converts a value of type ULONGLONG to a value of type UCHAR. |
ULongLongToUInt Converts a value of type ULONGLONG to a value of type UINT. |
ULongLongToUInt8 Converts a value of type ULONGLONG to a value of type UINT8. |
ULongLongToUIntPtr Converts a value of type ULONGLONG to a value of type UINT_PTR. |
ULongLongToULong Converts a value of type ULONGLONG to a value of type ULONG. |
ULongLongToULongPtr Converts a value of type ULONGLONG to a value of type ULONG_PTR. |
ULongLongToUShort Converts a value of type ULONGLONG to a value of type USHORT. |
ULongMult Multiplies one value of type ULONG by another. |
ULongPtrAdd Adds two values of type ULONG_PTR. |
ULongPtrMult Multiplies one value of type ULONG_PTR by another. |
ULongPtrSub Subtracts one value of type ULONG_PTR from another. |
ULongPtrToChar Converts a value of type ULONG_PTR to a value of type CHAR. |
ULongPtrToInt Converts a value of type size_t to a value of type INT. |
ULongPtrToInt8 Converts a value of type ULONG_PTR to a value of type INT8. |
ULongPtrToIntPtr Converts a value of type ULONG_PTR to a value of type INT_PTR. |
ULongPtrToLong Converts a value of type ULONG_PTR to a value of type LONG. |
ULongPtrToLongLong Converts a value of type SIZE_T to a value of type INT64. |
ULongPtrToLongPtr Converts a value of type ULONG_PTR to a value of type LONG_PTR. |
ULongPtrToShort Converts a value of type ULONG_PTR to a value of type SHORT. |
ULongPtrToUChar Converts a value of type ULONG_PTR to a value of type UCHAR. |
ULongPtrToUInt Converts a value of type ULONG_PTR to a value of type UINT. |
ULongPtrToUInt8 Converts a value of type ULONG_PTR to a value of type UINT8. |
ULongPtrToUIntPtr Converts a value of type ULONG_PTR to a value of type UINT_PTR. |
ULongPtrToULong Converts a value of type ULONG_PTR to a value of type ULONG. |
ULongPtrToUShort Converts a value of type ULONG_PTR to a value of type USHORT. |
ULongSub Subtracts one value of type ULONG from another. |
ULongToChar Converts a value of type ULONG to a value of type CHAR. |
ULongToInt Converts a value of type ULONG to a value of type INT. |
ULongToInt8 Converts a value of type ULONG to a value of type INT8. |
ULongToIntPtr Converts a value of type ULONG to a value of type INT_PTR. |
ULongToLong Converts a value of type ULONG to a value of type LONG. |
ULongToLongPtr Converts a value of type ULONG to a value of type LONG_PTR. |
ULongToShort Converts a value of type ULONG to a value of type SHORT. |
ULongToUChar Converts a value of type ULONG to a value of type UCHAR. |
ULongToUInt Converts a value of type ULONG to a value of type UINT. |
ULongToUInt8 Converts a value of type ULONG to a value of type UINT8. |
ULongToUIntPtr Converts a value of type ULONG to a value of type UINT_PTR. |
ULongToUShort Converts a value of type ULONG to a value of type USHORT. |
Unadvise Cancels a connection that was previously established by using Advise. |
Unadvise Terminates an advisory connection. (IExplorerBrowser.Unadvise) |
Unadvise Removes an event handler that was attached through the IFileDialog::Advise method. |
Unadvise Terminates an advisory connection previously established through IFileOperation::Advise. |
Unadvise Unregisters an app's input pane handler object so that it no longer receives notifications. |
Unadvise Terminates an advisory connection. (ITransferDestination.Unadvise) |
Unadvise Terminates an advisory connection. (ITransferSource.Unadvise) |
UnAdvise Used by the Logon UI or Credential UI to advise the credential provider that event callbacks are no longer accepted. |
UnAdvise Used by the Logon UI or Credential UI to advise the credential that event callbacks are no longer accepted. |
UngroupChildFromParent ISuspensionDependencyManager::UngroupChildFromParent method |
Unload Directs the preview handler to cease rendering a preview and to release all resources that have been allocated based on the item passed in during the initialization. |
UnloadUserProfile Unloads a user's profile that was loaded by the LoadUserProfile function. The caller must have administrative privileges on the computer. For more information, see the Remarks section of the LoadUserProfile function. |
UnregisterAppStateChangeNotification Cancels a change notification registered through RegisterAppStateChangeNotification. |
UnregisterFolder Remove a known folder from the registry, which makes it unknown to the known folder system. This method does not remove the folder itself. |
UnregisterForPackageStateChanges Stops receiving package state-change notifications associated with a previous call to RegisterForPackageStateChanges. |
UnregisterScaleChangeEvent Unregisters for the scale change event registered through RegisterScaleChangeEvent. This function replaces RevokeScaleChangeNotifications. |
UnregisterSyncMgrHandler Removes a handler's class identifier (CLSID) from the registration. A handler should call this when it no longer has any items to synchronize. |
UnregisterTab Removes a thumbnail from an application's preview group when that tab or document is closed in the application. |
Unschedule Cancels the installation of an application published by an application publisher. |
Update Ensures that any cached information in this item is updated. |
Update Updates the provided child ITEMIDLIST based on the parameters specified by the provided IBindCtx. |
Update Deprecated. Updates the travel entry. |
UpdateAll Programmatically starts an update for all items. |
UpdateBackForwardState Deprecated. Updates the state of the browser's Back and Forward buttons. |
UpdateConflicts Informs Sync Center that conflicts have been added for a specific handler or item. |
UpdateEntry Deprecated. Saves the browser state of the current entry in preparation for a pending navigation. |
UpdateEvents Informs Sync Center that events have been added for a specific handler or item. |
UpdateExternal Deprecated. Updates an entry that originated out of the current procedure through IHlinkFrame. |
UpdateHandler Instructs Sync Center to reenumerate the items managed by a handler or informs it that properties of the handler have changed. |
UpdateHandlerCollection Instructs Sync Center to reenumerate the handler collection, or informs it that properties of a handler in the handler collection have changed. |
UpdateItem Informs Sync Center that properties of a sync item have changed. |
UpdateItems Programmatically starts an update for specified items. |
UpdateLocations Called to specify the text elements stating the source and target in the current progress dialog. |
UpdateObject UpdateObject may be altered or unavailable. |
UpdateProgress Updates the progress of an action to the UI. |
UpdateProgress Provides an estimate of the total amount of work currently done in relation to the total amount of work. |
UpdateProgress Updates the current progress dialog, as specified. |
UpdateProgress Updates the transfer progress status in the UI. |
UpdateRemoteCredential Updates a credential from a remote session. |
UpdateSecureLockIcon Deprecated. Updates the value of the _eSecureLockIcon member of the BASEBROWSERDATA structure, which tracks the icon indicating a secure site, as well as updating the icon itself in the UI. |
UpdateText Called if descriptive text associated with the action will be changed. |
UpdateTransferState Updates the transfer state. |
UpdateWindowList Deprecated. Instructs the browser to update the pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) in the window list. This method is called after navigation. |
UrlApplySchemeA Determines a scheme for a specified URL string, and returns a string with an appropriate prefix. (ANSI) |
UrlApplySchemeW Determines a scheme for a specified URL string, and returns a string with an appropriate prefix. (Unicode) |
URLAssociationDialogA Invokes the unregistered URL protocol dialog box. (ANSI) |
URLAssociationDialogW Invokes the unregistered URL protocol dialog box. (Unicode) |
UrlCanonicalizeA Converts a URL string into canonical form. (ANSI) |
UrlCanonicalizeW Converts a URL string into canonical form. (Unicode) |
UrlCombineA When provided with a relative URL and its base, returns a URL in canonical form. (ANSI) |
UrlCombineW When provided with a relative URL and its base, returns a URL in canonical form. (Unicode) |
UrlCompareA Makes a case-sensitive comparison of two URL strings. (ANSI) |
UrlCompareW Makes a case-sensitive comparison of two URL strings. (Unicode) |
UrlCreateFromPathA Converts a Microsoft MS-DOS path to a canonicalized URL. (ANSI) |
UrlCreateFromPathW Converts a Microsoft MS-DOS path to a canonicalized URL. (Unicode) |
UrlEscapeA Converts characters or surrogate pairs in a URL that might be altered during transport across the Internet ("unsafe" characters) into their corresponding escape sequences. (ANSI) |
UrlEscapeSpaces A macro that converts space characters into their corresponding escape sequence. |
UrlEscapeW Converts characters or surrogate pairs in a URL that might be altered during transport across the Internet ("unsafe" characters) into their corresponding escape sequences. (Unicode) |
UrlFixupW UrlFixupW may be altered or unavailable. |
UrlGetLocationA Retrieves the location from a URL. (ANSI) |
UrlGetLocationW Retrieves the location from a URL. (Unicode) |
UrlGetPartA Accepts a URL string and returns a specified part of that URL. (ANSI) |
UrlGetPartW Accepts a URL string and returns a specified part of that URL. (Unicode) |
UrlHashA Hashes a URL string. (ANSI) |
UrlHashW Hashes a URL string. (Unicode) |
UrlIsA Tests whether a URL is a specified type. (ANSI) |
UrlIsFileUrlA Tests a URL to determine if it is a file URL. (ANSI) |
UrlIsFileUrlW Tests a URL to determine if it is a file URL. (Unicode) |
UrlIsNoHistoryA Returns whether a URL is a URL that browsers typically do not include in navigation history. (ANSI) |
UrlIsNoHistoryW Returns whether a URL is a URL that browsers typically do not include in navigation history. (Unicode) |
UrlIsOpaqueA Returns whether a URL is opaque. (ANSI) |
UrlIsOpaqueW Returns whether a URL is opaque. (Unicode) |
UrlIsW Tests whether a URL is a specified type. (Unicode) |
UrlUnescapeA Converts escape sequences back into ordinary characters. (ANSI) |
UrlUnescapeInPlace Converts escape sequences back into ordinary characters and overwrites the original string. |
UrlUnescapeW Converts escape sequences back into ordinary characters. (Unicode) |
UShortAdd Adds two values of type USHORT. |
UShortMult Multiplies one value of type USHORT by another. |
UShortSub Subtracts one value of type USHORT from another. |
UShortToChar Converts a value of type USHORT to a value of type CHAR. |
UShortToInt8 Converts a value of type USHORT to a value of type INT8. |
UShortToShort Converts a value of type USHORT to a value of type SHORT. |
UShortToUChar Converts a value of type USHORT to a value of type UCHAR. |
UShortToUInt8 Converts a value of type USHORT to a value of type UINT8. |
v_CheckZoneCrossing Deprecated. Called by the base class to validate a zone crossing when navigating from one page to another. |
v_GetViewStream Deprecated. Returns a stream used to load or save the view state. |
v_MayGetNextToolbarFocus Deprecated. Used when translating accelerators through TranslateAcceleratorSB and in checking the cycle of focus between the view and the browser's toolbars. |
v_MayTranslateAccelerator Deprecated. Called by a derived class to instruct the base class to proceed with the translation of keyboard mnemonics. |
v_ShowHideChildWindows Deprecated. Allows a derived class to update its child windows after a sizing event. |
Walk Initiates a recursive walk of the namespace from the specified root to the given depth. |
WalkComplete Removes data collected during a namespace walk. |
WhichPlatform WhichPlatform may be altered or unavailable. |
Win32DeleteFile Win32DeleteFile may be altered or unavailable. |
WinHelpA Launches Windows Help (Winhelp.exe) and passes additional data that indicates the nature of the help requested by the application. (ANSI) |
WinHelpW Launches Windows Help (Winhelp.exe) and passes additional data that indicates the nature of the help requested by the application. (Unicode) |
WndProcBS Deprecated. Allows a derived class to call the WinProc function of the base class. |
wnsprintfA Takes a variable-length argument list and returns the values of the arguments as a printf-style formatted string. (ANSI) |
wnsprintfW Takes a variable-length argument list and returns the values of the arguments as a printf-style formatted string. (Unicode) |
WriteAsync Writes information to a stream asynchronously. For example, the Shell implements this method on file items when transferring them asynchronously. |
WriteCabinetState WriteCabinetState may be altered or unavailable. |
WritePropertyNPB Saves a property to the named property bag. |
wvnsprintfA Takes a list of arguments and returns the values of the arguments as a printf-style formatted string. (ANSI) |
wvnsprintfW Takes a list of arguments and returns the values of the arguments as a printf-style formatted string. (Unicode) |
YouAreAReplica Notifies an object that it may be subject to subsequent reconciliation through the Reconcile method. |
IAccessibleObject Exposes a method that can be used by an accessibility application. |
IACList Exposes a method that improves the efficiency of autocompletion when the candidate strings are organized in a hierarchy. |
IACList2 Extends the IACList interface to enable clients of an autocomplete object to retrieve and set option flags. |
IActionProgress Represents the abstract base class from which progress-driven operations can inherit. |
IActionProgressDialog Exposes methods that initialize and stop a progress dialog. |
IApplicationActivationManager Provides methods which activate Windows Store apps for the Launch, File, and Protocol extensions. You will normally use this interface in debuggers and design tools. |
IApplicationAssociationRegistration Exposes methods that query and set default applications for specific file Association Type, and protocols at a specific Association Level. |
IApplicationAssociationRegistrationUI Exposes a method that launches an advanced association dialog box through which the user can customize their associations. |
IApplicationDesignModeSettings Enables development tool applications to dynamically spoof system and user states, such as native display resolution, device scale factor, and application view state, for the purpose of testing Windows Store apps running in design mode for a wide range of form factors without the need for the actual hardware. Also enables testing of changes in normally user-controlled state to test Windows Store apps under a variety of scenarios. |
IApplicationDesignModeSettings2 Enables development tool applications to dynamically control system and user states, such as native display resolution, device scale factor, and application view layout, reported to Windows Store apps for the purpose of testing Windows Store apps running in design mode for a wide range of form factors without the need for the actual hardware. Also enables testing of changes in normally user-controlled state to test Windows Store apps under a variety of scenarios. |
IApplicationDestinations Exposes methods that allow an application to remove one or all destinations from the Recent or Frequent categories in a Jump List. |
IApplicationDocumentLists Exposes methods that allow an application to retrieve the contents of the Recent or Frequent categories in a Jump List. |
IAppPublisher Exposes methods for publishing applications through Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel. This is the principal interface implemented for this purpose. |
IAppVisibility Provides functionality to determine whether the display is showing Universal Windows Platform apps. |
IAppVisibilityEvents Enables applications to receive notifications of state changes in a display and of changes in Start screen visibility. |
IAssocHandler Exposes methods for operations with a file association dialog box or menu. |
IAssocHandlerInvoker Exposes methods that invoke an associated application handler. |
IAttachmentExecute Exposes methods that work with client applications to present a user environment that provides safe download and exchange of files through email and messaging attachments. |
IAutoComplete Exposed by the autocomplete object (CLSID_AutoComplete). This interface allows applications to initialize, enable, and disable the object. |
IAutoComplete2 Extends IAutoComplete. This interface enables clients of the autocomplete object to retrieve and set a number of options that control how autocompletion operates. |
IAutoCompleteDropDown Exposes methods that allow clients to reset or query the display state of the autocomplete drop-down list, which contains possible completions to a string entered by the user in an edit control. |
IBandHost Exposes methods that create and destroy bands and specify their availability. |
IBandSite Exposes methods that control band objects. |
IBrowserFrameOptions Allows a browser or host to ask IShellView what kind of view behavior is supported. |
IBrowserService Deprecated. (IBrowserService) |
IBrowserService2 Deprecated. (IBrowserService2) |
IBrowserService3 Deprecated. (IBrowserService3) |
IBrowserService4 Deprecated. (IBrowserService4) |
ICategorizer Exposes methods that are used to obtain information about item identifier lists. |
ICategoryProvider Exposes a list of categorizers registered on an IShellFolder. |
ICDBurn Exposes methods that determine whether a system has hardware for writing to CD, the drive letter of a CD writer device, and programmatically initiate a CD writing session. |
ICDBurnExt ICDBurnExt may be altered or unavailable. |
IColumnManager Exposes methods that enable inspection and manipulation of columns in the Windows Explorer Details view. Each column is referenced by a PROPERTYKEY structure, which names a property. |
IColumnProvider Exposes methods that enable the addition of custom columns in the Windows Explorer Details view. |
ICommDlgBrowser Exposed by the common file dialog boxes to be used when they host a Shell browser. |
ICommDlgBrowser2 Extends the capabilities of ICommDlgBrowser. This interface is exposed by the common file dialog boxes when they host a Shell browser. A pointer to ICommDlgBrowser2 can be obtained by calling QueryInterface on the IShellBrowser object. |
ICommDlgBrowser3 Extends the capabilities of ICommDlgBrowser2, and used by the common file dialog boxes when they host a Shell browser. |
IComputerInfoChangeNotify Not supported. This interface may be absent in later versions of Windows. (IComputerInfoChangeNotify) |
IConnectableCredentialProviderCredential Exposes methods for connecting and disconnecting IConnectableCredentialProviderCredential objects. |
IContactManagerInterop Enables access to ContactManager methods in an app that manages multiple windows. |
IContextMenu Exposes methods that either create or merge a shortcut menu associated with a Shell object. |
IContextMenu2 Exposes methods that either create or merge a shortcut (context) menu associated with a Shell object. Extends IContextMenu by adding a method that allows client objects to handle messages associated with owner-drawn menu items. |
IContextMenu3 Exposes methods that either create or merge a shortcut menu associated with a Shell object. Allows client objects to handle messages associated with owner-drawn menu items and extends IContextMenu2 by accepting a return value from that message handling. |
IContextMenuCB Exposes a method that enables the callback of a context menu. For example, to add a shield icon to a menuItem that requires elevation. |
IContextMenuSite Implemented by the default folder view created using SHCreateShellFolderView. |
ICopyHookA Exposes a method that creates a copy hook handler. (ANSI) |
ICopyHookW Exposes a method that creates a copy hook handler. (Unicode) |
ICreateObject Exposes a method that creates an object of a specified class. |
ICreateProcessInputs Used by the ICreatingProcess interface to alter some parameters of the process that is being created. |
ICreatingProcess Used by ShellExecuteEx and IContextMenu to allow the caller to alter some parameters of the process being created. |
ICredentialProvider Exposes methods used in the setup and manipulation of a credential provider. All credential providers must implement this interface. |
ICredentialProviderCredential Exposes methods that enable the handling of a credential. |
ICredentialProviderCredential2 Extends the ICredentialProviderCredential interface by adding a method that retrieves the security identifier (SID) of a user. The credential is associated with that user and can be grouped under the user's tile. |
ICredentialProviderCredentialEvents Provides an asynchronous callback mechanism used by a credential to notify it of state or text change events in the Logon UI or Credential UI. |
ICredentialProviderCredentialEvents2 Extends the ICredentialProviderCredentialEvents interface by adding methods that enable batch updating of fields in theLogon UI or Credential UI. |
ICredentialProviderCredentialWithFieldOptions Provides a method that enables the credential provider framework to determine whether you've made a customization to a field's option in a logon or credential UI. |
ICredentialProviderEvents Provides an asynchronous callback mechanism used by a credential provider to notify it of changes in the list of credentials or their fields. |
ICredentialProviderFilter Used to dynamically filter credential providers based on information available at runtime. |
ICredentialProviderSetUserArray Provides a method that enables a credential provider to receive the set of users that will be shown in the logon or credential UI. |
ICredentialProviderUser Provides methods used to retrieve certain properties of an individual user included in a logon or credential UI. |
ICredentialProviderUserArray Represents the set of users that will appear in the logon or credential UI. This information enables the credential provider to enumerate the set to retrieve property information about each user to populate fields or filter the set. |
ICurrentItem Obtained by calling IShellFolder::BindToObject for an item. If the item represents a snapshot of an item at a previous time, this interface will obtain the current version of the item. |
ICurrentWorkingDirectory Exposes methods that enable a client to retrieve or set an object's current working directory. |
ICustomDestinationList Exposes methods that allow an application to provide a custom Jump List, including destinations and tasks, for display in the taskbar. |
IDataObjectAsyncCapability Enables interfaces that are usually synchronous to function asynchronously. |
IDataObjectProvider Provides methods that enable you to set or retrieve a DataPackage object's IDataObject interface, which the DataPackage uses to support interoperability. The DataPackage object is used by an app to provide data to another app. |
IDataTransferManagerInterop Enables access to DataTransferManager methods in a Windows Store app that manages multiple windows. |
IDefaultExtractIconInit Exposes methods to set default icons associated with an object. |
IDefaultFolderMenuInitialize Provides methods used to get and set shortcut menu information. This information is the same as that provided to SHCreateDefaultContextMenu through the DEFCONTEXTMENU structure. |
IDefViewFrame Used only for its IUnknown functionality. It has no methods of its own. |
IDelayedPropertyStoreFactory Exposes a method to create a specified IPropertyStore object in circumstances where property access is potentially slow. |
IDelegateFolder Exposes a method through which a delegate folder is given the IMalloc interface required to allocate and free item IDs. |
IDelegateItem Used to obtain the immediately underlying representation of an item's path. |
IDeskBand Used to obtain information about a band object. |
IDeskBand2 Exposes methods to enable and query translucency effects in a deskband object. |
IDeskBandInfo Exposes a method for getting the default Desk Band bandwidth. |
IDeskBar Exposes methods that enable desk bar manipulation. |
IDesktopGadget Exposes a method that allows the programmatic addition of an installed gadget to the user's desktop. |
IDesktopWallpaper Provides methods for managing the desktop wallpaper. (IDesktopWallpaper) |
IDestinationStreamFactory Exposes a method for manually copying a stream or file before applying changes to properties. |
IDisplayItem Exposes methods that find a version of the current item to be used to get display properties, such as the item name, that will be displayed in the UI. |
IDockingWindow Exposes methods that notify the docking window object of changes, including showing, hiding, and impending removal. This interface is implemented by window objects that can be docked within the border space of a Windows Explorer window. |
IDockingWindowFrame Exposes methods that support the addition of IDockingWindow objects to a frame. Implemented by the browser. |
IDockingWindowSite Exposes methods that manage the border space for one or more IDockingWindow objects. This interface is implemented by the browser and is similar to the IOleInPlaceUIWindow interface. |
IDocViewSite Used as a site object by the IShellView interface. |
IDragSourceHelper Exposed by the Shell to allow an application to specify the image that will be displayed during a Shell drag-and-drop operation. |
IDragSourceHelper2 Exposes a method that adds functionality to IDragSourceHelper. This method sets the characteristics of a drag-and-drop operation over an IDragSourceHelper object. |
IDropTargetHelper Exposes methods that allow drop targets to display a drag image while the image is over the target window. |
IDynamicHWHandler Called by AutoPlay. Exposes methods that get dynamic information regarding a registered handler prior to displaying it to the user. |
IEnumAssocHandlers Exposes a method that allows enumeration of a collection of handlers associated with particular file name extensions. |
IEnumerableView Exposes methods that enumerate the contents of a view and receive notification from callback upon enumeration completion. This interface enables clients of a view to attempt to share the view's list of folder contents. |
IEnumExplorerCommand Provided by an IExplorerCommandProvider. This interface contains the enumeration of commands to be put into the command bar. |
IEnumExtraSearch A standard OLE enumerator used by a client to determine the available search objects for a folder. |
IEnumFullIDList Exposes a standard set of methods that enumerate the pointers to item identifier lists (PIDLs) of the items in a Shell folder. |
IEnumIDList Exposes a standard set of methods used to enumerate the pointers to item identifier lists (PIDLs) of the items in a Shell folder. |
IEnumObjects Exposes methods to enumerate unknown objects. |
IEnumPublishedApps Exposes methods that enumerate published applications to Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel. The object exposing this interface is requested through IAppPublisher::EnumApps. |
IEnumReadyCallback Exposes methods that enable the view to notify the implementer when the enumeration has completed. |
IEnumResources Exposes resource enumeration methods. |
IEnumShellItems Exposes enumeration of IShellItem interfaces. This interface is typically obtained by calling the IEnumShellItems method. |
IEnumSyncMgrConflict Exposes conflict enumeration methods. |
IEnumSyncMgrEvents Exposes sync event enumeration methods. |
IEnumSyncMgrSyncItems Exposes methods that enumerate the sync item objects managed by the handler. |
IExecuteCommand Exposes methods that set a given state or parameter related to the command verb, as well as a method to invoke that verb. |
IExecuteCommandApplicationHostEnvironment Provides a single method that enables an application to determine whether its host is in desktop or immersive mode. |
IExecuteCommandHost Provides a method that enables an IExplorerCommand-based Shell verb handler to query the UI mode of the host component from which the application was invoked. |
IExpDispSupport Deprecated. Exposes methods that allow the retrieval of properties, translation of keyboard accelerators, and determination of a connection point for certain events. (IExpDispSupport) |
IExpDispSupportXP Deprecated. Exposes methods that allow the retrieval of properties, translation of keyboard accelerators, and determination of a connection point for certain events. (IExpDispSupportXP) |
IExplorerBrowser IExplorerBrowser is a browser object that can be either navigated or that can host a view of a data object. As a full-featured browser object, it also supports an automatic travel log. |
IExplorerBrowserEvents Exposes methods for notification of Explorer browser navigation and view creation events. |
IExplorerCommand Exposes methods that get the command appearance, enumerate subcommands, or invoke the command. |
IExplorerCommandProvider Exposes methods to create Explorer commands and command enumerators. |
IExplorerCommandState Exposes a single method that allows retrieval of the command state. |
IExplorerPaneVisibility Used in Windows Explorer by an IShellFolder implementation to give suggestions to the view about what panes are visible. |
IExtractIconA Exposes methods that allow a client to retrieve the icon that is associated with one of the objects in a folder. (ANSI) |
IExtractIconW Exposes methods that allow a client to retrieve the icon that is associated with one of the objects in a folder. (Unicode) |
IExtractImage Exposes methods that request a thumbnail image from a Shell folder. |
IExtractImage2 Extends the capabilities of IExtractImage. |
IFileDialog Exposes methods that initialize, show, and get results from the common file dialog. |
IFileDialog2 Extends the IFileDialog interface by providing methods that allow the caller to name a specific, restricted location that can be browsed in the common file dialog as well as to specify alternate text to display as a label on the Cancel button. |
IFileDialogControlEvents Exposes methods that allow an application to be notified of events that are related to controls that the application has added to a common file dialog. |
IFileDialogCustomize Exposes methods that allow an application to add controls to a common file dialog. |
IFileDialogEvents Exposes methods that allow notification of events within a common file dialog. |
IFileIsInUse Exposes methods that can be called to get information on or close a file that is in use by another application. |
IFileOpenDialog Extends the IFileDialog interface by adding methods specific to the open dialog. |
IFileOperation Exposes methods to copy, move, rename, create, and delete Shell items as well as methods to provide progress and error dialogs. This interface replaces the SHFileOperation function. |
IFileOperationProgressSink Exposes methods that provide a rich notification system used by callers of IFileOperation to monitor the details of the operations they are performing through that interface. |
IFileSaveDialog Extends the IFileDialog interface by adding methods specific to the save dialog, which include those that provide support for the collection of metadata to be persisted with the file. |
IFileSyncMergeHandler . (IFileSyncMergeHandler) |
IFileSystemBindData Exposes methods that store file system information for optimizing calls to IShellFolder::ParseDisplayName. |
IFileSystemBindData2 Extends IFileSystemBindData, which stores file system information for optimizing calls to IShellFolder::ParseDisplayName. This interface adds the ability set or get file ID or junction class identifier (CLSID). |
IFileViewerA Exposes methods that designate an interface that allows a registered file viewer to be notified when it must show or print a file. (ANSI) |
IFileViewerSite Exposes methods that designate an interface that allows a file viewer to retrieve the handle to the current pinned window, or to set a new pinned window. |
IFileViewerW Exposes methods that designate an interface that allows a registered file viewer to be notified when it must show or print a file. (Unicode) |
IFolderBandPriv IFolderBandPriv is available for use in the operating systems specified in the Requirements section. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions. |
IFolderFilter Exposed by a client to specify how to filter the enumeration of a Shell folder by a server application. |
IFolderFilterSite Exported by a host to allow clients to specify how to filter a Shell folder enumeration. |
IFolderView Exposes methods that retrieve information about a folder's display options, select specified items in that folder, and set the folder's view mode. (IFolderView) |
IFolderView2 Exposes methods that retrieve information about a folder's display options, select specified items in that folder, and set the folder's view mode. (IFolderView2) |
IFolderViewHost Exposes a method that hosts an IFolderView object in a window. |
IFolderViewOptions Exposes methods that allow control of folder view options specific to the Windows 7 and later views. |
IFolderViewSettings Exposes methods to obtain folder view settings. |
IFrameworkInputPane Provides methods that enable apps to be informed of state changes and location for the input pane. |
IFrameworkInputPaneHandler Enables an app to be notified when the input pane (the on-screen keyboard or handwriting panel) is being shown or hidden. This allows the app window to adjust its display so that no input areas (such as a text box) are obscured by the input pane. |
IHandlerActivationHost . (IHandlerActivationHost) |
IHandlerInfo Supplies methods that provide information about the handler to methods of the IHandlerActivationHost interface. |
IHomeGroup Exposes methods that determine a computer's HomeGroup membership status and display the sharing wizard. |
IHWEventHandler Called by AutoPlay to implement the handling of registered media types. |
IHWEventHandler2 Extends the IHWEventHandler interface to address User Account Control (UAC) elevation for device handlers. |
IIdentityName Exposes methods to compare two items to see if they are the same. |
IImageRecompress Exposes a method that recompress images. |
IInitializeCommand Exposes a single method used to initialize objects that implement IExplorerCommandState, IExecuteCommand or IDropTarget with the application-specified command name and its registered properties. |
IInitializeWithBindCtx Exposes a method that initializes a handler, such as a property handler, thumbnail handler, or preview handler, with a bind context. |
IInitializeWithFile Exposes a method to initialize a handler, such as a property handler, thumbnail handler, or preview handler, with a file path. |
IInitializeWithItem Exposes a method used to initialize a handler, such as a property handler, thumbnail handler, or preview handler, with an IShellItem. |
IInitializeWithPropertyStore Exposes a method that initializes a handler, such as a property handler, thumbnail handler, or preview handler, with a property store. |
IInitializeWithStream Exposes a method that initializes a handler, such as a property handler, thumbnail handler, or preview handler, with a stream. |
IInitializeWithWindow Exposes a method through which a client can provide an owner window to a Windows Runtime object used in a desktop application. |
IInputObject Exposes methods that change UI activation and process accelerators for a user input object contained in the Shell. |
IInputObject2 Exposes a method that extends IInputObject by handling global accelerators. |
IInputObjectSite Exposes a method that is used to communicate focus changes for a user input object contained in the Shell. |
IInputPanelConfiguration Provides functionality for desktop apps to opt in to the focus tracking mechanism used in Windows Store apps. |
IInputPanelInvocationConfiguration Enables Windows Store apps to opt out of the automatic invocation behavior. |
IInsertItem IInsertItem may be altered or unavailable. |
IIOCancelInformation Exposes methods for posting a cancel window message to the process thread from the Progress Dialog. |
IItemNameLimits Retrieves a list of valid and invalid characters or the maximum length of a name in the namespace. Use this interface for validation parsing and translation. |
IKnownFolder Exposes methods that allow an application to retrieve information about a known folder's category, type, GUID, pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) value, redirection capabilities, and definition. |
IKnownFolderManager Exposes methods that create, enumerate or manage existing known folders. |
ILaunchSourceAppUserModelId Provides a method for retrieving an AppUserModelId. |
ILaunchSourceViewSizePreference Provides methods for retrieving information about the source application. |
ILaunchTargetMonitor . (ILaunchTargetMonitor) |
ILaunchTargetViewSizePreference Provides a method for retrieving the preferred view size for a new application window. |
IMenuBand Exposes methods that allow a Component Object Model (COM) object to receive and translate appropriate messages. |
IMenuPopup IMenuPopup may be altered or unavailable. |
IModalWindow Exposes a method that represents a modal window. |
INamedPropertyBag Exposes methods that provide an object with a specified property bag in which the object can save its properties. |
INamedPropertyStore Exposes methods that get and set named properties. |
INameSpaceTreeAccessible Exposes methods that perform accessibility actions on a Shell item from a namespace tree control. |
INameSpaceTreeControl Exposes methods used to view and manipulate nodes in a tree of Shell items. |
INameSpaceTreeControl2 Extends the INameSpaceTreeControl interface by providing methods that get and set the display styles of treeview controls for use with Shell namespace items. |
INameSpaceTreeControlCustomDraw Exposes methods that enable the user to draw a custom namespace tree control and its items. |
INameSpaceTreeControlDropHandler Exposes handler methods for drag-and-drop. |
INameSpaceTreeControlEvents Exposes methods for handling INameSpaceTreeControl events. |
INameSpaceTreeControlFolderCapabilities Exposes a single method that retrieves the status of a folder's System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree filtering support. |
INamespaceWalk Exposes methods that walk a namespace from a given root node. The depth of the walk is specified and an optional array is returned containing the IDs of all nodes walked. |
INamespaceWalkCB A callback interface exposing methods used with INamespaceWalk. |
INamespaceWalkCB2 Extends INamespaceWalkCB with a method that is required in order to complete a namespace walk. This method removes data collected during the walk. |
INewMenuClient Exposes methods that allow manipulation of items in a Windows 7 menu. |
INewShortcutHookA Exposes methods to create a new Internet shortcut. (ANSI) |
INewShortcutHookW Exposes methods to create a new Internet shortcut. (Unicode) |
INewWindowManager Exposes a method that determines whether a window that is launched by another window should be displayed or blocked, allowing control of pop-up windows. |
INotifyReplica Exposes a method that provides an object's creator with the means to notify the object that it may be subject to subsequent reconciliation. The briefcase reconciler is responsible for implementing this interface. |
IObjectArray Exposes methods that enable clients to access items in a collection of objects that support IUnknown. |
IObjectCollection Extends the IObjectArray interface by providing methods that enable clients to add and remove objects that support IUnknown in a collection. |
IObjectProvider Exposes a method to discover objects that are named with a GUID from another object. Unlike QueryService this interface will not delegate its functionality on to other objects. |
IObjectWithAppUserModelID Exposes methods that allow implementers of a custom IAssocHandler object to provide access to its explicit Application User Model ID (AppUserModelID). |
IObjectWithBackReferences Provides a method for interacting with back references held by an object. |
IObjectWithCancelEvent Not supported.Supplies a caller with an event that will be signaled by the called object to denote cancellation of a task. |
IObjectWithFolderEnumMode Exposes methods that get and set enumeration modes of a parsed item. |
IObjectWithProgID Exposes methods that provide access to the ProgID associated with an object. |
IObjectWithPropertyKey Exposes methods for getting and setting the property key. |
IObjectWithSelection Exposes methods that get or set selected items represented by a Shell item array. |
IObjMgr Exposes methods that allow a client to append or remove an object from a collection of objects managed by a server object. |
IOpenControlPanel Exposes methods that retrieve the view state of the Control Panel, the path of individual Control Panel items, and that open either the Control Panel itself or an individual Control Panel item. |
IOpenSearchSource Exposes a method to get search results from a custom client-side OpenSearch data source. |
IOperationsProgressDialog Exposes methods to get, set, and query a progress dialog. |
IPackageDebugSettings Enables debugger developers to control the life cycle of a Windows Store app, such as suspending or resuming. |
IPackageExecutionStateChangeNotification Enables receiving package state-change notifications during Windows Store app debugging. |
IParentAndItem Exposes methods that get and set the parent and the parent's child ID. While IParentAndItem is typically implemented on IShellItems, it is not specific to IShellItem. |
IParseAndCreateItem IParseAndCreateItem interface |
IPersistFolder Exposes a method that initializes Shell folder objects. |
IPersistFolder2 Exposes methods that obtain information from Shell folder objects. |
IPersistFolder3 Extends the IPersistFolder and IPersistFolder2 interfaces by allowing a folder object to implement nondefault handling of folder shortcuts. |
IPersistIDList Exposes methods that are used to persist item identifier lists. |
IPersistSerializedPropStorage Exposes methods to persist serialized property storage data for later use and to restore persisted data to a new property store instance. (IPersistSerializedPropStorage) |
IPersistSerializedPropStorage2 Exposes methods to persist serialized property storage data for later use and to restore persisted data to a new property store instance. (IPersistSerializedPropStorage2) |
IPreviewHandler Exposes methods for the display of rich previews. |
IPreviewHandlerFrame Enables preview handlers to pass keyboard shortcuts to the host. This interface retrieves a list of keyboard shortcuts and directs the host to handle a keyboard shortcut. |
IPreviewHandlerVisuals Exposes methods for applying color and font information to preview handlers. |
IPreviewItem Identifies an item that will be shown in the preview pane. |
IPreviousVersionsInfo Exposes a method that checks for previous versions of server files or folders, stored for the purpose of reversion by the shadow copies technology provided with Windows Server 2003. |
IProfferService Exposes a general mechanism for objects to offer services to other objects on the same host. |
IProgressDialog Exposes methods that provide options for an application to display a progress dialog box. |
IPublishedApp Exposes methods that represent applications to Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel. |
IPublishedApp2 Extends the IPublishedApp interface by providing an additional installation method. |
IPublishingWizard Exposes methods for working with the Online Print Wizard, the Web Publishing Wizard, and the Add Network Place Wizard. In Windows Vista, IPublishingWizard no longer supports the Web Publishing Wizard or Online Print Wizard. |
IQueryAssociations Exposes methods that simplify the process of retrieving information stored in the registry in association with defining a file type or protocol and associating it with an application. |
IQueryCancelAutoPlay Exposes a method that programmatically overrides AutoPlay or AutoRun. This allows you to customize the location and type of content that is launched when media is inserted. |
IQueryCodePage Gets and sets the numeric value (Code Page identifier) of the ANSI code page. |
IQueryContinue Exposes a method that provides a simple, standard mechanism for objects to query a client for permission to continue an operation. |
IQueryContinueWithStatus Exposes methods that provide a standard mechanism for credential providers to call QueryContinue while attempting to connect to the network to determine if they should continue these attempts. |
IQueryInfo Exposes methods that the Shell uses to retrieve flags and info tip information for an item that resides in an IShellFolder implementation. Info tips are usually displayed inside a tooltip control. |
IRegTreeItem Exposes methods that retrieve and set the state of items in a tree-view control that have the Tree-View Control Window Styles flag set. |
IRelatedItem Exposes methods that derive related items with specific relationships. |
IRemoteComputer Exposes a method that enumerates or initializes a namespace extension when it is invoked on a remote object. This interface is used, for example, to initialize the remote printers virtual folder. |
IResolveShellLink Exposes a method that enables an application to request that a Shell folder object resolve a link for one of its items. |
IResultsFolder Exposes methods that hold items from a data object. |
IRunnableTask A free-threaded interface that can be exposed by an object to allow operations to be performed on a background thread. |
ISearchBoxInfo Exposes methods that allow the caller to retrieve information entered into a search box. |
ISearchContext Exposes methods that channel customization information to the search hooks. |
ISearchFolderItemFactory Exposes methods that create and modify search folders. |
ISharedBitmap Exposes memory-efficient methods for accessing bitmaps. This interface is used as a thin wrapper around HBITMAP objects, allowing those objects to be reference counted and protected from having their underlying data changed. |
ISharingConfigurationManager Exposes methods that set and retrieve information about a computer's default sharing settings for the Users (C:\Users) or Public (C:\Users\Public) folder. Also exposes a set of methods that allow control of printer sharing. |
IShellApp Exposes methods that provide general information about an application to the Add/Remove Programs Application. |
IShellBrowser Implemented by hosts of Shell views (objects that implement IShellView). Exposes methods that provide services for the view it is hosting and other objects that run in the context of the Explorer window. |
IShellChangeNotify Exposes a method that notifies a Shell namespace extension when the ID of an item has changed. |
IShellDetails Exposed by Shell folders to provide detailed information about the items in a folder. |
IShellExtInit Exposes a method that initializes Shell extensions for property sheets, shortcut menus, and drag-and-drop handlers (extensions that add items to shortcut menus during nondefault drag-and-drop operations). |
IShellFolder Exposed by all Shell namespace folder objects, its methods are used to manage folders. |
IShellFolder2 Extends the capabilities of IShellFolder. Its methods provide a variety of information about the contents of a Shell folder. |
IShellFolderBand IShellFolderBand may be altered or unavailable. |
IShellFolderView Exposes methods that manipulate Shell folder views. |
IShellFolderViewCB Exposes a method that allows communication between Windows Explorer and a folder view implemented using the system folder view object (the IShellView object returned through SHCreateShellFolderView) so that the folder view can be notified of events and modify its view accordingly. |
IShellFolderViewDual Exposes methods that modify the view and select items in the current folder. (IShellFolderViewDual) |
IShellFolderViewDual2 Exposes methods that modify the view and select items in the current folder. (IShellFolderViewDual2) |
IShellFolderViewDual3 Exposes methods that modify the current folder view. |
IShellIcon Exposes a method that obtains an icon index for an IShellFolder object. |
IShellIconOverlay Exposes methods that are used by a namespace extension to specify icon overlays for the objects it contains. |
IShellIconOverlayIdentifier Exposes methods that handle all communication between icon overlay handlers and the Shell. |
IShellIconOverlayManager IShellIconOverlayManager may be altered or unavailable. |
IShellImageData Exposes methods and properties that display, manipulate, and describe image data. |
IShellImageDataAbort Exposes a single method used to abort IShellImageData processes. |
IShellImageDataFactory Exposes methods that create IShellImageData instances based on various image sources. |
IShellImageStore Deprecated. Exposes methods that manipulate the image cache. |
IShellItem Exposes methods that retrieve information about a Shell item. IShellItem and IShellItem2 are the preferred representations of items in any new code. |
IShellItem2 Extends IShellItem with methods that retrieve various property values of the item. IShellItem and IShellItem2 are the preferred representations of items in any new code. |
IShellItemArray Exposes methods that create and manipulate Shell item arrays. |
IShellItemFilter Exposed by a client to specify how to filter the enumeration of a Shell item by a server application. |
IShellItemImageFactory Exposes a method to return either icons or thumbnails for Shell items. If no thumbnail or icon is available for the requested item, a per-class icon may be provided from the Shell. |
IShellItemResources Exposes methods to manipulate and query Shell item resources. |
IShellLibrary Exposes methods for creating and managing libraries. |
IShellLinkA Exposes methods that create, modify, and resolve Shell links. (ANSI) |
IShellLinkDataList Exposes methods that allow an application to attach extra data blocks to a Shell link. These methods add, copy, or remove data blocks. |
IShellLinkW Exposes methods that create, modify, and resolve Shell links. (Unicode) |
IShellMenu Exposes methods that interact with Shell menus such as the Start menu, and the Favorites menu. |
IShellMenuCallback A callback interface that exposes a method that receives messages from a menu band. |
IShellPropSheetExt Exposes methods that allow a property sheet handler to add or replace pages in the property sheet displayed for a file object. |
IShellRunDll Not supported. (IShellRunDll) |
IShellService Deprecated. IShellService Exposes one method that declares ownership when a service component implementing a certain interface is shared among multiple clients, such as Windows Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer. |
IShellTaskScheduler IShellTaskScheduler may be altered or unavailable. |
IShellView Exposes methods that present a view in the Windows Explorer or folder windows. |
IShellView2 Extends the capabilities of IShellView. |
IShellView3 Extends the capabilities of IShellView2 by providing a method to replace IShellView2::CreateViewWindow2. |
IShellWindows Provides access to the collection of open Shell windows. |
IStartMenuPinnedList Exposes a method that unpins an application shortcut from the Start menu or the taskbar. |
IStorageProviderHandler Retrieves the IStorageProviderPropertyHandler associated with a specific file or folder. |
IStorageProviderPropertyHandler Provides a collection of properties associated with a file or folder. |
IStreamAsync Exposes methods to manage input/output (I/O) to an asynchronous stream. |
IStreamUnbufferedInfo Exposes a method that determines the sector size as an aid to byte alignment. |
ISuspensionDependencyManager . (ISuspensionDependencyManager) |
ISyncMgrConflict Exposes methods that provide information about a conflict retrieved from a conflict store, and allows the conflict to be resolved. |
ISyncMgrConflictFolder Exposes a method that gets the conflict ID list for a conflict object. |
ISyncMgrConflictItems Exposes methods that get conflict item data and item count. |
ISyncMgrConflictPresenter Exposes a method that presents a conflict to the user. |
ISyncMgrConflictResolutionItems Exposes methods that get item info and item count. |
ISyncMgrConflictResolveInfo Exposes methods that get and set information about sync manager conflict resolution. |
ISyncMgrConflictStore Exposes methods that allow a handler to provide conflicts that appear in the Conflicts folder. |
ISyncMgrControl Exposes methods that allow an application or handler to start or stop a synchronization, notify Sync Center of changes to the set of handlers or items, or notify of changes to property values. |
ISyncMgrEnumItems Exposes methods that enumerate through an array of SYNCMGRITEM structures. |
ISyncMgrEvent Exposes methods that retrieve data from an event store. An event store allows Sync Center to get an enumerator of all events in the store, as well as to retrieve individual events. |
ISyncMgrEventLinkUIOperation Provides a method that is called when event links are clicked in the sync results folder. |
ISyncMgrEventStore Exposes methods that allow a handler to provide its own event store and manage its own sync events, instead of using the default Sync Center event store. These events are displayed in the Sync Results folder. |
ISyncMgrHandler Exposes methods that make up the primary interface implemented by a sync handler. |
ISyncMgrHandlerCollection Exposes methods that provide an enumerator of sync handler IDs and instantiate those sync handlers. |
ISyncMgrHandlerInfo Exposes methods that allow a handler to provide property and state information to Sync Center. |
ISyncMgrRegister Exposes methods so that an application can register with the synchronization manager. This can be achieved either through the ISyncMgrRegister interface or by registering directly in the registry. |
ISyncMgrResolutionHandler Exposes methods that manage synchronizing conflicts. Implement this interface to construct a sync conflict handler. The conflict resolution user interface (UI) will call this interface to resolve the conflict presented to the user. |
ISyncMgrScheduleWizardUIOperation Exposes a method that allows a handler to display the sync schedule wizard for the handler. |
ISyncMgrSessionCreator Exposes a single method through which a handler or external application can notify Sync Center that synchronization has begun, as well as report progress and events. |
ISyncMgrSyncCallback Exposes methods that allow a synchronization process to report progress and events to Sync Center, or to query whether the process has been canceled. |
ISyncMgrSynchronize Exposes methods that enable the registered application or service to receive notifications from the synchronization manager. |
ISyncMgrSynchronizeCallback Exposes methods that manage the synchronization process. |
ISyncMgrSynchronizeInvoke Exposes methods that enable a registered application to invoke the synchronization manager to update items. |
ISyncMgrSyncItem Exposes methods that act on and retrieve information from a single sync item, allowing handlers to manage sync items as independent objects. |
ISyncMgrSyncItemContainer Exposes methods that provide information to handlers about the items they contain. |
ISyncMgrSyncItemInfo Exposes methods that provide property and state information for a single sync item. |
ISyncMgrSyncResult Exposes a method that applications calling ISyncMgrControl can use to get the result of a ISyncMgrControl::StartHandlerSync or ISyncMgrControl::StartItemSync call. |
ISyncMgrUIOperation Exposes a method through which a sync handler or sync item can display a UI object when requested to do so by Sync Center. |
ITaskbarList Exposes methods that control the taskbar. It allows you to dynamically add, remove, and activate items on the taskbar. |
ITaskbarList2 Extends the ITaskbarList interface by exposing a method to mark a window as a full-screen display. |
ITaskbarList3 Extends ITaskbarList2 by exposing methods that support the unified launching and switching taskbar button functionality added in Windows 7. |
ITaskbarList4 Extends ITaskbarList3 by providing a method that allows the caller to control two property values for the tab thumbnail and peek feature. |
IThumbnailCache Exposes methods for a system thumbnail cache that is shared across applications. |
IThumbnailCachePrimer . (IThumbnailCachePrimer) |
IThumbnailCapture Exposes a method that obtains a thumbnail representation of an HTML wallpaper. |
IThumbnailHandlerFactory Exposes a method for retrieving the thumbnail handler of an item. Implement this interface if you want to specify what extractor is used for a child IDList. |
IThumbnailProvider Exposes a method for getting a thumbnail image and is intended to be implemented for thumbnail handlers. The object that implements this interface must also implement IInitializeWithStream. |
IThumbnailSettings Provides a method that enables a thumbnail provider to determine the user context of a thumbnail request. |
IThumbnailStreamCache Gets or sets the thumbnail stream. This interface is for internal use only and can only be called by the photos application. |
ITrackShellMenu Exposes methods that extend the IShellMenu interface by providing the ability to coordinate toolbar buttons with a menu as well as display a pop-up menu. |
ITranscodeImage Exposes a method that allows conversion to JPEG or bitmap (BMP) image formats from any image type supported by Windows. |
ITransferAdviseSink Exposes methods supporting status collection and failure information. |
ITransferDestination Exposes methods that create a destination Shell item for a copy or move operation. This interface is provided to allow more control over file operations by providing an ITransferDestination::Advise method. |
ITransferMediumItem Used by a copy engine to get the item on which to call QueryInterface to return a pointer to interface ITransferDestination or interface ITransferSource. These interfaces can be queried and enumerated for copy, move, or delete operations. |
ITransferSource Exposes methods to manipulate IShellItem, including copy, move, recycle, and others. This interface is offered to provide more control over file operations by providing an ITransferSource::Advise method. |
ITravelEntry Deprecated. Exposes methods to identify, invoke, and update an individual item in the browser's travel history. |
ITravelLog Deprecated. Exposes methods that maintain and manipulate a record of travel in the browser. |
ITrayDeskBand Exposes methods that show, hide, and query deskbands. |
IUpdateIDList Provides a method to update the ITEMIDLIST of the child of a folder object. |
IURLSearchHook Exposes a method that is used by the browser to translate the address of an unknown URL protocol. |
IURLSearchHook2 Exposes a method that is used by the browser to translate the address of an unknown URL protocol by using a search context object. |
IUserAccountChangeCallback Exposes a method which is called when the picture that represents a user account is changed. |
IUserNotification Exposes methods that set notification information and then display that notification to the user in a balloon that appears in conjunction with the notification area of the taskbar. (IUserNotification) |
IUserNotification2 Exposes methods that set notification information and then display that notification to the user in a balloon that appears in conjunction with the notification area of the taskbar. (IUserNotification2) |
IUserNotificationCallback Exposes a method for the handling of a mouse click or shortcut menu access in a notification balloon. Used with IUserNotification2::Show. |
IUseToBrowseItem This interface is not supported. Do not use. |
IViewStateIdentityItem Provides a canonical persistence item, an item for which view customizations will be remembered. |
IVirtualDesktopManager Exposes methods that enable an application to interact with groups of windows that form virtual workspaces. |
IVisualProperties Exposes methods that set and get visual properties. |
IWebWizardExtension Extends the IWizardExtension interface by exposing methods to set the wizard extension's initial URL, and a specific URL in case of an error. |
IWizardExtension Used by wizards such as the Web Publishing Wizard and Online Print Ordering Wizard which host server-side content pages. This interface exposes methods to specify supported extension pages and to navigate into and out of those pages. |
IWizardSite Exposes methods used by a wizard extension to navigate the borders between itself and the rest of the wizard. |
AASHELLMENUFILENAME A variable-size structure that contains information about a menu file name. |
AASHELLMENUITEM Contains information about a menu item. (AASHELLMENUITEM) |
APPBARDATA Contains information about a system appbar message. |
APPCATEGORYINFO Provides application category information to Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel. The APPCATEGORYINFOLIST structure is used create a complete list of categories for an application publisher. |
APPCATEGORYINFOLIST Provides a list of supported application categories from an application publisher to Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel. |
APPINFODATA Provides information about a published application to the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel utility. |
ASSOCIATIONELEMENT Defines information used by AssocCreateForClasses to retrieve an IQueryAssociations interface for a given file association. |
AUTO_SCROLL_DATA AUTO_SCROLL_DATA may be altered or unavailable. |
BANDINFOSFB Contains information about a folder band. This structure is used with the IShellFolderBand::GetBandInfoSFB and IShellFolderBand::SetBandInfoSFB methods. |
BANDSITEINFO Contains information about a band site. This structure is used with the IBandSite::GetBandSiteInfo and IBandSite::SetBandSiteInfo methods. |
BASEBROWSERDATALH The BASEBROWSERDATALH structure contains protected members of the base class. (BASEBROWSERDATALH structure) |
BASEBROWSERDATAXP The BASEBROWSERDATAXP structure contains protected members of the base class. (BASEBROWSERDATAXP structure) |
BROWSEINFOA Contains parameters for the SHBrowseForFolder function and receives information about the folder selected by the user. (ANSI) |
BROWSEINFOW Contains parameters for the SHBrowseForFolder function and receives information about the folder selected by the user. (Unicode) |
CABINETSTATE CABINETSTATE may be altered or unavailable. |
CATEGORY_INFO Contains category information. A component category is a group of logically-related Component Object Model (COM) classes that share a common category identifier (CATID). |
CIDA Used with the CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST clipboard format to transfer the pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) of one or more Shell namespace objects. |
CM_COLUMNINFO Defines column information. Used by members of the IColumnManager interface. |
CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO Contains information needed by IContextMenu::InvokeCommand to invoke a shortcut menu command. |
CMINVOKECOMMANDINFOEX Contains extended information about a shortcut menu command. This structure is an extended version of CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO that allows the use of Unicode values. |
COMDLG_FILTERSPEC Used generically to filter elements. |
COMPONENT Used by Windows 2000 to hold information about a component. This structure replaces the IE4COMPONENT structure. |
COMPONENTSOPT Contains the desktop item options. |
COMPPOS Holds information about a component's position and size. |
COMPSTATEINFO Used by Windows 2000 to hold information about a component's state. |
CONFIRM_CONFLICT_ITEM Defines conflict item structure. |
CONFIRM_CONFLICT_RESULT_INFO Defines conflict result information structure. |
CPLINFO Contains resource information and an application-defined value for a dialog box supported by a Control Panel application. (CPLINFO) |
CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_DESCRIPTOR Describes a single field in a credential. For example, a string or a user image. |
CSFV Used with the SHCreateShellFolderViewEx function. |
DATABLOCK_HEADER Serves as the header for some of the extra data structures used by IShellLinkDataList. |
DEFCONTEXTMENU Contains context menu information used by SHCreateDefaultContextMenu. |
DELEGATEITEMID Used by delegate folders in place of a standard ITEMIDLIST structure. |
DESKBANDINFO Receives information about a band object. This structure is used with the deprecated IDeskBand::GetBandInfo method. |
DETAILSINFO Contains detail information for a Shell folder item. Used with the SFVM_GETDETAILSOF notification. |
DFMICS Contains additional arguments used by DFM_INVOKECOMMANDEX. |
DLLVERSIONINFO Receives DLL-specific version information. |
DLLVERSIONINFO2 Receives DLL-specific version information. It is used with the DllGetVersion function. |
DROPDESCRIPTION Describes the image and accompanying text for a drop object. |
DROPFILES Defines the CF_HDROP clipboard format. The data that follows is a double null-terminated list of file names. |
EXP_DARWIN_LINK Holds an extra data block used by IShellLinkDataList. It holds the link's Windows Installer ID. |
EXP_PROPERTYSTORAGE Stores information about the Shell link state. This structure is used for extra data sections that are tagged with EXP_PROPERTYSTORAGE_SIG. |
EXP_SPECIAL_FOLDER Holds an extra data block used by IShellLinkDataList. It holds special folder information. |
EXP_SZ_LINK Holds an extra data block used by IShellLinkDataList. It holds expandable environment strings for the icon or target. |
EXTRASEARCH Used by an IEnumExtraSearch enumerator object to return information on the search objects supported by a Shell Folder object. |
FILE_ATTRIBUTES_ARRAY Contains the clipboard format definition for CFSTR_FILE_ATTRIBUTES_ARRAY. |
FILEDESCRIPTORA Describes the properties of a file that is being copied by means of the clipboard during a Microsoft ActiveX drag-and-drop operation. (ANSI) |
FILEDESCRIPTORW Describes the properties of a file that is being copied by means of the clipboard during a Microsoft ActiveX drag-and-drop operation. (Unicode) |
FOLDERSETDATA Deprecated. Data used in IBrowserService2::GetFolderSetData. |
FOLDERSETTINGS Contains folder view information. |
FVSHOWINFO Contains information that the file viewer uses to display a file. |
HELPINFO Contains information about an item for which context-sensitive help has been requested. |
HELPWININFOA Contains the size and position of either a primary or secondary Help window. An application can set this information by calling the WinHelp function with the HELP_SETWINPOS value. (ANSI) |
HELPWININFOW Contains the size and position of either a primary or secondary Help window. An application can set this information by calling the WinHelp function with the HELP_SETWINPOS value. (Unicode) |
IE4COMPONENT Used by Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 to hold information about a component. With Windows 2000, it is replaced by the COMPONENT structure. |
ITEMIDLIST Contains a list of item identifiers. |
ITEMSPACING Stores the dimensions of the two possible sizes of icon spacing that are available for display:_small and large. Used by IShellFolderView::GetItemSpacing. |
KNOWNFOLDER_DEFINITION Defines the specifics of a known folder. |
LOGFONTA The LOGFONTA (ANSI) structure defines the attributes of a font. (LOGFONTA structure) |
LOGFONTA The LOGFONTA (ANSI) structure defines the attributes of a font's character cell or character. (LOGFONTA) |
LOGFONTW The LOGFONTW (Unicode) structure defines the attributes of a font. (LOGFONTW structure) |
LOGFONTW The LOGFONTW (Unicode) structure defines the attributes of a font's character cell or character. (LOGFONTW) |
MULTIKEYHELPA Specifies a keyword to search for and the keyword table to be searched by Windows Help. (ANSI) |
MULTIKEYHELPW Specifies a keyword to search for and the keyword table to be searched by Windows Help. (Unicode) |
NC_ADDRESS Contains information that describes a network address. |
NEWCPLINFOA Contains resource information and an application-defined value for a dialog box supported by a Control Panel application. (NEWCPLINFOA) |
NEWCPLINFOW Contains resource information and an application-defined value for a dialog box supported by a Control Panel application. (NEWCPLINFOW) |
NOTIFYICONDATAA Contains information that the system needs to display notifications in the notification area. Used by Shell_NotifyIcon. (ANSI) |
NOTIFYICONDATAW Contains information that the system needs to display notifications in the notification area. Used by Shell_NotifyIcon. (Unicode) |
NOTIFYICONIDENTIFIER Contains information used by Shell_NotifyIconGetRect to identify the icon for which to retrieve the bounding rectangle. |
NRESARRAY Defines the CF_NETRESOURCE clipboard format. |
NSTCCUSTOMDRAW Custom draw structure used by INameSpaceTreeControlCustomDraw methods. |
NT_CONSOLE_PROPS Holds an extra data block used by IShellLinkDataList. It holds console properties. |
NT_FE_CONSOLE_PROPS Holds an extra data block used by IShellLinkDataList. It holds the console's code page. |
OPEN_PRINTER_PROPS_INFOA Identifies a particular property sheet in a printer's property pages and whether that property sheet should be modal. Optionally used with the SHInvokePrinterCommand function. (ANSI) |
OPEN_PRINTER_PROPS_INFOW Identifies a particular property sheet in a printer's property pages and whether that property sheet should be modal. Optionally used with the SHInvokePrinterCommand function. (Unicode) |
OPENASINFO Stores information for the SHOpenWithDialog function. |
OVERLAPPED Contains information used in asynchronous (overlapped) input/output (I/O). |
PARSEDURLA Used by the ParseURL function to return the parsed URL. (ANSI) |
PARSEDURLW Used by the ParseURL function to return the parsed URL. (Unicode) |
PERSIST_FOLDER_TARGET_INFO Specifies a folder shortcut's target folder and its attributes. This structure is used by IPersistFolder3::GetFolderTargetInfo and IPersistFolder3::InitializeEx. |
PREVIEWHANDLERFRAMEINFO Accelerator table structure. Used by IPreviewHandlerFrame::GetWindowContext. |
PROFILEINFOA Contains information used when loading or unloading a user profile. (ANSI) |
PROFILEINFOW Contains information used when loading or unloading a user profile. (Unicode) |
PUBAPPINFO Provides information about a published application from an application publisher to Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel. |
QCMINFO Contains information for merging menu items into Windows Explorer menus. |
QITAB Used by the QISearch function to describe a single interface. |
SERIALIZEDPROPERTYVALUE A range of memory of arbitrary type that represents a serialized PROPVARIANT structure. |
SFV_CREATE This structure is used with the SHCreateShellFolderView function. |
SFV_SETITEMPOS Stores position information for an item. Used with message SFVM_SETITEMPOS. |
SFVM_HELPTOPIC_DATA Contains the name of an HTML Help file and a topic in that file. Used with the SFVM_GETHELPTOPIC notification. This structure requires Unicode strings. |
SFVM_PROPPAGE_DATA Contains the details of a page to be added to an object's Properties sheet. |
SHARDAPPIDINFO Contains data used by SHAddToRecentDocs to identify both an item�in this case as an IShellItem�and the process that it is associated with. |
SHARDAPPIDINFOIDLIST Contains data used by SHAddToRecentDocs to identify both an item�in this case by an absolute pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL)�and the process that it is associated with. |
SHARDAPPIDINFOLINK Contains data used by SHAddToRecentDocs to identify both an item, in this case through an IShellLink, and the process that it is associated with. |
SHChangeDWORDAsIDList SHChangeDWORDAsIDList may be altered or unavailable. |
SHChangeNotifyEntry Contains and receives information for change notifications. This structure is used with the SHChangeNotifyRegister function and the SFVM_QUERYFSNOTIFY notification. |
SHChangeProductKeyAsIDList SHChangeProductKeyAsIDList structure |
SHChangeUpdateImageIDList SHChangeUpdateImageIDList may be altered or unavailable. |
SHCOLUMNDATA Contains information that identifies a particular file. It is used by IColumnProvider::GetItemData when requesting data for a particular file. |
SHCOLUMNINFO Contains information about the properties of a column. It is used by IColumnProvider::GetColumnInfo. |
SHCOLUMNINIT Passes initialization information to IColumnProvider::Initialize. |
SHCREATEPROCESSINFOW Contains the information needed by SHCreateProcessAsUserW to create a process. |
SHDESCRIPTIONID Receives item data in response to a call to SHGetDataFromIDList. |
SHDRAGIMAGE Contains the information needed to create a drag image. |
SHELL_ITEM_RESOURCE Defines Shell item resource. |
SHELLDETAILS Reports detailed information on an item in a Shell folder. |
SHELLEXECUTEINFOA Contains information used by ShellExecuteEx. (ANSI) |
SHELLEXECUTEINFOW Contains information used by ShellExecuteEx. (Unicode) |
SHELLFLAGSTATE Contains a set of flags that indicate the current Shell settings. This structure is used with the SHGetSettings function. |
SHELLSTATEA Contains settings for the Shell's state. This structure is used with the SHGetSetSettings function. (ANSI) |
SHELLSTATEW Contains settings for the Shell's state. This structure is used with the SHGetSetSettings function. (Unicode) |
SHFILEINFOA Contains information about a file object. (ANSI) |
SHFILEINFOW Contains information about a file object. (Unicode) |
SHFILEOPSTRUCTA Contains information that the SHFileOperation function uses to perform file operations. (ANSI) |
SHFILEOPSTRUCTW Contains information that the SHFileOperation function uses to perform file operations. (Unicode) |
SHFOLDERCUSTOMSETTINGS Holds custom folder settings. This structure is used with the SHGetSetFolderCustomSettings function. |
SHITEMID Defines an item identifier. |
SHNAMEMAPPINGA Contains the old and new path names for each file that was moved, copied, or renamed by the SHFileOperation function. (ANSI) |
SHNAMEMAPPINGW Contains the old and new path names for each file that was moved, copied, or renamed by the SHFileOperation function. (Unicode) |
SHQUERYRBINFO Contains the size and item count information retrieved by the SHQueryRecycleBin function. |
SHSTOCKICONINFO Receives information used to retrieve a stock Shell icon. This structure is used in a call SHGetStockIconInfo. |
SLOWAPPINFO Provides specialized application information to Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel. This structure is not applicable to published applications. |
SMCSHCHANGENOTIFYSTRUCT Contains information about change notification. It is used by IShellMenuCallback::CallbackSM. |
SMDATA Contains information from a menu band. |
SMINFO Contains information about an item from a menu band. |
SOFTDISTINFO Contains information about a software update. |
SORTCOLUMN Stores information about how to sort a column that is displayed in the folder view. |
STRRET Contains strings returned from the IShellFolder interface methods. |
SV2CVW2_PARAMS Holds the parameters for the IShellView2::CreateViewWindow2 method. |
SYNCMGR_CONFLICT_ID_INFO Describes conflict ID information structure. |
SYNCMGRHANDLERINFO Provides information about the handler for use in the ISyncMgrSynchronize::GetHandlerInfo method. |
SYNCMGRITEM Provides information about items being enumerated by the ISyncMgrEnumItems interface. |
SYNCMGRLOGERRORINFO Provides error information for use in the ISyncMgrSynchronizeCallback::LogError method. |
SYNCMGRPROGRESSITEM Provides status information while a synchronization is in progress. This structure is used with the ISyncMgrSynchronizeCallback::Progress method and corresponds to a single synchronization item. |
TBINFO Used with the SFVM_GETBUTTONINFO notification to specify the number of buttons to add to the toolbar, as well as how they're added. |
THUMBBUTTON Used by methods of the ITaskbarList3 interface to define buttons used in a toolbar embedded in a window's thumbnail representation. |
TOOLBARITEM Deprecated. Data used in IBrowserService2::_GetToolbarItem, IBrowserService2::v_MayGetNextToolbarFocus, and IBrowserService2::_SetFocus to define a toolbar item. |
WALLPAPEROPT Contains the wallpaper display options. Used with members of the IActiveDesktop interface. |
WINDOWDATA Stores window data. |
WTS_THUMBNAILID Contains a unique identifier for a thumbnail in the system thumbnail cache. |
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