SR_DISK_REPLICATION_ELIGIBLE enumeration (clusapi.h)
Specifies the various reasons a disk on a cluster node can be eligible or ineligible for replication.
SrDiskReplicationEligibleNone = 0,
SrDiskReplicationEligibleYes = 1,
SrDiskReplicationEligibleOffline = 2,
SrDiskReplicationEligibleNotGpt = 3,
SrDiskReplicationEligiblePartitionLayoutMismatch = 4,
SrDiskReplicationEligibleInsufficientFreeSpace = 5,
SrDiskReplicationEligibleNotInSameSite = 6,
SrDiskReplicationEligibleInSameSite = 7,
SrDiskReplicationEligibleFileSystemNotSupported = 8,
SrDiskReplicationEligibleAlreadyInReplication = 9,
SrDiskReplicationEligibleSameAsSpecifiedDisk = 10,
SrDiskReplicationEligibleOther = 9999
SrDiskReplicationEligibleNone Value: 0 None of the disks on the node are eligible for replication. |
SrDiskReplicationEligibleYes Value: 1 The disk is eligible for replication. |
SrDiskReplicationEligibleOffline Value: 2 The disk is offline. |
SrDiskReplicationEligibleNotGpt Value: 3 The disk is not formatted with a GUID partition table (GPT). |
SrDiskReplicationEligiblePartitionLayoutMismatch Value: 4 There are a different number of target and source partitions. |
SrDiskReplicationEligibleInsufficientFreeSpace Value: 5 There is not enough free space on the disk. |
SrDiskReplicationEligibleNotInSameSite Value: 6 The disk is not on the same site at the target disk. |
SrDiskReplicationEligibleInSameSite Value: 7 The disk is on the same site as the target disk. |
SrDiskReplicationEligibleFileSystemNotSupported Value: 8 The file system on the disk is not supported. |
SrDiskReplicationEligibleAlreadyInReplication Value: 9 The disk is already being replicated. |
SrDiskReplicationEligibleSameAsSpecifiedDisk Value: 10 The disk is the target disk. |
SrDiskReplicationEligibleOther Value: 9999 Other. |
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client | None supported |
Minimum supported server | Windows Server 2016 |
Header | clusapi.h |