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Use the Service Map solution in Azure

Service Map automatically discovers application components on Windows and Linux systems and maps the communication between services. With Service Map, you can view your servers as interconnected systems that deliver critical services. Service Map shows connections between servers, processes, inbound and outbound connection latency, and ports across any TCP-connected architecture. No configuration is required other than the installation of an agent.


Service Map will be retired on September 30, 2025. To monitor connections between servers, processes, inbound and outbound connection latency, and ports across any TCP-connected architecture, make sure to migrate to Azure Monitor VM insights before this date.

This article describes how to deploy and use Service Map. The prerequisites of the solution are:

  • A Log Analytics workspace in a supported region.
  • The Log Analytics agent installed on the Windows computer or Linux server connected to the same workspace that you enabled the solution with.
  • The Dependency agent installed on the Windows computer or Linux server.


If you've already deployed Service Map, you can now also view your maps in VM insights, which includes more features to monitor VM health and performance. To learn more, see VM insights overview. To learn about the differences between the Service Map solution and the VM insights Map feature, see this FAQ.

Sign in to Azure

Sign in to the Azure portal.

Enable Service Map

  1. Enable the Service Map solution from Azure Marketplace. Or use the process described in Add monitoring solutions from the Solutions Gallery.

  2. Install the Dependency agent on Windows or install the Dependency agent on Linux on each computer where you want to get data. The Dependency agent can monitor connections to immediate neighbors, so you might not need an agent on every computer.

  3. Access Service Map in the Azure portal from your Log Analytics workspace. Select the Legacy solutions option from the left pane.

    Screenshot that shows selecting the Solutions option in the workspace..

  4. From the list of solutions, select ServiceMap(workspaceName). On the Service Map solution overview page, select the Service Map summary tile.

    Screenshot that shows the Service Map summary tile..

Use cases: Make your IT processes dependency aware


Service Map automatically builds a common reference map of dependencies across your servers, processes, and third-party services. It discovers and maps all TCP dependencies. It identifies surprise connections, remote third-party systems you depend on, and dependencies to traditional dark areas of your network, such as Active Directory. Service Map discovers failed network connections that your managed systems are attempting to make. This information helps you identify potential server misconfiguration, service outage, and network issues.

Incident management

Service Map helps eliminate the guesswork of problem isolation by showing you how systems are connected and affect each other. Along with identifying failed connections, it helps identify misconfigured load balancers, surprising or excessive load on critical services, and rogue clients, such as developer machines talking to production systems. By using integrated workflows with Change Tracking, you can also see whether a change event on a back-end machine or service explains the root cause of an incident.

Migration assurance

By using Service Map, you can effectively plan, accelerate, and validate Azure migrations to help ensure that nothing is left behind and surprise outages don't occur. You can:

  • Discover all interdependent systems that need to migrate together.
  • Assess system configuration and capacity.
  • Identify whether a running system is still serving users or is a candidate for decommissioning instead of migration.

After the move is complete, you can check the client load and identity to verify that test systems and customers are connecting. If your subnet planning and firewall definitions have issues, failed connections in maps in Service Map point you to the systems that need connectivity.

Business continuity

If you're using Azure Site Recovery and need help with defining the recovery sequence for your application environment, Service Map can automatically show you how systems rely on each other. This information helps to ensure that your recovery plan is reliable.

By choosing a critical server or group and viewing its clients, you can identify which front-end systems to recover after the server is restored and available. Conversely, by looking at critical servers' back-end dependencies, you can identify which systems to recover before your focus systems are restored.

Patch management

Service Map enhances your use of the System Update Assessment by showing you which other teams and servers depend on your service. This way, you can notify them in advance before you take down your systems for patching. Service Map also enhances patch management by showing you whether your services are available and properly connected after they're patched and restarted.

Mapping overview

Service Map agents gather information about all TCP-connected processes on the server where they're installed. They also collect details about the inbound and outbound connections for each process.

From the list in the left pane, you can select machines or groups that have Service Map agents to visualize their dependencies over a specified time range. Machine dependency maps focus on a specific machine. They show all the machines that are direct TCP clients or servers of that machine. Machine group maps show sets of servers and their dependencies.

Screenshot that shows a Service Map overview.

Machines can be expanded in the map to show the running process groups and processes with active network connections during the selected time range. When a remote machine with a Service Map agent is expanded to show process details, only those processes that communicate with the focus machine are shown.

The count of agentless front-end machines that connect into the focus machine is indicated on the left side of the processes they connect to. If the focus machine is making a connection to a back-end machine that has no agent, the back-end server is included in a server port group. This group also includes other connections to the same port number.

By default, maps in Service Map show the last 30 minutes of dependency information. You can use the time controls at the upper left to query maps for historical time ranges of up to one hour to see how dependencies looked in the past. For example, you might want to see how they looked during an incident or before a change occurred. Service Map data is stored for 30 days in paid workspaces and for 7 days in free workspaces.

Status badges and border coloring

At the bottom of each server in the map, a list of status badges that convey status information about the server might appear. The badges indicate there's relevant information for the server from one of the solution integrations.

Selecting a badge takes you directly to the details of the status in the right pane. The currently available status badges include Alerts, Service Desk, Changes, Security, and Updates.

Depending on the severity of the status badges, machine node borders can be colored red (critical), yellow (warning), or blue (informational). The color represents the most severe status of any of the status badges. A gray border indicates a node that has no status indicators.

Screenshot that shows status badges.

Process groups

Process groups combine processes that are associated with a common product or service into a process group. When a machine node is expanded, it will display standalone processes along with process groups. If an inbound or outbound connection to a process within a process group has failed, the connection is shown as failed for the entire process group.

Machine groups

Machine groups allow you to see maps centered around a set of servers, not just one. In this way, you can see all the members of a multi-tier application or server cluster in one map.

Users select which servers belong in a group together and choose a name for the group. You can then choose to view the group with all its processes and connections. You can also view it with only the processes and connections that directly relate to the other members of the group.

Screenshot that shows machine groups.

Create a machine group

To create a group:

  1. Select the machine or machines you want in the Machines list and select Add to group.

    Screenshot that shows creating a group.

  2. Select Create new and give the group a name.

    Screenshot that shows naming a group.


Machine groups are limited to 10 servers.

View a group

After you've created some groups, you can view them.

  1. Select the Groups tab.

    Screenshot that shows the Groups tab.

  2. Select the group name to view the map for that machine group.

    Screenshot that shows a machine group map.

    The machines that belong to the group are outlined in white in the map.

  3. Expand the group to list the machines that make up the machine group.

    Screenshot that shows machine group machines.

Filter by processes

You can toggle the map view to show all processes and connections in the group or only the ones that directly relate to the machine group. The default view shows all processes.

  1. Select the filter icon above the map to change the view.

    Screenshot that shows filtering a group.

  2. Select All processes to see the map with all processes and connections on each of the machines in the group.

    Screenshot that shows the machine group All processes option.

  3. To create a simplified view, change the view to show only group-connected processes. The map is then narrowed down to show only those processes and connections directly connected to other machines in the group.

    Screenshot that shows the machine group filtered processes.

Add machines to a group

To add machines to an existing group, select the checkboxes next to the machines you want and select Add to group. Then choose the group you want to add the machines to.

Remove machines from a group

In the Groups list, expand the group name to list the machines in the machine group. Select the ellipsis menu next to the machine you want to remove and select Remove.

Screenshot that shows removing a machine from a group.

Remove or rename a group

Select the ellipsis menu next to the group name in the Groups list.

Screenshot that shows the machine group menu.

Role icons

Certain processes serve particular roles on machines, such as web servers, application servers, and databases. Service Map annotates process and machine boxes with role icons to help identify at a glance the role a process or server plays.

Role icon Description
Web server Web server
App server Application server
Database server Database server
LDAP server LDAP server
SMB server SMB server

Screenshot that shows role icons.

Failed connections

In Service Map, failed connections are shown in maps for processes and computers. A dashed red line indicates that a client system is failing to reach a process or port.

Failed connections are reported from any system with a deployed Service Map agent if that system is the one attempting the failed connection. Service Map measures this process by observing TCP sockets that fail to establish a connection. This failure could result from a firewall, a misconfiguration in the client or server, or a remote service being unavailable.

Screenshot that shows one part of a Service Map highlighting a dashed red line that indicates a failed connection between the backup.pl process and Port 4475.

Understanding failed connections can help with troubleshooting, migration validation, security analysis, and overall architectural understanding. Failed connections are sometimes harmless, but they often point directly to a problem. A failover environment might suddenly become unreachable or two application tiers might be unable to talk after a cloud migration.

Client groups

Client groups are boxes on the map that represent client machines that don't have Dependency agents. A single client group represents the clients for an individual process or machine.

Screenshot that shows client groups.

To see the IP addresses of the servers in a client group, select the group. The contents of the group are listed in the Client Group Properties pane.

Screenshot that shows client group properties.

Server port groups

Server port groups are boxes that represent server ports on servers that don't have Dependency agents. The box contains the server port and a count of the number of servers with connections to that port. Expand the box to see the individual servers and connections. If there's only one server in the box, the name or IP address is listed.

Screenshot that shows server port groups.

Context menu

Select the ellipsis (...) at the top right of any server to display the context menu for that server.

Screenshot that shows the Load Server Map and Show Self-Links options for a server in Service Map.

Load server map

Select Load Server Map to go to a new map with the selected server as the new focus machine.

Select Show Self-Links to redraw the server node, including any self-links, which are TCP connections that start and end on processes within the server. If self-links are shown, the menu command changes to Hide Self-Links so that you can turn them off.

Computer summary

The Machine Summary pane includes an overview of a server's operating system, dependency counts, and data from other solutions. Such data includes performance metrics, service desk tickets, change tracking, security, and updates.

Screenshot that shows the Machine Summary pane.

Computer and process properties

When you navigate a map in Service Map, you can select machines and processes to gain more context about their properties. Machines provide information about DNS name, IPv4 addresses, CPU and memory capacity, VM type, operating system and version, last reboot time, and the IDs of their OMS and Service Map agents.

Screenshot that shows the Machine Properties pane.

You can gather process details from operating-system metadata about running processes. Details include process name, process description, user name and domain (on Windows), company name, product name, product version, working directory, command line, and process start time.

Screenshot that shows the Process Properties pane.

The Process Summary pane provides more information about the process's connectivity, including its bound ports, inbound and outbound connections, and failed connections.

Screenshot that shows the Process Summary pane.

Alerts integration

Service Map integrates with Azure Alerts to show fired alerts for the selected server in the selected time range. The server displays an icon if there are current alerts, and the Machine Alerts pane lists the alerts.

Screenshot that shows the Machine Alerts pane.

To enable Service Map to display relevant alerts, create an alert rule that fires for a specific computer. To create proper alerts:

  • Include a clause to group by computer. An example is by Computer interval 1 minute.
  • Choose to alert based on metric measurement.

Log events integration

Service Map integrates with Log Search to show a count of all available log events for the selected server during the selected time range. You can select any row in the list of event counts to jump to Log Search and see the individual log events.

Screenshot that shows the Machine Log Events pane.

Service Desk integration

Service Map integration with the IT Service Management Connector is automatic when both solutions are enabled and configured in your Log Analytics workspace. The integration in Service Map is labeled "Service Desk." For more information, see Centrally manage ITSM work items using IT Service Management Connector.

The Machine Service Desk pane lists all IT Service Management events for the selected server in the selected time range. The server displays an icon if there are current items and the Machine Service Desk pane lists them.

Screenshot that shows the Machine Service Desk pane.

To open the item in your connected ITSM solution, select View Work Item.

To view the details of the item in Log Search, select Show in Log Search. Connection metrics are written to two new tables in Log Analytics.

Change Tracking integration

Service Map integration with Change Tracking is automatic when both solutions are enabled and configured in your Log Analytics workspace.

The Machine Change Tracking pane lists all changes, with the most recent first, along with a link to drill down to Log Search for more details.

Screenshot that shows the Machine Change Tracking pane.

The following image is a detailed view of a ConfigurationChange event that you might see after you select Show in Log Analytics.

Screenshot that shows the ConfigurationChange event.

Performance integration

The Machine Performance pane displays standard performance metrics for the selected server. The metrics include CPU utilization, memory utilization, network bytes sent and received, and a list of the top processes by network bytes sent and received.

Screenshot that shows the Machine Performance pane.

To see performance data, you might need to enable the appropriate Log Analytics performance counters. The counters you'll want to enable:


  • Processor(*)\% Processor Time
  • Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use
  • Network Adapter(*)\Bytes Sent/sec
  • Network Adapter(*)\Bytes Received/sec


  • Processor(*)\% Processor Time
  • Memory(*)\% Used Memory
  • Network Adapter(*)\Bytes Sent/sec
  • Network Adapter(*)\Bytes Received/sec

Security integration

Service Map integration with Security and Audit is automatic when both solutions are enabled and configured in your Log Analytics workspace.

The Machine Security pane shows data from the Security and Audit solution for the selected server. The pane lists a summary of any outstanding security issues for the server during the selected time range. Selecting any of the security issues drills down into a log search for details about them.

Screenshot that shows the Machine Security pane.

Updates integration

Service Map integration with Update Management is automatic when both solutions are enabled and configured in your Log Analytics workspace.

The Machine Updates pane displays data from the Update Management solution for the selected server. The pane lists a summary of any missing updates for the server during the selected time range.

Screenshot that shows the Machine Updates pane.

Log Analytics records

Service Map computer and process inventory data is available for search in Log Analytics. You can apply this data to scenarios that include migration planning, capacity analysis, discovery, and on-demand performance troubleshooting.

One record is generated per hour for each unique computer and process, in addition to the records that are generated when a process or computer starts or is on-boarded to Service Map. These records have the properties in the following tables.

The fields and values in the ServiceMapComputer_CL events map to fields of the Machine resource in the ServiceMap Azure Resource Manager API. The fields and values in the ServiceMapProcess_CL events map to the fields of the Process resource in the ServiceMap Azure Resource Manager API. The ResourceName_s field matches the name field in the corresponding Resource Manager resource.


As Service Map features grow, these fields are subject to change.

You can use internally generated properties to identify unique processes and computers:

  • Computer: Use ResourceId or ResourceName_s to uniquely identify a computer within a Log Analytics workspace.
  • Process: Use ResourceId to uniquely identify a process within a Log Analytics workspace. ResourceName_s is unique within the context of the machine on which the process is running MachineResourceName_s.

Because multiple records can exist for a specified process and computer in a specified time range, queries can return more than one record for the same computer or process. To include only the most recent record, add "| dedup ResourceId" to the query.


Connection metrics are written to a new table in Log Analytics named VMConnection. This table provides information about the inbound and outbound connections for a machine. Connection Metrics are also exposed with APIs that provide the means to obtain a specific metric during a time window.

TCP connections resulting from accepting on a listening socket are inbound. Those connections created by connecting to a given IP and port are outbound. The direction of a connection is represented by the Direction property, which can be set to either inbound or outbound.

Records in these tables are generated from data reported by the Dependency agent. Every record represents an observation over a one-minute time interval. The TimeGenerated property indicates the start of the time interval. Each record contains information to identify the respective entity, that is, the connection or port, and the metrics associated with that entity. Currently, only network activity that occurs by using TCP over IPv4 is reported.

To manage cost and complexity, connection records don't represent individual physical network connections. Multiple physical network connections are grouped into a logical connection, which is then reflected in the respective table. So records in the VMConnection table represent a logical grouping and not the individual physical connections that are being observed.

Physical network connections that share the same value for the following attributes during a given one-minute interval are aggregated into a single logical record in VMConnection.

Property Description
Direction Direction of the connection. The value is inbound or outbound.
Machine The computer FQDN.
Process Identity of process or groups of processes initiating or accepting the connection.
SourceIp IP address of the source.
DestinationIp IP address of the destination.
DestinationPort Port number of the destination.
Protocol Protocol used for the connection. Value is tcp.

To account for the impact of grouping, information about the number of grouped physical connections is provided in the following properties of the record.

Property Description
LinksEstablished The number of physical network connections that have been established during the reporting time window.
LinksTerminated The number of physical network connections that have been terminated during the reporting time window.
LinksFailed The number of physical network connections that have failed during the reporting time window. This information is currently available only for outbound connections.
LinksLive The number of physical network connections that were open at the end of the reporting time window.


In addition to connection count metrics, information about the volume of data sent and received on a specific logical connection or network port is also included in the following properties of the record.

Property Description
BytesSent Total number of bytes that have been sent during the reporting time window.
BytesReceived Total number of bytes that have been received during the reporting time window.
Responses The number of responses observed during the reporting time window.
ResponseTimeMax The largest response time in milliseconds observed during the reporting time window. If there's no value, the property is blank.
ResponseTimeMin The smallest response time in milliseconds observed during the reporting time window. If there's no value, the property is blank.
ResponseTimeSum The sum of all response times in milliseconds observed during the reporting time window. If there's no value, the property is blank

The third type of data being reported is response time. How long does a caller spend waiting for a request sent over a connection to be processed and responded to by the remote endpoint?

The response time reported is an estimation of the true response time of the underlying application protocol. It's computed by using heuristics based on the observation of the flow of data between the source and destination end of a physical network connection.

Conceptually, response time is the difference between the time the last byte of a request leaves the sender and the time when the last byte of the response arrives back to it. These two timestamps are used to delineate request and response events on a specific physical connection. The difference between them represents the response time of a single request.

In this first release of this feature, our algorithm is an approximation that might work with varying degrees of success depending on the actual application protocol used for a specific network connection. For example, the current approach works well for request-response-based protocols, such as HTTP/HTTPS. But this approach doesn't work with one-way or message queue-based protocols.

Here are some important points to consider:

  • If a process accepts connections on the same IP address but over multiple network interfaces, a separate record for each interface will be reported.
  • Records with wildcard IP will contain no activity. They're included to represent the fact that a port on the machine is open to inbound traffic.
  • To reduce verbosity and data volume, records with wildcard IP will be omitted when there's a matching record (for the same process, port, and protocol) with a specific IP address. When a wildcard IP record is omitted, the IsWildcardBind record property with the specific IP address will be set to True. This setting indicates that the port is exposed over every interface of the reporting machine.
  • Ports that are bound only on a specific interface have IsWildcardBind set to False.

Naming and classification

For convenience, the IP address of the remote end of a connection is included in the RemoteIp property. For inbound connections, RemoteIp is the same as SourceIp, while for outbound connections, it's the same as DestinationIp. The RemoteDnsCanonicalNames property represents the DNS canonical names reported by the machine for RemoteIp. The RemoteDnsQuestions and RemoteClassification properties are reserved for future use.


VMConnection also includes geolocation information for the remote end of each connection record in the following properties of the record.

Property Description
RemoteCountry The name of the country/region hosting RemoteIp. An example is United States.
RemoteLatitude The geolocation latitude. An example is 47.68.
RemoteLongitude The geolocation longitude. An example is -122.12.

Malicious IP

Every RemoteIp property in the VMConnection table is checked against a set of IPs with known malicious activity. If the RemoteIp is identified as malicious, the following properties will be populated (they're empty when the IP isn't considered malicious) in the following properties of the record.

Property Description
MaliciousIp The RemoteIp address.
IndicatorThreadType Threat indicator detected is one of the following values: Botnet, C2, CryptoMining, Darknet, DDos, MaliciousUrl, Malware, Phishing, Proxy, PUA, or Watchlist.
Description Description of the observed threat.
TLPLevel Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) Level is one of the defined values: White, Green, Amber, Red.
Confidence Values are 0 – 100.
Severity Values are 0 – 5, where 5 is the most severe and 0 isn't severe. The default value is 3.
FirstReportedDateTime The first time the provider reported the indicator.
LastReportedDateTime The last time the indicator was seen by Interflow.
IsActive Indicates indicators are deactivated with True or False value.
ReportReferenceLink Links to reports related to a given observable.
AdditionalInformation Provides more information, if applicable, about the observed threat.

ServiceMapComputer_CL records

Records with a type of ServiceMapComputer_CL have inventory data for servers with Service Map agents. These records have the properties in the following table.

Property Description
Type ServiceMapComputer_CL
SourceSystem OpsManager
ResourceId The unique identifier for a machine within the workspace
ResourceName_s The unique identifier for a machine within the workspace
ComputerName_s The computer FQDN
Ipv4Addresses_s A list of the server's IPv4 addresses
Ipv6Addresses_s A list of the server's IPv6 addresses
DnsNames_s An array of DNS names
OperatingSystemFamily_s Windows or Linux
OperatingSystemFullName_s The full name of the operating system
Bitness_s The bitness of the machine (32-bit or 64-bit)
PhysicalMemory_d The physical memory in MB
Cpus_d The number of CPUs
CpuSpeed_d The CPU speed in MHz
VirtualizationState_s unknown, physical, virtual, hypervisor
VirtualMachineType_s hyperv, vmware, and so on
VirtualMachineNativeMachineId_g The VM ID as assigned by its hypervisor
VirtualMachineName_s The name of the VM
BootTime_t The boot time

ServiceMapProcess_CL Type records

Records with a type of ServiceMapProcess_CL have inventory data for TCP-connected processes on servers with Service Map agents. These records have the properties in the following table.

Property Description
Type ServiceMapProcess_CL
SourceSystem OpsManager
ResourceId The unique identifier for a process within the workspace
ResourceName_s The unique identifier for a process within the machine on which it's running
MachineResourceName_s The resource name of the machine
ExecutableName_s The name of the process executable
StartTime_t The process pool start time
FirstPid_d The first PID in the process pool
Description_s The process description
CompanyName_s The name of the company
InternalName_s The internal name
ProductName_s The name of the product
ProductVersion_s The product version
FileVersion_s The file version
CommandLine_s The command line
ExecutablePath _s The path to the executable file
WorkingDirectory_s The working directory
UserName The account under which the process is executing
UserDomain The domain under which the process is executing

Sample log searches

This section lists log search samples.

List all known machines

ServiceMapComputer_CL | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ResourceId

List the physical memory capacity of all managed computers

ServiceMapComputer_CL | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ResourceId | project PhysicalMemory_d, ComputerName_s

List computer name, DNS, IP, and OS

ServiceMapComputer_CL | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ResourceId | project ComputerName_s, OperatingSystemFullName_s, DnsNames_s, Ipv4Addresses_s

Find all processes with "sql" in the command line

ServiceMapProcess_CL | where CommandLine_s contains_cs "sql" | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ResourceId

Find a machine (most recent record) by resource name

search in (ServiceMapComputer_CL) "m-4b9c93f9-bc37-46df-b43c-899ba829e07b" | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ResourceId

Find a machine (most recent record) by IP address

search in (ServiceMapComputer_CL) "" | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ResourceId

List all known processes on a specified machine

ServiceMapProcess_CL | where MachineResourceName_s == "m-559dbcd8-3130-454d-8d1d-f624e57961bc" | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ResourceId

List all computers running SQL

ServiceMapComputer_CL | where ResourceName_s in ((search in (ServiceMapProcess_CL) "\*sql\*" | distinct MachineResourceName_s)) | distinct ComputerName_s

List all unique product versions of curl in my datacenter

ServiceMapProcess_CL | where ExecutableName_s == "curl" | distinct ProductVersion_s

Create a computer group of all computers running CentOS

ServiceMapComputer_CL | where OperatingSystemFullName_s contains_cs "CentOS" | distinct ComputerName_s

Summarize the outbound connections from a group of machines

// the machines of interest
let machines = datatable(m: string) ["m-82412a7a-6a32-45a9-a8d6-538354224a25"];
// map of ip to monitored machine in the environment
let ips=materialize(ServiceMapComputer_CL
| summarize ips=makeset(todynamic(Ipv4Addresses_s)) by MonitoredMachine=ResourceName_s
| mvexpand ips to typeof(string));
// all connections to/from the machines of interest
let out=materialize(VMConnection
| where Machine in (machines)
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ConnectionId);
// connections to localhost augmented with RemoteMachine
let local=out
| where RemoteIp startswith "127."
| project ConnectionId, Direction, Machine, Process, ProcessName, SourceIp, DestinationIp, DestinationPort, Protocol, RemoteIp, RemoteMachine=Machine;
// connections not to localhost augmented with RemoteMachine
let remote=materialize(out
| where RemoteIp !startswith "127."
| join kind=leftouter (ips) on $left.RemoteIp == $right.ips
| summarize by ConnectionId, Direction, Machine, Process, ProcessName, SourceIp, DestinationIp, DestinationPort, Protocol, RemoteIp, RemoteMachine=MonitoredMachine);
// the remote machines to/from which we have connections
let remoteMachines = remote | summarize by RemoteMachine;
// all augmented connections
| union (remote)
//Take all outbound records but only inbound records that come from either //unmonitored machines or monitored machines not in the set for which we are computing dependencies.
| where Direction == 'outbound' or (Direction == 'inbound' and RemoteMachine !in (machines))
| summarize by ConnectionId, Direction, Machine, Process, ProcessName, SourceIp, DestinationIp, DestinationPort, Protocol, RemoteIp, RemoteMachine
// identify the remote port
| extend RemotePort=iff(Direction == 'outbound', DestinationPort, 0)
// construct the join key we'll use to find a matching port
| extend JoinKey=strcat_delim(':', RemoteMachine, RemoteIp, RemotePort, Protocol)
// find a matching port
| join kind=leftouter (VMBoundPort 
| where Machine in (remoteMachines) 
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by PortId 
| extend JoinKey=strcat_delim(':', Machine, Ip, Port, Protocol)) on JoinKey
// aggregate the remote information
| summarize Remote=makeset(iff(isempty(RemoteMachine), todynamic('{}'), pack('Machine', RemoteMachine, 'Process', Process1, 'ProcessName', ProcessName1))) by ConnectionId, Direction, Machine, Process, ProcessName, SourceIp, DestinationIp, DestinationPort, Protocol


All the server, process, and dependency data in Service Map is available via the Service Map REST API.

Diagnostic and usage data

Microsoft automatically collects usage and performance data through your use of Service Map. Microsoft uses this data to provide and improve the quality, security, and integrity of Service Map.

To provide accurate and efficient troubleshooting capabilities, the data includes information about the configuration of your software. This information can be the operating system and version, IP address, DNS name, and workstation name. Microsoft doesn't collect names, addresses, or other contact information.

For more information about data collection and usage, see the Microsoft Online Services Privacy Statement.

Next steps

Learn more about log searches in Log Analytics to retrieve data that's collected by Service Map.


If you have any problems installing or running Service Map, this section can help you. If you still can't resolve your problem, contact Microsoft Support.

Dependency agent installation problems

This section addresses issues with Dependency agent installation.

Installer prompts for a reboot

The Dependency agent generally doesn't require a reboot upon installation or removal. In certain rare cases, Windows Server requires a reboot to continue with an installation. This issue happens when a dependency, usually the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable library, requires a reboot because of a locked file.

Message "Unable to install Dependency agent: Visual Studio Runtime libraries failed to install (code = [code_number])" appears

The Microsoft Dependency agent is built on the Microsoft Visual Studio runtime libraries. You'll get a message if there's a problem during installation of the libraries.

The runtime library installers create logs in the %LOCALAPPDATA%\temp folder. The file is dd_vcredist_arch_yyyymmddhhmmss.log, where arch is x86 or amd64 and yyyymmddhhmmss is the date and time (based on a 24-hour clock) when the log was created. The log provides details about the problem that's blocking installation.

It might be useful to install the latest runtime libraries first.

The following table lists code numbers and suggested resolutions.

Code Description Resolution
0x17 The library installer requires a Windows update that hasn't been installed. Look in the most recent library installer log.

If a reference to Windows8.1-KB2999226-x64.msu is followed by a line Error 0x80240017: Failed to execute MSU package, you don't have the prerequisites to install KB2999226. Follow the instructions in the prerequisites section in the Universal C Runtime in Windows article. You might need to run Windows Update and reboot multiple times to install the prerequisites.

Run the Microsoft Dependency agent installer again.

Post-installation issues

This section addresses post-installation issues.

Server doesn't appear in Service Map

If your Dependency agent installation succeeded, but you don't see your machine in the Service Map solution:

  • Is the Dependency agent installed successfully? Check to see if the service is installed and running.

    • Windows: Look for the service named Microsoft Dependency agent.
    • Linux: Look for the running process microsoft-dependency-agent.
  • Are you on the Log Analytics free tier? The Free plan allows for up to five unique Service Map machines. Any subsequent machines won't appear in Service Map, even if the prior five are no longer sending data.

  • Is your server sending log and perf data to Azure Monitor Logs? Go to Azure Monitor\Logs and run the following query for your computer:

    Usage | where Computer == "admdemo-appsvr" | summarize sum(Quantity), any(QuantityUnit) by DataType

Did you get a variety of events in the results? Is the data recent? If so, your Log Analytics agent is operating correctly and communicating with the workspace. If not, check the agent on your machine. See Log Analytics agent for Windows troubleshooting or Log Analytics agent for Linux troubleshooting.

Server appears in Service Map but has no processes

You see your machine in Service Map, but it has no process or connection data. That behavior indicates the Dependency agent is installed and running but the kernel driver didn't load.

Check C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dependency Agent\logs\wrapper.log file for Windows or /var/opt/microsoft/dependency-agent/log/service.log file for Linux. The last lines of the file should indicate why the kernel didn't load. For example, the kernel might not be supported on Linux if you updated your kernel.


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