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[Deprecated] Create a legacy codeless connector for Microsoft Sentinel


Log collection from many appliances and devices is now supported by the Common Event Format (CEF) via AMA, Syslog via AMA, or Custom Logs via AMA data connector in Microsoft Sentinel. For more information, see Find your Microsoft Sentinel data connector.


There's a newer version of the Codeless Connector Platform (CCP). For more information on the new CCP, see Create a codeless connector (Preview).

Reference this document if you need to maintain or update a data connector based on this older, legacy version of the CCP.

The CCP provides partners, advanced users, and developers with the ability to create custom connectors, connect them, and ingest data to Microsoft Sentinel. Connectors created via the CCP can be deployed via API, an ARM template, or as a solution in the Microsoft Sentinel content hub.

Connectors created using CCP are fully SaaS, without any requirements for service installations, and also include health monitoring and full support from Microsoft Sentinel.

Create your data connector by defining JSON configurations, with settings for how the data connector page in Microsoft Sentinel looks along with polling settings that define how the connection functions.


This version of Codeless Connector Platform (CCP) is in PREVIEW, but is also considered Legacy. The Azure Preview Supplemental Terms include additional legal terms that apply to Azure features that are in beta, preview, or otherwise not yet released into general availability.

Use the following steps to create your CCP connector and connect to your data source from Microsoft Sentinel:

  • Configure the connector's user interface
  • Configure the connector's polling settings
  • Deploy your connector to your Microsoft Sentinel workspace
  • Connect Microsoft Sentinel to your data source and start ingesting data

This article describes the syntax used in the CCP JSON configurations and procedures for deploying your connector via API, an ARM template, or a Microsoft Sentinel solution.


Before building a connector, we recommend that you understand how your data source behaves and exactly how Microsoft Sentinel will need to connect.

For example, you'll need to know the types of authentication, pagination, and API endpoints that are required for successful connections.

Create a connector JSON configuration file

Your custom CCP connector has two primary JSON sections needed for deployment. Fill in these areas to define how your connector is displayed in the Azure portal and how it connects Microsoft Sentinel to your data source.

Then, if you deploy your codeless connector via ARM, you'll wrap these sections in the ARM template for data connectors.

Review other CCP data connectors as examples or download the example template, DataConnector_API_CCP_template.json (Preview).

Configure your connector's user interface

This section describes the configuration options available to customize the user interface of the data connector page.

The following image shows a sample data connector page, highlighted with numbers that correspond to notable areas of the user interface:

Screenshot of a sample data connector page.

  1. Title. The title displayed for your data connector.
  2. Logo. The icon displayed for your data connector. Customizing this is only possible when deploying as part of a solution.
  3. Status. Indicates whether or not your data connector is connected to Microsoft Sentinel.
  4. Data charts. Displays relevant queries and the amount of ingested data in the last two weeks.
  5. Instructions tab. Includes a Prerequisites section, with a list of minimal validations before the user can enable the connector, and Instructions, to guide the user enablement of the connector. This section can include text, buttons, forms, tables, and other common widgets to simplify the process.
  6. Next steps tab. Includes useful information for understanding how to find data in the event logs, such as sample queries.

Here's the connectorUiConfig sections and syntax needed to configure the user interface:

Property Name Type Description
availability {
"status": 1,
"isPreview": Boolean

status: 1 Indicates connector is generally available to customers.
isPreview Indicates whether to include (Preview) suffix to connector name.
connectivityCriteria {
"type": SentinelKindsV2,
"value": APIPolling
An object that defines how to verify if the connector is correctly defined. Use the values indicated here.
dataTypes dataTypes[] A list of all data types for your connector, and a query to fetch the time of the last event for each data type.
descriptionMarkdown String A description for the connector with the ability to add markdown language to enhance it.
graphQueries graphQueries[] Queries that present data ingestion over the last two weeks in the Data charts pane.

Provide either one query for all of the data connector's data types, or a different query for each data type.
graphQueriesTableName String Defines the name of the Log Analytics table from which data for your queries is pulled.

The table name can be any string, but must end in _CL. For example: TableName_CL
instructionsSteps instructionSteps[] An array of widget parts that explain how to install the connector, displayed on the Instructions tab.
metadata metadata Metadata displayed under the connector description.
permissions permissions[] The information displayed under the Prerequisites section of the UI which Lists the permissions required to enable or disable the connector.
publisher String This is the text shown in the Provider section.
sampleQueries sampleQueries[] Sample queries for the customer to understand how to find the data in the event log, to be displayed in the Next steps tab.
title String Title displayed in the data connector page.

Putting all these pieces together is complicated. Use the connector page user experience validation tool to test out the components you put together.


Array Value Type Description
name String A meaningful description for thelastDataReceivedQuery, including support for a variable.

Example: {{graphQueriesTableName}}
lastDataReceivedQuery String A KQL query that returns one row, and indicates the last time data was received, or no data if there is no relevant data.

Example: {{graphQueriesTableName}}\n | summarize Time = max(TimeGenerated)\n | where isnotempty(Time)


Defines a query that presents data ingestion over the last two weeks in the Data charts pane.

Provide either one query for all of the data connector's data types, or a different query for each data type.

Array Value Type Description
metricName String A meaningful name for your graph.

Example: Total data received
legend String The string that appears in the legend to the right of the chart, including a variable reference.

Example: {{graphQueriesTableName}}
baseQuery String The query that filters for relevant events, including a variable reference.

Example: TableName_CL | where ProviderName == "myprovider" or {{graphQueriesTableName}}


This section provides parameters that define the set of instructions that appear on your data connector page in Microsoft Sentinel.

Array Property Type Description
title String Optional. Defines a title for your instructions.
description String Optional. Defines a meaningful description for your instructions.
innerSteps Array Optional. Defines an array of inner instruction steps.
instructions Array of instructions Required. Defines an array of instructions of a specific parameter type.
bottomBorder Boolean Optional. When true, adds a bottom border to the instructions area on the connector page in Microsoft Sentinel
isComingSoon Boolean Optional. When true, adds a Coming soon title on the connector page in Microsoft Sentinel


Displays a group of instructions, with various options as parameters and the ability to nest more instructionSteps in groups.

Parameter Array property Description
APIKey APIKey Add placeholders to your connector's JSON configuration file.
CopyableLabel CopyableLabel Shows a text field with a copy button at the end. When the button is selected, the field's value is copied.
InfoMessage InfoMessage Defines an inline information message.
InstructionStepsGroup InstructionStepsGroup Displays a group of instructions, optionally expanded or collapsible, in a separate instructions section.
InstallAgent InstallAgent Displays a link to other portions of Azure to accomplish various installation requirements.


You may want to create a JSON configuration file template, with placeholders parameters, to reuse across multiple connectors, or even to create a connector with data that you don't currently have.

To create placeholder parameters, define an additional array named userRequestPlaceHoldersInput in the Instructions section of your CCP JSON configuration file, using the following syntax:

"instructions": [
                  "parameters": {
                    "enable": "true",
                    "userRequestPlaceHoldersInput": [
                        "displayText": "Organization Name",
                        "requestObjectKey": "apiEndpoint",
                        "placeHolderName": "{{placeHolder}}"
                  "type": "APIKey"

The userRequestPlaceHoldersInput parameter includes the following attributes:

Name Type Description
DisplayText String Defines the text box display value, which is displayed to the user when connecting.
RequestObjectKey String Defines the ID in the request section of the pollingConfig to substitute the placeholder value with the user provided value.

If you don't use this attribute, use the PollingKeyPaths attribute instead.
PollingKeyPaths String Defines an array of JsonPath objects that directs the API call to anywhere in the template, to replace a placeholder value with a user value.

Example: "pollingKeyPaths":["$.request.queryParameters.test1"]

If you don't use this attribute, use the RequestObjectKey attribute instead.
PlaceHolderName String Defines the name of the placeholder parameter in the JSON template file. This can be any unique value, such as {{placeHolder}}.



Screenshot of a copy value button in a field.

Sample code:

    "parameters": {
        "fillWith": [
        "label": "Here are some values you'll need to proceed.",
        "value": "Workspace is {0} and PrimaryKey is {1}"
    "type": "CopyableLabel"
Array Value Type Description
fillWith ENUM Optional. Array of environment variables used to populate a placeholder. Separate multiple placeholders with commas. For example: {0},{1}

Supported values: workspaceId, workspaceName, primaryKey, MicrosoftAwsAccount, subscriptionId
label String Defines the text for the label above a text box.
value String Defines the value to present in the text box, supports placeholders.
rows Rows Optional. Defines the rows in the user interface area. By default, set to 1.
wideLabel Boolean Optional. Determines a wide label for long strings. By default, set to false.


Here's an example of an inline information message:

Screenshot of an inline information message.

In contrast, the following image shows a non-inline information message:

Screenshot of a non-inline information message.

Array Value Type Description
text String Define the text to display in the message.
visible Boolean Determines whether the message is displayed.
inline Boolean Determines how the information message is displayed.

- true: (Recommended) Shows the information message embedded in the instructions.
- false: Adds a blue background.


Here's an example of an expandable instruction group:

Screenshot of an expandable, extra instruction group.

Array Value Type Description
title String Defines the title for the instruction step.
canCollapseAllSections Boolean Optional. Determines whether the section is a collapsible accordion or not.
noFxPadding Boolean Optional. If true, reduces the height padding to save space.
expanded Boolean Optional. If true, shows as expanded by default.

For a detailed example, see the configuration JSON for the Windows DNS connector.


Some InstallAgent types appear as a button, others will appear as a link. Here are examples of both:

Screenshot of a link added as a button.

Screenshot of a link added as inline text.

Array Values Type Description
linkType ENUM Determines the link type, as one of the following values:

OpenAzureFirewall OpenMicrosoftAzureMonitoring
policyDefinitionGuid String Required when using the OpenPolicyAssignment linkType. For policy-based connectors, defines the GUID of the built-in policy definition.
assignMode ENUM Optional. For policy-based connectors, defines the assign mode, as one of the following values: Initiative, Policy
dataCollectionRuleType ENUM Optional. For DCR-based connectors, defines the type of data collection rule type as one of the following: SecurityEvent, ForwardEvent


This section provides metadata in the data connector UI under the Description area.

Collection Value Type Description
kind String Defines the kind of ARM template you're creating. Always use dataConnector.
source String Describes your data source, using the following syntax:
author String Describes the data connector author, using the following syntax:
support String Describe the support provided for the data connector using the following syntax:
"link":URL string


Array value Type Description
customs String Describes any custom permissions required for your data connection, in the following syntax:

Example: The customs value displays in Microsoft Sentinel Prerequisites section with a blue informational icon. In the GitHub example, this correlates to the line GitHub API personal token Key: You need access to GitHub personal token...
licenses ENUM Defines the required licenses, as one of the following values: OfficeIRM,OfficeATP, Office365, AadP1P2, Mcas, Aatp, Mdatp, Mtp, IoT

Example: The licenses value displays in Microsoft Sentinel as: License: Required Azure AD Premium P2
resourceProvider resourceProvider Describes any prerequisites for your Azure resource.

Example: The resourceProvider value displays in Microsoft Sentinel Prerequisites section as:
Workspace: read and write permission is required.
Keys: read permissions to shared keys for the workspace are required.
tenant array of ENUM values

"tenant": [
Defines the required permissions, as one or more of the following values: "GlobalAdmin", "SecurityAdmin", "SecurityReader", "InformationProtection"

Example: displays the tenant value in Microsoft Sentinel as: Tenant Permissions: Requires Global Administrator or Security Administrator on the workspace's tenant


sub array value Type Description
provider ENUM Describes the resource provider, with one of the following values:
- Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces
- Microsoft.OperationalInsights/solutions
- Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/datasources
- microsoft.aadiam/diagnosticSettings
- Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/sharedKeys
- Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments
providerDisplayName String A list item under Prerequisites that will display a red "x" or green checkmark when the requiredPermissions are validated in the connector page. Example, "Workspace"
permissionsDisplayText String Display text for Read, Write, or Read and Write permissions that should correspond to the values configured in requiredPermissions
requiredPermissions {
Describes the minimum permissions required for the connector.
scope ENUM Describes the scope of the data connector, as one of the following values: "Subscription", "ResourceGroup", "Workspace"


array value Type Description
description String A meaningful description for the sample query.

Example: Top 10 vulnerabilities detected
query String Sample query used to fetch the data type's data.

Example: {{graphQueriesTableName}}\n | sort by TimeGenerated\n | take 10

To define an inline link using markdown, use the following example. Here a link is provided in an instruction description:

   "title": "",
   "description": "Make sure to configure the machine's security according to your organization's security policy\n\n\n[Learn more >](https://aka.ms/SecureCEF)"

To define a link as an ARM template, use the following example as a guide:

   "title": "Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template",
   "description": "1. Click the **Deploy to Azure** button below.\n\n\t[![Deploy To Azure](https://aka.ms/deploytoazurebutton)]({URL to custom ARM template})"

Validate the data connector page user experience

Follow these steps to render and validate the connector user experience.

  1. The test utility can be accessed by this URL - https://aka.ms/sentineldataconnectorvalidateurl
  2. Go to Microsoft Sentinel -> Data Connectors
  3. Click the "import" button and select a json file that only contains the connectorUiConfig section of your data connector.

For more information on this validation tool, see the Build the connector instructions in our GitHub build guide.


Because the APIKey instruction parameter is specific to the codeless connector, temporarily remove this section to use the validation tool, or it will fail.

Configure your connector's polling settings

This section describes the configuration for how data is polled from your data source for a codeless data connector.

The following code shows the syntax of the pollingConfig section of the CCP configuration file.

"pollingConfig": {
    "auth": {
    "request": {
    "response": {
    "paging": {

The pollingConfig section includes the following properties:

Name Type Description
auth String Describes the authentication properties for polling the data. For more information, see auth configuration.
auth.authType String Mandatory. Defines the type of authentication, nested inside the auth object, as one of the following values: Basic, APIKey, OAuth2
request Nested JSON Mandatory. Describes the request payload for polling the data, such as the API endpoint. For more information, see request configuration.
response Nested JSON Mandatory. Describes the response object and nested message returned from the API when polling the data. For more information, see response configuration.
paging Nested JSON Optional. Describes the pagination payload when polling the data. For more information, see paging configuration.

For more information, see Sample pollingConfig code.

auth configuration

The auth section of the pollingConfig configuration includes the following parameters, depending on the type defined in the authType element:

Basic authType parameters

Name Type Description
Username String Mandatory. Defines user name.
Password String Mandatory. Defines user password.

APIKey authType parameters

Name Type Description
APIKeyName String Optional. Defines the name of your API key, as one of the following values:

- XAuthToken
- Authorization
IsAPIKeyInPostPayload Boolean Determines where your API key is defined.

True: API key is defined in the POST request payload
False: API key is defined in the header
APIKeyIdentifier String Optional. Defines the name of the identifier for the API key.

For example, where the authorization is defined as "Authorization": "token <secret>", this parameter is defined as: {APIKeyIdentifier: “token”})

OAuth2 authType parameters

The Codeless Connector Platform supports OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant.

The Authorization Code grant type is used by confidential and public clients to exchange an authorization code for an access token.

After the user returns to the client via the redirect URL, the application will get the authorization code from the URL and use it to request an access token.

Name Type Description
FlowName String Mandatory. Defines an OAuth2 flow.

Supported value: AuthCode - requires an authorization flow
AccessToken String Optional. Defines an OAuth2 access token, relevant when the access token doesn't expire.
AccessTokenPrepend String Optional. Defines an OAuth2 access token prepend. Default is Bearer.
RefreshToken String Mandatory for OAuth2 auth types. Defines the OAuth2 refresh token.
TokenEndpoint String Mandatory for OAuth2 auth types. Defines the OAuth2 token service endpoint.
AuthorizationEndpoint String Optional. Defines the OAuth2 authorization service endpoint. Used only during onboarding or when renewing a refresh token.
RedirectionEndpoint String Optional. Defines a redirection endpoint during onboarding.
AccessTokenExpirationDateTimeInUtc String Optional. Defines an access token expiration datetime, in UTC format. Relevant for when the access token doesn't expire, and therefore has a large datetime in UTC, or when the access token has a large expiration datetime.
RefreshTokenExpirationDateTimeInUtc String Mandatory for OAuth2 auth types. Defines the refresh token expiration datetime in UTC format.
TokenEndpointHeaders Dictionary<string, object> Optional. Defines the headers when calling an OAuth2 token service endpoint.

Define a string in the serialized dictionary<string, string> format: {'<attr_name>': '<val>', '<attr_name>': '<val>'... }
AuthorizationEndpointHeaders Dictionary<string, object> Optional. Defines the headers when calling an OAuth2 authorization service endpoint. Used only during onboarding or when renewing a refresh token.

Define a string in the serialized dictionary<string, object> format: {'<attr_name>': <serialized val>, '<attr_name>': <serialized val>, ... }
AuthorizationEndpointQueryParameters Dictionary<string, object> Optional. Defines query parameters when calling an OAuth2 authorization service endpoint. Used only during onboarding or when renewing a refresh token.

Define a string in the serialized dictionary<string, object> format: {'<attr_name>': <serialized val>, '<attr_name>': <serialized val>, ... }
TokenEndpointQueryParameters Dictionary<string, object> Optional. Define query parameters when calling OAuth2 token service endpoint.

Define a string in the serialized dictionary<string, object> format: {'<attr_name>': <serialized val>, '<attr_name>': <serialized val>, ... }
IsTokenEndpointPostPayloadJson Boolean Optional, default is false. Determines whether query parameters are in JSON format and set in the request POST payload.
IsClientSecretInHeader Boolean Optional, default is false. Determines whether the client_id and client_secret values are defined in the header, as is done in the Basic authentication schema, instead of in the POST payload.
RefreshTokenLifetimeinSecAttributeName String Optional. Defines the attribute name from the token endpoint response, specifying the lifetime of the refresh token, in seconds.
IsJwtBearerFlow Boolean Optional, default is false. Determines whether you are using JWT.
JwtHeaderInJson Dictionary<string, object> Optional. Define the JWT headers in JSON format.

Define a string in the serialized dictionary<string, object> format: {'<attr_name>': <serialized val>, '<attr_name>': <serialized val>...}
JwtClaimsInJson Dictionary<string, object> Optional. Defines JWT claims in JSON format.

Define a string in the serialized dictionary<string, object> format: {'<attr_name>': <serialized val>, '<attr_name>': <serialized val>, ...}
JwtPem String Optional. Defines a secret key, in PEM Pkcs1 format: '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n{privatekey}\r\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n'

Make sure to keep the '\r\n' code in place.
RequestTimeoutInSeconds Integer Optional. Determines timeout in seconds when calling token service endpoint. Default is 180 seconds

Here's an example of how an OAuth2 configuration might look:

"pollingConfig": {
    "auth": {
        "authType": "OAuth2",
        "authorizationEndpoint": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth?access_type=offline&prompt=consent",
        "redirectionEndpoint": "https://portal.azure.com/TokenAuthorize",
        "tokenEndpoint": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
        "authorizationEndpointQueryParameters": {},
        "tokenEndpointHeaders": {
            "Accept": "application/json"
        "TokenEndpointQueryParameters": {},
        "isClientSecretInHeader": false,
        "scope": "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.reports.audit.readonly",
        "grantType": "authorization_code",
        "contentType": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
        "FlowName": "AuthCode"

Session authType parameters

Name Type Description
QueryParameters Dictionary<string, object> Optional. A list of query parameters, in the serialized dictionary<string, string> format:

{'<attr_name>': '<val>', '<attr_name>': '<val>'... }
IsPostPayloadJson Boolean Optional. Determines whether the query parameters are in JSON format.
Headers Dictionary<string, object> Optional. Defines the header used when calling the endpoint to get the session ID, and when calling the endpoint API.

Define the string in the serialized dictionary<string, string> format: {'<attr_name>': '<val>', '<attr_name>': '<val>'... }
SessionTimeoutInMinutes String Optional. Defines a session timeout, in minutes.
SessionIdName String Optional. Defines an ID name for the session.
SessionLoginRequestUri String Optional. Defines a session login request URI.

Request configuration

The request section of the pollingConfig configuration includes the following parameters:

Name Type Description
apiEndpoint String Mandatory. Defines the endpoint to pull data from.
httpMethod String Mandatory. Defines the API method: GET or POST
queryTimeFormat String, or UnixTimestamp or UnixTimestampInMills Mandatory. Defines the format used to define the query time.

This value can be a string, or in UnixTimestamp or UnixTimestampInMills format to indicate the query start and end time in the UnixTimestamp.
startTimeAttributeName String Optional. Defines the name of the attribute that defines the query start time.
endTimeAttributeName String Optional. Defines the name of the attribute that defines the query end time.
queryTimeIntervalAttributeName String Optional. Defines the name of the attribute that defines the query time interval.
queryTimeIntervalDelimiter String Optional. Defines the query time interval delimiter.
queryWindowInMin Integer Optional. Defines the available query window, in minutes.

Minimum value: 5
queryParameters Dictionary<string, object> Optional. Defines the parameters passed in the query in the eventsJsonPaths path.

Define the string in the serialized dictionary<string, string> format: {'<attr_name>': '<val>', '<attr_name>': '<val>'... }.
queryParametersTemplate String Optional. Defines the query parameters template to use when passing query parameters in advanced scenarios.

For example: "queryParametersTemplate": "{'cid': 1234567, 'cmd': 'reporting', 'format': 'siem', 'data': { 'from': '{_QueryWindowStartTime}', 'to': '{_QueryWindowEndTime}'}, '{_APIKeyName}': '{_APIKey}'}"

{_QueryWindowStartTime} and {_QueryWindowEndTime} are only supported in the queryParameters and queryParametersTemplate request parameters.

{_APIKeyName} and {_APIKey} are only supported in the queryParametersTemplate request parameter.
isPostPayloadJson Boolean Optional. Determines whether the POST payload is in JSON format.
rateLimitQPS Double Optional. Defines the number of calls or queries allowed in a second.
timeoutInSeconds Integer Optional. Defines the request timeout, in seconds.
retryCount Integer Optional. Defines the number of request retries to try if needed.
headers Dictionary<string, object> Optional. Defines the request header value, in the serialized dictionary<string, object> format: {'<attr_name>': '<serialized val>', '<attr_name>': '<serialized val>'... }

Response configuration

The response section of the pollingConfig configuration includes the following parameters:

Name Type Description
eventsJsonPaths List of strings Mandatory. Defines the path to the message in the response JSON.

A JSON path expression specifies a path to an element, or a set of elements, in a JSON structure
successStatusJsonPath String Optional. Defines the path to the success message in the response JSON.
successStatusValue String Optional. Defines the path to the success message value in the response JSON
isGzipCompressed Boolean Optional. Determines whether the response is compressed in a gzip file.

The following code shows an example of the eventsJsonPaths value for a top-level message:

"eventsJsonPaths": [

Paging configuration

The paging section of the pollingConfig configuration includes the following parameters:

Name Type Description
pagingType String Mandatory. Determines the paging type to use in results, as one of the following values: None, LinkHeader, NextPageToken, NextPageUrl, Offset
linkHeaderTokenJsonPath String Optional. Defines the JSON path to link header in the response JSON, if the LinkHeader isn't defined in the response header.
nextPageTokenJsonPath String Optional. Defines the path to a next page token JSON.
hasNextFlagJsonPath String Optional. Defines the path to the HasNextPage flag attribute.
nextPageTokenResponseHeader String Optional. Defines the next page token header name in the response.
nextPageParaName String Optional. Determines the next page name in the request.
nextPageRequestHeader String Optional. Determines the next page header name in the request.
nextPageUrl String Optional. Determines the next page URL, if it's different from the initial request URL.
nextPageUrlQueryParameters String Optional. Determines the next page URL's query parameters if it's different from the initial request's URL.

Define the string in the serialized dictionary<string, object> format: {'<attr_name>': <val>, '<attr_name>': <val>... }
offsetParaName String Optional. Defines the name of the offset parameter.
pageSizeParaName String Optional. Defines the name of the page size parameter.
PageSize Integer Defines the paging size.

Sample pollingConfig code

The following code shows an example of the pollingConfig section of the CCP configuration file:

"pollingConfig": {
    "auth": {
        "authType": "APIKey",
        "APIKeyIdentifier": "token",
        "APIKeyName": "Authorization"
     "request": {
        "apiEndpoint": "https://api.github.com/../{{placeHolder1}}/audit-log",
        "rateLimitQPS": 50,
        "queryWindowInMin": 15,
        "httpMethod": "Get",
        "queryTimeFormat": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ",
        "retryCount": 2,
        "timeoutInSeconds": 60,
        "headers": {
           "Accept": "application/json",
           "User-Agent": "Scuba"
        "queryParameters": {
           "phrase": "created:{_QueryWindowStartTime}..{_QueryWindowEndTime}"
     "paging": {
        "pagingType": "LinkHeader",
        "pageSizeParaName": "per_page"
     "response": {
        "eventsJsonPaths": [

Deploy your connector in Microsoft Sentinel and start ingesting data

After creating your JSON configuration file, including both the user interface and polling configuration, deploy your connector in your Microsoft Sentinel workspace.

  1. Use one of the following options to deploy your data connector.


    The advantage of deploying via an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template is that several values are built-in to the template, and you don't need to define them manually in an API call.

    Wrap your JSON configuration collections in an ARM template to deploy your connector. To ensure that your data connector gets deployed to the correct workspace, make sure to either define the workspace in the ARM template, or select the workspace when deploying the ARM template.

    1. Prepare an ARM template JSON file for your connector. For example, see the following ARM template JSON files:

    2. In the Azure portal, search for Deploy a custom template.

    3. On the Custom deployment page, select Build your own template in the editor > Load file. Browse to and select your local ARM template, and then save your changes.

    4. Select your subscription and resource group, and then enter the Log Analytics workspace where you want to deploy your custom connector.

    5. Select Review + create to deploy your custom connector to Microsoft Sentinel.

    6. In Microsoft Sentinel, go to the Data connectors page, search for your new connector. Configure it to start ingesting data.

    For more information, see Deploy a local template in the Azure Resource Manager documentation.

  2. Configure your data connector to connect your data source and start ingesting data into Microsoft Sentinel. You can connect to your data source either via the portal, as with out-of-the-box data connectors, or via API.

    When you use the Azure portal to connect, user data is sent automatically. When you connect via API, you'll need to send the relevant authentication parameters in the API call.

    In your Microsoft Sentinel data connector page, follow the instructions you've provided to connect to your data connector.

    The data connector page in Microsoft Sentinel is controlled by the InstructionSteps configuration in the connectorUiConfig element of the CCP JSON configuration file. If you have issues with the user interface connection, make sure that you have the correct configuration for your authentication type.

  3. In Microsoft Sentinel, go to the Logs page and verify that you see the logs from your data source flowing in to your workspace.

If you don't see data flowing into Microsoft Sentinel, check your data source documentation and troubleshooting resources, check the configuration details, and check the connectivity. For more information, see Monitor the health of your data connectors.

Disconnect your connector

If you no longer need your connector's data, disconnect the connector to stop the data flow.

Use one of the following methods:

  • Azure portal: In your Microsoft Sentinel data connector page, select Disconnect.

  • API: Use the DISCONNECT API to send a PUT call with an empty body to the following URL:

    https://management.azure.com /subscriptions/{{SUB}}/resourceGroups/{{RG}}/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/{{WS-NAME}}/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectors/{{Connector_Id}}/disconnect?api-version=2021-03-01-preview

Next steps

If you haven't yet, share your new codeless data connector with the Microsoft Sentinel community! Create a solution for your data connector and share it in the Microsoft Sentinel Marketplace.

For more information, see