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Microsoft Entra ID Protection and the Microsoft Graph PowerShell

Microsoft Graph is the Microsoft unified API endpoint and the home of Microsoft Entra ID Protection APIs. This article shows you how to use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK to manage risky users using PowerShell. Organizations that want to query the Microsoft Graph APIs directly can use the article, Tutorial: Identify and remediate risks using Microsoft Graph APIs to begin that journey.

To successfully complete this tutorial, make sure you have the required prerequisites:

  • Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK is installed. For more information, see the article Install the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK.

  • Microsoft Graph PowerShell using a Security Administrator role. The IdentityRiskEvent.Read.All, IdentityRiskyUser.ReadWrite.All Or IdentityRiskyUser.ReadWrite.All delegated permissions are required. To set the permissions to IdentityRiskEvent.Read.All and IdentityRiskyUser.ReadWrite.All, run:

    Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "IdentityRiskEvent.Read.All","IdentityRiskyUser.ReadWrite.All"

If you use app-only authentication, see the article Use app-only authentication with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. To register an application with the required application permissions, prepare a certificate and run:

Connect-MgGraph -ClientID YOUR_APP_ID -TenantId YOUR_TENANT_ID -CertificateName YOUR_CERT_SUBJECT ## Or -CertificateThumbprint instead of -CertificateName

List risky detections using PowerShell

You can retrieve the risk detections by the properties of a risk detection in ID Protection.

# List all anonymizedIPAddress risk detections
Get-MgRiskDetection -Filter "RiskType eq 'anonymizedIPAddress'" | Format-Table UserDisplayName, RiskType, RiskLevel, DetectedDateTime

# List all high risk detections for the user 'User01'
Get-MgRiskDetection -Filter "UserDisplayName eq 'User01' and Risklevel eq 'high'" | Format-Table UserDisplayName, RiskType, RiskLevel, DetectedDateTime

List risky users using PowerShell

You can retrieve the risky users and their risky histories in ID Protection.

# List all high risk users
Get-MgRiskyUser -Filter "RiskLevel eq 'high'" | Format-Table UserDisplayName, RiskDetail, RiskLevel, RiskLastUpdatedDateTime

#  List history of a specific user with detailed risk detection
Get-MgRiskyUserHistory -RiskyUserId 00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee | Format-Table RiskDetail, RiskLastUpdatedDateTime, @{N="RiskDetection";E={($_). Activity.RiskEventTypes}}, RiskState, UserDisplayName

Confirm users compromised using PowerShell

You can confirm users compromised and flag them as high risky users in ID Protection.

# Confirm Compromised on two users
Confirm-MgRiskyUserCompromised -UserIds "11bb11bb-cc22-dd33-ee44-55ff55ff55ff","22cc22cc-dd33-ee44-ff55-66aa66aa66aa"

Dismiss risky users using PowerShell

You can bulk dismiss risky users in ID Protection.

# Get a list of high risky users which are more than 90 days old
$riskyUsers= Get-MgRiskyUser -Filter "RiskLevel eq 'high'" | where RiskLastUpdatedDateTime -LT (Get-Date).AddDays(-90)
# bulk dismiss the risky users
Invoke-MgDismissRiskyUser -UserIds $riskyUsers.Id

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