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UART_Config Struct

Header: #include <applibs/uart.h>

The configuration options for a UART. Call UART_InitConfig to initialize an instance.


this is an alias to a versioned structure. Define UART_STRUCTS_VERSION to use this alias.

struct UART_Config {
    uint32_t z__magicAndVersion;
    UART_BaudRate_Type baudRate;
    UART_BlockingMode_Type blockingMode;
    UART_DataBits_Type dataBits;
    UART_Parity_Type parity;
    UART_StopBits_Type stopBits;
    UART_FlowControl_Type flowControl;


uint32_t z__magicAndVersion

A unique identifier of the struct type and version. Do not edit.

UART_BaudRate_Type baudRate

The baud rate of the UART.

UART_BlockingMode_Type blockingMode

The blocking mode setting for the UART.

UART_DataBits_Type dataBits

The data bits setting for the UART.

UART_Parity_Type parity

The parity setting for the UART.

UART_StopBits_Type stopBits

The stop bits setting for the UART.

UART_FlowControl_Type flowControl

The flow control setting for the UART.