Applibs uart.h
Header: #include <applibs/uart.h>
The Applibs uart header contains functions and types that open and use a UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) on a device.
Define UART_STRUCTS_VERSION to the appropriate version when using this header.
Application manifest requirements
To access individual UARTs, your application must identify them in the Uart field of the application manifest.
Hardware dependent IDs
UART functions reference some identifiers that are hardware dependent. Hardware dependent IDs are constants that are defined in the hardware definition files for a device. For more information, see Manage target hardware dependencies.
Concepts and samples
Function | Description |
UART_InitConfig | Initializes a UART config struct with the default UART settings. |
UART_Open | Opens and configures a UART, and returns a file descriptor to use for subsequent calls. |
Struct | Description |
UART_Config | The configuration options for a UART. Call UART_InitConfig to initialize an instance. |
Enum | Description |
UART_BlockingMode | The valid values for UART blocking or non-blocking modes. |
UART_DataBits | The valid values for UART data bits. |
UART_FlowControl | The valid values for flow control settings. |
UART_Parity | The valid values for UART parity. |
UART_StopBits | The valid values for UART stop bits. |
Typedef | Description |
UART_BaudRate_Type | Specifies the type of the baudRate value for the UART_Config struct. |
UART_BlockingMode_Type | Specifies the type of the blockingMode value for the UART_Config struct. |
UART_DataBits_Type | Specifies the type of the dataBits value for the UART_Config struct. |
UART_FlowControl_Type | Specifies the type of the flowControl value for the UART_Config struct. |
UART_Id | A UART ID, which specifies a UART peripheral instance. |
UART_Parity_Type | Specifies the type of the parity value for the UART_Config struct. |
UART_StopBits_Type | Specifies the type of the stopBits value for the UART_Config struct. |