Evaluate Azure Stack HCI


This guide is for evaluation purposes only. It SHOULD NOT be used for a production environment.

This guide shows you how to quickly deploy and evaluate a virtualized Azure Stack HCI cluster with no hardware investment. In this guide, you deploy a Windows Server 2022 DC Azure virtual machine (VM), which uses Hyper-V nested-virtualization to host the following VMs:

  • One VM running Windows Server 2019 DC. This VM serves as the management VM and hosts Windows Admin Center and an Active Directory domain controller
  • Two VMs running Azure Stack HCI 21H2. These are the servers that form the Azure Stack HCI cluster and host the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) infrastructure

Shows the architecture and relationship of VMs


Before beginning, make sure you have:

  1. An Azure subscription capable of deploying Azure VMs with at least 16 virtual CPUs. If you don't, you have two options that support the Azure VM requirements:
  2. An Azure account capable of accessing:
    • your Azure subscription using Azure RBAC membership in:
      • either the "Owner" role (you're already a member if you created the subscription)
      • or the "User Access Administrator" and "Contributor" roles
    • your Microsoft Entra tenant using Microsoft Entra RBAC membership in:
      • the "Cloud application administrator" role
  3. A basic understanding of how to use the Azure portal, in particular creating and connecting to a VM.