
Del via

Azure Monitor monitoring data reference

This article contains all the monitoring reference information for this service.

See Monitor Azure Monitor for details on the data you can collect for Azure Monitor and how to use it.


This section lists all the automatically collected platform metrics for this service. These metrics are also part of the global list of all platform metrics supported in Azure Monitor.

For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.

Supported metrics for Microsoft.Monitor/accounts

The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.Monitor/accounts resource type.

  • All columns might not be present in every table.
  • Some columns might be beyond the viewing area of the page. Select Expand table to view all available columns.

Table headings

  • Category - The metrics group or classification.
  • Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
  • Name in REST API - The metric name as referred to in the REST API.
  • Unit - Unit of measure.
  • Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average (Avg), Minimum (Min), Maximum (Max), Total (Sum), Count.
  • Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
  • Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
  • DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via diagnostic settings. For information on exporting metrics, see Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.
Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Active Time Series

The number of unique time series recently ingested into the account over the previous 12 hours
ActiveTimeSeries Count Maximum StampColor PT1M No
Active Time Series Limit

The limit on the number of unique time series which can be actively ingested into the account
ActiveTimeSeriesLimit Count Average, Maximum StampColor PT1M No
Active Time Series % Utilization

The percentage of current active time series account limit being utilized
ActiveTimeSeriesPercentUtilization Percent Average StampColor PT1M No
Events Per Minute Received

The number of events per minute recently received
EventsPerMinuteIngested Count Maximum StampColor PT1M No
Events Per Minute Received Limit

The maximum number of events per minute which can be received before events become throttled
EventsPerMinuteIngestedLimit Count Average, Maximum StampColor PT1M No
Events Per Minute Received % Utilization

The percentage of the current metric ingestion rate limit being utilized
EventsPerMinuteIngestedPercentUtilization Percent Average StampColor PT1M No

Supported metrics for microsoft.insights/autoscalesettings

The following table lists the metrics available for the microsoft.insights/autoscalesettings resource type.

  • All columns might not be present in every table.
  • Some columns might be beyond the viewing area of the page. Select Expand table to view all available columns.

Table headings

  • Category - The metrics group or classification.
  • Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
  • Name in REST API - The metric name as referred to in the REST API.
  • Unit - Unit of measure.
  • Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average (Avg), Minimum (Min), Maximum (Max), Total (Sum), Count.
  • Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
  • Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
  • DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via diagnostic settings. For information on exporting metrics, see Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.
Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Metric Threshold

The configured autoscale threshold when autoscale ran.
MetricThreshold Count Average MetricTriggerRule PT1M Yes
Observed Capacity

The capacity reported to autoscale when it executed.
ObservedCapacity Count Average <none> PT1M Yes
Observed Metric Value

The value computed by autoscale when executed
ObservedMetricValue Count Average MetricTriggerSource PT1M Yes
Scale Actions Initiated

The direction of the scale operation.
ScaleActionsInitiated Count Total (Sum) ScaleDirection PT1M Yes

Supported metrics for microsoft.insights/components

The following table lists the metrics available for the microsoft.insights/components resource type.

  • All columns might not be present in every table.
  • Some columns might be beyond the viewing area of the page. Select Expand table to view all available columns.

Table headings

  • Category - The metrics group or classification.
  • Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
  • Name in REST API - The metric name as referred to in the REST API.
  • Unit - Unit of measure.
  • Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average (Avg), Minimum (Min), Maximum (Max), Total (Sum), Count.
  • Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
  • Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
  • DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via diagnostic settings. For information on exporting metrics, see Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.
Category Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Availability Availability

Percentage of successfully completed availability tests
availabilityResults/availabilityPercentage Percent Average availabilityResult/name, availabilityResult/location PT1M Yes
Availability Availability tests

Count of availability tests
availabilityResults/count Count Count availabilityResult/name, availabilityResult/location, availabilityResult/success PT1M No
Availability Availability test duration

Availability test duration
availabilityResults/duration MilliSeconds Average, Maximum, Minimum availabilityResult/name, availabilityResult/location, availabilityResult/success PT1M Yes
Browser Page load network connect time

Time between user request and network connection. Includes DNS lookup and transport connection.
browserTimings/networkDuration MilliSeconds Average, Maximum, Minimum <none> PT1M Yes
Browser Client processing time

Time between receiving the last byte of a document until the DOM is loaded. Async requests may still be processing.
browserTimings/processingDuration MilliSeconds Average, Maximum, Minimum <none> PT1M Yes
Browser Receiving response time

Time between the first and last bytes, or until disconnection.
browserTimings/receiveDuration MilliSeconds Average, Maximum, Minimum <none> PT1M Yes
Browser Send request time

Time between network connection and receiving the first byte.
browserTimings/sendDuration MilliSeconds Average, Maximum, Minimum <none> PT1M Yes
Browser Browser page load time

Time from user request until DOM, stylesheets, scripts and images are loaded.
browserTimings/totalDuration MilliSeconds Average, Maximum, Minimum <none> PT1M Yes
Server Dependency calls

Count of calls made by the application to external resources.
dependencies/count Count Count dependency/type, dependency/performanceBucket, dependency/success, dependency/target, dependency/resultCode, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleInstance, cloud/roleName PT1M No
Server Dependency duration

Duration of calls made by the application to external resources.
dependencies/duration MilliSeconds Average, Maximum, Minimum dependency/type, dependency/performanceBucket, dependency/success, dependency/target, dependency/resultCode, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleInstance, cloud/roleName PT1M Yes
Failures Dependency call failures

Count of failed dependency calls made by the application to external resources.
dependencies/failed Count Count dependency/type, dependency/performanceBucket, dependency/success, dependency/target, dependency/resultCode, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleInstance, cloud/roleName PT1M No
Failures Browser exceptions

Count of uncaught exceptions thrown in the browser.
exceptions/browser Count Count client/isServer, cloud/roleName PT1M No
Failures Exceptions

Combined count of all uncaught exceptions.
exceptions/count Count Count cloud/roleName, cloud/roleInstance, client/type PT1M Yes
Failures Server exceptions

Count of uncaught exceptions thrown in the server application.
exceptions/server Count Count client/isServer, cloud/roleName, cloud/roleInstance PT1M No
Usage Page views

Count of page views.
pageViews/count Count Count operation/synthetic, cloud/roleName PT1M Yes
Usage Page view load time

Page view load time
pageViews/duration MilliSeconds Average, Maximum, Minimum operation/synthetic, cloud/roleName PT1M Yes
Performance counters Exception rate

Count of handled and unhandled exceptions reported to windows, including .NET exceptions and unmanaged exceptions that are converted into .NET exceptions.
performanceCounters/exceptionsPerSecond CountPerSecond Average, Maximum, Minimum cloud/roleInstance PT1M Yes
Performance counters Available memory

Physical memory immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use.
performanceCounters/memoryAvailableBytes Bytes Average, Maximum, Minimum cloud/roleInstance PT1M Yes
Performance counters Process CPU

The percentage of elapsed time that all process threads used the processor to execute instructions. This can vary between 0 to 100. This metric indicates the performance of w3wp process alone.
performanceCounters/processCpuPercentage Percent Average, Maximum, Minimum cloud/roleInstance PT1M Yes
Performance counters Process IO rate

Total bytes per second read and written to files, network and devices.
performanceCounters/processIOBytesPerSecond BytesPerSecond Average, Maximum, Minimum cloud/roleInstance PT1M Yes
Performance counters Processor time

The percentage of time that the processor spends in non-idle threads.
performanceCounters/processorCpuPercentage Percent Average, Maximum, Minimum cloud/roleInstance PT1M Yes
Performance counters Process private bytes

Memory exclusively assigned to the monitored application's processes.
performanceCounters/processPrivateBytes Bytes Average, Maximum, Minimum cloud/roleInstance PT1M Yes
Performance counters HTTP request execution time

Execution time of the most recent request.
performanceCounters/requestExecutionTime MilliSeconds Average, Maximum, Minimum cloud/roleInstance PT1M Yes
Performance counters HTTP requests in application queue

Length of the application request queue.
performanceCounters/requestsInQueue Count Average, Maximum, Minimum cloud/roleInstance PT1M Yes
Performance counters HTTP request rate

Rate of all requests to the application per second from ASP.NET.
performanceCounters/requestsPerSecond CountPerSecond Average, Maximum, Minimum cloud/roleInstance PT1M Yes
Server Server requests

Count of HTTP requests completed.
requests/count Count Count request/performanceBucket, request/resultCode, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleInstance, request/success, cloud/roleName PT1M No
Server Server response time

Time between receiving an HTTP request and finishing sending the response.
requests/duration MilliSeconds Average, Maximum, Minimum request/performanceBucket, request/resultCode, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleInstance, request/success, cloud/roleName PT1M Yes
Failures Failed requests

Count of HTTP requests marked as failed. In most cases these are requests with a response code >= 400 and not equal to 401.
requests/failed Count Count request/performanceBucket, request/resultCode, request/success, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleInstance, cloud/roleName PT1M No
Server Server request rate

Rate of server requests per second
requests/rate CountPerSecond Average request/performanceBucket, request/resultCode, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleInstance, request/success, cloud/roleName PT1M No
Usage Traces

Trace document count
traces/count Count Count trace/severityLevel, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleName, cloud/roleInstance PT1M Yes

Supported metrics for Microsoft.Insights/datacollectionrules

The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.Insights/datacollectionrules resource type.

  • All columns might not be present in every table.
  • Some columns might be beyond the viewing area of the page. Select Expand table to view all available columns.

Table headings

  • Category - The metrics group or classification.
  • Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
  • Name in REST API - The metric name as referred to in the REST API.
  • Unit - Unit of measure.
  • Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average (Avg), Minimum (Min), Maximum (Max), Total (Sum), Count.
  • Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
  • Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
  • DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via diagnostic settings. For information on exporting metrics, see Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.
Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Logs Ingestion Requests per Min

Number of requests received via Log Ingestion API or from the agent
ApiCallReceived_Count Count Count InputStreamId, ResponseCode PT1M Yes
Logs Ingestion Bytes per Min

Number of bytes received via Log Ingestion API or from the agent
BytesReceived_Count Bytes Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum InputStreamId PT1M Yes
Logs Rows Dropped per Min

Number of rows dropped while running transformation.
RowsDropped_Count Count Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum InputStreamId PT1M Yes
Logs Rows Received per Min

Total number of rows recevied for transformation.
RowsReceived_Count Count Total (Sum), Average, Minimum, Maximum InputStreamId PT1M Yes
Logs Transform Errors per Min

The number of times when execution of KQL transformation resulted in an error, e.g. KQL syntax error or going over a service limit.
TransformationErrors_Count Count Count InputStreamId, ErrorType PT1M Yes
Logs Transform Duration per Min

Total time taken to transform given set of records, measured in milliseconds.
TransformationRuntime_DurationMs MilliSeconds Average, Minimum, Maximum InputStreamId PT1M Yes

Supported metrics for Microsoft.operationalinsight/workspaces

Azure Monitor Logs / Log Analytics workspaces

  • All columns might not be present in every table.
  • Some columns might be beyond the viewing area of the page. Select Expand table to view all available columns.

Table headings

  • Category - The metrics group or classification.
  • Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
  • Name in REST API - The metric name as referred to in the REST API.
  • Unit - Unit of measure.
  • Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average (Avg), Minimum (Min), Maximum (Max), Total (Sum), Count.
  • Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
  • Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
  • DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via diagnostic settings. For information on exporting metrics, see Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.
Category Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
SLI AvailabilityRate_Query

User query success rate for this workspace.
AvailabilityRate_Query Percent Average IsUserQuery PT1M No
Legacy Log-based metrics % Available Memory

Average_% Available Memory. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Available Memory Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics % Available Swap Space

Average_% Available Swap Space. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Available Swap Space Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics % Committed Bytes In Use

Average_% Committed Bytes In Use. Supported for: Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Committed Bytes In Use Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics % DPC Time

Average_% DPC Time. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% DPC Time Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics % Free Inodes

Average_% Free Inodes. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Free Inodes Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics % Free Space

Average_% Free Space. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Free Space Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics % Idle Time

Average_% Idle Time. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Idle Time Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics % Interrupt Time

Average_% Interrupt Time. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Interrupt Time Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics % IO Wait Time

Average_% IO Wait Time. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% IO Wait Time Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics % Nice Time

Average_% Nice Time. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Nice Time Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics % Privileged Time

Average_% Privileged Time. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Privileged Time Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics % Processor Time

Average_% Processor Time. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Processor Time Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics % Used Inodes

Average_% Used Inodes. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Used Inodes Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics % Used Memory

Average_% Used Memory. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Used Memory Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics % Used Space

Average_% Used Space. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Used Space Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics % Used Swap Space

Average_% Used Swap Space. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% Used Swap Space Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics % User Time

Average_% User Time. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_% User Time Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Available MBytes

Average_Available MBytes. Supported for: Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Available MBytes Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Available MBytes Memory

Average_Available MBytes Memory. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Available MBytes Memory Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Available MBytes Swap

Average_Available MBytes Swap. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Available MBytes Swap Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Avg. Disk sec/Read

Average_Avg. Disk sec/Read. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Avg. Disk sec/Read Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Avg. Disk sec/Transfer

Average_Avg. Disk sec/Transfer. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Avg. Disk sec/Transfer Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Avg. Disk sec/Write

Average_Avg. Disk sec/Write. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Avg. Disk sec/Write Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Bytes Received/sec

Average_Bytes Received/sec. Supported for: Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Bytes Received/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Bytes Sent/sec

Average_Bytes Sent/sec. Supported for: Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Bytes Sent/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Bytes Total/sec

Average_Bytes Total/sec. Supported for: Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Bytes Total/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Current Disk Queue Length

Average_Current Disk Queue Length. Supported for: Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Current Disk Queue Length Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Disk Read Bytes/sec

Average_Disk Read Bytes/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Disk Read Bytes/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Disk Reads/sec

Average_Disk Reads/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Disk Reads/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Disk Transfers/sec

Average_Disk Transfers/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Disk Transfers/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Disk Write Bytes/sec

Average_Disk Write Bytes/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Disk Write Bytes/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Disk Writes/sec

Average_Disk Writes/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Disk Writes/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Free Megabytes

Average_Free Megabytes. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Free Megabytes Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Free Physical Memory

Average_Free Physical Memory. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Free Physical Memory Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Free Space in Paging Files

Average_Free Space in Paging Files. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Free Space in Paging Files Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Free Virtual Memory

Average_Free Virtual Memory. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Free Virtual Memory Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Logical Disk Bytes/sec

Average_Logical Disk Bytes/sec. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Logical Disk Bytes/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Page Reads/sec

Average_Page Reads/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Page Reads/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Page Writes/sec

Average_Page Writes/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Page Writes/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Pages/sec

Average_Pages/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Pages/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Pct Privileged Time

Average_Pct Privileged Time. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Pct Privileged Time Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Pct User Time

Average_Pct User Time. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Pct User Time Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Physical Disk Bytes/sec

Average_Physical Disk Bytes/sec. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Physical Disk Bytes/sec Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Processes

Average_Processes. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Processes Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Processor Queue Length

Average_Processor Queue Length. Supported for: Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Processor Queue Length Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Size Stored In Paging Files

Average_Size Stored In Paging Files. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Size Stored In Paging Files Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Total Bytes

Average_Total Bytes. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Total Bytes Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Total Bytes Received

Average_Total Bytes Received. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Total Bytes Received Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Total Bytes Transmitted

Average_Total Bytes Transmitted. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Total Bytes Transmitted Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Total Collisions

Average_Total Collisions. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Total Collisions Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Total Packets Received

Average_Total Packets Received. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Total Packets Received Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Total Packets Transmitted

Average_Total Packets Transmitted. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Total Packets Transmitted Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Total Rx Errors

Average_Total Rx Errors. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Total Rx Errors Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Total Tx Errors

Average_Total Tx Errors. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Total Tx Errors Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Uptime

Average_Uptime. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Uptime Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Used MBytes Swap Space

. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Used MBytes Swap Space Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Used Memory kBytes

Average_Used Memory kBytes. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Used Memory kBytes Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Used Memory MBytes

Average_Used Memory MBytes. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Used Memory MBytes Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Users

Average_Users. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Users Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Virtual Shared Memory

Average_Virtual Shared Memory. Supported for: Linux. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Average_Virtual Shared Memory Count Average Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem PT1M Yes
DataExport Bytes Exported (preview)

Total number of bytes exported per the specified data export rule to the specified destination from this workspace.
BytesExported Bytes Total (Sum) LogAnalyticsDataExportDestinationType, LogAnalyticsDataExportRuleName PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Event

Event. Supported for: Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Event Count Average Source, EventLog, Computer, EventCategory, EventLevel, EventLevelName, EventID PT1M Yes
DataExport Exports Failed (preview)

Total number of data exports failed per the specified data export rule to the specified destination from this workspace.
ExportFailed Count Total (Sum) LogAnalyticsDataExportDestinationType, LogAnalyticsDataExportRuleName, LogAnalyticsDataExportErrorType PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Heartbeat

Heartbeat. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Heartbeat Count Total (Sum) Computer, OSType, Version, SourceComputerId PT1M Yes
SLI Ingestion Time

Time in seconds it took since record recieved in Azure Monitor Logs cloud service until it was available for queries.
Ingestion Time Seconds Average, Maximum, Minimum Table Name, TableClassification PT1M No
SLI Ingestion Volume

Number of records ingested into a workspace or a table.
Ingestion Volume Count Count Table Name, TableClassification PT1M No
User Queries Query Count

Total number of user queries for this workspace.
Query Count Count Count IsUserQuery PT1M No
User Queries Query Failure Count

Total number of failed user queries for this workspace.
Query Failure Count Count Count IsUserQuery PT1M No
DataExport Records Exported (preview)

Total number of records exported per the specified data export rule to the specified destination from this workspace.
RecordsExported Count Total (Sum) LogAnalyticsDataExportDestinationType, LogAnalyticsDataExportRuleName PT1M Yes
Legacy Log-based metrics Update

Update. Supported for: Windows. Part of metric alerts for logs feature.
Update Count Average Computer, Product, Classification, UpdateState, Optional, Approved PT1M Yes

Metric dimensions

For information about what metric dimensions are, see Multi-dimensional metrics.

This service has the following dimensions associated with its metrics.


  • Stamp color


  • MetricTriggerRule
  • MetricTriggerSource
  • ScaleDirection


  • availabilityResult/name
  • availabilityResult/location
  • availabilityResult/success
  • dependency/type
  • dependency/performanceBucket
  • dependency/success
  • dependency/target
  • dependency/resultCode
  • operation/synthetic
  • cloud/roleInstance
  • cloud/roleName
  • client/isServer
  • client/type


  • InputStreamId
  • ResponseCode
  • ErrorType

Resource logs

This section lists the types of resource logs you can collect for this service. The section pulls from the list of all resource logs category types supported in Azure Monitor.

Supported resource logs for Microsoft.Monitor/accounts

Category Category display name Log table Supports basic log plan Supports ingestion-time transformation Example queries Costs to export
MetricsUsageDetails Metrics Usage Details AMWMetricsUsageDetails

Table that breaks down data quantities and query usage of metrics sent to an Azure Monitor Workspace.

Yes No Yes

Supported resource logs for microsoft.insights/autoscalesettings

Category Category display name Log table Supports basic log plan Supports ingestion-time transformation Example queries Costs to export
AutoscaleEvaluations Autoscale Evaluations AutoscaleEvaluationsLog No Yes Queries No
AutoscaleScaleActions Autoscale Scale Actions AutoscaleScaleActionsLog No Yes Queries No

Supported resource logs for microsoft.insights/components

Category Category display name Log table Supports basic log plan Supports ingestion-time transformation Example queries Costs to export
AppAvailabilityResults Availability results AppAvailabilityResults

Application Insights availability test results.

No Yes No
AppBrowserTimings Browser timings AppBrowserTimings

Application Insights browser timings.

No Yes No
AppDependencies Dependencies AppDependencies

Application Insights dependencies.

No Yes Queries No
AppEvents Events AppEvents

Application Insights events.

No Yes No
AppExceptions Exceptions AppExceptions

Application Insights exceptions.

No Yes Queries No
AppMetrics Metrics AppMetrics

Application Insights metrics.

No Yes No
AppPageViews Page views AppPageViews

Application Insights page views.

No Yes Queries No
AppPerformanceCounters Performance counters AppPerformanceCounters

Application Insights performance counters.

No Yes No
AppRequests Requests AppRequests

Application Insights requests.

No Yes Queries No
AppSystemEvents System events AppSystemEvents

Application Insights system events.

No Yes No
AppTraces Traces AppTraces

Application Insights traces.

No Yes No

Supported resource logs for Microsoft.Insights/datacollectionrules

Category Category display name Log table Supports basic log plan Supports ingestion-time transformation Example queries Costs to export
LogErrors Log Errors DCRLogErrors

Errors registered during DCR-based data collection and transformation.

No No Queries Yes

Azure Monitor Logs tables

This section lists the Azure Monitor Logs tables relevant to this service, which are available for query by Log Analytics using Kusto queries. The tables contain resource log data and possibly more depending on what is collected and routed to them.

Application Insights


Azure Monitor autoscale settings


Azure Monitor Workspace


Data Collection Rules


Workload Monitoring of Azure Monitor Insights


Activity log

The linked table lists the operations that can be recorded in the activity log for this service. These operations are a subset of all the possible resource provider operations in the activity log.

For more information on the schema of activity log entries, see Activity Log schema.