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Intelligent cross-cluster Kubernetes resource placement using Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager (Preview)

Application developers often need to deploy Kubernetes resources into multiple clusters. Fleet operators often need to pick the best clusters for placing the workloads based on heuristics such as cost of compute in the clusters or available resources such as memory and CPU. It's tedious to create, update, and track these Kubernetes resources across multiple clusters manually. This article covers how Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager (Kubernetes Fleet) allows you to address these scenarios using the intelligent Kubernetes resource placement feature.


Kubernetes Fleet provides resource placement capability that can make scheduling decisions based on the following properties:

  • Node count
  • Cost of compute in target member clusters
  • Resource (CPU/Memory) availability in target member clusters


Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager preview features are available on a self-service, opt-in basis. Previews are provided "as is" and "as available," and they're excluded from the service-level agreements and limited warranty. Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager previews are partially covered by customer support on a best-effort basis. As such, these features aren't meant for production use.

This article discusses creating cluster resource placements, which can be done via Azure CLI or the Azure portal. For more, see Propagate resources from a Fleet hub cluster to member clusters.


Filter clusters at the time of scheduling based on member cluster properties

requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution affinity type allows for filtering the member clusters eligible for placement using property selectors. A property selector is an array of expression conditions against cluster properties.

In each condition you specify:

  • Name: Name of the property, which should be in the following format:<CAPACITY-TYPE>-<RESOURCE-NAME>

    <CAPACITY-TYPE> is one of total, allocatable, or available, depending on which capacity (usage information) you would like to check against, and <RESOURCE-NAME> is the name of the resource (CPU/memory).

    For example, if you would like to select clusters based on the available CPU capacity of a cluster, the name used in the property selector should be For allocatable memory capacity, you can use

  • A list of values, which are possible values of the property.

  • An operator used to express the condition between the constraint/desired value and the observed value on the cluster. The following operators are currently supported:

    • Gt (Greater than): a cluster's observed value of the given property must be greater than the value in the condition before it can be picked for resource placement.
    • Ge (Greater than or equal to): a cluster's observed value of the given property must be greater than or equal to the value in the condition before it can be picked for resource placement.
    • Lt (Less than): a cluster's observed value of the given property must be less than the value in the condition before it can be picked for resource placement.
    • Le (Less than or equal to): a cluster's observed value of the given property must be less than or equal to the value in the condition before it can be picked for resource placement.
    • Eq (Equal to): a cluster's observed value of the given property must be equal to the value in the condition before it can be picked for resource placement.
    • Ne (Not equal to): a cluster's observed value of the given property must be not equal to the value in the condition before it can be picked for resource placement.

    If you use the operator Gt, Ge, Lt, Le, Eq, or Ne, the list of values in the condition should have exactly one value.

Fleet evaluates each cluster based on the properties specified in the condition. Failure to satisfy conditions listed under requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution excludes this member cluster from resource placement.


If a member cluster does not possess the property expressed in the condition, it will automatically fail the condition.

Example placement policy to select only clusters with greater than or equal to five nodes for resource placement:

kind: ClusterResourcePlacement
  name: crp
    - ...
    placementType: PickAll
                - propertySelector:
                    - name: ""
                      operator: Ge
                      - "5"

You can use both label and property selectors under requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution affinity term to filter the eligible member clusters on both these constraints.

kind: ClusterResourcePlacement
  name: crp
    - ...
    placementType: PickAll
                - labelSelector:
                      region: east
                    - name: ""
                      operator: Ge
                      - "5"

In this example, Kubernetes Fleet only considers a cluster for resource placement if it has the region=east label and a node count greater than or equal to five.

Rank order clusters at the time of scheduling based on member cluster properties

When preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution is used, a property sorter ranks all the clusters in the fleet based on their values in the ascending or descending order. The weights are calculated based on the weight value specified under preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution.

A property sorter consists of:

  • Name: Name of the property with more information of the formatting of the property covered in the previous section.
  • Sort order: Sort order can be either Ascending or Descending. When Ascending order is used, Kubernetes Fleet prefers member clusters with lower observed values. When Descending order is used, member clusters with higher observed value are preferred.

For sort order Descending, the proportional weight is calculated using the formula:

((Observed Value - Minimum observed value) / (Maximum observed value - Minimum observed value)) * Weight

For example, let's say you want to rank clusters based on the property of available CPU capacity in descending order and that you have a fleet of three clusters with the following available CPU:

Cluster Available CPU capacity
bravelion 100
smartfish 20
jumpingcat 10

In this case, the sorter computes the following weights:

Cluster Available CPU capacity Weight
bravelion 100 (100 - 10) / (100 - 10) = 100% of the weight
smartfish 20 (20 - 10) / (100 - 10) = 11.11% of the weight
jumpingcat 10 (10 - 10) / (100 - 10) = 0% of the weight

For sort order Ascending, the proportional weight is calculated using the formula:

(1 - ((Observed Value - Minimum observed value) / (Maximum observed value - Minimum observed value))) * Weight

For example, let's say you want to rank clusters based on their per-CPU-core-cost in ascending order and that you have a fleet of three clusters with the following CPU core costs:

Cluster Per-CPU core cost
bravelion 1
smartfish 0.2
jumpingcat 0.1

In this case, the sorter computes the following weights:

Cluster Per-CPU core cost Weight
bravelion 1 1 - ((1 - 0.1) / (1 - 0.1)) = 0% of the weight
smartfish 0.2 1 - ((0.2 - 0.1) / (1 - 0.1)) = 88.89% of the weight
jumpingcat 0.1 1 - (0.1 - 0.1) / (1 - 0.1) = 100% of the weight

The example below showcases a property sorter using the Descending order:

kind: ClusterResourcePlacement
  name: crp
    - ...
    placementType: PickN
    numberOfClusters: 10
            - weight: 20
                  sortOrder: Descending

In this example, Fleet will prefer clusters with higher node counts. The cluster with the highest node count would receive a weight of 20, and the cluster with the lowest would receive 0. Other clusters receive proportional weights calculated using the weight calculation formula.

You may use both label selector and property sorter under preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution affinity. A member cluster that fails the label selector won't receive any weight. Member clusters that satisfy the label selector receive proportional weights as specified under property sorter.

kind: ClusterResourcePlacement
  name: crp
    - ...
    placementType: PickN
    numberOfClusters: 10
            - weight: 20
                    env: prod
                  sortOrder: Descending

In this example, a cluster would only receive extra weight if it has the label env=prod. If it satisfies that label based constraint, then the cluster is given proportional weight based on the amount of total CPU in that member cluster.

Clean up resources

If you no longer wish to use the ClusterResourcePlacement object, you can delete it using the kubectl delete command. The following example deletes the ClusterResourcePlacement object named crp:

kubectl delete clusterresourceplacement crp

Next steps

To learn more about resource propagation, see the following resources: