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BaseChannelSinkWithProperties Class


Provides a base implementation for channel sinks that want to expose a dictionary interface to their properties.

public ref class BaseChannelSinkWithProperties abstract : System::Runtime::Remoting::Channels::BaseChannelObjectWithProperties
public abstract class BaseChannelSinkWithProperties : System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BaseChannelObjectWithProperties
public abstract class BaseChannelSinkWithProperties : System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BaseChannelObjectWithProperties
public abstract class BaseChannelSinkWithProperties : System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BaseChannelObjectWithProperties
type BaseChannelSinkWithProperties = class
    inherit BaseChannelObjectWithProperties
type BaseChannelSinkWithProperties = class
    inherit BaseChannelObjectWithProperties
type BaseChannelSinkWithProperties = class
    inherit BaseChannelObjectWithProperties
Public MustInherit Class BaseChannelSinkWithProperties
Inherits BaseChannelObjectWithProperties


[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction::Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag::Infrastructure)]
private ref class MyClientFormatterChannelSink: public BaseChannelSinkWithProperties, public IClientChannelSink, public IMessageSink
   IClientChannelSink^ nextClientSink;
   IMessageSink^ nextMessageSink;

      : nextClientSink( nullptr ), nextMessageSink( nullptr )

   MyClientFormatterChannelSink( IClientChannelSink^ nextSink, IMessageSink^ nextMsgSink )
      : BaseChannelSinkWithProperties()
      nextClientSink = nextSink;
      nextMessageSink = nextMsgSink;

    virtual void ProcessMessage( IMessage^ message, ITransportHeaders^ requestHeaders, Stream^ requestStream, [Out]ITransportHeaders^% responseHeaders, [Out]Stream^% responseStream )
      nextClientSink->ProcessMessage( message, requestHeaders, requestStream, responseHeaders, responseStream );

   virtual void AsyncProcessRequest( IClientChannelSinkStack^ sinkStack, IMessage^ msg, ITransportHeaders^ headers, Stream^ myStream )
      sinkStack->Push( this, nullptr );
      nextClientSink->AsyncProcessRequest( sinkStack, msg, headers, myStream );

   virtual void AsyncProcessResponse( IClientResponseChannelSinkStack^ sinkStack, Object^ /*state*/, ITransportHeaders^ headers, Stream^ myStream )
      sinkStack->AsyncProcessResponse( headers, myStream );

   virtual Stream^ GetRequestStream( IMessage^ /*msg*/, ITransportHeaders^ /*headers*/ )
      return nullptr;

   property IClientChannelSink^ NextChannelSink 
      virtual IClientChannelSink^ get()
         return nextClientSink;


   property IMessageSink^ NextSink 
      virtual IMessageSink^ get()
         return nextMessageSink;


   virtual IMessageCtrl^ AsyncProcessMessage( IMessage^ /*msg*/, IMessageSink^ /*replySink*/ )
      return nullptr;

   virtual IMessage^ SyncProcessMessage( IMessage^ msg )
      return nextMessageSink->SyncProcessMessage( msg );

   property Object^ Item [Object^]
      virtual Object^ get( Object^ key ) override
          if ( key == MyKey::typeid )
                  return this;

         return nullptr;

      virtual void set( Object^ /*value*/, Object^ /*key*/ ) override
         throw gcnew NotSupportedException;


   property ICollection^ Keys 
      virtual ICollection^ get() override
         ArrayList^ myKeys = gcnew ArrayList( 1 );
         myKeys->Add( MyKey::typeid );
         return myKeys;


internal class MyClientFormatterChannelSink :
         BaseChannelSinkWithProperties, IClientChannelSink, IMessageSink
   private IClientChannelSink nextClientSink=null;
   private IMessageSink nextMessageSink = null;

   public MyClientFormatterChannelSink(IClientChannelSink nextSink,
                                       IMessageSink nextMsgSink) : base()
      nextClientSink = nextSink;
      nextMessageSink = nextMsgSink;

   public void ProcessMessage(IMessage msg,
         ITransportHeaders requestHeaders, Stream requestStream,
         out ITransportHeaders responseHeaders, out Stream responseStream)
      nextClientSink.ProcessMessage(msg, requestHeaders, requestStream,
               out responseHeaders, out responseStream);

   public void AsyncProcessRequest(IClientChannelSinkStack sinkStack,
                  IMessage msg, ITransportHeaders headers, Stream myStream)
      sinkStack.Push(this, null);

   public void AsyncProcessResponse(IClientResponseChannelSinkStack sinkStack,
         Object state, ITransportHeaders headers, Stream myStream)
      sinkStack.AsyncProcessResponse(headers, myStream);

   public Stream GetRequestStream(IMessage msg,ITransportHeaders headers)
      return null;

   public IClientChannelSink NextChannelSink
         return nextClientSink;

   public IMessageSink NextSink
         return nextMessageSink;

   public IMessageCtrl AsyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg,
                                                IMessageSink replySink)
      return null;

   public IMessage SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg)
      return nextMessageSink.SyncProcessMessage(msg);

   public override Object this[Object key]
         if (key == typeof(MyKey))
            return this;
         return null;
         throw new NotSupportedException();
   public override ICollection Keys
         ArrayList myKeys = new ArrayList(1);
         return myKeys;
public class MyKey
<PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Demand, Name:="FullTrust")> _
Friend Class MyClientFormatterChannelSink
   Inherits BaseChannelSinkWithProperties
   Implements IClientChannelSink, IMessageSink
   Private nextClientSink As IClientChannelSink = Nothing
   Private nextMessageSink As IMessageSink = Nothing

   Public Sub New(nextSink As IClientChannelSink, nextMsgSink As IMessageSink)
      nextClientSink = nextSink
      nextMessageSink = nextMsgSink
   End Sub

   Public Sub ProcessMessage(msg As IMessage, requestHeaders As ITransportHeaders, _
               requestStream As Stream, ByRef responseHeaders As ITransportHeaders, _
               ByRef responseStream As Stream) _
               Implements IClientChannelSink.ProcessMessage
      nextClientSink.ProcessMessage(msg, requestHeaders, requestStream, _
                                    responseHeaders, responseStream)
   End Sub

   Public Sub AsyncProcessRequest(sinkStack As IClientChannelSinkStack, _
            msg As IMessage, headers As ITransportHeaders, myStream As Stream) _
            Implements IClientChannelSink.AsyncProcessRequest
      sinkStack.Push(Me, Nothing)
      nextClientSink.AsyncProcessRequest(sinkStack, msg, headers, myStream)
   End Sub

   Public Sub AsyncProcessResponse(sinkStack As IClientResponseChannelSinkStack, _
            state As Object, headers As ITransportHeaders, myStream As Stream) _
            Implements IClientChannelSink.AsyncProcessResponse
      sinkStack.AsyncProcessResponse(headers, myStream)
   End Sub

   Public Function GetRequestStream(msg As IMessage, headers As ITransportHeaders) As Stream _
         Implements IClientChannelSink.GetRequestStream
      Return Nothing
   End Function 'GetRequestStream

   Public ReadOnly Property NextChannelSink() As IClientChannelSink _
         Implements IClientChannelSink.NextChannelSink
         Return nextClientSink
      End Get
   End Property

   Public ReadOnly Property NextSink() As IMessageSink _
         Implements IMessageSink.NextSink
         Return nextMessageSink
      End Get
   End Property

   Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Properties() As Collections.IDictionary _
            Implements IClientChannelSink.Properties
      End Get
   End Property

   Public Function AsyncProcessMessage(msg As IMessage, replySink As IMessageSink) As IMessageCtrl _
            Implements IMessageSink.AsyncProcessMessage
      Return Nothing
   End Function 'AsyncProcessMessage

   Public Function SyncProcessMessage(msg As IMessage) As IMessage _
            Implements IMessageSink.SyncProcessMessage
      Return nextMessageSink.SyncProcessMessage(msg)
   End Function 'SyncProcessMessage

   Default Public Overrides Property Item(key As Object) As Object
         If key Is GetType(MyKey) Then
            Return Me
         End If
         Return Nothing
      End Get
         Throw New NotSupportedException()
      End Set
   End Property

   Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Keys() As ICollection
         Dim myKeys As New ArrayList(0)
         Return myKeys
      End Get
   End Property
End Class

Public Class MyKey
End Class


Channel sinks provide a plug-in point that allows access to the underlying messages that are flowing through the channel as well as the stream that is used by the transport mechanism to send messages to a remote object. Channel sinks are linked together in a chain of channel sink providers, and all channel messages flow through this chain of sinks before the message is serialized and transported.

This class makes a link demand and an inheritance demand at the class level. A SecurityException is thrown when either the immediate caller or the derived class does not have infrastructure permission. For details about security demands, see Link Demands and Inheritance Demands.

Notes to Implementers

When you inherit from BaseChannelSinkWithProperties, you must implement the Keys property and the Item[Object] property.



Initializes a new instance of the BaseChannelSinkWithProperties class.



Gets the number of properties associated with the channel object.

(Inherited from BaseChannelObjectWithProperties)

Gets a value that indicates whether the number of properties that can be entered into the channel object is fixed.

(Inherited from BaseChannelObjectWithProperties)

Gets a value that indicates whether the collection of properties in the channel object is read-only.

(Inherited from BaseChannelObjectWithProperties)

Gets a value that indicates whether the dictionary of channel object properties is synchronized.

(Inherited from BaseChannelObjectWithProperties)

When overridden in a derived class, gets or sets the property that is associated with the specified key.

(Inherited from BaseChannelObjectWithProperties)

When overridden in a derived class, gets a ICollection of keys that the channel object properties are associated with.

(Inherited from BaseChannelObjectWithProperties)

Gets a IDictionary of the channel properties associated with the channel object.

(Inherited from BaseChannelObjectWithProperties)

Gets an object that is used to synchronize access to the BaseChannelObjectWithProperties.

(Inherited from BaseChannelObjectWithProperties)

Gets a ICollection of the values of the properties associated with the channel object.

(Inherited from BaseChannelObjectWithProperties)


Add(Object, Object)

Throws a NotSupportedException.

(Inherited from BaseChannelObjectWithProperties)

Throws a NotSupportedException.

(Inherited from BaseChannelObjectWithProperties)

Returns a value that indicates whether the channel object contains a property that is associated with the specified key.

(Inherited from BaseChannelObjectWithProperties)
CopyTo(Array, Int32)

Throws a NotSupportedException.

(Inherited from BaseChannelObjectWithProperties)

Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Returns a IDictionaryEnumerator that enumerates over all the properties associated with the channel object.

(Inherited from BaseChannelObjectWithProperties)

Serves as the default hash function.

(Inherited from Object)

Gets the Type of the current instance.

(Inherited from Object)

Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

(Inherited from Object)

Throws a NotSupportedException.

(Inherited from BaseChannelObjectWithProperties)

Returns a string that represents the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Explicit Interface Implementations


Returns a IEnumerator that enumerates over all the properties that are associated with the channel object.

(Inherited from BaseChannelObjectWithProperties)

Extension Methods


Casts the elements of an IEnumerable to the specified type.


Filters the elements of an IEnumerable based on a specified type.


Enables parallelization of a query.


Converts an IEnumerable to an IQueryable.

Applies to