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Social feed REST API reference for SharePoint

Find SharePoint REST endpoints for reading and writing to social feeds by using the SocialRestFeedManager resource. You can use the SharePoint Representational State Transfer (REST) service to do the same things that you can do with the .NET client object models and the JavaScript object model. The REST service exposes resources that correspond to SharePoint objects, properties, and methods. To use the REST service, you build and send HTTP GET and POST requests to the resource endpoints that represent the tasks you want to do.

The endpoint URIs for most feed tasks begin with the SocialRestFeedManager resource ( social.feed), followed by the my resource or the post resource:

  • The my resource represents the current user. When used inline in the endpoint URI, it sets the context of the request to the current user. For example, gets the newsfeed for the current user.
  • The post resource represents a specific thread or post. When used inline in the endpoint URI, it sets the context of the request to the specified thread or post. For example, locks the specified thread.

If the resource endpoint takes a parameter, the parameter metadata is specified in the URI or in the request body. By default, the REST service returns responses formatted in the Atom protocol, but you can request the JSON format by using HTTP Accept headers. See Example REST requests for feed tasks for examples of complete requests.

Resource endpoints for feed tasks

Endpoint Description
My Gets information about the current user.
My/Feed/Post Creates a root post in the current user's feed.
My/Feed Gets the feed of activity by the current user.
My/News Gets the feed of activity by the current user and by people and content the user is following.
My/TimelineFeed Gets the feed of activity by the current user and by people and content the user is following, sorted by created date.
My/Likes Gets the feed of posts that the current user likes.
My/MentionFeed Gets the feed of posts that mention the current user.
My/MentionFeed/ClearUnreadMentionCount Gets the feed of posts that mention the current user and clears the unread mention count.
My/UnreadMentionCount Gets the count of unread mentions for the current user.
Actor Gets information about the specified user and the current user.
Actor/Feed Gets the feed of activity by the specified user.
Actor/Feed/Post Creates a root post in the specified site feed.
Post Gets a full thread that contains the specified post.
Post/Reply Posts a reply to the specified post.
Post/Delete Deletes the specified post.
Post/Like Makes the current user a liker of the specified post.
Post/Unlike Removes the current user from the list of likers for the specified post.
Post/Likers Gets the users who like the specified post.
Post/Lock Locks the specified thread.
Post/Unlock Unlocks the specified thread.


The following feed-related REST resources use the same pattern as the other SharePoint REST APIs to construct the endpoint URI.> For CreateImageAttachment, send a POST request to http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/SP.Social.SocialFeedManager/CreateImageAttachment> For GetPreview, send a POST request to http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/SP.Social.SocialFeedManager/GetPreview> For SuppressThreadNotifications, send a POST request to http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/SP.Social.SocialFeedManager/SuppressThreadNotifications


Gets information about the current user.

The my endpoint sets the current user as the context for any subsequent resource in the URI. For example, gets the newsfeed for the current user.

Endpoint URI structure

GET http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/my

Request parameter



Type: SP.Social.SocialRestActor

Information about the current user.

You can call SocialRestActor properties individually in the URI, for example http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/my/me gets only the Me property.

The following response example represents information about the current user.

    "Name":"User1 Name",
    "StatusText":"This is post 2",


Creates a root post in the current user's feed.

You can post only in the context of the current user. You cannot create a root post in a different user's feed, but you can reply to another user's post. See Post/Reply.


Don't confuse this Post resource with the Post resource that represents a specific thread or post.

Endpoint URI structure

POST http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/my/feed/post

Request parameter


Type: SP.Social.SocialRestPostCreationData

A null ID and the properties of the new post, as shown in the following example.

    "ContentText":"This post was published using REST.",


Type: SP.Social.SocialRestThread

A thread that contains the new root post.

The following response example represents the thread that contains the new root post.

        "Name":"User1 Name",
      "Text":"Posted with REST."


Gets the feed of activity by the current user ( Personal feed type).

Endpoint URI structure

GET http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/my/feed

GET http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/my/feed(MaxThreadCount=10,SortOrder=1,NewerThan=@v)?@v=datetime'2013-01-01T08:00'

Request parameter

_feedOptions_ (optional)

Type: SP.Social.SocialFeedOptions

The maximum number of threads, date-time range, and sort order. You can optionally specify any combination of these properties, for example, you can specify only the MaxThreadCount property.

You can use an @ alias to pass special characters. For example, <siteUri>/_api/social.feed/my/feed(OlderThan=@v)?@v=datetime'2013-01-01T08:00' uses the @v alias to send a : character.


Type: SP.Social.SocialRestFeed

The current user's personal feed.

The following response example represents the current user's personal feed.

            "Name":"User1 Name",
            "ImageUri":"http://serverName:80/my/User Photos/Profile Pictures/username2_MThumb.jpg",
            "Name":"User2 Name",
            "Title":"SOME TITLE",
            "Text":"This is a reply to post 1."
          "Text":"This is post 1."
          "Name":"User1 Name",
            "Text":"This is post 2."
            "Name":"User1 Name",
            "ImageUri":"http://serverName:80/my/User Photos/Profile Pictures/username2_MThumb.jpg",
            "Name":"User2 Name",
            "Title":"SOME TITLE",
          "Text":"@User1 Name presented at the conference."},
          "Text":"User1 Name liked a post by User2 Name."


Gets the feed of activity by the current user and by people and content the user is following, sorted by last modified date ( News feed type).

Endpoint URI structure

GET http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/my/news

GET http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/my/news(MaxThreadCount=10,NewerThan=@v)?@v=datetime'2013-01-01T08:00'

Request parameter

_feedOptions_ (optional)

Type: SP.Social.SocialFeedOptions

The maximum number of threads, date-time range, and sort order. You can optionally specify any combination of these properties, for example, you can specify only the MaxThreadCount property.

You can use an @ alias to pass special characters. For example, <siteUri>/_api/social.feed/my/News(OlderThan=@v)?@v=datetime'2013-01-01T08:00' uses the @v alias to send a : character.


Type: SP.Social.SocialRestFeed

The current user's newsfeed.

The following response example represents the current user's newsfeed.

            "Name":"User1 Name",
            "ImageUri":"http://serverName:80/my/User Photos/Profile Pictures/username2_MThumb.jpg",
            "Name":"User2 Name",
            "Title":"SOME TITLE",
            "Text":"This is a reply to post 1."
            "Text":"This is post 1."
            "Name":"User1 Name",
          "Text":"This is post 2."


Gets the feed of activity by the current user and by people and content the user is following, sorted by created date ( Timeline feed type).

Endpoint URI structure

GET http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/my/timelinefeed

GET http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/my/timelinefeed(MaxThreadCount=10,NewerThan=@v)?@v=datetime'2013-01-01T08:00'

Request parameter

_feedOptions_ (optional)

Type: SP.Social.SocialFeedOptions

The maximum number of threads, date-time range, and sort order. You can optionally specify any combination of these properties, for example, you can specify only the MaxThreadCount property.

You can use an @ alias to pass special characters. For example, <siteUri>/_api/social.feed/my/timelinefeed(OlderThan=@v)?@v=datetime'2013-01-01T08:00' uses the @v alias to send a : character.


Type: SP.Social.SocialRestFeed

The current user's timeline feed.

The following response example represents the current user's timeline feed, which is sorted by created date.

            "Name":"User1 Name",
            "StatusText":"This is post 2.",
          "Text":"This is post 2."
            "Name":"User1 Name",
            "StatusText":"This is post 2.",
          "Text":"This is post 1."


Gets the feed of microblog posts that the current user likes, represented by LikeReference thread types. See Reference threads and digest threads in SharePoint social feeds.

Endpoint URI structure

GET http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/my/likes

GET http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/my/likes(MaxThreadCount=10,SortOrder=1,NewerThan=@v)?@v=datetime'2013-01-01T08:00'

Request parameter

_feedOptions_ (optional)

Type: SP.Social.SocialFeedOptions

The maximum number of threads, date-time range, and sort order. You can optionally specify any combination of these properties, for example, you can specify only the MaxThreadCount property.

You can optionally specify retrieval options in the query string. You can use an @ alias to pass special characters. For example, <siteUri>/_api/social.feed/my/likes(OlderThan=@v)?@v=datetime'2013-01-01T08:00' uses the @v alias to send a : character.


Type: SP.Social.SocialRestFeed

A feed that contains posts that the current user likes.

The following response example represents a reference to a post that the current user likes. The thread is a LikeReference thread type (value = 1) whose PostReference property references the actual post.

            "Name":"User1 Name",
            "StatusText":"This is post 2",
            "ImageUri":"http://serverName:80/my/User Photos/Profile Pictures/username2_MThumb.jpg",
            "Name":"User2 Name",
            "StatusText":"@User1 Name presented at the conference.",
            "Title":"SOME TITLE",
              "Text":"@User1 Name presented at the conference."
            "Text":"User1 Name liked a post by User2 Name."


Gets the feed of microblog posts that mention the current user, represented by MentionReference thread types. See Reference threads and digest threads in SharePoint social feeds.

Endpoint URI structure

GET http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/my/mentionfeed

GET http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/my/mentionfeed(MaxThreadCount=10,SortOrder=1,NewerThan=@v)?@v=datetime'2013-01-01T08:00'

Request parameter

_feedOptions_ (optional)

Type: SP.Social.SocialFeedOptions

The maximum number of threads, date-time range, and sort order. You can optionally specify any combination of these properties, for example, you can specify only the MaxThreadCount property.

You can use an @ alias to pass special characters. For example, <siteUri>/_api/social.feed/my/likes(OlderThan=@v)?@v=datetime'2013-01-01T08:00' uses the @v alias to send a : character.


Type: SP.Social.SocialRestFeed

A feed that contains posts that mention the current user.

The following response example represents one thread that mentions the current user. The thread is a MentionReference thread type (value = 3) whose PostReference property references the actual post.

            "Name":"User1 Name",
            "StatusText":"This is post 2",
            "ImageUri":"http://serverName:80/my/User Photos/Profile Pictures/username2_MThumb.jpg",
            "Name":"User2 Name",
            "StatusText":"@User1 Name presented at the conference.",
            "Title":"SOME TITLE",
            "Text":"@User1 Name presented at the conference."
        "Text":"Mentioned by User2 Name."},


Gets the feed of microblog posts that mention the current user, represented by MentionReference thread types, and sets the user's unread mention count to 0. See Reference threads and digest threads in SharePoint social feeds.

Endpoint URI structure

POST http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/my/mentionfeed/clearunreadmentioncount

Request parameter


Type: SP.Social.SocialFeedOptions

This parameter must be sent as an empty string in the data attribute of the request body, as shown in the following example.

"feedOptions": {
  "__metadata": {
    "type": "SP.Social.SocialFeedOptions"


Type: SP.Social.SocialRestFeed

The current user's mention feed.

The following response example represents the current user's mention feed. The thread is a MentionReference thread type (value = 3) whose PostReference property references the actual post. The unread mention count is cleared after the feed is retrieved.

          "Name":"User1 Name",
          "StatusText":"Posted with REST.",
          "ImageUri":"http://serverName:80/my/User Photos/Profile Pictures/username2_MThumb.jpg",
          "Name":"User2 Name",
          "StatusText":"This is post 1 from the specified user.",
          "Title":"SOME TITLE",
          "Text":"@User1 Name presented at the conference."},
          "Text":"Mentioned by User2 Name."


Gets the count of unread mentions for the current user.

Endpoint URI structure

GET http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/my/unreadmentioncount

Request parameter



Type: Int32

The count of unread mentions for the current user.

The following response example represents an unread mention count of 1.



Gets information about the specified user and the current user.


The actor endpoint sets the specified user or site feed as the context for any subsequent resource in the URI. For example,'domain\\user')/feed gets the personal feed for the specified user and'http://<server>/<teamSite>/newsfeed.aspx' gets the site feed for the specified team site.

Endpoint URI structure

GET http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/actor(item='domain\\user')

GET http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/actor(item=@v)?@v='i:0"%23".f|membership|'

Request parameter


Type: String

The account name of the specified user.

You send the item parameter in the query string. You can use an @ alias to pass special characters. For example, <siteUri>/_api/social.feed/actor(item=@v)?@v='i:0"%23".f|membership|' uses the @v alias and the "%23" encoding to send a # character.


Type: SP.Social.SocialRestActor

Information about the specified user and the current user.

You can call SocialRestActor properties individually in the URI, for example http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/actor(item='domain\\user')/followableitem gets only the FollowableItem property for the specified actor.

The following response example represents information about the specified user and the current user.

    "ImageUri":"http://serverName:80/my/User Photos/Profile Pictures/username2_MThumb.jpg",
    "Name":"User2 Name",
    "Title":"SOME TITLE",
    "Name":"User1 Name",
    "StatusText":"This is post 2",


Gets the feed of activity by the specified user ( Personal feed type) or gets the specified site feed.

Endpoint URI structure

GET http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/actor(item='domain\\user')/feed

GET http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/actor(item=@v)/feed?@v='i:0"%23".f|membership|'

GET http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/actor(item='domain\\user')/feed(MaxThreadCount=10,SortOrder=1,NewerThan=@v)?@v=datetime'2013-01-01T08:00'

GET http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/actor(item=@v)/feed?@v='http://<teamSiteUri>/newsfeed.aspx'

Request parameter

_feedOptions_ (optional)

Type: SP.Social.SocialFeedOptions

The maximum number of threads, date-time range, and sort order. You can optionally specify any combination of these properties, for example, you can specify only the MaxThreadCount property.

You can use an @ alias to pass special characters. For example, <siteUri>/_api/social.feed/actor(item=@v)/feed(NewerThan=@x)?@v='i:0"%23".f|membership|'&amp;@x=datetime'2013-01-01T08:00' uses the @v alias and the "%23" encoding to send a # character, and the @x alias to send a : character.


Type: SP.Social.SocialRestFeed

The personal feed of the specified user or the site feed at the specified URI.

The following response example represents personal feed of the specified user.

            "Name":"User2 Name",
            "StatusText":"This is post 1 from the specified user.",
            "Title":"SOME TITLE",
            "Name":"User1 Name",
          "Text":"User2 Name replied to a post by User1 Name."
            "Name":"User2 Name",
            "StatusText":"This is post 1 from the specified user.",
            "Title":"SOME TITLE",
          "Text":"This is post 1 from the specified user."


Creates a root post in the specified site feed.

You can post only in the context of the current user. You cannot create a root post in a different user's feed, but you can reply to another user's post. See Post/Reply.


Don't confuse this Post resource with the Post resource that represents a specific thread or post.

Endpoint URI structure

POST http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/actor(item=@v)/feed/post?@v='http://<siteCollection>/<teamSite>/newsfeed.aspx'

Request parameter


Type: SP.Social.SocialRestPostCreationData

A null ID and the properties of the new post, as shown in the following example.

    "ContentText":"This post was published using REST.",


Type: SP.Social.SocialRestThread

A thread that contains the new root post.

The following response example represents the thread that contains the new root post.

        "Name":"Team Site",
        "Name":"User1 Name",
        "StatusText":"Posted with REST.",
      "Text":"Posted with REST."


Gets a full thread that contains the specified microblog post.

Endpoint URI structure

POST http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/post

Request parameter


Type: String

The unique identifier of the post, as shown in the following example.



Type: SP.Social.SocialRestThread

A full thread that contains the specified post.

The following response example represents the full thread that contains the specified post. Unlike digest threads (which contain only the two most recent replies), a full thread contains all replies.

        "Name":"User1 Name",
        "StatusText":"Posted with REST.",
        "Id":"1.ed418efb7f984ee49ce276c9c5441938.de1675d4929d431894c18908ac53516a.65da910de21f4e40abb318ba33520931.0c37852b34d0418e91c62ac25af4be5b","ImageUri":"http://serverName:80/my/User Photos/Profile Pictures/username2_MThumb.jpg",
        "LibraryUri":null,"Name":"User2 Name","PersonalSiteUri":"http://serverName/my/personal/username2","Status":6,"StatusText":"This is post 1 from the specified user.",
        "Title":"SOME TITLE",
        "Text":"This is a reply."
      "Text":"Posted with REST."


Posts a reply to the specified post.

Endpoint URI structure

POST http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/post/reply

Request parameter


Type: SP.Social.SocialRestPostCreationData

The ID of the post to reply to and the properties of the reply, as shown in the following example.

    "type": "SP.Social.SocialRestPostCreationData"
    "ContentText":"Posted with REST.",


Type: SP.Social.SocialRestThread

A digest of the modified thread that includes the specified post.

The following response example represents the thread that contains the specified post and reply.

      "Name":"User1 Name",
      "StatusText":"Posted with REST.",
        "Text":"Replied with REST."
      "Text":"Posted with REST."


Deletes the specified microblog post. If the post is the root post, the whole thread is deleted.

Endpoint URI structure

POST http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/post/delete

Request parameter


Type: String

The ID of the post to delete, as shown in the following example.






Makes the current user a liker of the specified microblog post.

Endpoint URI structure

POST http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/post/like

Request parameter


Type: String

The ID of the post to like, as shown in the following example.



Type: SP.Social.SocialRestThread

A digest thread that contains the specified post.

The following response example represents the thread that contains the liked post.

        "Name":"User1 Name",
        "StatusText":"Posted with REST.",
        "Text":"Replied with REST."
      "Text":"Posted with REST."


Removes the current user from the list of likers for the specified microblog post. If the current user is not a liker of the post, this request is ignored.

Endpoint URI structure

POST http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/post/unlike

Request parameter


Type: String

The ID of the post to stop liking, as shown in the following example.



Type: SP.Social.SocialRestThread

A digest of the modified thread that includes the specified post.

The following response example represents the thread that contains the post that the user stopped liking.

        "Name":"User1 Name",
        "StatusText":"Posted with REST.",
        "Text":"Replied with REST."
      "Text":"Posted with REST."


Gets the users who like the specified microblog post.

Endpoint URI structure

POST http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/post/likers

Request parameter


Type: String

The ID of the post to get the likers for, as shown in the following example.




Type: SP.Social.SocialActor[]

The users who like the specified post.

The following response example represents the users that like the specified post.

      "Name":"User1 Name",
      "StatusText":"Posted with REST.",


Locks the specified thread. If a thread is locked, no reply posts can be added to the thread until it is unlocked.

Endpoint URI structure

POST http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/post/lock

Request parameter


Type: String

The ID of the thread to lock, as shown in the following example.



Type: SP.Social.SocialRestThread

A digest of the locked thread.

The following response example represents a locked thread. The Attributes property of the thread contains a bitwise value from the SP.Social.SocialThreadAttributes enumeration, which indicates whether the thread is locked.

      "Name":"User1 Name",
      "StatusText":"Posted with REST.",
      "Text":"Replied with REST."
      "Text":"Posted with REST."


Unlocks the specified thread.

Endpoint URI structure

POST http://<siteCollection>/<site>/_api/social.feed/post/unlock

Request parameter


Type: String

The ID of the thread to unlock, as shown in the following example.



Type: SP.Social.SocialRestThread

A digest of the unlocked thread.

The following response example represents the unlocked thread. The Attributes property of the thread contains a bitwise value from the SP.Social.SocialThreadAttributes enumeration, which indicates whether the thread is locked.

        "Name":"User1 Name",
        "StatusText":"Posted with REST.",
        "Text":"Replied with REST."

      "Text":"Posted with REST."

Example REST requests for feed tasks

GET requests for feed tasks specify parameters in the URI or in the url attribute of the request. POST requests specify parameters in the data attribute of the request body in XML or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. You can make HTTP requests in any language, including JavaScript and C#. The following example requests show how to make requests by using JavaScript and how to pass entity information in JSON format.

Example: How to specify the ID parameter in the request body (in the data attribute).


The values of thread and post Id properties are too long to send in a URL, so you have to send them in the request body. As a result, even read-only operations that are logically GET requests must be sent as POST requests. For example, to get a thread, you have to send a POST request and pass the thread Id as an entity in the request body.

var endpoint = siteUrl + '/_api/social.feed/post';
var postId = '1.655c70c348374d48839daabc24a360f0.82baa3bdfa2f481a8185802eb9c6c6cd.5d227a6fa3894f0c9dde26876b71d619.0c37852b34d0418e91c62ac25af4be5b.4316bdaa94bf4984be5dfea1ba96954e.26.26.S-1-5-21-2127521184-1604012920-1887927527-66602';

    url: endpoint,
    type: 'POST',
    data: JSON.stringify({
        'ID': postId
    headers: {
        "accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
        "content-type": "application/json;odata=verbose",
        "X-RequestDigest": $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val()
    success: function(data) {
        var stringData = JSON.stringify(data);

        // Converts the response data into an object that you can work with.
        var jsonObject = JSON.parse(stringData);
    error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
        alert("Error: " + xhr.status + " " + thrownError + "\\nResponseText: " + xhr.responseText);

Example: How to publish a root post and specify the restCreationData parameter in the data attribute.

var endpoint = <site url> + '/_api/social.feed/my/feed/post';
var postContent = 'Posted with REST.';

    url: endpoint,
    type: 'POST',
    data: JSON.stringify({
        'restCreationData': {
            '__metadata': {
                'type': 'SP.Social.SocialRestPostCreationData'
            'ID': null,
            'creationData': {
                '__metadata': {
                    'type': 'SP.Social.SocialPostCreationData'
                'ContentText': postContent
    headers: {
        "accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
        "content-type": "application/json;odata=verbose",
        "X-RequestDigest": $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val()
    success: function(data) {
        var stringData = JSON.stringify(data);

        // Converts the response data into an object that you can work with.
        var jsonObject = JSON.parse(stringData);
    error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
        alert("Error: " + xhr.status + " " + thrownError + "\\nResponseText: " + xhr.responseText);

To publish a reply to a specified thread, send a POST request to the Reply resource ( <site url>/_api/social.feed/Post/Reply) and pass restCreationData information that includes the target post ID.

{ "restCreationData": {
    "__metadata": { "type": "SP.Social.SocialRestPostCreationData" },
        "__metadata":{ "type":"SP.Social.SocialPostCreationData" },
        "ContentText":"This is a reply to the specified post.",
} }

The following REST resources are used as parameters in client-side requests or are returned in server responses.


Represents options that you can specify when retrieving a feed.

Client-side GET requests for feeds can optionally specify SocialFeedOptions properties as parameters. These properties are specified in the query string.

Option Type Description
MaxThreadCount Int32 The maximum number of threads to retrieve. The default number is 20.
NewerThan String The "newer than" boundary of the time span to retrieve, as a string representation of a DateTime object. The default is no specified boundary.
OlderThan String The "older than" boundary of the time span to retrieve, as a string representation of a DateTime object. The default is no specified boundary.
SortOrder Int32 The sort order of the threads in the feed. The default sort order is by modified date, except for the timeline feed, which is sorted by created date.
0 sorts threads by modified time, according to the most recent modification times of their posts.
1 sorts threads by created time, according to the creation times of their root posts.


Represents a user, document, site, or tag.

The server returns a SocialRestActor resource in the response to a client-side request for actor information.

SocialRestActor has the following properties.

Property Type Description
FollowableItem String The unique identifier of the specified actor. Returns the account name for a user or the URI for a document, site, or tag.
FollowableItemActor SP.Social.SocialActor The specified user. Returns null if the user is the current user or if the resource is not a user-type actor.
Me SP.Social.SocialActor The current user.


Represents a social feed.

The server returns a SocialRestFeed resource in the response to a client-side request for feed content.

SocialRestFeed contains a wrapped SP.Social.SocialFeed object, which has the following properties.

Property Type Description
Attributes SP.Social.SocialFeedAttributes A bitwise set of attributes that apply to the feed.
NewestProcessed DateTime The date and time of the newest retrieved post.
OldestProcessed DateTime The date and time of the oldest retrieved post.
Threads SP.Social.SocialThread[] The threads that make up the feed.
UnreadMentionCount Int32 The count of unread mentions for the current user.


Represents content and related information for a new post.

Clients specify SocialRestPostCreationData properties as parameters in a request to publish a root post or a reply. These properties are specified in the data attribute of the request body.

SocialRestPostCreationData contains an ID property and a wrapped SP.Social.SocialPostCreationData object. ID is required but the SocialPostCreationData properties are optional.

Property Type Description
ID (required) null or String The target destination for the post. The value can be one of the following:
null to publish a root post to the current user's feed
The ID of a post to reply to
The URL of a site feed to post to (for example: http://<teamSiteURL>/newsfeed.aspx)

The following properties belong to the SocialPostCreationData object.

Property Type Description
Attachment SP.Social.SocialAttachment An image, video, or document attachment for the post.
ContentItems SP.Social.SocialDataItem[] The items to replace the corresponding tokens in the post's content text
ContentText String The plain text of the post, which can include positional insertion tokens (for example, "Today is {0}'s birthday!").
SecurityUris String[] String representations of the URIs to SharePoint objects that define access permissions for the post.
Source SP.Social.SocialLink The source of the post.
UpdateStatusText Boolean A value that controls whether the post's plain-text content should replace the current user's status text.


Represents a thread that contains a root post and a set of replies.

The server returns a SocialRestThread resource in the response to a client-side request to create a post or to get a full thread.

SocialRestThread contains an ID property and a wrapped SP.Social.SocialThread object.

Property Type Description
ID String The unique identifier of the thread.

The following properties belong to the SocialThread object.

Property Type Description
Actors SP.Social.SocialActor[] The merged array of participating actors.
Attributes Int32 The bitwise value that represents the set of attributes for the thread. See SP.Social.SocialThreadAttributes.
Id String The unique identifier of the thread.
OwnerIndex Int32 The index of the thread's owner within the thread's actors.
Permalink String The string representation of the stable URI for navigating directly to the thread, if one is available.
PostReference SP.Social.SocialPostReference The referenced post.
Replies SP.Social.SocialPost[] The replies to the thread.
RootPost SP.Social.SocialPost The root post of the thread.
Status Int32 The code that identifies recoverable errors that occurred during thread retrieval. See SP.Social.SocialStatusCode.
ThreadType SP.Social.SocialThreadType The thread type.
TotalReplyCount Int32 The count of the total number of replies for the thread.

See also