Introduction to blended learning


The International Bureau of Education (IBE-UNESCO) defines blended learning as, "Structured opportunities to learn which use more than one teaching or training method, inside or outside the classroom, through which at least part of the content is delivered online." This definition includes different learning or instructional methods (lecture, discussion, guided practice, reading, games, case study, simulation), different delivery methods (face-to-face or computer mediated), different scheduling (synchronous or asynchronous), and different levels of guidance (individual, instructor or expert led, or group/social learning). More commonly, blended learning refers to a combination of face-to-face teaching and online technologies. It involves evolving traditional schooling methods and organization by taking advantage of the new technologies." The ultimate goal is to reach every student and help teachers save time.

Illustration of two circles (Formal face-to-face education + Online learning) that combine to make one bigger circle (Blended learning).

The video "What makes GOAL special?" is from the only Alternative Education Campus to receive recognition as a Microsoft Showcase School. The video provides first-hand accounts from students and staff about the power of blended learning! The topic of blended learning is addressed in the video between 1:07 and 1:58.

Thinking about the video, consider the current model of blended learning in your organization and ponder the following questions:

  • What skills are students developing?
  • What is the intended impact and is it being achieved?
  • What skill development needs to be added?
  • What infrastructure exists?
  • What infrastructure is needed?
  • What professional development has been provided?
  • What needs for professional development still exist?