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Publish teamsApp

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Publish an app to the Microsoft Teams app catalog. Specifically, this API publishes the app to your organization's catalog (the tenant app catalog); the created resource has a distributionMethod property value of organization.

The requiresReview property allows any user to submit an app for review by an administrator. Admins can approve or reject these apps via this API or the Microsoft Teams admin center.

This API is available in the following national cloud deployments.

Global service US Government L4 US Government L5 (DOD) China operated by 21Vianet


Choose the permission or permissions marked as least privileged for this API. Use a higher privileged permission or permissions only if your app requires it. For details about delegated and application permissions, see Permission types. To learn more about these permissions, see the permissions reference.

Permission type Least privileged permissions Higher privileged permissions
Delegated (work or school account) AppCatalog.Submit AppCatalog.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All
Delegated (personal Microsoft account) Not supported. Not supported.
Application Not supported. Not supported.


  • The Directory.ReadWrite.All permission is supported only for backward compatibility. We recommend that you update your solutions to use an alternative permission listed in the previous table and avoid using these permissions going forward.
  • The AppCatalog.Submit permission allows you to submit apps for review only, not to publish them to the catalog.

HTTP request

POST /appCatalogs/teamsApps

To publish an app that requires a review:

POST /appCatalogs/teamsApps?requiresReview={Boolean}

Query parameters

Property Type Description
requiresReview Boolean This optional query parameter triggers the app review process. Users with admin privileges can submit apps without triggering a review. If users want to request a review before publishing, they must set requiresReview to true. A user who has admin privileges can opt not to set requiresReview or set the value to false and the app is approved and immediately published.

Request headers

Header Value
Authorization Bearer {token}. Required. Learn more about authentication and authorization.
Content-Type application/zip. Required.

Request body

In the request body, include a Teams zip manifest payload. For details, see Create an app package.

Each app in the app catalog must have a unique manifest ID.


If successful, this method returns a 200 OK response code and a teamsApp object. If the app manifest has any validation errors, the request returns an error response with details about the schema errors.

Error response

If you send a request to upload an app manifest that contains missing information or errors, you receive an error message that includes the inner error code UnableToParseTeamsAppManifest. The details property of the inner error contains the error code and the error message. The following table describes the error codes that you might encounter.

Error response
Error code Error message Description
ActivityGroupIdFromActivitiesTypeValidation ActivityGroupId field in ActivityType must be a subset of ID field in ActivityGroup. The ActivityGroupId field in ActivityType isn't a subset of the Id field in ActivityGroup in the app manifest.
ActivityTypesMustExistWithActivitiesGroupValidation Manifest shouldn't contain Activity Group when Activity Types is missing. The ActivityGroup property is available, but the ActivityType property is missing in the app manifest.
ApiBasedComposeExtensionApiResponseRenderingTemplateFileNullOrEmpty API-based compose extension must have apiResponseRenderingTemplateFile defined on manifest. The API-based compose extension doesn't have the apiResponseRenderingTemplateFile defined in the app manifest.
ApiBasedComposeExtensionApiSpecificationFileNullOrEmpty API-based compose extension must have apiSpecificationFile defined on manifest. The API-based compose extension doesn't have the apiSpecificationFile defined in the app manifest.
ApiBasedComposeExtensionManifestCommandIdsNotIncludedInOperationIdsOnApiSpecficationFile Command Ids on manifest aren't included in Operation Ids on API specification file. The error that occurs when the Command Ids in the app manifest aren't included in Operation Ids on API specification file.
ApiBasedComposeExtensionWithBotId API-based compose extension can't have botId defined. The API-based compose extension has botId defined in the app manifest.
ApiBasedComposeExtensionWithCanUpdateConfiguration API-based compose extension can't have canUpdateConfiguration defined on manifest. The API-based compose extension has canUpdateConfiguration defined in the app manifest.
ApiBasedComposeExtensionWithNoParameter API-based compose extension must have command parameters defined on manifest. The API-based compose extension doesn't have any command parameters defined in the app manifest.
ApiSecretServiceAuthTypeComposeExtensionContainsMsftEntraConfiguration API-based compose extension with apiSecretServiceAuth authType have microsoftEntraConfiguration defined. The API-based compose extension has microsoftEntraConfiguration defined in the app manifest.
ApiSecretServiceAuthTypeComposeExtensionContainsNoApiSecretRegistrationId API-based compose extension with apiSecretServiceAuth authType have no apiSecretRegistrationId defined. The API-based compose extension with apiSecretServiceAuth authType without apiSecretRegistrationId defined in the app manifest.
ApiSecretServiceAuthTypeComposeExtensionContainsNoApiSecretServiceAuthConfiguration API-based compose extension with apiSecretServiceAuth authType have no apiSecretServiceConfiguration. The API-based compose extension doesn't set supportsSingleSignOn to true in the app manifest.
ApiSpecificationFileContainUnsupportedHttpMethod API-based compose extension have server urls that have unsupported http method defined on apiSpecificationFile. Currently only GET and POST are supported. The API-based compose extension has an unsupported http method defined in the apiSpecificationFile.
ApiSpecificationFileParameterContainUnsupportedSchemaType API-based compose extension have unsupported parameter schema type defined on apiSpecificationFile. Arrays aren't supported. The API-based compose extension has an unsupported parameter schema type defined in the apiSpecificationFile.
ApiSpecificationFileRequestBodyContainUnsupportedMediaType API-based compose extension have unsupported media type defined in request body on apiSpecificationFile. Currently only application/json is supported. The API-based compose extension has an unsupported media type defined in request body in the apiSpecificationFile.
ApiSpecificationFileRequestBodyContainUnsupportedSchemaType API-based compose extension have unsupported schema type defined in request body on apiSpecificationFile. Currently arrays aren't supported. The API-based compose extension has an unsupported schema type defined in request body in the apiSpecificationFile.
ApiSpecificationFileRequestBodySchemaContainKeywords API-based compose extension have keywords. The API-based compose extension has keywords defined in request body in the apiSpecificationFile.
ApiSpecificationFileRequiredParameterContainUnsupportedLocation API-based compose extension have unsupported parameter location defined on apiSpecificationFile for {0}. Currently only path and query supported. The API-based compose extension has an unsupported parameter location defined in the apiSpecificationFile.
ApiSpecificationFileRequiredParameterOrPropertyNotDefinedOnManifest API-based compose extension have required parameters or properties {0} not defined on manifest. The API-based compose extension has a required parameter, which isn't defined in the app manifest.
ApiSpecificationFileResponseContainUnsupportedMediaType API-based compose extension have unsupported media type defined in response on apiSpecificationFile. Currently only application/json supported. The API-based compose extension has an unsupported media type defined in response in the apiSpecificationFile.
ApiSpecificationFileServerUrlsContainHttp API-based compose extension have server urls that have http protocol defined on apiSpecificationFile. The API-based compose extension has server urls that contain http protocol in the apiSpecificationFile.
ApiSpecificationFileServerUrlsContainInvalidUrl API-based compose extension have server urls that are invalid URL defined on apiSpecificationFile. The API-based compose extension has an invalid URL defined in the apiSpecificationFile.
BotBasedComposeExtensionApiResponseRenderingTemplateFileExists Bot based compose extension can't have apiResponseRenderingTemplateFile defined. The bot-based compose extension has an apiResponseRenderingTemplateFile property defined in the app manifest.
BotBasedComposeExtensionApiSpecificationFileExists Bot based compose extension can't have apiSpecificationFile defined. The bot-based compose extension has an API specification file defined in the app manifest.
BotBasedComposeExtensionBotIdNotGuid Bot based compose extension must have GUID botId. The bot-based compose extension botId isn't GUID.
BotIdIsNotGuid BotId isn't a Guid value. The BotId value in the app manifest isn't a GUID.
CommonAppIdIsNotGuid Field 'ID' isn't a Guid in the manifest. The appId isn't GUID.
CommonAppIdIsRequiredField Required field 'ID' is missing in the manifest. The appId isn't provided.
CommonManifestVersionIsRequiredField The required field in manifest 'manifest Version' is missing. The manifest version isn't provided.
CommonSchemaUrlIsRequiredField Schema URL must be present. The schema isn't provided.
DashboardCardBothIconNameAndUrlPresent Dashboard cards icon shouldn't contain both icon name and URL. Dashboard cards icon mustn't contain both icon name and URL.
DashboardCardEntityIdsAreNotUnique Dashboard card entity IDs should be unique. The returned entity Id for a dashboard card isn't unique within the manifest.
DeveloperNameIsRequiredField Required field 'developer name' is missing in the manifest. The developer name isn't provided.
DeveloperNameLengthCheck Maximum character length must not exceed 32 chars. The developer name is more than 32 characters long.
DeveloperPrivacyUrlIsRequiredField Required field 'privacyUrl' is missing in the manifest. The privacyUrl is missing in the app manifest.
DeveloperPrivacyUrlMustBeHttps Privacy URL must be secured Support URL (HTTPS). The developer privacy URL didn't use HTTPS.
DeveloperTermsOfUseUrlIsRequiredField Required field 'termsOfUseUrl' is missing in the manifest. The termsOfUseUrl is missing from the manifest.
DeveloperTermsOfUseUrlMustBeHttps Terms Of Use URL must be secured Support URL (HTTPS). The developer terms of use URL didn't use HTTPS.
DeveloperWebsiteUrlIsRequiredField Required field 'websiteUrl' is missing in the manifest. The developer website URL is missing.
DeveloperWebsiteUrlMustBeHttps Website URL must be secured Support URL (HTTPS). The developer website URL didn't use HTTPS.
FullDescriptionCannotBeEmpty Full Description can't be empty. The full description is empty.
FullDescriptionLengthCheck Maximum character length for long description must not exceed 4,000 chars. The full description length is more than 4,000 characters.
GroupChatForBotsLessThanV13 Please upgrade the version of manifest to V1.3 as group chat bot is supported in manifest v1.3 onwards. The groupChat scope for bots isn't supported in the app manifest version 1.3 and below.
GroupChatForConfigurableTabsLessThanV13 Please upgrade the version of manifest to V1.3 as group chat configurable tabs is supported in manifest v1.3 onwards. The groupChat scope for configurable tabs isn't supported in the app manifest version 1.3 and below.
InvalidColor32x32IconHeightAndWidth Color 32x32 icon should be 32x32 with only white and transparent. The color 32x32 icon doesn't have the correct dimensions.
InvalidColorIconHeightAndWidth Color Icon isn't as per the required dimension. The dimensions of the color icon are incorrect.
InvalidOutlineIconHeightAndWidth Small icon should be 32x32 with only white and transparent. The dimensions of the outline icon are incorrect.
InvalidOutlineIconTransparency Outline icon isn't transparent. It's Alpha. The outline icon contains pixels that are neither transparent nor white, with Alpha, R, G, B values of {0}, {1}, {2}, and {3}.
MsftEntraAuthTypeComposeExtensionContainsApiSecretServiceConfiguration API-based compose extension with microsoftEntra authType have apiSecretServiceConfiguration defined. The API-based compose extension has apiSecretServiceConfiguration defined in the manifest.
MsftEntraAuthTypeComposeExtensionContainsNoMsftEntraConfiguration API-based compose extension with microsoftEntra authType have no microsoftEntraConfiguration defined. The API-based compose extension doesn't have microsoftEntraConfiguration defined in the app manifest.
MsftEntraAuthTypeComposeExtensionResourceURLNotMatchServerURLOnApiSpec API-based compose extension with microsoftEntra authType resource URL on manifest doesn't match server URL on API specification file. The API-based compose extension with microsoftEntra authType resource URL in the app manifest doesn't match server URL in the API specification file.
MsftEntraAuthTypeComposeExtensionSupportsSingleSignOnFalse API-based compose extension with microsoftEntra authType doesn't set supportsSingleSignOn to true. The API-based compose extension doesn't set supportsSingleSignOn to true in the app manifest.
NoAuthTypeComposeExtensionContainsAuthConfiguration API-based compose extension with none authType have auth-related configuration defined. The API-based compose extension with authType microsoftEntraConfiguration or apiSecretServiceConfiguration isn't defined in the app manifest.
ParameterOnManifestNotDefinedOnApiSpecFile API-based compose extension have parameters {0} on manifest not defined on API specification file. The API-based compose extension parameters in the app manifest aren't defined in the API specification file.
ReservedActivitiesValidation Manifest shouldn't contain reserved Activity Type 'systemDefault'. The systemDefault activity type is defined in the app manifest.
ReservedStaticTabNameShouldBeNull Reserved tab "Name" property shouldn't be specified. The reserved staticTabs name property was specified.
SchemaError_AdditionalItems The schema doesn't allow additional items. The app manifest file failed the additionalItems validation of the schema.
SchemaError_AdditionalProperties Property {0} hasn't been defined and the schema doesn't allow additional properties. The app manifest file failed the additionalProperties validation of the schema. Here, {0} represents the additional property.
SchemaError_AllOf JSON doesn't match all schemas from "allOf". The app manifest file failed the allOf validation of the schema.
SchemaError_AnyOf JSON doesn't match any schemas from "anyOf". The app manifest file failed the anyOf validation of the schema.
SchemaError_Const Value {0} doesn't match constant {1}. The app manifest file failed the const validation of the schema. Here, {0} represents the value that failed and {1} represents the correct value.
SchemaError_ContentEncoding String {0} doesn't validate against content encoding {1}. The app manifest file failed the contentEncoding validation of the schema. Here, {0} represents the string that doesn't match content encoding and {1} represents the expected content encoding.
SchemaError_Dependencies Dependencies for property {0} failed. Missing required keys. The app manifest file failed the dependencies validation of the schema. Here, {0} represents the property that failed.
SchemaError_Else JSON doesn't match schema from "else". The app manifest file failed the else validation of the schema.
SchemaError_Enum Value {0} isn't defined in the enum. The app manifest file failed the enum validation of the schema. Here, {0} represents the value that isn't in the enum.
SchemaError_Format String {0} doesn't validate against format {1}. The app manifest file failed the format validation of the schema. Here, {0} represents the string that isn't in the expected format and {1} represents the expected format.
SchemaError_Id Duplicate schema ID {0} encountered. The app manifest file failed the id validation of the schema. Here, {0} represents the id of the schema.
SchemaError_Maximum Integer {0} exceeds maximum value of {1}. The app manifest file failed the maximum validation of the schema. Here, {0} represents the value that exceeds the maximum limit and {1} represents the maximum limit.
SchemaError_MaximumItems Array item count {0} exceeds maximum count of {1}. The app manifest file failed the maximumItems validation of the schema. Here, {0} represents the number of elements in the array and {1} represents the maximum allowed.
SchemaError_MaximumLength String {0} exceeds maximum length of {1}. The app manifest file failed the maximumLength validation of the schema. Here, {0} represents the string that exceeds the maximum length and {1} represents the maximum length.
SchemaError_MaximumProperties Object property count {0} exceeds maximum count of {1}. The app manifest file failed the maximumProperties validation of the schema. Here, {0} represents the number of properties provided and {1} represents the maximum allowed properties.
SchemaError_Minimum Integer {0} is less than minimum value of {1}. The app manifest file failed the minimum validation of the schema. Here, {0} represents the value that exceeds the minimum limit and {1} represents the minimum limit.
SchemaError_MinimumItems Array item count {0} is less than minimum count of {1}. The app manifest file failed the minimumItems validation of the schema. Here, {0} represents the number of elements in the array and {1} represents the minimum allowed.
SchemaError_MinimumLength String {0} is less than minimum length of {1}. The app manifest file failed the minimumLength validation of the schema. Here, {0} represents the string that is less than the minimum length and {1} represents the minimum.
SchemaError_MinimumProperties Object property count {0} is less than minimum count of {1}. The app manifest file failed the minimumProperties validation of the schema. Here, {0} represents the number of properties provided and {1} represents the minimum allowed properties.
SchemaError_Not JSON is valid against schema from "not". The app manifest file failed the not validation of the schema.
SchemaError_OneOf JSON is valid against more than one schema from "oneOf". The app manifest file failed the oneOf validation of the schema.
SchemaError_Pattern String {0} doesn't match regex pattern "{1}". The app manifest file failed the pattern validation of the schema. Here, {0} represents the value that doesn't match the pattern and {1} represents the expected pattern.
SchemaError_PatternProperties Couldn't test property names with regex pattern "{0}". The app manifest file failed the patternProperties validation of the schema. Here, {0} represents the pattern for the properties.
SchemaError_Required Required properties are missing from object: {0}. The app manifest file failed the required validation of the schema. Here, {0} represents the required properties.
SchemaError_Then JSON doesn't match schema from "then". The app manifest file failed the then validation of the schema.
SchemaError_Type Value {0} isn't of the expected type {1}. The app manifest file failed the type validation of the schema. Here, {0} represents the string that isn't in the expected type and {1} represents the expected type.
SchemaError_UniqueItems Array contains items that aren't unique. The app manifest file failed the uniqueItems validation of the schema.
SchemaError_Valid Schema always fails validation. The app manifest file failed the valid validation of the schema.
Serialization_FileMissing The file {0} couldn't be found in the app package. The expected file is missing in the app package.
Serialization_FileNotValidJson The file couldn't be parsed as a JSON object. The submitted file didn't comply with a valid JSON format.
Serialization_ManifestVersionPropertyMissing The file doesn't contain the "{0}" property. The manifestVersion property is missing in the app manifest file. Here, {0} represents the string for the manifestVersion property.
Serialization_TrailingCommaInManifestJsonFile Manifest json file contains trailing comma. The app manifest file contains a trailing comma.
ServerUrlsMissingOnApiSpecificationFile API-based compose extension have no server urls defined on apiSpecificationFile. The error that occurs The API-based compose extension has no server urls defined in the apiSpecificationFile.
ShortDescriptionCannotBeEmpty Short Description can’t be empty. The short description was empty.
ShortDescriptionLengthCheck Maximum character length for short description must not exceed 80 chars. The short description is more than 80 characters long.
ShortNameEqualsReservedName Short name of the app can't be reserved name. The short name is a reserved name.
ShortNameIsRequiredField Short name of the app can't be empty. The short name is empty.
ShortNameLengthCheck Maximum character length for Short Name must not exceed 30 chars. The short name exceeds 30 characters.
UniqueActivityTypeInActivitiesValidation Manifest shouldn't contain duplicate Activity Type. The activity type isn't unique in the app manifest.
UniqueIdInActivitiesGroupValidation Manifest shouldn't contain duplicate ID in Activity Groups. The activity group ID isn't unique in the app manifest.
VersionCannotBeEmpty Required field "version" is missing in the manifest. The app package version is missing.
VersionContainsOnlyNumbersDotSeparated App version supports only numbers in the '#.#.#' format. The version in the app package isn't matched by the pattern, #.#.#.
VersionHasMajorLessThan1 App version shouldn't start with '0'. For example, 0.0.1 or 0.1 aren't valid app versions and 1.0 / 1.5.1 / 1.0.0 / 2.5.0 are valid app versions. In case of new update in manifest to an existing app in store. The app version is less than 1.0. You need to upgrade your app version. For example, if the current version of your app in the store is 1.0 and you’re submitting an update for validation, the app version must be higher than 1.0.


Example 1: Publish an app to the app catalog


The following example shows a request.

Content-type: application/zip

[Zip file containing a Teams app package]

For information about how to create a Microsoft Teams application zip file, see Create an app package.


The following example shows the response.

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "e3e29acb-8c79-412b-b746-e6c39ff4cd22",
  "externalId": "b5561ec9-8cab-4aa3-8aa2-d8d7172e4311",
  "displayName": "Test App",
  "distributionMethod": "organization"

Example 2: Upload a new application for review to an organization's app catalog


The following example shows a request.

Content-type: application/zip


The following example shows the response.

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

  "@odata.context": "$metadata#appCatalogs/teamsApps/$entity",
  "id": "e3e29acb-8c79-412b-b746-e6c39ff4cd22",
  "externalId": "b5561ec9-8cab-4aa3-8aa2-d8d7172e4311",
  "displayName": "Test App",
  "distributionMethod": "organization"

Example 3: Approve or reject an app pending review


The following example shows a request.

Content-type: application/json



The following example shows the response.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#appCatalogs/teamsApps('a761ad07-22ef-4a53-9feb-2837c8ad4a84')/appDefinitions/$entity",
    "id": "YTc2MWFkMDctMjJlZi00YTUzLTlmZWItMjgzN2M4YWQ0YTg0IyMxLjEuOCMjUHVibGlzaGVk",
    "teamsAppId": "a761ad07-22ef-4a53-9feb-2837c8ad4a84",
    "azureADAppId": null,
    "displayName": "Ducks",
    "version": "1.1.8",
    "requiredResourceSpecificApplicationPermissions": [],
    "publishingState": "published",
    "shortDescription": "quaerat quasi magnam. slight change. 5",
    "description": "Aliquid placeat animi debitis accusamus. Non perferendis ullam. Quis est consequuntur vitae provident. Sunt laudantium id aut. slight change 5",
    "lastModifiedDateTime": null,
    "createdBy": null

Example 4: Publish an app to the app catalog with an error in the app manifest


The following example shows a request.

Content-type: application/zip

[Zip file containing a Teams app package]


The following example shows the response.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

    "error": {
        "code": "BadRequest",
        "message": "name | Required properties are missing from object: [].; developer.websiteUrl | String \"hs://\" does not match regex pattern \"^[Hh][Tt][Tt][Pp][Ss]?://\".",
        "innerError": {
            "code": "UnableToParseTeamsAppManifest",
            "message": "name | Required properties are missing from object: [].; developer.websiteUrl | String \"hs://\" does not match regex pattern \"^[Hh][Tt][Tt][Pp][Ss]?://\".",
            "details": [
                    "code": "SchemaError_Required",
                    "message": "Required properties are missing from object: [].",
                    "target": "name"
                    "code": "SchemaError_Pattern",
                    "message": "String \"hs://\" does not match regex pattern \"^[Hh][Tt][Tt][Pp][Ss]?://\".",
                    "target": "developer.websiteUrl"
            "date": "2024-01-18T21:47:58",
            "request-id": "d1878136-bc88-421a-b342-c3d883db31a1",
            "client-request-id": "d1878136-bc88-421a-b342-c3d883db31a1"