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MaskedTextResultHint Enum


Specifies values that succinctly describe the results of a masked text parsing operation.

public enum class MaskedTextResultHint
public enum MaskedTextResultHint
type MaskedTextResultHint = 
Public Enum MaskedTextResultHint


PositionOutOfRange -55

Operation did not succeed. The specified position is not in the range of the target string; typically it is either less than zero or greater then the length of the target string.

NonEditPosition -54

Operation did not succeed. The current position in the formatted string is a literal character.

UnavailableEditPosition -53

Operation did not succeed. There were not enough edit positions available to fulfill the request.

PromptCharNotAllowed -52

Operation did not succeed. The prompt character is not valid at input, perhaps because the AllowPromptAsInput property is set to false.

InvalidInput -51

Operation did not succeed. The program encountered an input character that was not valid. For more information about characters that are not valid, see the IsValidInputChar(Char) method.

SignedDigitExpected -5

Operation did not succeed. An input character was encountered that was not a signed digit.

LetterExpected -4

Operation did not succeed. An input character was encountered that was not a letter.

DigitExpected -3

Operation did not succeed. An input character was encountered that was not a digit.

AlphanumericCharacterExpected -2

Operation did not succeed.An input character was encountered that was not alphanumeric. .

AsciiCharacterExpected -1

Operation did not succeed.An input character was encountered that was not a member of the ASCII character set.

Unknown 0

Unknown. The result of the operation could not be determined.

CharacterEscaped 1

Success. The operation succeeded because a literal, prompt or space character was an escaped character. For more information about escaped characters, see the VerifyEscapeChar(Char, Int32) method.

NoEffect 2

Success. The primary operation was not performed because it was not needed; therefore, no side effect was produced.

SideEffect 3

Success. The primary operation was not performed because it was not needed, but the method produced a side effect. For example, the RemoveAt method can delete an unassigned edit position, which causes left-shifting of subsequent characters in the formatted string.

Success 4

Success. The primary operation succeeded.


The MaskedTextBox control delegates the actual responsibility for parsing the input characters to the MaskedTextProvider class. Many of the methods of MaskedTextProvider, in addition to returning a Boolean success result, also provide an additional output parameter of type MaskedTextResultHint. This enumeration provides additional information about the operation of the method.


The GetOperationResultFromHint method can be used to convert a MaskedTextResultHint value into a Boolean success value.

Applies to

See also