Extend your trial and subscribe or unsubscribe your organization


You can extend your trial and subscribe or unsubscribe your organization from Business Central.

Extend the trial period

When the expiration date for your trial period is approaching, Microsoft will display a notification to alert you when you sign in.

Screenshot of the Extend a trial message notification.

The notification contains a link to the Extend Trial Period guide that you can use to extend your trial period. The extra 30 days will start the moment that you select Extend Trial in the guide. You can extend the trial period one time yourself. Subsequently, a Microsoft partner can help you extend it for another 30 days.

Subscribe your organization to Business Central

If you want to continue working with Business Central after the trial period, you need to subscribe your organization to Business Central. Business Central partners can help you with your subscription needs.

The three available license models are:

  • Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials

  • Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium

  • Dynamics 365 Team Members

You can find more information on licensing for Business Central by downloading the Dynamics 365 Licensing Guide file.

Unsubscribe, Remove, or Reset Business Central

If you want to stop using Business Central, you can close your account or have the license removed from your account. The steps for discontinuing Business Central are different if you're currently using the free trial or if you have a monthly subscription as part of a Microsoft 365 account.

Closing your free trial of Business Central

If you signed up for the free trial and don't want to continue with Business Central, you can close your account at any time. You might want to export any data that you have before closing your account.

To close your account, contact the Business Central Cancellation team by sending an email message to cancelbusinesscentra@microsoft.com. Include the name of your Business Central tenant in the message so that the team can identify you. The simplest way to provide your tenant is to copy the URL from your Business Central home page.

Unsubscribing by removing Business Central from your Microsoft 365 experience

If you've subscribed for Business Central by using an existing Microsoft 365 Business Premium account, you must ask your Microsoft 365 administrator to remove the Business Central license from your user account. If Business Central is removed from your user account, and other people from your company continue the subscription, they still have access to your shared data in the Business Central company.

If your company wants to unsubscribe from Business Central, the Microsoft 365 administrator can remove the subscription from the company's account.

User accounts and licenses are managed in the Office Portal. Only administrators can remove Business Central licenses from user accounts or remove the subscription from your company's account.

Unsubscribing from Business Central without Microsoft 365

If you signed up for Business Central by using a non-Microsoft 365 Business Premium account, you don't have a Microsoft 365 administrator. Instead, you can unsubscribe by contacting the Business Central Cancellation team by sending an email message to cancelbusinesscentra@microsoft.com. Include the name of your Business Central tenant in the message so that the team can identify you. The simplest way to include your tenant is to copy the URL from your Business Central home page.