Delen via

More posts eventually!

It's that time of year, it seems.  I was down with the flu last week, and I'm
trying desperately to catch up this week.  I promise I'll get more posts up
soon.  I'm doing some WASAPI playback library stuff right now and I'm just dying
to do a couple of articles about the new Vista audio APIs.  I'm also trying to
figure out a way to work in some more usability stuff.

Meanwhile, to keep you occupied, here's a pretty cool demo of Vista's speech recognition engine.  The guy in the video is trying to program perl - a task for which Vista SR is clearly not designed.  He is apparently trying to make Vista look bad, but to me he really only manages to make himself look silly.  From the video one can immediately conclude two things:

  1. Vista Speech Recognition is really quite good for documents and conversation.
  2. For programming, stick to the keyboard.

(Warning: NSFW.  Contains F-bombs and other colorful verbal frustruation as the protagonist tries to make the parsing engine emit perl-shaped line noise.  If you're at work, time to put on the headphones.)


  • Anonymous
    March 07, 2007
    Sound provided by spicy mustard?Vorn
  • Anonymous
    March 12, 2007
    The New York Times today has an article (linked above) about Thomas Edison, with some particularly choice bits that sound like they came out of stuff going on <i>today</i>, not a hundred years ago.  Registration may be required to read.Two quotes:[Edison] was exasperated by a public that clamored, he said, “for louder and still louder records.” He believed that “anyone who really had a musical ear wanted soft music.”Vorn
  • Anonymous
    March 20, 2007
    We are waiting for an update!!!
  • Anonymous
    March 20, 2007
  • Anonymous
    March 20, 2007
  • Anonymous
    March 20, 2007
    Yeah, okay, so I lied.  It's been a busy month.