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TechEd Europe: Your input is required

All our tracks will host a panel. This allows you to have your question answered by an impressive group of experts. We are running the following two panels in the ARC and CTS.

PNL002 Software Factories: How and When?
Steve Cook , Eric Lee , Ted Neward , Maarten Mullender , Gareth Jones , Imran Ali
Fri Jul 8 13:45 - 14:30
Software Factories is a Microsoft strategic initiative that proposes to make it faster, easier and cheaper to build software. A software factory is like a starter kit on steroids. It provides a set of reusable assets that support and automate tasks for a specific type of deliverable. The goals of a factory are to offload menial work, so that developers can spend more time on creative activities, and to reduce risk and effort by providing guidance representing known good practices. This panel will discuss how these ideas can be put into practice, when realistic implementations of software factories will be available.

Rafal Lukawiecki , Christian Weyer , Steve Swartz , Michele Leroux Bustamante , Omri Gazitt
Wed Jul 6 13:45 - 14:30
Web Services are a great success and Microsoft together with most other vendors are betting on it to make interoperability a problem of the past. But, isn’t it quite easy to feel lost in the near to endless number of Web Services related specifications? WS-X replaces WS-Y but is not compatible with WS-Z. This panel won’t only elaborate the different driving forces behind specifications but is also looking forward to give answers to your questions and concerns! Be prepared to get rid of your confusions around WS-* specifications. We count on you…

If you already have a topic you would like the panel to talk about, why not post it as a comment to this entry (or send me a private message)? This would allow us to build a nice story around some of the questions.