Hyper-V Best Practice Analyzer - What does it check
Hi All
Last month we released the Hyper-V Best Practice Analyser. I was interested to see what checks/rules the Best Practice Analyser made and used, so I started digging around. Because the Hyper-V Best Practice Analyser is based on the standard Best Practice Analyser technology provided in Windows 2008 R2, it was really easy to use PowerShell to find this information out.
Import-Module BestPractices Get-BpaModel Get-BpaResult Microsoft/Windows/Hyper-V Get-BpaResult Microsoft/Windows/Hyper-V | ft title |
Below is a list of the 29 rules that were listed:
1. The Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management Service should be configured to start automatically
2. The Hyper-V Networking Management Service should be configured to start automatically
3. The Hyper-V Image Management Service should be configured to start automatically
4. Hyper-V should be the only enabled role
5. The Server Core installation option is recommended for servers running Hyper-V
6. Domain membership is recommended for servers running Hyper-V
7. The number of logical processors in use must not exceed the supported maximum
8. The number of virtual processors in use must not exceed the supported maximum
9. More than one network adapter should be available
10. Reserve one or more external virtual networks for exclusive use by virtual machines
11. All virtual network adapters should be enabled
12. The number of virtual machines must be within supported limits
13. Use RAM that provides error correction
14. Configure the server with a sufficient amount of dynamic MAC addresses
15. Avoid pausing a virtual machine
16. Offer all available integration services to virtual machines
17. Enable all virtual network adapters configured for a virtual machine
18. Storage controllers should be enabled in virtual machines to provide access to attached storage
19. Display adapters should be enabled in virtual machines to provide video capabilities
20. Run the current version of integration services in all guest operating systems
21. Enable all integration services in virtual machines
22. Avoid using legacy network adapters when the guest operating system supports network adapters
23. Avoid using snapshots on a virtual machine that runs a server workload in a production environment
24. Dynamic virtual hard disks are not recommended for virtual machines that run server workloads in a production environment.
25. Avoid using differencing disks on virtual machines that run server workloads in a production environment
26. Configure a virtual machine with a SCSI controller to be able to hot plug and hot unplug storage
27. Configure SCSI controllers only when supported by the guest operating system
28. Avoid configuring virtual machines to allow unfiltered SCSI commands
29. Windows Server 2008 R2 should be configured with the recommended amount of memory
Hope this helps!