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Bill Liu's Blog

.Net, .Net Profiling, Windows Azure, Managed Fault Injection, cloud computing, software testing



Author: billliu Date: 12/18/2012

提高软件质量实践―― Facebook 篇


Author: billliu Date: 11/04/2012

Dev owns testing, Dev owns quality, really?

You might hear a lot about dev owns quality recently. James whittaker, the former engineering...

Author: billliu Date: 09/03/2012

提高软件质量实践―― Amazon 篇


Author: billliu Date: 08/19/2012


Amazon的AWS云计算服务又宕机了,这是6月份的第二次。和其它的宕机事件一样,又引发了大家对云计算安全性的质疑。其它的云计算服务比如windows azure...

Author: billliu Date: 07/05/2012



Author: billliu Date: 06/20/2012

google testing 的光环正在褪去?


Author: billliu Date: 06/16/2012

提高软件质量实践――google 篇

很多人应该都看过James whittaker的博客或新书 《how google test...

Author: billliu Date: 06/06/2012



Author: billliu Date: 05/25/2012


微软的软件质量控制实践三篇写完了,收到很多评论。不可能一一回答,所以在这里我挑几个评论最多的和有代表性的,和大家再多讨论一下。希望有所帮助。 1. 对测试的要求太高了...

Author: billliu Date: 05/16/2012

软件质量控制实践――Microsoft 篇 (3)

  1. invest on test engineer’s career...

Author: billliu Date: 05/10/2012

code coverage, what is for after all?

I was reading discussions on software testing code coverage. The discussion was dominated by what...

Author: billliu Date: 05/06/2012

软件质量控制实践――Microsoft 篇 (2)

  1. Drive quality upstream...

Author: billliu Date: 05/03/2012

软件质量控制实践――Microsoft 篇 (1)


Author: billliu Date: 04/28/2012

any update on managed fault injection in testapi?

there is an issue with fault injection api in the latest testapi version (0.6). unfortunately the...

Author: billliu Date: 03/13/2012

TechED 2011 北京


Author: billliu Date: 10/19/2011

windows azure management portal 中文版

今天微软发布了最新版本的windows azure管理门户网站(management portal)。令人欣喜的是在该新版本开始支持中文了。虽然Windows...

Author: billliu Date: 07/18/2011

Microsoft Windows Azure Platform whitepaper (白皮书)

三个星期的圣诞节假期过的真快!今天是上班的第一天,感觉还在度假一样。好在假期时间没有白费,把David的关于windows azure platform whitepaper...

Author: billliu Date: 01/04/2011

My Demo in TechED 2010 China

上传我在TechED 2010 中国上做的Demo。 以下是一些关于我课程的媒体报道(从百度上搜的):

Author: billliu Date: 12/31/2010

My Session PPT in TechED 2010 China

上传我的演讲PPT. TechED2010_China_PPT .zip

Author: billliu Date: 12/31/2010

Windows Azure

从北京TechED 2010回来已经快一个月了,一直想开始写一些针对云计算和Windows...

Author: billliu Date: 12/30/2010

Fault Injection to Web application or Windows service

I have been busy since this march when i moved to Azure team. since then, a newer version of TestAPI...

Author: billliu Date: 10/23/2010

if it still not working

if you're sure that you followed exact steps in my previous blogs, but it seems the tool still not...

Author: billliu Date: 05/26/2010

Fault Injection For Managed Code

Introduction As part of software testing, we often want to know how the software behaves under...

Author: billliu Date: 03/30/2010


Hi, Welcome to my blog! My name is Biao (Bill) Liu. I'm a Software Design Engineer in Test in...

Author: billliu Date: 03/27/2010