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Sample Script for Setting Item-level Security

Report Manager is a solid, Web-based administrative tool for Reporting Services, but it is not the end-all-be-all of administrative functionality for a report server. There are many capabilities available through the Web service that Report Manager does not take advantage of. Case in point: Setting a security policy (otherwise known as a role assignment) for an item using Report Manager is a bit cumbersome, especially if the item for which you want to add a policy is nested several folders deep in your report server namespace. Let's take an example. Let's say you have a folder at “/Budgets/Finance” and you would like to give Bob permission to view reports in the Finance folder. You add a new role assignment for Bob and make him a Browser user of the Finance folder. Bob logs into Report Manager hoping to navigate to the Finance folder, but...Bob is not able to see any folders when he logs in. What gives? Well, unfortunately the path to Bobs Finance folder actually contains three items: The Home or root folder (”/”), the Budgets folder and the Finance folder. Because Bob is not allowed to view the root folder or the Budgets folder, he will never see the Finance folder for which he has permissions. Sorry Bob. In order to give Bob Browser permissions on the Finance folder, you must add Bob as a Browser of both the Home and Budgets folders. If you need to add more groups or users to the Finance folder, it can get downright tiresome. Oh, did I mention that every time you add a policy for Bob to one of the folders, the inherited policy is broken. Yes, that means that any users that enjoyed inherited permissions to those items (for example BUILTIN\Administrators or some other administrator group) no longer have any access rights. You will have to re-add inherited permissions as local policies on each of the three folders in our example. Yikes. Fortunately for Bob, Reporting Services offers rs.exe, a scripting utility with complete access to the Reporting Services Web services. You can use this scripting tool to automate certain tasks and to perform administrative functions that may not be easily automated through Report Manager.

The following sample script can be used to add a security policy for a nested folder or report which automatically gives the user permissions up the namespace tree. After using this script, the item is immediately accessible to the user. In addition, you can use this script to keep or delete the current set of policies for the item, including inherited ones. I haven't given the script the whole battery of tests yet, so if you play around with the code, try it on your test server only. If you find any problems or issues, let me know.



' File: AddItemSecurity.rss


' Summary: Demonstrates a script that can be used with RS.exe to

' set security on an item in Reporting Services.









' Variables that are passed on the command line with the -v switch:

' userName - the name of the user for which to add a policy

' roleName - the name of the role to apply for the user (i.e. Browser, Content Manager)

' itemPath - the path of the item for which you want to add the policy (i.e. /SampleReports)

' keepCurrentPolicy - whether to keep the current policy and add the new one


' Sample command line:

' rs -i AddItemSecurity.rss -s https://localhost/reportserver -v userName="MyTestUser"

' -v roleName="Browser" -v itemPath="/SampleReports" -v keepCurrentPolicy="True"


Public Sub Main()

   Dim isRoot As Boolean = False

   Dim inheritParent As Boolean

   Dim policies() As Policy

   Dim newPolicies() As Policy

   Dim policy As New Policy()

   Dim roles(0) As Role

   roles(0) = New Role()

   roles(0).Name = roleName

   policy.Roles = roles

  policy.GroupUserName = userName


   While Not isRoot

      ' Once the root of the catalog is reached,

      ' stop applying policies

      If itemPath = "/" Then

         isRoot = True

      End If

      policies = rs.GetPolicies(itemPath, inheritParent)


      ' If the user selects not to keep inherited or current policy,

      ' empty the policy

      If Not keepCurrentPolicy = "True" Then

         policies = Nothing

      End If

      newPolicies = AddNewPolicy(policy, policies)

      rs.SetPolicies(itemPath, newPolicies)

      itemPath = GetParentPath(itemPath)

   End While

   Console.WriteLine("Policy successfully set.")

End Sub 'Main



' Method to parse the path of an item and retrieve

' the parent path of an item

Private Function GetParentPath(currentPath As String) As String

   Dim delimiter As String = "/"

   Dim rx As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(delimiter)

   Dim childPath As String() = rx.Split(currentPath)


   Dim parentLength As Integer = childPath.Length - 1

   Dim parentPath(parentLength) As String


   Dim i As Integer

   For i = 0 To parentLength - 1

      parentPath(i) = childPath(i)

   Next i

   If parentPath.Length = 1 Then

      Return "/"


      Return String.Join("/", parentPath)

   End If

End Function 'GetParentPath


' Takes the policy to add and applies it to the current set

' of policies if applicable

Private Function AddNewPolicy(policyToAdd As Policy, policies() As Policy) As Policy()

   If Not (policies Is Nothing) Then

      Dim policy As Policy

      For Each policy In policies

         If policy.GroupUserName = policyToAdd.GroupUserName Then

            Throw New Exception("The supplied User policy already exists for the item.")

         End If

      Next policy

      Dim list As New System.Collections.ArrayList(policies)


      Return CType(list.ToArray(GetType(Policy)), Policy())


      policies = New Policy(0) {}

      policies(0) = policyToAdd

      Return policies

   End If

End Function 'AddNewPolicy
